Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1949 Is it so unpleasant?

two minutes later...

Koshimizu Nanatsuki pulled up the quilt and lay flat on the bed.

Chi Feichi pulled a chair and sat by the bed, opened the book that was taken out, and when he looked down, the umbrella icon flashed in his left eye, linking to the Ark, while reading the history of the world on the pages of the book, he used the Ark to search Interpret and relate knowledge.

This is very beneficial to learning. Through "interpretation + related knowledge", you can understand more deeply, remember more clearly, and understand related knowledge together, and stabilize each other's memory...

Yue Shui Nanatsuki turned her head and looked at Chi Feichi, who had never looked sideways after entering the room. She was embarrassed by her random thoughts just now, and her brain gradually cooled down, calming down, "Mr. Trouble? You have been busy all day, and you still need to take care of me like this... Actually, I can sleep by myself. "

"It's okay," Chi Feichi said without raising his head, "I'm used to reading before going to bed. There is no difference between reading downstairs and upstairs."

"That's it..."

Nanatsuki Yueshui felt that he could not refute, turned his head straight, and closed his eyes, trying to force himself to fall asleep quickly so that Chi Feichi could go to rest earlier, but he lost sleepiness when he lay down, so he could only close his eyes and sit quietly. He listened quietly to the slight sound of Chi Feichi turning the pages of the book from time to time.

one page...

two pages...

Mr. Chi's reading speed is not slow, and at the same time, the rhythm is very steady. There is not much difference in the time for each page turning.

three pages...

four pages...

Is Mr. Chi really not sleepy?

five pages...

six pages...

What if she can't sleep?

Because of her, she caused Mr. Chi to read a book in the middle of the night, and she felt guilty when she thought about it, but the more she wanted to fall asleep quickly, the more anxious she became, and the more anxious she was, the more she couldn't fall asleep.

After Chi Feichi focused his attention on the content of the book, he was fascinated by it. In addition to the overall history of the world and the timeline of the history of various countries in his mind, it was the difference between the history he had read in his previous life and the history of this world.

Sure enough, some historical trajectories are different from his previous life, and the names and experiences of some celebrities are also different...

Yue Shui Nanatsuki opened her eyes, turned her head and found that Chi Feichi was reading seriously, and she was too embarrassed to disturb him, staring at the deep purple in Chi Feichi's downcast eyes.

Feichi lying on Chi Feichi's shoulder: "Master, Detective Yueshui is watching you."

Chi Feichi withdrew his thoughts from the book, raised his eyes to look at Yueshui Nanatsuki, "Can't sleep?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki saw that she was caught for peeping, shrank back under the quilt with guilt, "Yeah..."

Chi Feichi closed the book, "Do you want to hear nursery rhymes or stories?"

"Ah?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki was stunned, but his heart relaxed a lot, and he turned over a little dumbfounded, and looked at Chi Feichi with one hand under his head, "I'm not a child, so I don't need to be put to sleep, but Speaking of which, Mr. Chi, are you really not sleepy?"

"I'm okay."

Just as Chi Feichi was about to open the book, Koshimizu Nanatsuki's hand stretched out from the quilt pressed the page.

"What if you get too sleepy for a while and fall asleep next to the bed?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi and hesitated for a moment, "Winter is coming soon, and the temperature will be very low in the morning, I want to say... sorry , actually I think..."

"I see."

Chi Feichi got up with the book in his arms, pulled the chair back to its original position, and left the room.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki sat up wrapped in a quilt, looked at Chi Feichi's back, and was stunned, feeling a little lost.

What she wanted to say was: In fact, she felt that she could make a bed in her room, and she gave up the bed to Chi Feichi, so that Chi Feichi could also rest and not have to stay with her.

However, Mr. Chi didn't seem to have thought about it that way at all. He left after hearing her halfway through.

Is her room that unpleasant? Or, is Mr. Chi unwilling to share a room with her? Does this count as disgust?

Wait, Mr. Chi didn't even close the lights and the door, are you angry?

Thinking about it, Mr. Chi kindly guarded her to sleep, but she didn't appreciate it.

"Ah...what the hell am I thinking..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki leaned back on the bed weakly, pulled up the quilt to cover her face, "What the hell am I talking about and what am I doing..."

Feichi, who was thrown on the chair, tilted his head curiously, staring at: "..."

It is also curious about what Detective Yueshui is thinking, saying, and doing.

Humans are so weird.


Yueshui Nanatsuki heard the sound of the lights being turned off outside, followed by the sound of the door being closed, pulled back the quilt and sat up, staring blankly at Chi Feichi who entered the door with the quilt in his arms.

"Another day, find someone to install a voice-activated light or a heat-sensing light at the entrance." Chi Feichi carried the quilt to the bedside and placed it beside Yueshui Nanatsuki, "This way your life will be more convenient in the future, and you don't have to be afraid of going upstairs at night." It's too dark."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at the quilt beside him, then raised his head to look at Chi Feichi in a daze, "Mr. Chi?"

"Did I misunderstand what you just said?" Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki with calm and open eyes.

"Ah, no, no." Koshimizu Nanatsuki moved in with the quilt in his arms, and soon realized that something was wrong.

She meant to make the bed, not to make half of the bed for Mr. Chi, but...

Forget it, Mr. Chi is half right.

Chi Feichi looked at Feichi who was crawling over, "Do you mind if Feichi sleeps in your bed?"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu shook his head, "It's okay."

"Do you want to turn off the lights?" Chi Feichi asked again.

