Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1951 Conan: Already used to Chi Feichi falling ill

When Mao Lilan heard this, she also cast an expectant look at Nanatsuki Koshimi, "Sister Nanatsuki, what do you think of the effect of the magic lottery? Is it effective?"

"How should I say it," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a helpless smile, "My magic lottery didn't say how to act better, I didn't do anything."

"Ah?" Suzuki Sonoko suddenly looked disappointed, "Is there nothing? Like making changes?"

"No, but after getting the magic lottery, the contact has become a little closer," Yue Shui Nanatsuki thought about Chi Feichi's sudden fall asleep last night, and thinking about Chi Feichi's attitude today, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Same, with a subtle expression, "But it feels like he is the same as usual, and things seem to be developing in a strange direction."

"Strange, strange?" Mao Lilan was full of curiosity.

Haibara Ai also looked up at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's awkward and complicated expression.

That's right, she is more interested in her brother's gossip than any parent-child activities.

"It's just that the physical distance has been shortened, but his thoughts are the same as usual..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki frowned slightly, and said seriously, "It seems that he was bewitched by a strange force, and he unconsciously shortened the distance! "

Mao Lilan's face changed, "Huh? Bewitched?"

"Anyway, it's very strange," Koshimizu Nanatsuki sighed, "Let me observe again, maybe I'm thinking too much."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Just overthinking.

Her elder brother treats Miss Nanatsuki differently, but Miss Nanatsuki is used to it and didn't realize it. The idea is the same and the distance is closer. This is good news.

"By the way, having said that..." Suzuki Sonoko looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki curiously, "Who is Miss Nanatsuki's target? You can verify it so quickly, is it someone close to you?"

Mao Lilan stared blankly at Suzuki Sonoko, "Sonoko, you..."

Even without knowing who the other party is, how can Yuanzi gossip so vigorously?

"Shh!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki quickly gestured to Mao Lilan, and quickly smiled at Suzuki Sonoko, "Forget it, let's do it."

"Who the hell is that? Do I know him?"

"I-I don't know either."

"What kind of answer is this..."

In front, three girls were chattering, and Hui Yuanai listened eagerly.

In the back, Chi Feichi walked along the road, listening to Kogoro Mori and Conan chatting from time to time, and also listening to Xiaomei and Feichi whispering in their ears from left to right.

"Feichi, don't you have anything you want to buy? How about that monster mask?"

"I don't want to buy anything recently..."

"Huh? Are you in a bad mood?"

"No, I secretly checked it with the owner's mobile phone. Maybe it's because I lack the desire to shop recently...By the way, Xiaomei, have you wiped my lucky cat for me at home?"

"I often wipe the dolls on the doll wall to ensure that each one is clean."

"Xiaomei, you are so kind, thank you for your hard work..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

It’s fine to babble in a low voice, but can you talk to him without one in his left ear and the other in his right ear?

He'd have this strange feeling of 'I've got two voices in my head acting out the dialogue'.

"Ah! Youzhinan! Youzhinan appeared again!"

There was a shout from the crowd not far away.

A group of people immediately changed direction and walked towards the crowd.

Suzuki Sonoko put away the idea of ​​drawing lots, rolled up his sleeves, and walked forward quickly.

Conan is small, and he squeezed into the crowd a step faster, but when he arrived, he didn't see You Zhinan's figure, he could only look at the big backpack on the ground, and looked up at the passers-by squatting next to him in doubt, "This bag yes……"

"It's that Youzhinan!" The man squatting next to him raised his hand to cover his shoulders, and said with a frown, "Heard someone shouting Youzhinan, we turned around and saw that masked guy running this way. He was going to stop him, but that guy threw his bag over us and ran away by himself!"

"Which direction did You Zhinan go?" Conan asked.

The passerby whose shoulder was hit by the bag pointed in one direction, "Run in the direction of that park!"

Conan squatted down, unzipped the backpack, got up with the backpack in his hands, and poured the contents of the bag to his feet.

"Ah? Conan!" Mao Lilan just wanted to say, "This may be something belonging to a certain victim, so it's not good to open it randomly", but saw large and small bags falling out of the backpack, and didn't continue.

Conan turned his head to look at Suzuki Sonoko who approached him, "Sister Sonoko, is there your backpack that was robbed last time?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked at it, his eyes lit up, he squatted down and picked up a satchel to look through, "This is it! This is the bag that was snatched from me last time!"

Hui Yuanai stood aside and watched the play, and casually concluded, "In other words, this is not a crime of imitating You Zhinan."

"There are bloodstains on the shoulder strap of the backpack," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, looking over the crowd to the foot of the tree in the jungle not far away, "Also, there has been a group of people around there since just now, as if they don't care about You at all. The matter of the man..."

Uncle Gengzhi Passerby: "That's where You Zhinan ran over, it seems that someone was injured!"

Conan glanced over a pair of adult legs. After seeing a blood-stained person sitting at the foot of the tree over there, his face changed slightly. He glanced at the passer-by uncle speechlessly, and ran over quickly.

This uncle is also true, if someone is injured, don't tell me earlier!

At the edge of the woods, a slightly fat man wearing glasses sat on the ground leaning against a tree trunk, covering his stomach with one hand, a large patch of bright red oozing from his clothes and between his fingers, his unshaven face showed a hideous look of pain. look.

