Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1959 Takatori: What evil did you do in your previous life

In the dimly lit car, Chi Feichi finished smoking a cigarette silently and threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray in the car.

In fact, as long as the police detective can't stand the psychological pressure and compromises earlier, the organization won't make things worse.

If things get serious, it will be troublesome to cause countries to jointly investigate and suppress.

Therefore, after the detective handed over what the organization wanted and obediently entered the organization's trap, the organization would probably stop selling 'black humor' to the outside world and stop inciting crimes.

After all, if too much 'black humor' drugs leak out, it's easy to be cracked or targeted, isn't it?

It's better to stop in time and keep the medicine in your hands. Maybe you can threaten one or two righteous people in the future, which can be regarded as using his medicine to the extreme.

But having said that, he didn't remember the name Keisuke Yamao at first, but when he saw the "Kitanosawa Village" and "the car accident eight years ago" on the materials, he wondered if it might be Conan's "Silent Fifteen" "Minutes" is the man behind the scenes in the theatrical version.

In that theatrical version, he remembered that the incident happened in Kitanosawa Village, a village with a beautiful snow scene, where Conan was almost buried...

Feichi rested his head on Chi Feichi's collar, and observed the situation in the bar with hot eyes, "Master, I can't see clearly. Takatori was too excited just now, so there will be no problem, right? Shall we... Huh?"

Not long after the voice fell, the bell hanging at the door of the bar rang, and Takatori Geno and Yamao Keisuke with bearded faces left the bar one after another, said a few words to a drunk man on the side of the road, and the three of them abducted together. Go into the alley next to it.

Chi Feichi withdrew his thoughts, sat quietly in the car, and waited for the two of them to enter the alley for a while before opening the car door and getting out of the car, "Now is the time for us to go."

This night, the moon in the sky was nearing fullness, and the moonlight was indeed very good.

There were street lamps on the street, covering most of the moonlight's brilliance, but in the depths of the alley where there were no street lamps, the brightness of the moonlight appeared little by little.

The two drunkards staggered down the alley, shoulder to shoulder.

Takatori Yannan reached the depths of the alley, put on a pair of black gloves, took out the medicine box in his pocket, turned around and looked at Keisuke Yamao, "It's right here."

Keisuke Yamao supported the drunk man, took a deep breath, nodded, and watched Geno Takatori step forward to stuff the medicine into the drunk man's mouth.

Can drugs be used to turn people into 'little blacks' who are difficult to illuminate? It's incredible to think about it.

A medicine costs 10,000 US dollars, and three pills must be purchased together. Even if someone can test the medicine before the transaction, there is no way to know whether it is genuine until after taking it... He is crazy to buy this kind of medicine.

But he's just crazy.

Somewhere, there are jewels worth one billion yen waiting for him to pick them up. What he wants to do is very dangerous, and he just wants to make sure that everything is safe. After hearing the other party say that he can test the medicine before trading, he wants to see it It's not bad to see.

Takatori Yannan has seen the "black humor" human experiment, he is very confident in the efficacy of the medicine, put the medicine into the mouth of the drunk, raised his hand to the drunk's chin, confirmed that the medicine was swallowed by the drunk, and then withdrew Two steps, wait to see the effect.

"What, what..." The middle-aged drunk seemed to be an office worker, he was quite drunk, he muttered and smacked his mouth.

The moonlight illuminated the alley and fell on the three of them, but gradually, the whole body of the middle-aged man supported by Yamao Keisuke began to turn black. At first, only the skin became dark, and gradually, the skin seemed to be still absorbing the light. With the moonlight shining on the man, his clothes and hair were shrouded in misty black.

In less than half a minute, the drunk man was completely black, only the whites of his eyes could be seen.

"Ha... drink! Hee hee..." The drunk man laughed, showing his white teeth, and because of the exposed white teeth, people could clearly see the upturned black corners of his mouth.

Takatori Yano stared at the drunk, his eyes under the sunglasses gradually drooped into half-moon eyes, took out his mobile phone and adjusted it to the timer, and raised the mobile phone so that Keisuke Yamao, who was opposite him, could also see the time clearly.

The drug testers he saw before did not smile so happily, and they didn't look so... so ghostly.

Keisuke Yamao stared blankly at the drunk man he supported. Even though he was mentally prepared, he still found it unbelievable to see a person turning into a "little black man" in front of his eyes. He stayed for a long time before trying to stretch With the other hand, he touched the drunk man's arm and his face, "Can I take off his clothes and have a look?"

"If you want to confirm, it's up to you." Yan Nan Takatori said with a straight face, his eyes covered by sunglasses showed deep helplessness and speechlessness.

What evil did he do in his previous life, only in this life will he be in the hands of his boss, so that he was asked to watch a man trembling in the alley in the middle of the night picking up a little black man's clothes...

After Yamao Keisuke put the drunk man to the ground, he squatted aside, picking up the drunk man's clothes with trembling hands.

After the suit jacket left the light-absorbing body, it immediately showed its original appearance, but the remaining white shirt was still shrouded in black mist.

"Oh, man, what are you doing?" The drunk raised his black arm and slapped Yamao Keisuke on the hand, "A-Are you home?"

"Yes, yes, we're home." Yamao Keisuke stammered, stretched out his hand to take off the drunk man's shirt, touched the dark body of a certain drunk man, raised his hand again, and looked at the moonlight. With a clean and fair hand, I reached out and touched it again.

