Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1953 The Persecuted People

Tokyo, an underground laboratory.

Belmode sat in the hall, looking at the busy white coat, with a lighted cigarette between his fingers in one hand, and holding the mobile phone next to his ear in the other hand, talking on the phone boredly, "I am I don’t understand, it would be better for Lak to be in charge of this matter? Why did you let me come over and stare at…”

"When he entered the laboratory, he might lock himself in the laboratory for a few days because he suddenly became interested in a certain research." On the other end of the phone, Gin's voice was calm and calm, "That's not good for normal people." No effect, but his mental state is not stable. Not long after he entered the laboratory last time, he had already drank human blood, and the scars on his left arm were probably left when he was in the laboratory when……"

Belmode was a little surprised, "That is to say, he will have some mental problems after staying in the laboratory for a long time? Are you sure?"

"It hasn't been confirmed yet, and there may be other things we don't know, so we can't determine the cause of his illness every time," Qin Jiu said, "But that person will let you be responsible for that matter based on this consideration, Just watching some drug manufacturing and production shouldn't make you whine, Belmode?"

"Yes, yes, I just think it would be more suitable for Luke, who knows medicine, to come and stare at him." Belmode paused, "But doesn't that one plan to let Luke enter the laboratory? With Luke's talent in medicine, if Wouldn't it be a pity not to let him enter the laboratory in the future?"

"No, what that person means is that if he is willing to take medicine in the future, there is no need to stop him," Qin Jiu said, "but not this time, he participated in the assassination before, and he has just rested..."

Belmode: "???"

It turns out that when it comes to the laboratory and the like, it is just an uncertain guess. In essence, it is the one who wants Lak to have a good rest.

Does that one think that the idea of ​​"in order to prevent Luke from getting too tired and getting sick, so you go to the top" is too much?

She also participated in the assassination, why didn't she rest...

Forget it, she can't be compared with a snake spirit with an unstable mental state.

She thought that with the addition of a disguise master, she could paddle more easily, but unexpectedly, she was even more tired.

By the way, she is now staring at the mass-produced broken medicine, isn't it the one made by Lak?

She was persecuted by the organization because of Lark.


Ranwu Glass Shrine, Unitary City.

"I heard that the victim has been sent to the hospital, are you awake now?" Mu Mushisan confirmed the situation to Gao Mushe.

"Not yet," Takagi said sternly, "The escaped Youzhinan threw his backpack at a passerby, and there was also the victim's wallet inside. We found the contact information of his parents from it, and we have already contacted his parents."

"Then how is his current situation?" Mu Mu Shisan asked.

"Fortunately, the wound wasn't very deep. It was just because he was stimulated when he was stabbed that he fell into a temporary coma," Takagi said. "The doctor said that he would wake up after a while."

Conan lowered his head in thought, and swayed to Chi Feichi's side. Hearing Gao Mushe's words, he was relieved.

"Then, why are you here?" Mu Moshisan turned to look at Chi Feichi and Maoli Kogoro's team, his face was full of dislike for the plague god, "Brother Chi, you don't happen to know the victim who?"

"No, we're here for revenge!" Suzuki Sonoko sternly explained his purpose of being robbed last time, and this time he came to catch Youzhinan, and completely concealed the fact that he came to draw lots.

Takagi looked at the bag that Sonoko Suzuki had brought back, and was sure it was one of the exhibits, so he stepped forward to confiscate it.

"Speaking of the surname Mashiko," Chi Feichi recalled, "I saw it in a survey list of residents in Kabado-cho, because the surname is relatively rare, so I remember that he seems to live behind my apartment. apartment building, but it should have nothing to do with this incident.”

Mu Mu Shisan glanced at Chi Feichi speechlessly, "Yes, if you don't think of any clues worth noting, it's just that your residence is relatively close to you, so it probably doesn't matter."

Chi Feichi nodded.

It must have nothing to do with him. It is true that the residents of Kabado Town are often persecuted by Shinigami elementary school students.

Takagi She looked down at the notepad with some headaches, "Then, now there are no other clues except the fire man's mask."

"There are other clues!" Conan said aloud, saying the two messages of 'monkey' and 'nine' left by the wounded before he passed out.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qianye and Shen ran over sweating profusely, saying that they had found You Zhinan.

Someone saw You Zhinan running away to the opposite park before. Enthusiastic passersby chased him all the way and saw You Zhinan rushing into the toilet in the park.

Enthusiastic people worried that it would be unsafe to rush into the toilet, so they surrounded the door and windows of the toilet, and no one went in again.

When Chiba Kazunobu and other policemen investigated there, they immediately took people in to search after hearing what the people around the toilet door said. They found three people in the toilet, and also found a blood-stained body thrown in the toilet. With the coat and the knife, it can be confirmed that You Zhinan did run into the toilet, and it was between the three of them.

After Mu Mu Shisan heard this, he led people to shift positions, went to the toilet in the park, and asked the three suspects about the situation.

