Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1954 The Disliked Achievement in Solving Cases

"Ah, yes..." Mao Lilan said awkwardly, "We are here to draw lots."

"Draw lots?" Mu Mushisan looked at the two doubtfully.

"It's the magic lottery of love in Youzhi City every year," Sonoko Suzuki muttered with some embarrassment. "It's a lucky lottery."

Mao Lilan took out her wallet and looked down, "I still have it in my wallet..."

Takagi asked with bright eyes, "Is it true that you can get lucky? That love lottery..."

"Of course it's true, I heard it's always been effective," Suzuki Sonoko affirmed solemnly, and gloated, "It's just for women!"

Mu Mushisan glanced at Takagi She, "Cough!"

Takagi rubbed his nose, but didn't ask any more questions.

Mao Lilan looked down at her wallet, but was startled for a moment, took out a button, and hurriedly said to Mu Mu Shisan, "Officer Mu Mu, this is probably the button on You Zhinan's clothes!"

"What?!" Mu Mu Shisan looked at the button in Mao Lilan's hand in surprise.

"I was in the Youzhi City in the second phase, trying to stop the Youzhiman who snatched the garden bag," Mao Lilan hurriedly said, "He ran away in a hurry after bumping into me. It is likely that the button fell on the ground and was just picked up by us. Already!"

"But, that may have been dropped by other people." Suzuki Sonoko guessed.

"But if it's Youzhinan's button, it's a very important clue!" Mumu Shisan looked at the three suspects with a serious expression, "If you have clothes with buttons missing, the buttons on it are the same as this button, It must be the man of You! We need to go to your home to investigate now, can we?"

"I, I'm fine." Hino Tatsuo said hastily.

Sarukawa Hisami didn't object either, "I'll just tell my mother."

Mizue Shinji smiled nonchalantly, "If this can repay my innocence, I'm fine."

Gao Mushe immediately took a picture of the button in Mao Lilan's hand with his mobile phone, and sent it to other policemen, who asked them to go to the homes of the three people to investigate.

Conan looked at the expressions of the three suspects, and found that none of them seemed flustered, so he reached out and grabbed the corner of Chi Feichi's clothes beside him.

Chi Feichi squatted down familiarly, waiting for Conan to come over.

Conan leaned his head closer to Chi Feichi's ear, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Chi, why did you say the word 'Shen' before? A monkey can also be an 'ape', isn't it?"

Chi Feichi saw that Yueshui Nanatsuki was also looking at them curiously, and looked at Mizue Shinji, "Even if we know who it refers to, there is no way to prove that he is the man of You."

"Why?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki bent down and approached the two of them, wondering, "Didn't Xiaolan pick up a button there? If you can find the piece of clothing with the button missing, it should be used as evidence, right?"

"Have you ever thought that the clothes with missing buttons don't necessarily belong to these three people, but to the injured Mr. Mashiko?" Chi Feichi reminded.

"But in the second phase of Youzhi City, Xiaolan has never met Mr. Mashiko..." Yueshui Nanatsuki was stunned, with a look of surprise on his face, and asked in a low voice, "You mean, Mr. Mashiko Is he the son of You?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "If there is no Youzhinan among these three people, no matter how much you search, it will be useless."

"Why?" Conan suspected that Chi Feichi had other clues here, and hurriedly asked, "Why does Brother Chi think so? Does Mr. Mashiko who was stabbed have any suspicions in this regard?"

"I don't know him very well. Even if I met him near the Kuboto apartment, I wouldn't pay attention," Chi Feichi said calmly. The message of 'Nine' shows that he has a certain understanding of the identity of the person who stabbed him, he should know the name of the person or know a certain appearance..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki touched his chin, then took over the conversation, "If Mr. Mashiko is the son of You, then it is not surprising that he found some documents from the stolen wallet and knew the name of a certain person. Afterwards, he and that person People made an appointment to meet here because of a certain matter, but he was stabbed by the other party, so he said, 'It's not the man of You, but a monkey', right?"

"This makes sense," Conan also entered a reasoning state, and quietly raised his eyes to look at Shinji Mizue over there, "Mr. Mizue was robbed before, and if Mr. Mashiko who was stabbed is the real You You can know his name from the passbook...but I still don't understand why Brother Chi can be sure it's 'Shen'?"

Chi Feichi looked at Conan, "I said it was that voice."

"Yes, is it..." Conan Doudouyan suddenly felt that it was not wise to discuss this issue with the snake spirit patient, and quickly recovered, recalling, "When Mr. Shuijiang was about to get the convenience store receipt , the behavior is also a bit strange, at first he said that he bought lunch today and left a receipt, but when he was about to get the receipt from his pants pocket, his face suddenly changed, saying that the receipt was gone..."

"I remember police officer Chiba saying that they only found discarded masks and coats in the toilet," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Mizue Shinji from a distance, "it means that the person who stabbed Mr. Masuko did not change his pants. After stabbing someone, he hurried to the toilet, his pants might be wet with sweat..."

"That's why we can't take out that sweat-soaked receipt?" Conan pondered, "But maybe we are preconceived, because we doubt Mr. Shuijiang, so the more we think about it, the more suspicious his behavior is. After all, he His name and appearance don't seem to have anything to do with Jiu, do they?"

