Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1974 Feeling Surrounded by Murder Cases

Mori Kogoro withdrew his gaze in disappointment, and said, "Even if you can't help, you can go to see the scenery. If you want to go, come with me. Anyway, Xiaolan and Conan the kid will probably go with me. At that time, you can go to the nearby mountains and forests, and don't disturb my investigation."

"I'm not going." Chi Feichi refused decisively.

Thinking of the mountains and forests in Gunma County, he was a little tempted, but he didn't want to go if he was about to run into a case again, and recently he had to stare at the 'black humor' buyer, Zenan Youhui's murder If there is a case, he may be asked to rush somewhere temporarily. It is better to be on standby in Tokyo recently.

"What are you going to be busy with?" Kogoro Mori picked up his teacup and drank it speechlessly, "Is there enough music and scripts for THK company? Also, there are already so many playwrights and composers Joining THK company, with their work achievements, you can rest for a while, right?"

Chi Feichi made an excuse casually, "I just came back from Hakone Hot Spring, and I want to rest at home recently."

Mori Kogoro leaned back lazily on the chair, nodded in approval, "That's fine, the weather is cold and dry recently, and I'm going to a village without a big hospital, don't ask me to drive you to the hospital when I get there... ..."

"That's right, Feichi had a cold before and was admitted to the intensive care unit," Oda Kiritoshi also said with emotion, "He is also easily targeted by criminals. It's better if he doesn't join in the fun with that kind of strange commission."

Mori Kogoro took another sip of tea leisurely, and turned his attention to Odagiri Toshiya, "Speaking of which, Toshiya, didn't you go to see a psychiatrist? Shouldn't you think about the doctor's suggestion of falling in love?" ? I'm your age, and Xiaolan has already gone to kindergarten..."

Oda Kirito also spread his hands, "Dating a relationship is a very troublesome thing, let's talk about it when I meet someone who makes me not afraid of trouble. By the way, Mr. Mori, where are Xiaolan and Conan? Where did they go?"

Let’s make a judgment: making tea is always done late, and Xiaolan is definitely not at home.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the sunset outside the window, "Xiaolan took that kid out shopping, and he should be back soon..."

More than ten minutes later, Mao Lilan came back with Conan.

"I'm back." Mao Lilan opened the door and entered the room, looking not very interested.

"I'm back!" Conan greeted with an obedient appearance, raised his eyes to see the scene in front of the desk, and was stunned.

Mori Kogoro sat behind the desk with his back to the window, leaning on the chair, with his legs folded on the desk; Chi Feichi stood by the desk, also with his back to the window, holding a cup of tea in his hand, Looking at them, his eyes were cold and calm; Oda Kirito was also standing sideways against the other side of the desk, supporting the desk with one hand behind him, with two teacups on the table next to his hand, looking sideways at them at the door...

The afterglow of the setting sun was reflected behind the three of them, covering their faces in darkness. The moment the three of them looked over, he had the feeling of entering a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair.

In general, Uncle Maori's place suddenly feels like a "big boss and famous detective's office", and the momentum is quite well controlled!

After closing the door, Mao Lilan turned around and saw Chi Feichi and Odagiri Toshiya standing by the desk, and then lifted her spirits, and greeted in surprise, "Brother Feichi, Brother Minye, why are you here?"

"I came here to entrust Mr. Mori to investigate the murder of Mr. Zenan," Oda Kiritoshi also spread his hands, "but he has already accepted other commissions, and he has no time in the near future."

"I called Police Officer Shiratori, and he said that he is still investigating according to the clues given by Feichi," Mori Kogoro said casually, "It seems to be related to an actress named KIRA, but that actress She passed away in an accident a year ago, and it will take some time for the police to investigate her relationship, let's wait for the results of the police investigation."

"KIRA..." Mao Lilan went to the sofa, put the shopping bag on the table, and recalled with a puzzled face, "I seem to have heard this name somewhere..."

Conan took his water glass and went to the water dispenser to get water, and looked back at Mao Lilan.

Chi Feichi went to bed so late last night, and this morning he was so depressed that he had to play the piano crazily and torture his fingers to resolve it. He also cared about this case.

And he is more concerned about the four English words. After the reorganization of 'KIRA', it becomes 'RAKI'. Although he doesn't think that organization will leave such an obvious message before death, he still wants to pay attention to the progress of the case.

On the way back, he asked the doctor to check the information on 'KIRA', and he did find an actress who died a year ago. He also asked the doctor to collect more relevant information, but he has not found any clues worth noting.

If Xiaolan knew something...

"Oh?" Mori Kogoro asked curiously, "Xiao Lan, when have you heard of this name?"

