Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1957 Not too bad...

"No gain at all," Conan spread his hands, "Yingming College pays more attention to the confidentiality of student information. After graduation, many graduates only leave basic files. For example, the information registration of some parents will be destroyed or returned to you. Student, I sneaked in and found Brother Chi's files, but there were only simple materials such as enrollment registration, examination records, and graduation photos, and no information related to medical examination records was found at all."

"It looks like it should be done by the same group of people, maybe those guys... But why did they do this? What is their purpose?" Dr. Ali was worried, and found that Conan kept his head down for a long time, looking puzzled. Looking at Conan, "Shinichi?"

Conan lowered his head, staring at the coffee table in front of him.

"Shinichi?" Dr. Ali called out again, seeing Conan belatedly raised his eyes to look at him, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Did you think of something?"

"No...I'm not sure if it has anything to do with these things." Conan hesitated, frowning, "I found the box containing the future wish capsules left by Brother Chi and his class when they entered elementary school..."

"Future Wish Capsule? Is it the kind of thing that they wrote down their wishes for the future when they entered elementary school, put them in an envelope with their classmates, and then kept them in a box?" Speechless, "I said Shinichi, you haven't seen it secretly, have you?"

Conan continued to nod awkwardly.

"It's a little secret in childhood. Even parents, teachers, and friends, peeking is immoral. Even if they grow up, they will feel that their wishes at that time were naive, but only when they are willing to share, others Only human beings can know," Dr. Ali seriously condemned Conan's behavior, and expressed concern for Conan's future, "If Feichi knew that you peeked at his wish capsule when he was in primary school..."

He thought for a while, if Feichi found out, Xinyi would be dealt with badly.

Thinking of Chi Feichi's indifferent face, Conan also sweated, and explained, "It's because I remembered Brother Chi's reexamination in Qingshan No. 4 Hospital last time, and during Mr. Leon-Lao's hypnosis, he said something like 'A friend betrayed me in elementary school. 'In this case, since I happened to be in the archives room and saw their class's memorial locker, I wanted to find out if there were any clues in the class's memorial locker! If you know what happened that year, say Maybe I can help Brother Chi untie his knots and let him stop worrying about what happened back then, but after picking the lock, there are only the class graduation photo and the box inside..."

Dr. Ali: "..."

Also picked the lock?

Conan: "I've read some of them. It's probably the wish of 'I hope to improve my studies after I arrive in junior high school' and 'be a musician in the future'. Some people wish that junior high school can confess to the girl they like, although they fall in love in junior high school. A little too early, but not too weird…”

Dr. Ali: "..."

Hey, peeping at the secret of other people's wishes, and still commenting here...

This behavior is not bad, it is very bad.

Shinichi didn't feel guilty, he was a little guilty.

Under Dr. A Li's gradually speechless gaze, Conan was still as serious as ever, and looked up at Dr. A Li, "But Brother Chi wrote in the letter, 'Find the murderer who killed Xiaonuan—Chi Feichi', that's all." One word."

"Kill...?!" Dr. A Li exhaled in surprise, quickly covered his mouth, looked at the silent room door, and then lowered his voice, "What, what's going on?"

"I don't know either," Conan frowned, recalling the childish but serious handwriting on the note, "I read all the capsule envelopes inside, and no one else mentioned the murderer, Xiao Nuanzhi. No one mentioned any incidents. In addition, I searched the Internet for some incidents reported that year with the keyword 'Xiaonuan', and even pushed the time to the five years before that, but I did not find any incidents. The name 'Xiaonuan' was mentioned in the incident, but there was no victim related to the word 'nuan'."

"Is that so..." Dr. A Li also frowned and pondered, "Then, could it be an incident that happened abroad? Mrs. Kanai is from the UK, and she might have been to England during the holidays when she was in primary school." The name "nuan" may be used by people of mixed race in England, and besides..."

"It may also be a nickname, so there's no way to investigate," Conan sighed helplessly, "Brother Chi didn't mention it to us, and I'm not sure if he would tell us if we asked."

"That's right," Dr. A Li said helplessly, "Feichi seldom tells us about the past..."

"Anyway, I'm not sure if this matter has anything to do with that organization," Conan said sternly, "The most urgent thing now is to confirm whether Brother Chi stayed at Pisco's house and find out what happened during that time." What's up!"

"During that time, Feichi and Xiao Ai had been in contact in the game, would Xiao Ai... know..." Dr. A Li looked at the door again, and cried out in surprise, "Xiao, Xiao Ai?"

Hui Yuanai had already opened the door and came out, and said calmly, "Unfortunately, Brother Feichi didn't talk about his situation during that time, nor did I ask about it."

"Hui, Huiyuan?" Conan was also taken aback by Huiyuan Ai who came out suddenly, feeling that the previous mysterious and whispered discussions were all in vain, "Why..."

