Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1960 What's Scary

"I mean..." Yamao Keisuke thought about it, "Actually, you can use it to carry out some more lucrative criminal plans, and you can make more money than selling it to me, right?"

"We don't need to be so troublesome to rob the bank. That kind of drug is not very useful to us..." Yan Nan Takatori arrived at the alley, and found that the lights of the car on the side of the road had been turned on. He turned to Shanwei Keisuke, " Regarding the identity of the drunk, if you can't find him later, you can ask us to buy his information, of course, you will have to pay a reward."

"No, no need," Shanwei Xijie sweated, and the three medicines cost more than three million yen. Before he got the one billion jewels, the money plus the money for the bomb, he still figured out a way I don't want to spend a lot of money to buy information, "I often drink in bars in this area recently, and I have seen him more than once, and I can find him."

"Good luck then."

Takatori Yannan didn't mind too much, left a word, opened the door and got in the car.

When Chi Feichi waited for Takatori Yan Nan to close the car door, drove away from the spot, and drove towards the street, he said in a hoarse voice, "My medicine is not very useful..."

Takatori Yannan froze, speechlessly opened the envelope to check the cash inside, "Boss, don't be stingy, I'm just telling the truth, this medicine is really not very useful for the organization."

Chi Feichi thought that Yan Nan Takatori didn't know about the follow-up plan of "coercing police detectives", and he couldn't say anything, so he didn't bother, "Maybe."

Takatori Yan Nan turned his head and said to Chi Feichi with a serious face, "But it will definitely be useful at critical moments!"

Chi Feichi didn't answer Takatori Yan Nan's words, and said indifferently, "Stop the rhetoric, check it quickly."

Now at two o'clock in the morning, he changed his car, changed his clothes, unloaded his clothes, and went home. It would be almost four o'clock when he got home. If he couldn't sleep for three hours, he would go to Dr. Ali's house. Please Takatori, please be considerate of him who has more vests.

Takatori Yannan took the money out of the envelope and checked it, then looked at the inside and out of the envelope again, and nodded with satisfaction, "That guy is pretty smart, he didn't do anything wrong, where is the money going?"

"You keep it, the reward plus the recent operating expenses." Chi Feichi hissed.

"It's all U.S. dollars, I just want to find a way to exchange it with the smuggling office..." Yan Nan Takatori put the money in an envelope and stuffed it into his pocket without hesitation.

The organization has always been generous in providing funds and remuneration, and he didn't bother to refer to "recently" for how long, don't care how long, if there is no more, he can ask the boss to apply, as long as it is not too much, the funds will be credited to the account at that time.

The boss and the organization do this, so that he sometimes feels that there is no difference between more money and less money, as long as there is enough food and drink...


Early, eight o'clock.

The red Lexus SC drove into the yard of Dr. Ali's house. After Dr. Ali reversed out of the garage, the red car drove into the garage.

"Doctor!" Conan probed from the entrance, "Where did you put your toolbox? You took us to the hot spring this time, didn't you plan to repair the new invention you sold to the hot spring owner?"

Hui Yuanai also walked to the door, and said calmly, "We have brought enough snacks, this time you can also bring some low-calorie snacks."

"Doctor, hurry up," Yuan Tai couldn't help urging, "We are almost packed!"

"Oh, here we come!" Dr. A Li hastily opened the car door and got out of the car. When he walked quickly into the house, he turned his head and shouted towards the garage, "Feichi, please help me lock the garage by the way, the garage key Right in my car!"


Chi Feichi parked the car in the garage, walked to the yard, looked at the open driver's door of the yellow beetle, and saw a photo on the seat before he leaned in to find the key.

A photo of Ireland.

In the photo, Ireland closed her eyes tightly and her face was bloodless. It should be said to be a photo of a dead body.

First thought: Someone put this photo on purpose.

The second thought: Conan must have colluded with Dr. A Li to do this kind of thing. The three children must not know about it, and it is yet to be determined whether Xiao Ai knows about it.

The third thought: The fact that Conan is a member of the organization should not have been exposed, and Conan doesn't know that he is Lak, otherwise Conan would not be so blatantly probing, and probably would investigate secretly.

The fourth thought: Get rid of the things about Lark. His only contact with Ireland was at Pisco’s house, and then Ireland’s simple investigation of him. Ireland’s investigation didn’t last long. Conan didn’t notice it at the time, but he noticed it in Ireland It’s unlikely, that’s already obvious—Conan should have found out that he had stayed at Pisco’s house, and wanted to test him with photos of Ireland’s corpses to confirm him. How much does Pisco know.

The African-Mexican Legion also sent news that Conan and Dr. Ali went to Qingshan No. 4 Hospital to see Mrs. Kamiya two days ago, and then went to Cupido High School and Yingming College. They should be investigating him.

As expected, he guessed right last night, the reason he sneezed continuously was because some villains were plotting against him.

