Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1961 Conan: When I didn't say the second half of the sentence

Conan sweated, and quickly smiled and said, "I'm worried that you will be too nervous after knowing."

Hui Yuanai didn't bother with this issue anymore, and looked up at Chi Feichi who was taking the key to lock the garage, and said in a soft but solemn voice, "I want to remind you that the organization may be very patient when it is in the investigation or investigation stage. Exploration, without alarming the target, grasped a surprising amount of intelligence, and once they found a flaw in the intelligence that could be used to attack, they would attack with thunder, yes, just like lurking in the The poisonous snake in the cold corner first observes the target with its eyes, and bites down on the vitals as soon as it seizes the opportunity. It is far from the docile and lazy pet snake like Feichi. No one knows when the poisonous snake will launch an offensive , It may be too late to defend again at that time."

Conan thought of Miyano Akemi who hadn't had time to save him, he was startled, and nodded with a heavy expression, "I know, and I will be careful, it won't be too late."

In front of the garage, Feichi crawled on Chi Feichi's shoulder and yawned, "Hmm...Master, what does it feel like to sneeze? Why do I feel a bit uncomfortable in the respiratory tract, maybe it's like a human being wants to sneeze..."

Chi Feichi pulled Feichi down to have a look, then put it back on his shoulders, squatted down and locked the garage, "It doesn't look like he's sick, if you still don't feel well for a while, remember to tell me in time."

No one would count on a pet snake that likes to eat and sleep, right?

Feichi felt it for a while, "I don't seem to have that feeling anymore."


Ten minutes later, the yellow beetle set off for Hakone Hot Springs.

In front, Dr. A Li was driving, and Yuan Tai was sitting in the passenger seat.

In the back, Haibara Ai, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko were sitting together, and Chi Feichi was holding Conan expressionlessly, squeezed among the children.

This time I’m going to go to the hot springs. There are food, drink and lodging in the hotel, and I don’t need to prepare my own yukata, so I don’t have much to bring. Except some Kamen Rider snacks brought by the children, there are only Kamen Rider cards and other pastimes. , Dr. Ali's toolbox, the trunk is enough.

But why squeeze in one car? And why put him in the middle?

"Let's guess the riddle!" Ayumi laughed happily, "There is water on the top and fire on the bottom. What is this?"

"Hot spring—!" Mitsuhiko and Yuanta replied loudly.

"It should be a bathtub." Conan saw that the three children were so excited, and his previous heavy mood improved a lot. "The hot spring doesn't need to be heated with fire."

"Oh, that's not necessarily wrong," Hui Yuanai retorted, thinking that her brother was probably not tortured by Pisco, and as the car drove out of the city, he felt a little better, "Most hot springs It is also heated by hot magma."

Conan couldn't refute, "That's right..."

Dr. A Li smiled, thinking that Chi Feichi had been silent on the road, couldn't help but cared, "Feichi, it's rare to come out to play together, why don't you chat with everyone! You can chat about anything!"

Chi Feichi withdrew his thoughts, "I'm thinking about a question."


Conan was held by Chi Feichi, so he could only turn around and look at Chi Feichi's expression in doubt.

Does his little friend remember something about the Irish photo?

That way, there is no need to let the situation stalemate again.

Chi Feichi looked indifferent, "Why don't you let me call for a commercial vehicle?"

"Ah?" Dr. Ali felt a trace of unhappiness in someone's heart, sweated, and said with a dry smile, "I also told the children about this arrangement, but..."

"But we haven't played like this for a long time," Ayumi said with a smile, "although it's a bit crowded, but we don't have to be separated by three rows of seats, the distance is closer, more friendly, and more lively, isn't it? "

"I support it," Hui Yuan said, "It's not bad to have some fun like this once in a while."

Mitsuhiko smiled, "Anyway, Genta went to the front, and Conan was hugged by brother Chi, so it's not too crowded."

In front, Yuantai turned around with a dissatisfied expression, "Guangyan, what do you mean by that?"

"Okay, okay," Dr. A Li called to stop, "Everyone come out to play together, don't quarrel!"

When Chi Feichi saw that Yuantai and Guangyan had stopped, he reminded him in a cold tone, "First, I'm overloaded, and I can only take a detour to avoid the traffic police in the urban area. Second, I feel surrounded by little ghosts. Thirdly, in this way, the doctor’s Beetle will feel very hard, I am more worried that it will be too tired to strike on the road..."

"Feichi, why don't you have a crow's mouth!" Dr. A Li laughed dryly.

"But as long as you're happy," Chi Feichi compromised, "I'm fine."

"Why don't you just say, 'I've been persuaded by you, and I think it's good to do this occasionally'?" Conan turned to look at Chi Feichi again, and reminded, "It's better to put a smile on your face!"

Chi Feichi showed a gentle smile on his face, looking down at Conan but his gaze was still calm and indifferent, "Is that so?"

As far as Conan is concerned!

Conan: "..."

It's a scary feeling...

Can you pretend that he didn't say the second half of the sentence...

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi's smile that disappeared a second later, and helplessly stretched out his hand to support his forehead, "When you don't want to smile, you don't have to force it."