The people around still had panic in their eyes, but they still leaned over to encourage the injured.

"Hey, cheer up!"

"Hang on, we've already called an ambulance!"

When Conan ran to hear this sentence, he was relieved, and he raised his head and asked the man standing by the tree, "Did this big brother be stabbed by You Zhinan?"

"Yeah, I heard a scream, turned my head and looked in this direction, and saw a guy wearing a fire man mask running away from him in a hurry." The man frowned worriedly, looking at the injured and said, "Probably Youzhinan wanted to grab his things, but when he tried to resist, he was given by Youzhinan with a knife..."

"No!" The man sitting on the ground gritted his teeth and endured the pain, gasped for breath, and said with difficulty, "It's not You's...a monkey..."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu who was next to him stopped and looked at the injured man suspiciously.


Conan couldn't understand either, and asked, "What's the matter with the monkey?"

The people around were surprised and made noises one after another.

"Hey, what did you say?"

"Didn't you get stabbed by You Zhinan wearing a fire mask?"

"He seems to want to say something, but he can't make a sound..."

The man sitting on the ground was panting with difficulty, kept making shortness of breath, but couldn't speak, raised his hands, leaned forward, pressed Conan's shoulders for a while, and stretched out nine sticks except the thumb of his left hand to Conan. After that, he couldn't hold on any longer, and his head fell on Conan's body, and he passed out.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Cheer yourself up!!!"

Amidst the shouts of passers-by, Chi Feichi watched the whole process from the sidelines, took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, turned around and flipped through the lighter, and walked to the tree far away from here.

He discovered the bug left by the thief's carelessness: so many adults are around, but the injured have to wait for Conan to arrive before giving information, and they only watch Conan gesture. This kind of hope for the development of a primary school student, What is not a BUG?

However, the blood of the wounded just now had a smell of ink, which smelled good at first, but it was also mixed with strong smells of various seasonings, making the smell indescribable, and it didn't smell very good. .

Feichi put his head on Chi Feichi's left shoulder and sighed, "Xiaomei, did you see anything just now?"

Xiaomei floated invisibly on the right side of Chi Feichi, and said in the lightest voice, "I floated around and looked around. There are no other people in the woods, and there are no ghosts. What about you? Did you see anything?"

Feichi thought for a while, "I took a look with my hot eyes. The wounded was stabbed next to the lung. It's not serious. As long as it's sent to the hospital within two hours, it shouldn't die."

Leaning against the trunk of a tree, Chi Feichi lit a match and lit a cigarette. He listened to the conversation in his ear, and threw the match stub, which was fading away, at his feet.

He remembers this incident, which can be regarded as solving codes and solving crimes.

The wounded left two messages—Monkey and Nine. The combination of these two messages is the name of the murderer.

He even remembered the murderer's appearance, so it was really hard to bring up any interest, but it was rare that Xiaomei and Feichi had such an active discussion, so he didn't bother.

"Feichi, you're really good," Xiaomei exclaimed, "Just like a doctor! No, you're even better than a doctor!"

"Nope," Feichi said in an awkward tone, as if he was embarrassed, "I said it casually for two hours, all I know is that he won't be able to die for the time being..."

Chi Feichi originally didn't want to interrupt the discussion of One Soul One Snake, but when he heard this, he always felt that Feichi's awkward and somewhat complacent attitude was not enough, so he interrupted, "Xiaomei, you seem to be very interested in Youzhi today. The city is not very interested?"

Xiaomei and Feichi whispered in his ears all the way, but they didn't float to the nearby stalls to have a look, and they didn't feel very interested.

"Because Feimo brought me here," Xiaomei said in a very soft voice, attached to Chi Feichi's right ear, "During the first Youzhi City, Feimo came home from the window and brought my The main body doll, we played for several hours in Tori no Ichi, the first phase of the Kyoto Shrine."

Chi Feichi suddenly felt that his worries were useless, but he still had to care about his pets, "Is there anything Feimo wants to buy?"

Not far away, Conan thought about 'nine, monkey' in his mind, and subconsciously glanced at Chi Feichi's position, and started to walk towards Chi Feichi.

he saw...

His little friend was far away from the crowd, standing alone in front of the big tree, talking to himself with a cigarette in his mouth.

It's kind of weird looking.

"I asked it, and it said next time..."

Chi Feichi was answering Feichi's question of 'when will we go out together', when he heard Feichi reminding Conan to approach, he didn't say anything further, and turned his head to look at Conan who was coming.

"Uh..." Conan saw that he was found quietly approaching, so he raised his head and smiled at Chi Feichi in embarrassment, but he still paid attention to Chi Feichi's hands, "Did brother Chi hear any strange sounds again? For example... ...someone talking to you or something?"

There was no one around, and Chi Feichi didn't have a mobile phone, so he wasn't talking to others or talking on the phone.

A person stood under a tree and said, "I asked it." His little friend probably had another auditory hallucination. The scene was really weird.

If he hadn't been used to Chi Feichi's illness, he would probably feel a little nervous.

Chi Feichi lowered his head and looked at Conan who was walking up to him. With a wicked sense of humor, he threw the cigarette butt aside, squatted down, and looked at Conan calmly. "A voice told me that Monkey and Nine refer to names."

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