Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1963 It's Not About the Yukata

"The children are so cute, why would I mind?" Tieshan Yanzhi smiled, and watched Chi Feichi and the hotel owner go out before turning to Tanzawa Junsaku, "Tanzawa, I didn't expect President Odagiri Mr. Hechi likes you so much..."

Tanzawa Junsaku was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Tieshan Yanzhi should have heard what Chi Feichi said before, and explained, "President Odagiri liked to watch the Blood Mist Killer series in the early years. When we met that day, we just chatted a few words. Mr. Chi...Mr. Chi doesn't seem to be interested in these things."

Tieshan Yanzhi laughed, "He just has such a personality..."

Outside the door, Conan looked at a small screw left by Dr. A Li by the side of the hot spring pool, wondering if he should go in and get it now.

This old man knows Brother Chi quite well.

These people seemed to be planning to discuss something. Would it be too disturbing for him to go in and help Dr. A Li get the screws now? But it seems wrong for him to eavesdrop outside the door...

"It is said outside that he is only a shareholder of THK Company, does not participate in the management of the company, and rarely goes to the company. As far as I know, he does not participate in the management of the company, but the popular artists of THK Company have a good relationship with him. Miss Mu and Miss Qianhe were both excavated and cultivated by him, and some excellent film and television drama scripts will also be read by him first," Tieshan Yanzhi took off the pipe he was holding, knocked it between his palms, and looked up. Tanzawa Junsaku, with an accentuated tone, "There are rumors that he is H..."

"H?!" Natori Fukashi couldn't help being surprised, "Is that the one who wrote a lot of songs for THK and is also the creator of the Detective Female Lawyer series?"

Tieshan Yanzhi was very satisfied with the astonishment of the three people in front of him. He put the pipe stuffed with tobacco in his mouth again, lit a match, took a puff, and then continued, "Hmph, he is the apprentice of the detective Mori Kogoro , in the detective female lawyer series written by H, some stories are adapted from the events experienced by Maori detectives. He has a close relationship with Ms. Kuraki and Ms. Chiga, and H is also responsible for the songs of those two female artists No matter how I think about it, I think that rumor is probably true..."

"Sorry to bother you," Conan saw that these four people were just discussing what he knew, without any further delay, he greeted obediently at the door, and ran all the way to the pool, "I dropped something Here, I want to come in and pick it up."

"Little friend, do you need help?" Tieshan Yanzhi turned his head and asked with a smile.

"Thank you, but no need, I have already found it." Conan had already aimed at the position of the screw, and responded with a smile, stepped forward to pick up the screw, turned and ran out the door.

Tieshan Yanzhi watched Conan go out, held up his pipe, took two puffs of cigarettes, and then continued, "In short, if the rumors are true, Mr. Chi not only has some decision-making power over THK, but also has an amazing background. Even relying on talent alone is enough to gain a strong enough influence and voice in the show business circle."

"It's unbelievable," Natori Fukao sighed softly, "He doesn't look very old..."

Sitang Yunping couldn't tell where he was uncomfortable. He originally wanted to question whether it might be the embezzlement of other people's works, but after thinking about it, it was not something he could discuss with the three people in front of him. She joked, "So you should seize the opportunity. There are plenty of ways to attract beautiful actresses, right? It's rare to meet them in hot spring hotels. Such opportunities are rare."

Natori Fukao frowned in disgust.

Before Natori Fukao could speak, Tanzawa Junsaku had already stared at Terada Yunhei with an ugly expression, "Our actress is not that kind of person! Mr. Terada, in this script, the middle-aged male killer is a man who is already tired. A middle-aged man who has a career as a killer and is down and out, please restrain your frivolous attitude!"

In the corridor outside, Conan silently walked towards the restaurant with the screws in his hands. After hearing Tanzawa Junsaku's voice raised, his footsteps stopped unconsciously.

Really, these four people were polite and polite before, and their relationship with each other seemed to be good or bad, and they also looked friendly to exchange 'information' with each other just now, why are they arguing?

That discordant atmosphere makes people uncomfortable.

Especially Sitang Yunping's teasing lack of respect made him feel that these people pretended to be too kind in front of others.

In the room, Terado Yunhei was stunned by Tanzawa Junpei's fierce reaction, but it was only for a second, and soon he smiled indifferently, "Mr. Mr. Chi and President Odagiri seem to be very optimistic about you, but you became famous at the beginning because the killer role in Mr. Tieshan's script was too attractive. Wouldn't be too bad for you, would it?"

"Mr. Temple, you don't have to rush to a conclusion so quickly, right?" Natori Fukao found a chance to speak, smiled and looked at Tieshan Yanzhi who was smoking beside him, "Mr. Tieshan seems to be very optimistic about Tanzawa, As a playwright who can change the leading role two or three times according to his mood, Mr. Tieshan may be able to change the leading role right away this time in order to establish a good relationship with THK."

"Mr. Chi's personality is relatively cold. I met him once at a party before, and his attitude towards others is also the same. I don't know what he thinks of Dan Ze." Tieshan Yanzhi looked at Dan Ze while smoking a cigarette. Junsaku, "But Tanzawa, Mr. Chi doesn't seem to hate you..."