Mitsuhiko sat on the side at a loss, "Yes, yes..."

"By the way, Feichi," Dr. Ali suddenly remembered something, "Mr. Subaru said that he went to help the stray animal shelter two days ago and met you there. Is the shelter busy? Do you want to change the day?" I take the kids to help?"

Hui Yuanai turned his head and asked, "Are there a lot of injured stray animals recently?"

"No, it's been much better recently, but there are quite a few animals that need to change their dressings. I went over to appease and help, and I happened to meet Mr. Okiya that day," Chi Feichi said, "I didn't go there often, I stayed at THK Company more time."

"Speaking of which, the style of THK's new song "Scarecrow" was really scary," Dr. Ali said with emotion, "You won't continue it in the future, will you?"

"That song... I heard it's not suitable for children, and my mother won't let me listen to it," Guangyan couldn't help but said, "If it keeps going like this, won't we be able to listen to the new song written by Brother Chi?"

Ayumi calculated silently, then suddenly became worried, "Will it take more than ten years for Ayumi to listen..."

"It's just an occasional inspiration, it's an accident," Chi Feichi paused, and explained, "I didn't go to THK company for the song, but to discuss the script. Many publishing houses and playwrights plan to join "Onmyoji" " series, we also want part of it to go out, in fact, because the song "Scarecrow" has attracted many people who are good at supernatural and supernatural creations, some of their ideas can help the company a lot..."

Huiyuan Ai understood it as soon as she heard it. It is estimated that this song was deliberately released by her brother or Oda Kirito to arouse the interest of some outstanding creators. Then organizing an exchange meeting will allow THK to attract a large number of these songs. aspects of the creator.

Next, the three children switched from THK's other songs to school, then to the gossip of Kobayashi Chengko and Shiratori Rensaburo, then to the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department, and finally back to the commission of the Boys Detective Team, the most recent event, and by the way, sang a song with Feichi.

The only thing that made Chi Feichi feel fresh was that a group of little ghosts stopped singing Didan Primary School's school song and sang "Turning the Wheel of Fortune" instead, causing him to repeatedly replay the image of Conan standing on the golden ring in his mind.

Sung by a group of children, the song is more energetic and cheerful, and it is somewhat similar to the school song of Didan Primary School.

The car stopped outside the hot spring hotel, and when they got off the car, the three children were still discussing, thinking that the version they sang was more promising and better.

Dr. Ali parked the car, took out the toolbox and the children's snack packs from the trunk, met the hotel owner, and led a group of people to the room.

Chi Feichi looked at the big room, not surprised at all.

A large room with two bedrooms. Dr. A Li is going to occupy the small bedroom to repair his own faulty invention, and the big bedroom will be handed over to him to take the children to rest.

"I'll fix things in a while, maybe I can't take care of everyone, and I'm worried about them running around, so I can only trouble you to take care of them alone," Dr. A Li apologized, "Is it okay?"

"It's okay." Chi Feichi accepted the arrangement.

It’s okay to go out together, and it’s not too troublesome to bring children.

After a group of children put away their snack bags, Dr. Ali and the hotel owner took a group of people to see the new invention.

It was a gizmo with a funnel-shaped base and a doll on it. After it was put into the water, the funnel base would sink into the water, and the doll with a round head, a round face and a round nose was floated on the water. The tone reports the detected hot spring conditions.

"The current water temperature is 42.3 degrees, and every kilogram of hot spring water contains 25.7mg of sulfur. This hot spring is a sulfur hot spring..."

A group of people were by the indoor hot spring pool, bending over to look at the puppet reporting the situation.

The three children gave low cries of surprise.

"Wow! So cute."

"It's amazing!"

The doll is always a machine, and did not respond to its praise, and continued to open and close its mouth, "It is effective for skin diseases, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, skin care, gynecological diseases, etc., as well as nerve pain and chills... "

Hui Yuanai looked at the funny appearance of the doll, and asked speechlessly, "Who is this doll based on?"

"It's Ishikawa Goemon," Dr. Ali said with a smile, "When it comes to bathing, don't you think of Goemon?"

Conan had a black line, "Didn't that person be executed by boiling in a cauldron..."

"Drinking can also bring various curative effects, such as diabetes..." The voice of the puppet suddenly froze, and the color gradually turned red, "Pain...gout...constipation...constipation...etc..."


After a puff of black smoke, the puppet directly looked like Heitan, and its head was tilted to one side.

Mitsuhiko watched Dr. Ari take the machine out of the hot spring, and said blankly, "Goemon seems to be soaking in the hot spring until his brain is congested..."

Chi Feichi looked at the completely malfunctioning puppet, "It really is boiled in a cauldron."

Boiling to death... is more in line with the image designed by the doctor.

Dr. Ali looked at the doll on the phone, and smiled awkwardly, "It seems that the moving parts are worn out, causing water to leak inside..."

"Can it be fixed tonight?" The owner of the hot spring hotel sighed helplessly, "When the fault was first discovered, the guests in the hot spring were shocked, and they all said that they would think of the supernatural songs that have become popular recently, that is the kind The sound of clicking and clicking is very scary, we have stopped using it for several days..."

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