Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1973 Unstoppable

"After Haga, Ms. Qiu Ting, who has a good relationship with us, also experienced the incident at the Domoto Conservatory of Music. She was attacked several times by Mr. Puhe. Feichi herself was also targeted. It's like killing him, in fact, he is also easy to be targeted by criminals," Oda Qiermin also sighed, "I won't talk about that matter, at least both of them are fine, by the way, Mr. Zenan just talked to me not long ago. Feichi got together once, and he was killed a few days later, and Mr. Tanzawa, we met at the company not long ago, Feichi was also there, and I also invited Mr. Tanzawa to join THK, and Mr. Tanzawa said he was still busy The matter in hand, yesterday Feichi went to Hakone to soak in the hot springs, yesterday I met Mr. Tanzawa, today Mr. Tanzawa killed his manager, and he himself was taken away..."

"Can you stop Mr. Chi from running around?" The middle-aged doctor couldn't help but said awkwardly, "No, I mean, are you distressed by this friendship now?"

"Afflicted? No way!" Oda Qiermin also said firmly, "Even if Feichi doesn't regard me as a friend one day, I will drag him back and tell me that I am his friend! I just don't know what to do I'm a little worried that accidents will happen to the people I'm optimistic about in the future..."

"This problem... I think..." The middle-aged doctor was a little embarrassed, and wanted to say that this supernatural phenomenon was out of his control, "Can you think of a way to prevent it?"

Odagiri also became serious, "It's impossible to guard against. Before something happens, I don't know who the next unlucky person will be."

Middle-aged doctor: "..."

Let him think about how to enlighten Oda Kirito now. After all, he also feels that he has a plague god friend by his side, who is also a very good friend, and it is too helpless.

"And I'm also worried that sooner or later he will be involved in some strange incident, and then be killed by criminals. He is also very annoying to criminals," Oda Kemin also muttered helplessly, looking at the dull middle-aged doctor, "I didn't I thought you could solve the problem, but I just wanted to find someone to complain about. In fact, I also complained to Feichi that he was the God of Plague, but I didn’t dare to say too much. I don’t want to tell the Ju people that he is a plague god behind his back, let alone say such things to people in the company or family members, lest everyone worry that we have quarreled, and my old man doesn’t have time to listen to me nagging so much, after much deliberation, I can only talk to you, a psychiatrist."

"Isn't that great? You'll feel better after you say it, right?" The middle-aged doctor smiled, "And President Odagiri, aren't you tired from work recently?"

Odagiri also thought about it seriously, "No, compared to when the company was first established, this period of time is relatively easy. Maybe it's because Mr. Zenan and Mr. Tanzawa have accidents one after another, so I can't feel better."

"People around me have been involved in murder cases. This has happened many times. You haven't felt depressed before, at least like this time, you don't have the urge to talk to someone, right? That's why I was thinking Are you too tired from work?" The middle-aged doctor analyzed, "If it is not too tired from work recently, it may also be due to long-term work pressure or the accumulation of some inconspicuous negative emotions. In fact, police officers also have this kind of Due to the many cases related to the dark side of human nature at work, and the usual work is too tiring, sometimes some bad emotions do not disappear completely, but are suppressed after weakening, and they will not even notice it. But just like a wooden barrel with water droplets flowing into it, over time, if the barrel is filled with too much water, people will experience some discomfort, and those symptoms are often not very obvious, especially when a goal is achieved, suddenly After relaxing, it is easier to feel the heaviness brought about by the accumulation of water droplets, so the police officers will also have the help of a psychologist. Part of the water in the tank can be dumped, you should have not rested for a long time, right?"

Oda Kiritoshi also thinks that since he became the president, he has seen the dark side of many circles. At that time, he also felt that those unhappy or unaccustomed emotions will soon pass. Now that he thinks about it, he may have accumulated too much unconsciously. "Then what if I don't rest? Will it be abolished?"

Middle-aged doctor: "..."

Hey, what's the matter with that eager curiosity?

Seeing President Odagiri like this, he suddenly felt that it is okay not to rest, this person is not so easy to be crippled.

"Still suffering from some kind of mental illness like Feichi?" Oda Kiritoshi was also full of curiosity.

"I don't think so," the middle-aged doctor couldn't help telling the truth, and added, "If you don't want to rest, you should also find a way to drain the barrel, such as hobbies, such as police officers. Beliefs, these are methods that can continue to drain water, and when the water drops flow in, the water can be drained out little by little at the same time... In addition, you can try to fall in love, and life will become much more exciting."


That afternoon, Maori Detective Agency.


Oda Kirito also swished up from the sofa, looked at Kogoro Mori who was behind the desk with a look of salty fish, "Mr. Mori, have you accepted someone else's commission?"

