Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1958 True Black Humor

"Ah Choo!"

Tokyo, outside a late night bar.

In the car on the side of the road, Chi Feichi sneezed against Lak's face.

In the passenger seat on the side, the window was half down, Takatori Yannan heard the sound of sneezing, he quickly put out the cigarette in the ashtray in the car, and turned his head to care, "The temperature has dropped recently, you have already played three times in one night Sneezing, isn’t it a cold?”

"I don't feel physically uncomfortable," Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, lowered his head, reached out and pressed the joint between Yirong's face and the real skin, and stared at the dashboard of the car with calm and cold eyes, "Probably There are people who want to plot against me."

Takatori Yannan: "..."

Cough...then what...

He was worried that his boss had persecution paranoia, a completely unreasonable persecution delusion.

Chi Feichi turned his head and looked at Yan Nan Takatori calmly, "Just kidding."

"Ah...hahaha...really..." Takatori Yannan laughed in cooperation, the smile was rather stiff, he quickly took out the vibrating mobile phone, pressed the answer button and put it to his ear, "Ledo, yes I... yes, I know..."


Hanging up the phone, Takatori Yannan looked at the rearview mirror of the car, his eyes fixed on a figure in a scarf, his expression became serious, and he said in a low voice, "Luck, someone is coming, and Ledo said that no one is following him, nearby No suspicious person was found."

The man walking along the street was of medium build, with a saw-like hairstyle, wearing a thick dark blue coat, a scarf wrapped around his neck twice, and the edge was pulled high, blocking half of his face, and a pair of brown trousers on his lower body , with his hands in his trouser pockets, his back slightly leaning forward, he approached the bar step by step, and when he met two drunks, he just glanced sideways, looking like someone coming home from a party late at night ordinary man.

When he arrived at the entrance of the bar, the man looked around and saw half of the window of the black car on the side of the road, and a big man in a black suit behind the window. He found that the other party seemed to be looking at something with a tablet. Will be a member of a violent society, frowned, stretched his right hand out of his trouser pocket, turned around and pushed open the door of the bar.


The bell rang at the door, and as the door was pushed open, a male waiter's greeting came from the bar, "Welcome!"

"Squeak... tap!"

After the man entered, he pushed the door and closed it again, blocking the sound from the bar.

In the car, Chi Feichi took out a cigarette and bit it, reached for the cigarette lighter in the car, and hissed, "Shanwei Xisuke, male, 34 years old, native place is Beizhize Village, Xinmao County, eight years old Driving home from Tokyo on a snowy night before, he hit and killed an 18-year-old woman on the road and escaped. She surrendered herself to the police a few hours later, was sentenced to eight years in prison, and was released half a month ago..."

"The height is 176 centimeters, and the physical appearance is confirmed." Yano Takatori looked at the photo of the man on the tablet, slid down a paragraph, and looked at the text on it. A large debt, after he was released from prison, the creditors have been looking for him, as far as I know, he bought a batch of bombs on the black market the day before yesterday, and he happened to find the black market branch of the Handie Society that I was in charge of, and now he is looking for another organization To buy medicine, he doesn’t want to rob a bank, does he?”

Chi Feichi lit a cigarette with the cigarette lighter, and hissed hiss a little impersonally, "Whatever he wants to use that medicine for, it has nothing to do with us, as long as he pays enough compensation."

"That's right, then I'll meet him," Takatori Yannan took out a medicine box from his pocket, opened it and looked at the three pills inside, after confirming, he opened the car door and got off, turned his head and looked at the street lights , said with emotion, "Finish your work early, and you can rest tomorrow. If you have a cold, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible!"

Chi Feichi complained in his heart, "Don't be long-winded", but because Takatori Yannan cares about him, he still responded softly, "Yeah."

Takatori Yannan lifted his spirits, bowed to the car, said "I'm leaving" solemnly, closed the car door, and walked towards the bar with his head held high.


After the bell rang, a male waiter's voice came from the room, "Welcome..."


The door of the bar was slammed down by Yan Nan Takatori.

In the car on the side of the road, Feichi poked his head out and stared blankly at the bar door, "Master, did he suddenly get too excited?"


Chi Feichi responded vaguely, and continued to smoke while looking at the road ahead under the dim street lights.

The organization rarely sells drugs to the outside world, but in the past few days, it has suddenly rushed to mass-produce a batch of "black humor" he researched, and listed the sale information on the black market on the Internet.

Drugs like APTX-4869, which can cause death and cannot be detected by autopsy, are all the organization's "special case killers". To avoid attracting the attention of the police, of course, it is impossible to sell them to the outside world.

Like the AHTX series he researched, because the blood in the dead body will only be light yellow plasma, the characteristics are too obvious, and it is easy to be identified by the police as a "serial crime". It is generally not used, let alone sold.

Like some other drugs that can stimulate potential but have serious sequelae, drugs that can heal wounds quickly but have different side effects, tissues are also regarded as treasures. I only hope that researchers can continue to study, and it is best to develop low side effects that can be used by them Drugs, or, at the other extreme, poisons that can disguise the cause of death.

In such a comparison, "black humor" is really tasteless.