Sitang Yunping saw that Tieshan Yanzhi avoided mentioning the question of whether to change or not, and felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He was worried that his leading actor would be ruined like this, and tried to hint to Tieshan Yanzhi, "Mr. I haven’t acted in a movie or TV series for many years. I don’t know how his acting skills are now, let alone whether he can adapt to filming. Even if someone is optimistic about him, he will probably have to adapt for a while. Sometimes, the timing of filming does not wait for actors Slowly adjust the state."

"I won't bother you about my affairs," Junsaku Tanzawa said calmly, "I'm sorry, but I still have to arrange for Ms. Natori's filming, so I'm leaving for now."

Seeing Jun Tanzawa coming out, Terado Yunhei let out a displeased 'tss', "This guy's attitude is really arrogant, THK company hasn't officially offered an olive branch yet, he just looks like he doesn't want to talk to us anymore, If he seizes the opportunity to come back and become popular, I don’t know what it will be like.”

"Tanzawa is not that kind of arrogant person, and Mr. Temple, you don't know him very well, right? Isn't he always like this?" Natori Fukao retorted unhurriedly, and walked out of the door , "I'm going to go to the hot spring too. After that, I'm going to study the script in my room and have dinner in my room too. Don't worry about me."

"Miss Natori..."

Tieshan Yanzhi called out Natori Fukashi who was walking to the door, smiled, and said in a meaningful tone, "I still have the final say on this crew, and when it comes to entertainment companies and TV stations, I still have many friends around Among them, based on the accumulation of my fame for many years, everyone is willing to give me face, you have to perform well in the future! If your performance is too bad, I can change the female lead at any time..."

At the door, Natori Fukao frowned, did not respond, pulled the wooden door behind her backhand, and walked towards the indoor hot spring at the end of the corridor.

At the corner of the corridor on the other side, Conan probed to watch Fukashi Natori leave, and then paid attention to the voices in the indoor hot spring next to him, and found that Tieshan Yanzhi also limped out of the door, feeling speechless.

Hey, what's going on with this crew? How do you feel that your relationship is tense?

Ayumi poked her head out from the side, looked at the empty corridor suspiciously, then turned to Conan and asked, "Conan, what are you doing here?"

Conan was taken aback, turned around and saw the three children behind him, and at the restaurant entrance on the other side, Chi Feichi, Dr. A Li and Huiyuan Ai were also looking at them, turned around and walked to the restaurant, shouting haha Said, "No..."

How should he explain it to the three little devils? The crew seemed to be intrigue and ridicule each other, and the atmosphere was weird...

Alas, the world of adults is so complicated and heavy that these children can't understand.


A group of people had lunch, went back to the room and changed into the bathrobes prepared by the hotel, and planned to try the open-air hot spring at the suggestion of Dr. Ali.

The open-air hot springs of this hotel are built on the lake, cross the trestle bridge built across the lake, and arrive at two small wooden houses, one tall and one short, which are the male and female hot spring pools here.

Yuantai looked at the men's bathhouse next to the trestle bridge, and then at the women's bathhouse built on a high place that needs to go up the stairs. Ban Yueyan asked, "Doctor, why does the women's bathhouse look bigger?"

Dr. Ali explained with a smile, "I heard that after cleaning at noon, the men's and women's baths will exchange with each other."

"Then we'll go there first."

"See you later!"

Haibara Ai and Ayumi wore the pink and orange yukata provided by the hotel. They looked like two delicate Japanese dolls. After saying hello, they walked together through the stairs connecting the two wooden houses to the women's bathing place.

"Let's go to the hot spring too!"

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko opened the door excitedly, but saw that it was full of people soaking in hot springs.

Mitsuhiko looked at the crowded hot spring pool, "There are so many people..."

At the entrance of the women's bath, Hui Yuanai also turned around and shouted, "The same goes for the women's bath."

Seeing Chi Feichi walking away from the door in disgust, Dr. A Li suggested with a smile, "Then let's come early tomorrow morning. There should be fewer people at that time. It will feel good to soak in the hot spring pool and watch the rising sun." ,Right?"


Mitsuhiko and Yuanta were happy again, and closed the door.

"Then let's try the indoor hot spring pool first!"

"That's the only way to go." Haibara Ai walked back together with Ayumi.

Dr. A Li looked at Chi Feichi standing by the bridge, feeling a little helpless.

This hotel is good everywhere, and the yukatas for children are also very colorful. Girls are pink and orange, boys are blue and green, and adult women are also light purple and orange. They are very vibrant, but why? Grown men's yukatas are dull grays and dark browns...

No, no, it's not about the yukata, it should be about Feichi.

Feichi was already tall, wearing a calm-colored bathrobe, he looked gloomy, out of tune with the supposedly relaxed and cheerful atmosphere, and stood by the bridge with a cold face, as if silently urging——'Let's go Just hurry up, what are you dawdling about'...

Chi Feichi noticed Dr. A Li's gaze and raised his eyes to look back.

If you want to leave, hurry up, what are these people dawdling about?

"Ah, no," Dr. A Li scratched his head with a dry smile, and led the way back, "Feichi, I suddenly remembered that this hotel has a sodium bicarbonate spring, you must try it!"

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