Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1972 Toshiya Odagiri: Ye Qingjie

"So, is it convenient for you to tell me?" The middle-aged doctor said, "The content of our conversation will not be published to anyone. Even if you mention some commercial secrets, I will not disclose it. I think my reputation since I practiced Still enough to be worthy of your trust."

"I know, that's why I came to you, but it has nothing to do with commercial secrets..." Oda Kirito also looked up at the middle-aged doctor, his eyes still not bright, "Have you heard of Tanzawa Junsaku? It's blood fog In the Youth Chapter of the Killer series, the actor who played the role of the Killer with a naughty smile who is very popular with girls..."

"Mr. Tanzawa?" The middle-aged doctor's eyes lit up, and he nodded with a smile, "Of course I know that the killer he plays not only vividly interprets the characters in the text, but also has a charm that surpasses the original. I remember the scene where he went to meet the mafia leader alone, went to the appointment calmly, sat in front of a group of gangsters, and could laugh and curse leisurely, but the other party didn't dare to make too much movement. I was just over ten years old at that time, and I was I thought he was so cool!"

"Yeah, yeah," Oda Kirito could see that the middle-aged doctor really liked that TV series, and smiled, "And the scene where he rejected the mission sent by the killer organization for the first time, after he said, 'It's always been I myself, when I'm not anyone by your definition', I think he's so cool!"

It was true that he found someone his age to confide in. A brat like Feichi, who has just grown up, obviously wouldn't understand how wonderful that show was.

"That's right," the middle-aged doctor said, getting excited, "The final decisive battle was also very exciting. His strategies are full of wisdom, and his actions have a freedom that others don't have..."

Oda Kiritoshi also listened to the middle-aged doctor talk about it, and the excitement at the beginning gradually cooled down, and his energy sank again. After the middle-aged doctor finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong, and then sighed, "The killer played by Mr. Tanzawa may Will not appear again."

"Ah?" The middle-aged doctor was taken aback, thinking that Oda Kiritoshi is also the president of the entertainment company and might have inside information, he couldn't help asking, "Did something happen to him?"

"He killed someone. He killed Yanzhi Tieshan, the playwright of the Blood Mist Killer series," Oda Kiritoshi also said dejectedly. "It hasn't been announced yet, but I think it will be reported on the evening news."

"Kill, kill? How could this happen?" The middle-aged doctor was a little confused, "I'm still looking forward to whether he can play the middle-aged killer... He won't really think of himself as a killer, right? That's not right, he has already played the role of a killer. It's been a long time since I finished Young Assassin, even if he couldn't appear in the show because he was too involved in acting, it's not like he broke out until now."

"I didn't ask for the specific reason for the murder, I just know..." Oda Kiritoshi was also disappointed, "My youth is completely over."

The middle-aged doctor realized that he still had a job, so he smiled and comforted him, "As long as Mr. Danzawa sincerely repents, he can come out in at most fifteen years. If he doesn't completely give up on himself, then even in prison, he can still study. After he comes out, maybe he can have the feeling to play an outstanding old killer, use his own strength to stand up again, and time is moving forward, whether it is you, me, or others, there will be a day when youth ends, It doesn’t matter if you feel melancholy, you have to walk step by step along the path of life. There may be accidents along the way, but it is also because of this that we must cherish every day now. I think President Odagiri runs such a big entertainment company , should be able to understand these principles..."

Oda Kirito also thought about it silently, nodded and said, "You are right, I just feel a little lost. Mr. Tanzawa's imprisonment is like the symbol of youth that has been obliterated by time."

"I also feel the same way, but maybe President Odagiri is still living with passion all these years, and I put myself into the day-to-day work early, and I already have the feeling that my youth has passed away, so I am a little better than you, "The middle-aged doctor sighed, and looked at Toshiya Odagiri seriously, "Sometimes I envy President Odagiri, not because your father is the criminal minister of the Metropolitan Police Department, nor did you mock you for being too noisy a few years ago, I I really envy you, envy your passion and drive, not only me, many people like your breath, so I don't want you to be so listless, if you feel tired, please take a good rest, it won't be long Relationship, and then... when you feel rested, please cheer up!"

Saying that, the middle-aged doctor stood up and bowed to Oda Kirito as well.

Oda Kirito was also a little overwhelmed, and quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I just wanted to complain to you, and I didn't feel very tired."

The middle-aged doctor sat down again and smiled, "I'm too rude, maybe it's a bit selfish to think so, but you also have the youthful symbols of our peers, which we long for and want to protect, and you will become younger Some children’s symbols of youth, everyone hopes that you will continue to live with such enthusiasm, but I also know that people will have troubles, so in order to achieve this goal, I am happy to help you do what I can do.”