The "little black man" effect of more than ten minutes may be used to help people evacuate in a critical moment, but the people in the organization don't need to use it. They can avoid being caught only by planning and skill. Difficulties, such as being surrounded by groups or like Calvados's legs being broken at the beginning, it belongs to the category of "I can't save it, let's silence it", and the effect of "Little Black" for more than ten minutes can't change the ending , it is better to silence before it falls into the hands of the enemy, without wasting medicine.

However, whether it is tasteless or not depends on how it is used.

I don't know which wicked guy made a plan——

The first step is to post information on the black market network and sell 'black humor' for $10,000 a pack or three packs.

Drugs that are useless to them are very useful to criminals who want to rob or attack terrorists.

Just imagine, if a robber can become a "little black man" who is hard to recognize his body shape and appearance when he commits a crime or is being chased, and even the surveillance cannot take a clear picture, even if it is only for more than ten minutes, those who are injured by surveillance or witnesses Many crimes that would otherwise be impossible will become 'feasible' with this drug.

The second step is to select and investigate buyers.

Who will buy this drug?

The high price and the short period of time means that only those criminals who can obtain high profits or "do big things" will choose to buy.

In addition, because the effect of the drug sounds too mythical, many people took it as a joke, and the organization did not publicize it with much fanfare. It was only listed in a black market online mall, and only those who were not strong enough in themselves or in the group would choose to buy it.

In general, the organization selected the buyers in this step, excluding some big gangs who wanted to spend money to join in the fun, and excluded some scientists who believed in the existence of this drug and were ready to buy it for research, and some unidentified purchase applicants It is impossible to determine the intention, but they only need to select people who have no powerful support behind them, even if they have a team, and the team is not strong, and then investigate.

Since there is no strong support behind this kind of selected target, it is easy to investigate it.

After that, it is determined that this person will not be a police eyeliner and will commit a crime due to the situation.

Keisuke Yamao is a good target. He owes a lot of debt, has just come out of prison, has the motive of robbery and is preparing for a crime... Such a person is much better than some crazy guys who plan to carry out terrorist attacks. It is easy to contact It's too dangerous to worry about, and it's safer to follow up.

The third step is the transaction and follow-up arrangements.

After the transaction is over, the organization will quietly monitor Shanwei Keisuke, treating Shanwei Keisuke as a living mouse, to see the effect after taking the medicine, to see how far Shanwei Keisuke can do it, and to see whether the drug effect is stable Stable and see if there are any sequelae with an incubation period.

At the same time, the organization hopes that Keisuke Yamao's transformation into a "little black man" to commit crimes will be exposed. Even if the public does not know, the police still need to know such a bizarre thing as "someone turned into a little black man".

Exposure is of course not for the purpose of selling a $10,000 drug. For the organization, it is troublesome and dangerous, and the profit is not high, so it is not worth doing.

The purpose of an organization is to persecute a person.

A police detective who has been fighting crime since he took office in Canada and caught some traces of the organization.

That person has high authority, outstanding abilities, and is full of justice and passion. He is a difficult guy to deal with.

After one part of Yamao Keisuke's incarnation as a black man was found out, the organization would sell "black humor" twice to potential bank robbers across Canada, collecting experimental results for him while creating some confusion and forcing The detective handed over the clues in his hand, and if possible, he would take the opportunity to kill the detective.

Will the detective give in?

He wants to.

Once the 'black humor' spreads, it can make some people's psychological dark side start to expand ineffectively.

What should I do if I am forced to pay debts? What if the family is short of money to save their lives? What should I do if I want to live a prosperous life?

There is a lot of risk in robbing a bank, but if you have the drug that can turn you into a little black man for more than ten minutes after taking one pill, how many people will feel that the pie is much closer to them? How many people will break through the last hesitation in their hearts and choose to take risks?

For organizations, 'black humor' is tasteless, but for outsiders, it is Satan's bait to lure the world into hell, the poisonous snake that tempted Adam and Eve to pick off the forbidden fruit, and the root of the city of crime , Mushroom bombs enough to blast a city.

That police detective is a person with a full sense of justice. If the police detective is faced with a choice - should he hand over the clues of the organization he investigated, or watch the place he loyally guarded become a capital of crime and chaos?

Frequent crimes will not only affect the safety of the police, but also some innocent people may be involved, so how can a kind and selfless police detective with a strong sense of justice sit idly by and choose to compromise with the organization is almost a certainty thing.

Meanness is the passport of the mean, and nobility is the epitaph of the noble.

This is probably the real black humor.

What if the detective usually showed his hypocrisy?

It shows that he is a person who loves his reputation. At that time, if the police detective does not compromise in order to hold on to the clues, the organization will make a certain amount of confusion and then announce the inside story to let the public know—see, it is because of that guy, who killed You have suffered so much.

Not everyone will choose to be rational or considerate. At that time, the police detective will be forced to compromise by the public, or torn apart by the angry public.

The chance of the detective compromising is 100%.

As for whether the police detective will be killed by the organization in the end, it depends on whether the organization is fully prepared or the opponent is superior. Anyway, his task is only responsible for the case of Japan, and the rest of the link is taken care of by others.

The moonlight is so beautiful tonight, and it is another day when I worry that I will be beaten to death by justice organizations from various countries...

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