In the darkness near the exit of the alley, Chi Feichi watched Shanwei Kesuke's actions from a distance, feeling a little bit complicated.

He still admires Xiao Hei in Conan, but now this...

If it wasn't for the thief God telling him that the criminals are all "little blacks", but other people can't see the little blacks, he wouldn't have made this kind of medicine in a wicked way, and he wouldn't There was a day when Xiao Hei was stripped of his clothes by a man...

If Xiao Hei feels that his image has been humiliated, then don't blame him, go find the thief.

Five minutes later, Shanwei Keisuke took off the clothes on the little black man, made sure that the little black man was all black, and finally stopped touching the little black, looked down at the little black, and swallowed his saliva.

Takatori Yannan: "..."

What crime did he commit in his previous life...

Chi Feichi: "..."

He shouldn't be revenged by Xiao Hei, the incarnation of world consciousness, right?

Well, definitely not, it's just a drug effect.

Keisuke Yamao was so shocked that he didn't even think about what he did to the little black man in front of him, "It's, it's unbelievable..."

Takatori Yannan felt that the phone was vibrating, retracted his right hand holding the phone, clicked on the new email, looked at the reminder on the new email, and said, "You better help him get dressed in a while, if he wakes up, call the police I was molested while drunk, and the police will investigate, maybe I will get into trouble."

Or his boss is thoughtful.

Keisuke Yamao regained consciousness a little, but his gaze was still fixed on the little black man on the ground, "Of course!"

"There are still about three minutes, and the effect of the medicine will wear off." Yan Nan Takatori checked the time after quitting the email, looked up at Keisuke Yamao, and said, "In the next few days, you can follow up and observe his condition, and confirm the medicine. There are no side effects, but that is after our transaction is over, and I will not accompany you to confirm the transaction."

Yamao Keisuke nodded subconsciously, stood up, couldn't help but look at Xiao Hei who was lying on the ground under the moonlight, and turned to ask Takatori Yano, "I want to smoke a cigarette, can I?"

"You can do whatever you want." Takatori Yannan said coldly, still holding up his mobile phone, watching Yamao Keisuke take out the cigarette case from his pocket.

Thanks to the earnest teaching of his boss, when he sees cigarettes now, his mind is full of thoughts like 'will smoking affect his actions now', 'whether the saliva left on the cigarette butts will be investigated', 'traces of soot Will his personal information be exposed', 'Will the light of the cigarette butt be seen by others', 'Will the smell of the smoke cause any trouble'...

There is also an outsider, Yamao, who would never smoke here, but Yamao doesn't seem to have this vigilance.

No wonder he was selected by the organization, this guy Yamao is really good.

Keisuke Yamao stood in the corner and lit a cigarette to calm himself down as soon as possible.

Before he came, he thought about many possibilities.

He had to guard against being used, framed, and revenged by others. If the medicine didn't work, he would leave immediately, following the planned route.

If the medicine is effective, it's not that he hasn't thought about snatching the medicine, and even has a weapon on him.

But that was before that, seeing with his own eyes a living person turned into a dark figure with indistinguishable features, and the effect of medicine was like magic, so he suddenly didn't dare to mess around.

He had seen this bearded man in the car in front of the bar. He was not mistaken for the black suit on his body. After he entered, the other party quickly followed him. There was at least one other companion in the car, which really made him afraid. Yes, did the other party get this medicine by coincidence, or is there a terrible force behind it?

If it was the latter, he would probably die a miserable death if he was careful. He just wanted to get the billion-dollar jewels and leave the country as soon as possible. He didn't want to provoke some difficult existences...

A cigarette was not half lit, the blackness on the drunk's body slowly disappeared, and he lay on the ground murmuring unconsciously.

Keisuke Yamao made a decision, threw the cigarette butt to the corner, unzipped his coat, took out a thick envelope from his arms, and handed it to Yano Takatori, "It contains 30,000 dollars, let's trade it."

While Takatori Yannan took the envelope, he also handed the medicine box in his hand to Keisuke Yamao, "There are three medicines inside, and we will pay for the test medicine."

"Ah, good..." Keisuke Yamao took the medicine box, packed it, and looked hesitantly at the drunk man on the ground.

"I'll wait for you to help him get dressed," Takatori Yannan guessed the reason for Yamao Keisuke's hesitation, and said in a cold tone, "You don't dare to turn around first, and I don't dare, but I'm different from you, I dare Stay here alone, but you may not dare to stay alone, it is better to leave together for a while, and then separate after reaching the street."

Yamao Keisuke nodded, stepped forward and knelt down to help the drunk man get dressed.

He really didn't dare to go first, turning his back on the big man in black.

He really didn't dare to stay alone, he would be worried that after the other party left, he would be surrounded by the other party's staff, and the money and medicine would be gone by then.

Thinking about it now, the other party has this kind of miraculous medicine in his hand, so it seems that there is no need to bother about his thirty thousand dollars. With that little time, wouldn’t it be more profitable to plan to rob a bank or a jewelry store...

Moreover, the other party seemed too calm and calm. Let him be sure that there must be a powerful force behind the other party, so there is no need for the other party to covet such a little money from him.

This also made him a little confused.

"You...why do you sell such drugs to others?"

When leaving the alley, Yamao Keisuke finally couldn't help asking, "Isn't it good to keep it for your own use?"

Takato Yannan looked around and found that there was no one around Chi Feichi, guessing that Chi Feichi should have returned to the car after confirming that there would be no problems with the transaction, "We don't need it."

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