"I'm sorry, I heard your conversation." Hui Yuanai walked to the sofa and sat next to Dr. Ali, his face was calm and a little cold, "It's all, this kind of thing related to my brother's safety, I think it seems Shouldn't you keep it from me?"

Dr. Ali: "..."

Xiao Ai must blame them for trying to hide it! definitely is!

From Haibara Ai's overly calm reaction, Conan sensed a sense of depression that the volcano is about to erupt, and said in a sweat, "You will be worried after you know it, and you will not be able to rest well. Why don't you tell you after I confirm..."

"Yeah, I'm not in the mood to sleep at all right now," Hui Yuan Ai was already surprised and angry in the room just now, and his emotions never went down, so that now he didn't even have the strength to get angry or surprised Yes, recalled, "The weather was very cold during that time, Brother Feichi said he was a little unwell, so he stayed in the room all day playing games, he answered the phone once, his voice was really hoarse, he was unwell It should be true, as for whether this is the reason why he is in the room... I didn't doubt it at the time."

"When he is not feeling well, Feichi will indeed rest behind everyone's back, and it is not surprising to hide in the room," Dr. A Li sighed, "He just likes to hide his discomfort."

Hui Yuanai lowered his head and stared at the coffee table, unable to stop the soreness spreading in his heart, and said softly, "That's right, whether it's a bad mood or physical discomfort, he will hide it very well, and he would rather retreat into the room and slow down by himself." Slow recovery, and unwilling to tell others, is really a very excessive guy."

Conan sighed again, and looked up at Hui Yuan Ai, "Hui Yuan, did you find anything else at that time? Did Brother Chi send you some strange information in the chat message?"

Hui Yuanai calmed down and recalled seriously, "It's just some news that everyone will communicate with when playing games. The game only saves chat records for one month at most, and there is a word limit. Can't find it."

Conan began to analyze again, "It's not that there are no clues at all. In this case, Brother Chi either didn't find that Pisco was a dangerous guy, and Pisco didn't show any malice towards him, or it was because he was being watched. Unable to transmit information to the outside world, it may not be that someone stopped him from sending some information, or it may be that he himself did not want to involve other people and concealed it, which kind of situation do you think it will be?"

"This..." Dr. A Li thought for a while, "Feichi is so sensitive, I don't think he lived in Pisco's house, but he didn't notice anything wrong."

Hui Yuanai took the words, "Peace will not go back to someone who might find out his identity for no reason, or before they are about to assassinate the Tunkou MP..."

Conan looked at the two of them, "Combined with what Ireland said that day, he seems to think that Brother Chi has noticed something..."

"In addition, that day I was caught by Pisco and locked in the underground wine cellar. Before I was rescued, I fell into a coma. But before I fell into a coma, I saw a silver ring dangling in front of my eyes. Thinking about it afterwards, I have been with Brother Feichi all the time. The ring, necklace and pendant he was wearing were very similar." Hui Yuan Ai didn't hide his guess anymore, "I thought it wouldn't be him at the time, it was based on the judgment that he wasn't July, but if he was July, when he found out After Pisco kidnapped me, he was fully capable of going from the hotel to the underground wine cellar to rescue me, and he could also create a time difference that would not be his own, and then use some method or someone to help send me away , At that place, he seemed to be the only one who would save me."

"Is that so..." Dr. A Li was stunned, "Wait a minute, Xiao Ai, you are talking about July..."

"That's not important, doctor!" Conan interrupted sternly, and continued to talk about the issue discussed earlier, "That is to say, when he was staying at Pisco's house, Brother Chi had already noticed the dangerous aura, and maybe he also noticed it. He has done some things, but he is closely monitored or under some kind of coercion, and he cannot tell others as he pleases."

Dr. Ali: "..."

Feichi is July or something...isn't it important?

"Afterwards, Brother Feichi found Kenzo Masuyama abducted me at the Cupido City Hotel, so he tried to rescue me in the wine cellar." Huibara rubbed his chin and thought, "At that time, Kenzo Masuyama probably didn't treat anyone else. Tell me my true identity, and even the rest of the organization don't know, so, will Brother Feichi think that Kenzo Masuyama kidnapped me to target him?"

"It's possible," Dr. A Li felt that he was at a dead end. "In this case, Feichi should have felt how dangerous those people are, so it would be even more impossible to tell us and involve us in it!"

Haibara glanced at Conan, "Especially a certain guy who is very curious, he is completely capable but too keen on solving puzzles and catching the murderer."

Conan smiled awkwardly, and soon his eyes glowed strangely, "There is a way, should we try it? We can confirm whether Brother Chi has ever stayed at Pisco's house, and maybe we can force him to Tell me what happened at that time..."

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