The fifth thought: Conan had premeditated, so it would not be his retribution for letting Xiao Hei be bullied last night.

All thoughts quickly turned in Chi Feichi's mind, and when the fifth thought popped up, Chi Feichi reached out to pick up the photo with a calm face, turned to look at Dr. A Li at the door, "Doctor, there is a picture The photo was dropped on the car."

"Ah?" Dr. A Li was a little confused.

Didn't Shinichi say last night that he already used the identity of 'Kudo Shinichi' to get the Irish police officer from Police Officer Takagi on the grounds of 'I heard that the murderer's identity has not been found yet, so I want to help find out'. As long as Brother Chi accidentally sees the photos in the corpse room, if he finds something when he is staying at Pisco's house and meets Ireland, he will definitely react...

Conan was still standing at the door, also stunned.

That's right, he was thinking that if something happened to Chi Feichi when he was staying, he would definitely have a bad face or react in other ways.

When the time comes, he will run over immediately and start the conversation with words like 'Brother Chi knows this person' and 'He used to sneak into the Police Department pretending to be Matsumoto's administrator' to stimulate Chi Feichi.

If Chi Feichi still refuses to say it by then, then he can also reveal some clues he has obtained here, and he can even directly explain that they are already in trouble, and try to exchange information with Chi Feichi.

The plan is good, but this...

After Haibara regained consciousness, he glanced at Conan beside him from the corner of his eyes.

Brother Feichi didn't have any abnormal reactions at all.

Here they could see Brother Feichi's side face and some of his movements. After seeing the photo, Brother Feichi just observed it for a while, reached out to take the photo without being in a daze, and turned around to ask about the doctor...

Not to mention the reaction of "ugly face", he didn't even have the reaction of surprise.

A detective miscalculated with them.

"Doctor?" Chi Feichi asked again holding the photo.

Conan quickly raised his hand from behind Dr. Ali, and pushed Dr. Ali's back.

"Ah..." Dr. A Li hastened to act according to the script agreed last night, walked forward and said, "That is probably the photo that the police asked me to send, it seems to be a criminal who attacked the police and was killed by his companions, or It's really scary..."

"There are incidents happening every day in Tokyo, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Chi Feichi returned the photo to Dr. Ali with a calm reaction. Seeing the key on the passenger seat, he leaned into the car and reached for the key.

He received information from the non-Mexican army yesterday, and found that Conan had changed, so he thought about all kinds of possibilities and how to deal with it.

It's best to fool around now.

Wouldn't Conan be afraid that he would be exposed instead if he wanted to get information on him? It's really an old birthday star who hanged himself-he thinks his life is too long.

Behind, Hui Yuanai approached Conan sideways, and said softly, "No matter how I look at it, I don't think Brother Feichi was frightened by that photo, even if Brother Feichi knows how to hide it, there is no way to be stunned at the moment of surprise. avoid it?"

"Yes, yes," Conan replied in a low voice with black hair all over his head, "I can be sure that Brother Chi must have stayed at Pisco's house, but I may have forgotten that Brother Chi may not have seen Ireland, nor That is to say, Brother Chi may have discovered that there is something wrong with the business tycoon who brought him back. Perhaps Pisco's actions aroused his suspicion, and Pisco and Ireland more or less sensed Brother Chi's suspicion, but Ireland did not I didn't meet Brother Chi, so that on the day Ireland died, I felt that Brother Chi should investigate him, and Brother Chi saw the photo of Ireland's corpse, but he didn't know him at all..."

"That makes sense," Hui Yuanai felt a little helpless, and soon heaved a sigh of relief, "But at least it can be explained that when Brother Feichi was staying at Pisco's house, the organization did not show any terrible fangs, no Let him discover too much, and he didn't get involved too deeply, which is a good thing."

"No," Conan vetoed sternly, turned his head to look at Hui Yuanai, and reminded, "Brother Chi may not know much, but the involvement may not be deep. First, Pisces approached, and then Belmode repeatedly. Appearing beside him, there must be something in him that the organization needs, and the organization will attack him sooner or later, if we don’t know the purpose of the organization, we will be too passive by then.”

Hui Yuanai's face became serious, and he frowned, "But, Brother Feichi knows that the probability of something being targeted in his hand is only half, that is to say, we may not be able to get useful information from him. Find another way to investigate..."

"Okay, okay," Conan comforted with a smile, "you don't have to worry that much, judging from the current situation, those guys are very careful in their actions around him, and they won't use any extreme methods for a while, we still have a lot of time To investigate, as long as they take action, we can get more clues, and maybe there will be a solution by then."

"You won't be like this time again, telling me that I have a mental problem and hallucinations, and at the same time secretly running to investigate without telling everyone?" Hui Yuanai glanced at Conan with a gloomy gaze, "I almost went to see a psychiatrist."

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