"Yeah, you're a step late," Mori Kogoro said with half-moon eyes holding a letter in his right hand, "This morning, I wrote a letter and sent it to the detective agency, saying that he wanted me to go to Gunma to investigate together. The incident a few years ago and his innocence were sent together with the power of attorney, and there is still 100,000 yen, so although I really want to help you investigate Mr. Zenan's case, but the commission fee has not been returned at all, even if I want to refuse , at least wait until I go to Qunma to meet with the client, and then make it clear to the client."

Oda Kiritoshi also walked to the desk, looked at the letter paper with his head, and read out in a low voice, "Dear Sir: Mr. Mori Kogoro... I would like to ask you, a famous detective... 11 years ago, I was burdened with murder Please use your name to deduce my innocence. Please go to Gunma County, Kuiqiao Village, and Guangluo Hotel near the crime scene on January 24 to discuss in detail... Is it a fugitive suspect in a certain case? ?”

"I called the mountain village police officer in Gunma County to confirm that there was no wanted criminal named Sanke Lili who signed the letter. Even 11 years ago, there was no murder case near the Guangluo Hotel. The letter came from Gunma The county sent it right, but it’s a pity that the address was not left. Anyway, it’s a very strange commission,” Mori Kogoro complained frantically, “It’s impossible for someone to tell the detective that he killed someone eleven years ago when he clearly didn’t kill him?”

Chi Feichi brought three cups of tea out of the tea room on a tray. Hearing that Oda Kiritoshi also read the content, he guessed that it was about the Kappa case in the plot. He put the tea on Mori Kogoro's desk, but couldn't help misleading him maliciously. "If it's delusional symptoms, it's hard to say."

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Also...not impossible.

"Uh, being a detective is's easy to meet some strange people." Oda Kirito also felt that the scene of Chi Feichi's indifferent face guessing was a little weird, and consciously reached out for a cup of tea, "If that's the case, Mr. Mori I have met the client, and after the investigation is clear, it will be fine to send the other party for treatment? It won’t take long. Mr. Zenan’s case has been investigated by the police, and there are some clues now, so there is no need to rush, and I commissioned It’s better to wait for Mori-san to complete this commission before going through the Cup House Office.”

"Hey, Minya, you went to Kushito Office to entrust, so you don't need to look for me again?" Mori Kogoro asked speechlessly.

"I'm very concerned. I can find the murderer for Mr. Zenan. As his new boss, I can seek justice for him." Oda Kirito also lowered his head and took a sip of tea, "And the employees in the company are very concerned about this. One thing, I don't want everyone to worry about whether they will be in danger when they go home from work. There are many people and strength, and maybe they can find out the truth as soon as possible. If it wasn't for my old man nagging me, I would have planned to All the detectives in Tokyo have been commissioned."

"However, if the client who sent this letter is a mentally ill patient with delusional symptoms, then do we need to return the commission fee..." Mouri Kogoro felt sorry for the wad of money in the envelope again, and struggled repeatedly to no avail , I could only put it aside first, raised my head and asked, "By the way, Feichi, do you want to go to Qunma County with me?"

"January 24, that is the day after tomorrow." Oda Kirito also turned to look at Chi Feichi, "Feichi, are you going?"

"What day is it today?" Chi Feichi asked, taking out his phone to check the date.

Feichi quickly told the time, "December..."

Chi Feichi had silently put back the phone.

After confirming the date, it was the same as what he saw in the morning, and the phone showed December 3rd.

Min also told him that the day after tomorrow is January 24th?

This time the date jump was too much, more than a month has just been skipped.

"Today is December...the 3rd," Oda Kirito thought about it, and looked at Chi Feichi with strange eyes, "Feichi, if you go with Mr. Mori, it might be very lively."

One snake spirit, two snake spirits... Well, it must be very lively!

After Chi Feichi installed his mobile phone, he gave Oda Kirito a cold look, "If you want to have fun, I can beat you up for a while."

Odagiri Min didn't respond, and laughed.

He suddenly realized that he didn't need to look for any hobbies. When he was usually depressed, he could talk to Feichi or Juren for a few words.

They don't talk about official business, just say a few words to each other, and they are happy in an instant.

"Bringing Feichi along will save you a lot of trouble. Didn't Feichi have delusional symptoms?" Mao Li Kogoro looked at his apprentice, and said his little calculation without hesitation, "Feichi, if the other party has delusions, You should be able to find out what's wrong right away, right?"

Chi Feichi picked up the teacup, drank the tea with downcast eyes, and expressed his condemnation of this "abuse of manpower" behavior by ignoring it.

Mori Kogoro's eyes were still full of anticipation.

Chi Feichi looked at his teacher's eyes that were getting brighter and brighter like light bulbs, put the teacup back on the table, and said honestly, "If you have delusional symptoms, you will be able to see it very quickly, for example, delusional thinking that you are an alien. , As long as you know that it is impossible, you can find that it is a delusion. I don’t need to go, or it is difficult to see that kind of delusion, because sometimes delusion is also logical, and it is useless if I go. It still needs to be investigated by the teacher. learn."

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