Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1950 The world is full of malice towards him

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning.

A crow flapped its wings, flew past the window facing the yard on the first floor, landed on the round table in the yard, looked up at the elder trees in the yard, confirmed that the slender branches and leaves on the tree were not damaged, and then turned its head to comb carefully with its beak with feathers on his body.

In the room, Nanatsuki Yueshui opened her eyes. In a daze, she wanted to raise her hands and rub her eyes, but found that her hands were pressed under the quilt and could not move. She woke up suddenly and looked at Chi Feichi who was close at hand. face, dazed and distracted.

She actually fell asleep? What is this? She slept with her own landlord? No, no, it's Mr. Chi... It's not right, she slept with Mr. Chi for one night... It feels strange no matter how you say it, but it's really just a sleep.

Having said that, Mr. Chi sleeps really well, probably because people can't see the overly cold gaze, his whole face is a little softer, and what he looks like when he sleeps, even after a few hours of sleep, Not even turning over.

She knew that she was dishonest in her sleep. She tossed and turned all night, kicking the quilt aside, but she was suppressed by Mr. Chi with one hand so that she could not turn over all night...

After Feichi woke up, he looked up at the window in slow motion, twisted his body in slow motion, climbed onto Chi Feichi's side face, and looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki who had woken up.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned her head to see Feichi's poking little head, and was taken aback for a moment, then greeted softly with a smile, "Good morning, Feichi."

"Morning, Miss Yue Shui."

Feichi vomited the snake letter, rested his chin on Chi Feichi's face, looked at the light and shadow on the opposite wall, and dozed off in a trance.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked up at Chi Feichi's face.

There was a live snake with staring eyes on the side of Mr. Chi's face. The cold and fierce feeling seemed to have returned, but she felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction in her heart.

In the room with the curtains drawn, the light was not bright or dark, just at the level of comfort for the eyes. The bed was warm, and the arms on her quilt seemed not so heavy. She felt solid and at ease.

Then, she was sleepy again...


The second hand of the clock chirped rhythmically, and the light and shadow of the window frame reflected on the ceiling slowly shifted.

Chi Feichi opened his eyes, looked down at the sleeping face of Yueshui Nanatsuki in front of him, and found that his 'arm suppression' was effective, tightened his arms, and took Yueshui Nanatsuki together with the quilt into his arms.

Nanatsuki Koshimi was startled awake, and turned his head sleepily, "Mr. Chi, are you awake?"

"Well," Chi Feichi let go, pulled up the quilt and sat up, got out of bed and went out of the room, "I'm going to take a shower, and I'll go out for breakfast later."

"Ah good……"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki sat up, raised his right hand and scratched his hair, with a dull expression.

She fell asleep again?


Half an hour later, the two walked on the boulevard.

"Jingle! Jingle!"

Three elementary school students rode bicycles together, laughing and laughing as they came closer.

When the short-haired boy saw two people passing by on a bicycle, he turned his head with a sunny smile and shouted, "Big brother, big sister, hello!"

"Hello!" The little boy and girl behind the bike also greeted with a smile.

"Hello everyone!" Nanatsuki Koshimi smiled and waved.

Chi Feichi looked sideways at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's smiling face, and then at the Polo Cafe at the intersection ahead.

In this slow time, the world seems to have become kinder.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki watched the three children leave by bicycle, put down his right hand, and continued walking forward with a smile, "You can also say hello to them, of course, it doesn't matter if you are not used to it, for these children, you can Pass on the happiness at this moment, and be able to be sensed by others, it is already very happy, even if there is no response, they will not care."

"Children's happiness is really simple." Chi Feichi commented in a low voice.

"That's right, it's easier for children to be happy," Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled, and looked up at the sky covered by branches, "However, I feel like a child now, and I feel very happy." good."

"I sensed it." Chi Feichi said.

"Huh?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi in surprise, quickly withdrew his gaze, lowered his head to stare at the ground he stepped on, his ears were flushed, "Sensation..."

Happiness transmission, happiness induction and so on, super cool!

"Aren't you going to investigate today?" Chi Feichi asked again.

Yueshui Nanatsuki felt that the romantic atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and looked at Chi Feichi speechlessly. At this time, he suddenly picked up work, which was very refreshing, "The client commissioned me to investigate her husband's extramarital affairs, because her husband came home very late. The time is on a working day, so there is no need to investigate today."

"So that's how it is," Chi Feichi said, "Is it someone who cheated on her at work?"

"It looks like this. When her husband goes to work, I will rent an inconspicuous car and start tracking and monitoring," Nanatsuki Koshimizu thought, and said, "Today I just need to prepare a bug, send Things like letters and miniature cameras, I promised Yuanzi yesterday that I will accompany her to Youzhi City in the third phase at night to catch the robber Youzhiman."

The third phase of Youzhi City?

Chi Feichi took out his phone to check the date.

Sure enough, it was only mid-November yesterday, and today is already November 29th.

The time jumped for more than ten days at once, and the others didn't feel anything wrong at all, and they could accurately identify the month and day of today, but he was the only one who seemed to be dragged into the "blacklist of world rules" by the thief.

The garbage world is still so bad, bad, and full of malice towards him.

"Are you going?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked forward to turning around and asking Chi Feichi.