"Mashiko Shiro is a repeat student preparing to be admitted to the Department of Literature of Dongdu University, so he should know the heavenly stems and earthly branches," Chi Feichi continued to answer, "The ten heavenly stems are A, B, C, D, E, Ji, G, Xin, Ren, Gui, and the twelve Earthly Branches are Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai. The Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches are the ninth year, called "Ren Shen" In 2010, the reading of 'Jin Shen' is MIZUNOESARU..."

"MIZUNOE? Mizue, Mizue?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Shinji Mizue in astonishment, "It's exactly the same as Mr. Mizue's surname!"

Conan was taken aback, and immediately ran to Mu Mu Shisan.

It is not impossible to verify this reasoning.

First of all, ask the police to check the clothes at Mashiko Shiro's house by the way. If the button that is missing from the clothes is the same as the button that Xiaolan picked up, it means that Mashiko Shiro is the real Youzhinong.

After that, you can also confirm that among the three suspects, except for Mizue Shinji, whether the other two people have had the first two Youzhishi, and whether they have been robbed by Youzhinan. In order to prevent someone from lying, you can also directly Go check the bag that Yuinoko used to hold the 'trophies'. If the other two people have not been robbed, then Masuko Shiro is unlikely to know the names of the other two people. The murderer who stabbed Masuko Shiro is only Mizue Shin Second-rate.

In addition, you can also check the mobile phones of Masuko Shiro and Mizue Shinji. If the two meet here, there should be some communication...

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand and grabbed Conan who was about to run away, "If you are asked by Officer Mumu, you will say that it is reasoning beyond the water."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki was stunned, and said with half-moon eyes, "Do you want to leave the record to me again? But I still have a commission to investigate..."

Conan looked at the two speechlessly, "Do I need to wait for you to discuss it?"

I don't know when it started, 'solving cases' and 'reasoning' became the existence that people detested.

If he hadn't become younger, he would have assumed Kudo Shinichi's identity a long time ago... No, this time it was Chi Feichi's first reasoning idea, and he didn't really want to receive this 'achievement in solving the case'.

"Then in my name, I will also take the record." Chi Feichi gave way.

Who kept Yue Shui busy?

"No, I'll go," Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled, "This kind of record should not be urgent. After the commission is completed, I will go to the Metropolitan Police Department to make a record."

"It's really not possible, let's say you called the doctor." Hui Yuanai probed into the discussion group from the side, and under Conan's surprised gaze, said calmly, "Anyway, we met someone who was killed at home two days ago. The incident was also 'solved' by the doctor, wasn't it? When the time comes, he will make a record, so let him help explain the reasoning of this case."

Conan: "..."

Even if the doctor is not here, things will be arranged?

"Don't trouble the doctor, let's say it in the name of Yue Shui." Chi Feichi said.

Conan looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, seeing that Nanatsuki Koshimizu had no objection, he ran to Mukushisan helplessly.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki felt that something was wrong, and looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously, "Did I take advantage of you too much?"

"Is there?" Chi Feichi's eyes were so calm that he couldn't see any emotion.

"You Zhinan has committed crimes many times in a row, and now there is a lot of attention," Yue Shui Nanatsuki stared at Chi Feichi without retracting his gaze, "If you solve the case in my name, although I need to spend time to make notes, but When the police announce the case, they may mention me, and there will be reports related to me at that time... It was the same with the pet theft case before. It was obvious that you solved the case, but everyone thought I did it. I feel like I've been taking advantage of you..."

"Anyway, I don't need fame to convince my clients, and I hate taking notes myself," Chi Feichi calmly looked back at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "You help me make notes, fame belongs to you, it's fair, isn't it?"

This event is very suitable for Yue Shui to use to gain fame.

At present, the attention is high, and solving the case can gain a lot of fame.

The targets of the robbers are ordinary people, which will make the masses worry that they or their family members will be targeted. If someone can catch You Zhinan, it will give the masses a sense of peace of mind.

The lack of dead is also a good factor. Frankly speaking, if the homicide case is always resolved, the public will think that this kind of detective is too high-end, and it is not suitable for homicide-related incidents. It’s not that big, it’s more about investigating extramarital affairs, investigating stalkers, and investigating ghosts in the company. Enough delegates.

And he doesn't want Yueshui to accept some dangerous commissions. If there is a murder incident followed by a murder incident, it is best to obediently investigate the commissions of daily attributes.

"Is it fair...?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi in bewilderment, which made sense, but she still felt that Mr. Chi was fooling her.

"It's too wasteful to give this kind of famous opportunity to me and the doctor," Chi Feichi continued to fool around solemnly, "We don't need to rely on the fame of solving crimes to make money, so it's better to let you take advantage of it. When you make money, I will You will be responsible for the expenses of eating and drinking in the office."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded quickly, "Of course it's no problem."

Haibara Ai:"……"

It is indeed a good thing that 'combination benefits both'. She believed what Brother Feichi said, but she still felt that Brother Feichi was planning to help Sister Qitsuki to gain fame...

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