"It seems to be..." Mao Lilan came back to her senses, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "It's the name of the heroine in a comic! It's "Black Magic Girl". The hot one among them..."

"What?" Mori Kogoro said speechlessly, "No matter what, it's impossible for the heroine in the manga to come to the real world to kill people, right?"

Chi Feichi looked at Toshiya Odagiri, "That manga was going to be adapted into a TV series last year..."

"Yeah, I remember that the leading role is the actress called KIRA, that is, Xiao Huang, but because the leading actress had an accident, the filming was terminated, and there was no reshoot after that... That actress seems to be a model, then It should be her first formal filming job," Oda Kiritoshi also recalled, "In a car accident a year ago, she drove into the river, and the police didn't seem to find her body afterwards. Mr. Zenan left Does this message of death mean that KIRA is not actually dead?"

"Whether she's a model or an actress, she should have some fans, right? That's the kind of person who might be noticed when walking in the crowd," Mori Kogoro said, "and after her accident, there will definitely be fans who pay attention to this matter." If she is not dead, it is unlikely that she has not been discovered until now, right?"

Oda Kirito also felt a little headache, "It's possible to have plastic surgery, right? It will be even more troublesome to find her."

"I don't think it's possible." Conan took the water from the glass, turned to look at Toshiya Oda, "Mr. Zenan left the message before he died, and he wanted everyone to help him catch the murderer, so he probably wouldn't leave it behind." The kind of message that others can't pinpoint the murderer? I don't think it necessarily means 'KIRA is the murderer', but it must be related to the manga and the accident a year ago."

"Then do you want to read that comic?" Mao Lilan suggested with great interest, "A few years ago, not long after the comic was released, I bought the whole set of comic books. Now that the police have started to investigate the girl named KIRA Actors, why don't you try to start with the content of the comics? Maybe you can find some clues!"

Oda Kirito also looked at Chi Feichi hesitantly, "Feichi, let you read that manga, how about it? You are more perceptive, maybe you will find some other direction of investigation."

Chi Feichi thought that Oda Kirito had also gone to see a psychiatrist, and did not leave the matter to Oda Kirito. He nodded and agreed, "Let me see, you rest more."

"I'll help you find the comic books!" Seeing that she could help, Mao Lilan turned around and went upstairs in a good mood. After a while, she went downstairs with three comic books in her arms, and even freed up a shopping bag to help pack them. , "There is a lot of content, brother Feichi, you can take it back and read it slowly, I have read it many times, you can come back anytime."

"Thank you." Chi Feichi looked at the female witch on the cover and was a little speechless.

Is it really a girl manga...

"By the way, Xiaolan, when you came back, you didn't seem to be in a very good mood," Oda Kirito asked curiously, "Did something happen to you?"

Mao Lilan sighed, and put the shopping bag on the table, "When Conan and I came back, we encountered a murder case. Someone was killed under the tramway bridge..."

Odagiri's eyes froze instantly.

Another murder?

He went to the company, and he could hear discussions about Zenan Yuhui's murder everywhere. He answered the phone, and Feichi told him that Tanzawa Junsaku had killed someone. He came to the Mori Detective Agency, and Mr. Mori said that he had answered a 11 The commission related to the murder incident years ago, now that Xiaolan and Conan came back, they said that they encountered another murder incident...

Is this world that dangerous?

If he went home, even if his old man was at home, he would probably tell him about the murder.

event event event...

The big bear hugs its head and roars to the sky.jpg.

His life was surrounded by all kinds of murders! asphyxia!

Mao Lilan was taken aback by Oda Kirito's grief-stricken reaction, wondering if Oda Kirito was distressed because of a sense of justice, and quickly laughed, "However, witnesses were found at the scene, and the police also arrested the suspect nearby. I don't think it will be long before this case will be over, Brother Min Ye, don't worry too much about it."

Oda Kirito also tried his best to cheer up, and turned to Kogoro Mori and Chi Feichi and said, "Mr. Mori, Feichi, let's go out to eat tonight, I'll treat you! I will explain the company affairs tomorrow, It’s not too late to go out to other places to relax for two days. If the company has urgent matters to deal with during this period, I will trouble you and Juren. I will call him later, thank you for taking care of me Two days!"

"Have you decided to go on a trip yet?" Mori Kogoro was a little surprised, and quickly smiled, "Then why don't you go to Gunma with me..."

"No!" Oda Kirito also expressed his rejection with a deadpan expression and a strong attitude.

These plague gods and cases are far away from him, he just wants to be alone and away from worldly disputes!

Mori Kogoro choked, looked at Oda Kiritoshi's resolute expression, and muttered speechlessly, "If you don't go, you don't have to go, you don't have to react so much..."

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