"Okay..." Chi Feichi agreed and put away his phone, "But I'm going to Jianggutian in the afternoon."

Koizumi Hongzi, a big blood guzzler, has given up on fighting for food, bought two unemployed doctors with money, and recruited two gangsters to start a "black market blood" business.

Unlike other blood dealers, Koizumi Hongzi does not require those people to find blood of rare blood types, as long as they are healthy and free from infectious diseases, they will accept blood of any blood type.

After paying for the blood, two doctors will take care of it, put the blood into blood bags, and send it to the storage room. Koizumi Hongzi will pick it from time to time, and throw the bad-tasting blood to those people for disposal.

After Jiang Gutian's storage room was almost fully stocked, Koizumi Hongzi planned to send people to other areas to build storage rooms.

In Koizumi Hongko's words, that is - what is happiness? Happiness is to have our blood storage room wherever we go!

It makes sense to him.

If a blood storage room had been established in Kabado-cho now, he wouldn't need to go to Ekoda today.

It was not troublesome to take the blood. Chi Feichi's palmprint had been recorded on the anti-theft door of the blood storage room, but after there was too much blood, it took Chi Feichi a lot of time to pick the blood.

He and Koizumi Hongzi have different tastes. Koizumi Hongzi is keen on sweet and sweet blood, blood of various gourmet flavors, and occasionally picks some novel flavors, leaving that category to Koizumi Hongzi, he is more inclined Choose blood with a bitter taste that is suitable for bartending, can act as a bitter essence, or blood with a relatively sweet taste.

One afternoon, Chi Feichi tasted all the blood in the storage room. While tasting, he sorted it into different storage cabinets according to taste, and even put labels on the cabinets. When he went out, he felt that he was almost full. .

If he didn't take the initiative to classify, Koizumi Hongzi probably wouldn't be able to remember this, and the next time he tasted the right blood, he would take it away, and the rest would be placed in a mess in the cabinet.

With him taking the lead, Koizumi Hongzi should also pay attention to the classification when selecting blood next time, so that it will be much more convenient to collect blood in the future.

In order to achieve the goal of 'choose blood and drink it as you please' as soon as possible, we need to work together.

After sending the blood home, feeding Feichi, and changing into clothes that didn't smell too much of blood, Chi Feichi thought that since Qin Jiu found out that he would drink blood, that person should also know about it, so he sent it to No. 119. A few bags of blood were stored in the refrigerator, and by the time they drove to the appointed place, Youzhi City had already started.

The third phase of Youzhi City is still as lively, with the lights illuminating the night, and large groups of people walking in the market, choosing souvenirs they want to buy, or participating in some activities they are interested in.

Chi Feichi didn't know what the charm of this kind of market would be to make people visit again and again, but this time, he brought Xiaomei's body doll by the way, and was going to let Xiaomei also get in touch with the fireworks of the world.

As soon as he entered the market, Suzuki Sonoko excitedly dragged Mao Lilan and Yueshui Nanatsuki into the market, "Anyway, let's get revenge first!"

"Revenge?" Mao Lilan was a little surprised, "Yuanzi, do you know who Youzhinan is?"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu clenched the sword in his hand, and cast a questioning look at Sonoko Suzuki.

With her wrist recovered, she can cut people again!

Seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's hand movements, Suzuki Sonoko looked up and felt that Koshimizu Nanatsuki's face was a bit scary. She turned her head to look at Mao Lilan, and then looked back at Ike who was dressed in black and had a cold expression. Feichi couldn't help swallowing, "I meant to draw the God of Love lottery, I want to draw again, this time I must draw a good lottery!"

The corner of Mao Lilan's mouth twitched, "So the revenge you mentioned refers to this..."

Conan Half Moon Eyes: "..."

If you can't draw good ones, you will keep drawing until you are satisfied. Is it still effective to draw lots like this?

Chi Feichi looked around and saw no activities such as fishing for goldfish. He lowered his head and mourned to Huiyuan who was walking beside him, "There are no parent-child activities."

Hui Yuanai was stunned, then looked up speechlessly and said, "Very good, I'm not interested in those anyway."

Chi Feichi put his left hand in the jacket pocket of the jacket, and touched Xiaomei's body doll.

Forget it, taking Xiaomei to visit the traditional market is the primary purpose of tonight.

Along the way, Suzuki Sonoko, Mao Lilan, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki got together again and whispered.

Hui Yuanai felt that it would be better to listen to the chatting of the three girls if she was going with her dull brother, so she quickened her pace and walked to the side of the three of them.

"Yuanzi, what kind of lottery did you draw?"

"Is it bad?"

"Ahaha... no, I just think it's a bit unsatisfactory," Suzuki Sonoko said haha, and then turned his head to gossip about Nanatsuki, "By the way, Miss Nanatsuki, I didn't ask you last time, you got it What sign? How do you feel? Progress? Has there been any progress?"

Nanatsuki Koshimi thought about what happened after the lottery. She didn't do anything, but her relationship with Mr. Chi seemed to be a lot closer, but she was hesitant to tell Suzuki Sonoko this small broadcast, "This..."

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Suzuki Sonoko looked expectant, and with a smile touched Koshimizu Nanatsuki's waist with his elbow, "I and Xiaolan's target is not around, and we can't verify God for a while. Whether the signing is allowed or not, among the three of us, one of us must make progress!"

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