"Okay..." Yue Shui Nanatsuki saw that Chi Feichi went to turn off the light, picked up the phone from the bedside table next to him, and illuminated Chi Feichi with the light from the screen.


The lights in the room were turned off, and in the dim light of the phone screen, Chi Feichi went to the bed and sat down, pulled the quilt and lay down.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki put the phone back on the bedside table, and lay down wrapped in the quilt. Although separated by two layers of quilt, she still felt nervous when she felt the strange atmosphere beside her, "Sure it a little strange?"

Chi Feichi let out a 'huh' and connected to Fangzhou with his left eye.

Tonight he has surpassed, and lying down seems to be a mistake, he can clearly smell the light fragrance of the shower gel on Yue Shui's body, and he can also feel the residual temperature in the place where Yue Shui lay down, so he always wants to go to He stretched out his hand beside him, wanting to feel the temperature of Yueshui more clearly.

But it's too dangerous, so it's best to stop here.

He consumed the energy of his left eye, refreshed the energy to the recovery value, and then he could sleep until dawn after falling asleep.

After darkness, faint light filtered through the curtains, outlining the vague outlines of furniture in the room.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at a light mark on the ceiling, and said softly, "Mr. Chi, sometimes I can't understand your thoughts at all."

Chi Feichi also looked at the ceiling and read the information with his left eye, "If you want to know something, you can ask me directly."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki hesitated for a moment, swallowed back questions like 'how do you think of me' and 'why you treat me so well', and asked casually, "If I ask you, will you tell me?"


"Probably? What kind of answer is this?"

"So, do you have any questions?"

"Let's think about it... Yes, Mr. Chi really hates other people getting close to you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Yuanzi told me two days ago that the girls in Didan High School were all spreading the word. You seem to have a girlfriend..."


"I know, Yuanzi said, it's because the first-year girl at Didan High School heard from the guard that you took young girls from outside school to Didan High School to find a new doctor during your vacation, so everyone was surprised and guessed it was you My girlfriend, and someone organized an investigative association to find that girl, but the time I heard from Sonoko seemed to be the time when I first arrived in Tokyo. At that time, you did take me to Teidan High School Finding the new's me they're trying to find, right?"

"Well, did I cause you trouble?"

"No, I think it's very strange. You take the girl to school to find a new doctor. Maybe it's a mutual friend of the two of you? Why do you have such a big reaction? I heard from Sonoko later that you seem to rarely You are very close to girls, except for Xiaolan and Yuanzi who have a good relationship, you seem to always speak coldly to girls of the same age..."

"Is there a problem with this?"

" treat Xiaolan and Yuanzi as if you are taking care of your friends. I heard that you have never dated girls, so I wonder if you are not interested in girls, or hate girls..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Is Yue Shui doubting him?

"Is that what I think?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki reconfirmed.

This problem is very serious, and it can be saved if you are not interested. If you hate women, it will be really troublesome.


Chi Feichi denied it, and switched the Ark Link to the drug ingredient analysis mode, consuming energy crazily.

Yue Shui This is not a provocation, this is not a provocation... Resist the urge to fight back or prove.

"Then why?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki analyzed suspiciously, "Why do many boys want to meet girls after puberty begins? I heard from Sonoko that when you were studying in Kubado High School, some girls spread rumors , Everyone thinks that you are a difficult person to approach, and no one has been close to you, so maybe in your subconscious, you have the idea that women are disgusting or scary, but you haven't noticed it?"

"They say I'm difficult to get close to, it's true," Chi Feichi said, "Every checkup in the hospital can also prove that I don't have any problems in this area."

"That's right," Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought for a while, "That's a habit, right? I'm used to interacting with people like this."

"That's right," Chi Feichi saw that the energy consumption of his left eye had reached a negative value, he closed his eyes, cut off the connection between his left eye and Ark, and let the drowsiness occupy his brain a little bit, "I said it before, let you pick a bigger one bed."

"Uh, hug, I'm sorry," Koshimizu Nanatsuki Doudouyan apologized, thinking that the two of them were lying shoulder to shoulder, it was a bit crowded, and asked awkwardly, "Did it make you uncomfortable?"

"No," Chi Feichi turned over, wrapped his arms around Yueshui Nanatsuki's body, pressed the quilt tightly, lowered his head and put his forehead against the side of Yueshui Nanatsuki's head, "It's all the smell of Yueshui."

"Really..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt the warm breath in his ears, his mind went blank, he lay on his back stiffly, and his fingers clenched the bed sheet under him, "Then..."

Chi Feichi raised his head, put his chin against the side of Yueshui Nanatsuki's head, and whispered, "I want to taste the taste of Yueshui's fresh blood."

"Ah... ah??? What?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki showed a look of 'I don't understand what you said but I'm shocked' on his face. He moved his head to the other side in surprise, and looked up at Chi Feichi with his eyes tightly closed. face, "What do you mean by the smell of blood? Hey...Mr. Chi? Mr. Chi?"

Chi Feichi had completely fallen asleep, his breathing was light and slow, and he didn't respond.

Beside the pillow on the other side, Feichi nudged the pillow with his head and rested his chin on the pillow.

The master has been 'out of food' for the past two days, so he must want to drink blood. He is going to sleep, and he will go to get the 'blood food' with the master tomorrow.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki slowly relaxed, feeling the weight of Chi Feichi's arm pressed against the quilt, moved his head back to the original position, and stared blankly at the ceiling.

Mr. Chi just fell asleep?

How could she sleep so close...

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