Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1964 Conan: Why should I blush!

ten minutes later……

Mitsuhiko and Yuanta stood by the hot spring, blocking Feichi who was poking his head by the pool.

"The temperature of the hot spring water is very high, it's not red, you can't come down!"

"If you want to take a hot spring, we can take a little water outside!"

Conan saw that the two children were really holding water, waiting to cool down in their hands, and holding it outside to build a small hot spring pool for Feichi.

This fellow Chi Feichi once again occupied a corner away from other people, leaning against the stones by the hot spring pool, in the foggy room, like a shadow hidden in the fog...

His little friend's problem is not very good. Since they go out to soak in the hot spring together, of course it's better to relax and chat with everyone.

"You guys have to be careful, don't slip and fall!" Dr. A Li followed Conan to lock onto Chi Feichi's figure after getting out of the hot spring pool. Leaning in a suitable position, he sighed comfortably, turned his head and asked Chi Feichi with a smile, "Feichi, does this hot spring feel good after soaking?"

Conan arrived next to Chi Feichi, found a suitable place to stay, and turned his head to look at Chi Feichi's left arm submerged in the water.

Sodium bicarbonate hot springs, also known as baking soda-type hot springs, have auxiliary effects on human skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, neurasthenia and other diseases. In addition, they can also dilute scars and relieve symptoms of diabetes...

The doctor wouldn't expect all the scars on Chi Feichi's arm to disappear after soaking in the hot spring, would he?

However, this type of hot spring can relieve neurasthenia, so it is indeed more suitable for Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi also understood Dr. A Li's 'care', he was silent for a while, and decided not to give Dr. A Li face, "It feels no different from other hot springs."

Dr. A Li choked, and quickly adjusted himself, "I just started soaking, of course I won't feel too obvious. Relax and enjoy the water temperature of the hot spring. You will be more energetic after soaking!"

Conan thought about eavesdropping on the conversation between the crew members before, and felt that what Tieshan Yanzhi said to Natori Fukao was a bit strange, like beating or threatening, and it also made him wonder how much energy Tieshan Yanzhi had behind him, and whether he was scaring him or not. An actress with a company background turned around and asked, "Brother Chi, you knew Mr. Tieshan before, right? What kind of person is he?"

Chi Feichi recalled Tieshan Yanzhi's message, "Mr. Tieshan's writing of scripts was not smooth in his early years. It was not until he wrote the Blood Mist Killer series that he became famous. Afterwards, he successively created two gangster TV drama scripts. In his later years, Started to create scripts that expose real problems, and the enthusiasm is also very high."

"I know all of this. It has been mentioned in interview shows and reports about him." Conan continued to inquire with a dark head, "However, in this case, he has been famous for 20 or 30 years, and he should know many entertainment companies and TV stations. people?"

Chi Feichi leaned against the stone, looking at Conan with examining eyes through the hazy mist between the two of them.

Conan felt that his calm thoughts were completely seen through by those calm eyes. Even if he soaked in the hot spring, he still had the feeling of being hung up, stripped and inspected, "What, what's wrong?"

"Be direct," Chi Feichi looked at Conan and said, "What do you want to ask?"

"Uh..." Conan hesitated for a moment, but told Chi Feichi the conversation he had overheard.

Dr. A Li was speechless, "Their relationship seems to be very complicated. If this continues, will it affect the normal filming of the TV series?"

"It's not about caring, it's about people's hearts." Chi Feichi didn't feel that the relationship between those people was complicated at all. He stretched out his right hand to the hot spring, put his elbow on the stone beside him to cool down, and looked at Guangyan and Yuantai who were making trouble on the other side. "About Mr. Tieshan, I know two things that have not been known to the outside world. The first thing is that before he created the Blood Fog Killer series, he had no income for a long time and lived in poverty, which caused his wife to leave with their children. He, and after his success, he did not find his wife or marry another person. In order to concentrate on creation, he often retreated for several months until he left the show completely ten years ago, at the age of fifty-seven. In the world of writing, he only filmed the scripts he created over the years, and made a lot of money."

Dr. Ali nodded in approval, and sighed with some admiration, "It seems that Mr. Tieshan is a dedicated and serious creator, and it is normal to get something in return."

"And the second thing?" Conan asked.

"He has a history of using his power to harass actresses," Chi Feichi said bluntly, "Basically every shoot."

Dr. A Li turned his head, "Pfft!"

Conan was also taken aback, "Every, every time?"

"It was when he first wrote the gangster drama script, probably in order to better show the gangster situation, he found the leader of the yakuza group and lived in the gangster for a period of time. A black-and-white film, the actress was a little-known actor at the time. During the filming, Mr. Tieshan asked the other party to do a lot of outrageous behaviors in the name of guidance. The director at the time also believed that those scenes were conducive to the broadcast of the film. Because of the popularity, he also supported his behavior," Chi Feichi continued calmly, "Combined with the gang's support for him, the actress compromised."