"Symbol of youth... It's really right to chat with you, and I feel a lot better after being praised," Oda Kirito also said with a smile, and then asked with emotion, "Doctor, do you know the name of a detective? Mori Kogoro, right? You often help the police, so you should have heard of him as the God of Plague. By the way, the same is true of his first disciple, Feichi, and the very smart little boy who borrowed from Mori’s house..."

"I don't believe what the plague god said," said the middle-aged doctor with a smile. "It's just a joke made by the police officers."

"It's a joke, but it's also a fact." Oda Kirito also looked up at the ceiling and began to recall the pattern, "The first thing I heard about Feichi was from my good friend Juren. The butler was almost poisoned and killed. At that time, Feichi's pet snake was suspected, and Feichi found out the truth through reasoning. Hearing what the chrysanthemum said, he really looked like Sherlock Holmes..."

"It's Mr. Chi, isn't it?" The middle-aged doctor nodded, "I heard from Police Officer Shiratori that he is indeed very powerful, and the police officers spoke highly of him, saying that maybe apart from age, he has other aspects. Nor lose to Mr. Mori."

I just heard that Mr. Chi is sick, and he belongs to the type of people he treats symptomatically, but he mentioned this in front of Oda Kirito when he is not there for the time being.

"That's right, but at that time I was still singing in an underground band. In the eyes of my father and some people, I was just mud that couldn't support the wall. I'm not interested in detectives and policemen." Oda Qiemin also looked at the middle-aged doctor, There was a strange gossip in his eyes, "I decided to meet him because I found out that when Juren talked about him, his attitude was a bit off. Juren always talked very relaxed, but at that time even if Juren talked about him behind his back , and a little cautious, maybe it's fear or...awe?"

"Oh?" The middle-aged doctor looked at Odagiri Toshiya curiously.

He wants to gossip...

"So Chrysanthemum took him to see my performance, so I went to talk to him," Oda Kiritoshi also recalled, and couldn't help laughing, "He is completely different from me, and he graduated from Toto University with excellent grades ahead of schedule. Unlike me, he dyes his hair, fights and makes troubles, and fights with his father to make the family restless. When we met for the first time, he talked to people indifferently, without any vitality at all. He was not dull, but a little aggressive. A sense of indifference..."

"I didn't have the chance to meet Mr. Chi, but I heard a lot about him," the middle-aged doctor said with a smile, "but it's conceivable."

"I heard from Juren that his parents rarely cared about him. I thought of the busy old man in my family. I also knew that he was not in a good state of mind. When I first met him, I didn't feel disgusted by his attitude. On the contrary, compared with We can talk a little more with other people," Oda Qierci also said, laughing again, "He is a very direct person, and sometimes he is direct, but I like this kind of friend very much, and he is also a He is a very good person. He never looked down on me because I was not mature. I invited him to watch my performances. He watched them seriously every time. He could also chat with me about music, and he analyzed all the advantages and disadvantages of my singing. It's more thorough, and it can help me think about how to improve. Can you understand that feeling? It's getting better and better, and the more we get along, the more I feel like we don't meet each other... Later, at a banquet, my old man was in front of many people. He scolded me in front of those celebrities and in front of many plainclothes policemen. It was the first time someone defended me so firmly in front of the fierce old man and accused the old man of speaking ugly. Feichi was the first one to let my family The old man acquiesced to the wrong person, so he just made sense, that night he and I sat together with Chrysanthemum and chatted a lot... That's how THK came into being."

The middle-aged doctor listened to Oda Keiri's reminiscence, and felt a little emotional, "Mr. Chi is a precocious person, maybe this is also the root of his unhappiness. Frankly speaking, I can't wait to get to know him now."

"It's better not to, he doesn't seem to like psychiatrists very much, and I'm also worried," Oda Kirito also looked strange for a moment, "It was the period before and after the banquet where I was suspected of being the murderer who attacked and killed the police. The murderer was a psychiatrist, and I was also relieved..."

The middle-aged doctor has black lines, "There are bad people in every industry. I hope President Odagiri and Mr. Chi will not hold prejudice against us."

"It's not because of this. He doesn't like psychiatrists. It's because he has a headache for the psychiatrist's treatment. He already has a repulsive mentality. What I worry about is not that you are a villain, but that something will happen to you," Oda Keiri also complained, " The earliest discovery of this problem started with Mr. Haga Kosuke. He was a good friend with us. As you know, he committed murder and went to prison. After that, I paid special attention. The person I was optimistic about was Yu Feichi If I go to contact, it will always be involved in the killing incident. For example, when Feichi was about to talk to the other artist and communicate with the manager of an artist I decided to cooperate with, the artist killed the manager and went to jail. For example, a singer in an underground band that I was optimistic about, after taking Feichi to watch the singer's performance, the singer killed his own members and went to prison, for example, an actor I was optimistic about and was going to cultivate vigorously. After He Feichi accidentally heard him talking with his manager in the room, he was almost killed by his lover..."

Middle-aged doctor: "..."

Walking Plague?

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