"I, my name is Hino Tatsuo. I came to Youzhi City to buy a bear hand mascot. After I bought something, I was going to go back. I went to the toilet on the way." The middle-aged man with a monkey face looked helpless, Looking at the rake in his hand, he took out the paper bag containing the medicine from his jacket pocket, and said awkwardly to Mu Mu Shisan, "I've been feeling sick to my stomach recently, you see, I even need to carry the medicine with me... "

"It's you, Youzhinao!" Suzuki Sonoko pointed at Tatsuo Hino with a righteous face, "Because you have a monkey face!"

Takagi looked at Tatsuo Hono, "It looks like a monkey..."

Hino Tatsuo was stunned, "But, didn't You Zhinan wear a fire man mask to rob? What does it have to do with my monkey-like appearance?"

"Because the person who was stabbed said," Suzuki Sonoko said, "it's not Yuino, it's a monkey!"

"Huh?" Hino Tatsuo looked shocked.

"I don't think it refers to appearance," Conan looked up at Takagi Shepherd, and reminded, "Because Youzhinan is wearing a fire mask, so you can't see his appearance."

Takagi She nodded blankly, "Yes, yes..."

The second suspect is Hisami Sarukawa, 20 years old this year, a freelancer, relatively short and fat, with a pale complexion, showing some listless weakness, and looks nothing like a monkey.

According to Sarukawa Hisami, he is an online game fan. He came to Youzhi City to trade items obtained in the game with other game fans. There are many game fans who are willing to come to Youzhi City. He thought that he should be able to trade a lot Good stuff, so I came here. I was in the toilet just now to confirm what I got in the transaction.

"Monkey and Jiu are both!" Suzuki Sonoko pointed at Sarukawa Hisami in surprise, "Are you the Youzhi boy?"

"Ah?" Sarukawa Hisami looked a little confused, "What kind of monkey and Jiu? Although my friends like to call me 'Ajiu', it has nothing to do with You Zhinan, right?"

Suzuki Sonoko put his hands on his hips, stared at Hisami Sarukawa and said, "Because the person who was stabbed said 'nine' in addition to 'monkey'!"

Conan thought of what Chi Feichi said before, looked suspiciously at Hisami Sarukawa, frowned and asked questions, "But, the person who was robbed won't know the name of the robber, right?"

Regarding Chi Feichi's statement that "monkey and nine refer to names", he remained skeptical.

"That's right..." Gao Mushe nodded and asked the next person.

The third suspect is a middle-aged man wearing glasses, with a medium-to-high build, looks gentle and serious, and gives people the feeling that he must be meticulous in his work.

"My name is Mizue Shinji, and I came to Youzhi City to buy a mascot for the company, and I went to the toilet halfway," Mizue said calmly, "Because I failed to go to Youzhishi for the second phase, the first phase I also came to Youzhi City, but my wallet was stolen before I could buy anything."

Mu Mu Shisan was a little surprised, "Then you are the victim of You Zhinan's robbery?"

"Yeah, thanks to this guy, I can only eat bento from the convenience store for lunch recently, because I have no money, and it's the same today, I should still have the receipt..." Mizue Shinji looked a little helpless As he spoke, he reached out to his left trouser pocket, touched it, and asked in surprise, "Strange, where did you put the receipt?"

Mu Mushisan looked at Takagi She, "If it's a victim who was robbed, it should be confirmed immediately, right?"

Takagi nodded, "Yes, just check Youzhinan's backpack, it should be fine."

Mu Mu Shisan turned to Shuijiang Shenci again, "Excuse me, is there anything in the bag that was snatched from you in the first phase that can prove your identity? Such as a driver's license or something."

"There should be a passbook with my name written in it," Shuijiang Shenji took out his driver's license, held it up, and let Mu Mushisan see the name on it, "The Shen in my name is the petitioner's Shen. "

"Okay, Chiba, go check it out right away!" Mu Mushisan turned to Chiba and Shinobu.

"Yes!" Chiba and Shinobu immediately ran to the side to check the backpack that Yuinoo had left behind.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Shinji Mizue, "It seems that you have nothing to do with Monkey and Jiu."

Mizue Shinji recalled, "Ah, when I was doing animal divination, I happened to draw a monkey..."

"The name is also related to the monkey." Conan raised his head and reminded with an innocent face, "the word Shen has something to do with the monkey, because in the Chinese zodiac, the monkey is also called the monkey, isn't it?"

"You brat, what have you been mixing up since just now?" Mori Kogoro glanced at Conan, reached out to pick up Conan, and threw him aside, "Stay quietly by my side!"

Conan looked at Kogoro Mori speechlessly, and walked to Chi Feichi's side.

It now appears that all three of them are related to 'Monkey'.

Mr. Hino Tatsuo looks like a monkey, Mr. Sarukawa Hisami and Mr. Mizue Shinji have words related to "monkey" in their names. He still cares about the "Shen" that Chi Feichi said, because he happened to think of "Shen" Monkey', or is there another reason?

"By the way, by the way, Xiaolan, what did you come to Youzhi City to buy?" Mu Mushisan asked Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, "You were robbed by Youzhinan in the second phase of Youzhi City. Yes, right?"

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