Dr. A Li recalled with a black line on his head, "Speaking of which, some scenes in that movie are indeed quite bold."

Chi Feichi: "What's more daring is the gangster TV dramas that follow. Whether it's the leading role or the supporting role, those beautiful actresses are very famous for their erotic scenes..."

"Ahem..." Dr. A Li coughed and felt the hot spring water getting hot, which made him blush. When he saw Chi Feichi, his expression remained unchanged, and he reminded, "F-Feichi, Conan is still here. Here."

Conan quickly waved his hand, "I haven't watched the early and early movies, I watched the later remakes!"


Why is he blushing!

"Conan hasn't seen it, so it's okay to say it." Chi Feichi applied Conan's self-clarification to Dr. A Li, and continued, "Afterwards, someone reminded Mr. Tieshan not to be too out of line, after all, he is not shooting eighteen banned movies. , some scenes must be controlled to gain more viewers, so the remakes have been restrained a lot.”

Dr. A Li nodded earnestly, "The subsequent remake is much better..."

"However, he didn't restrain himself much at the shooting scene. He once said, 'An actress who dare not strip naked in front of the camera is unprofessional'. As for what he thinks in his heart, others don't know," Chi Feichi said calmly, "What is certain is that when he chooses actors, he also pays more attention to what he can get, whether it is female sex, or other things, such as investment, personal connections, and income after the release."

Conan Banyueyan, "It's just a perverted old man!"

Dr. Ali sweated, "Miss Nato..."

"I don't know," Chi Feichi thought for a while, "It should still be in the period of oppression. If Miss Natori's performance is not good enough during the filming, she will probably be attacked and misled by him, so that he can achieve his goals."

Conan calmed down and sorted out his thoughts, "Then does he still have contact with the members of the violent society?"

"There are a lot fewer contacts," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "but in recent years, his contacts with newspapers, TV stations, entertainment companies, wealthy businessmen, and political figures have increased."

"It's still a very troublesome person," Dr. A Li sighed helplessly, "No, it should be more troublesome, right?"

"He harassed the actress, so other entertainment companies don't care?" Conan asked curiously.

"Actors who are backed by big companies will be better off," Chi Feichi said honestly, "If there is a need for cooperation, he will look at the company's capabilities, what the company can provide him, and the company's attitude towards actresses , to consider his attitude towards actresses."

Men and women who can't find help, unless they have extraordinary talents and unimaginable luck, they will have a hard time, not only to deal with the harassment of such perverted old men, but also to deal with the frame-up of competitors, the deprivation of important opportunities, etc. Wait for the mess.

Like Yukiko Kudo, who made her debut, graduated from a famous university in Tokyo, has classmates, friends and husbands, or smart or capable women, how many women are there in Japan?

Dr. A Li snorted displeasedly, "Just to see if the other party can be provoked, right? Do those girls with no background deserve to be bullied by him?"

Seeing Feichi crawling to his side, Chi Feichi stretched out his hand to grab Feichi who was about to dive into the water, "It's fine if you don't make his movie, but if he dares to force it, it's a crime, and he will be the one to finish."

Dr. Ali: "..."

This... makes sense.

Conan choked, and suddenly remembered the female stars he met when he went to see friends with his mother. He was deeply moved, and sighed, imitating Chi Feichi, putting one hand on the cold stone, and going Leaning back, "Forget it, let's not talk about that, Brother Chi, the one you saw this morning..."

"Feichi, why did you come here?"

Mitsuhiko and Genta ran over from the hot spring together.

After paying attention to Feichi, Yuan Tai turned to look at Conan, "Conan, what are you whispering here?"

"No, I'm just talking about the crew..." Conan's hair was black.

He found that it would be easier to ask Chi Feichi directly for some questions. He wanted to ask Chi Feichi if he knew Ireland, but these two little devils ran over.

Thinking about the curiosity and deadly spirit of the Boy Detective Team, he didn't want to talk about it.

Forget it, now I'm not sure if Chi Feichi has ever been persecuted by the organization, or if the organization is only in contact with the investigation stage, and considering Chi Feichi's mental state, he'd better find out the situation.

"Okay," Dr. Ali was worried about Yuantai and Mitsuhiko's questioning, but also to divert Chi Feichi's attention from Conan who suddenly stopped the topic, and said with a smile, "Kids, don't soak for too long, let's go out first , I’m going to fix something in the room later, I’ll ask Feichi to take you around or play in the room, and you’ll bring me to the room at night, Feichi, I’m going to trouble you again, you’re okay there, right? ?”

Chi Feichi nodded and agreed, "No problem."

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