Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1981 Conan: Suddenly very angry!


It was another offset corner, and the car swayed across the intersection.

Conan looked at the road with little traffic again, and felt a little calm in his heart, probably because of the strange numbness after the thrilling experience, which made him no longer want to pay attention to the road conditions, and chose to turn his head to look at Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi's hair was disheveled by the wind, the corners of his mouth were pursed indifferently, his eyes were fixed on the front, his eyes were focused, and there seemed to be a little repressed fanaticism.

Conan: "!"

It's over, Chi Feichi will lose his mind and plan to drag him to die together, right?


Another intersection was left behind, and a large truck was forced to stop.

"Brother Chi..." Conan tried to make a sound, and suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the road, and turned his head to look ahead, his face changed.

Ahead was a wide and long river with fast flowing water, and the direction the car was heading was not the bridge over the river, but the metal guardrail beside the bridge!

Rushing at their speed, after hitting the guardrail, the front of the car will be damaged to a large extent, squeezing the door, and the metal guardrail will be broken, and the whole car will fall straight into the middle of the river.

I'm glad Chi Feichi opened the roof now, right?

Stabilize first, so as not to be thrown out, use the car to cushion the impact of falling into the water, and unbuckle the seat belt the moment the car falls into the water, by the way, there is also Chi Feichi...


In the vicinity of the bridge, the car floated to one side, avoiding the danger of hitting the guardrail, while the wheels on one side pressed against the street lights at the intersection of the bridge, and rushed towards the end of the bridge.

Conan was shaken so that his stomach was churning, and he looked up with difficulty for the first time to see the increasingly dense traffic lane in front of him, and watched the car rush wildly in the traffic flow, his stomach twitched again.


The car braked to a stop on the side of the road, and there were the sounds of two car owners cursing and restarting the car behind them.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, and then he heard his beating heartbeat, turned his head and roared at Chi Feichi, "Do you know that this is dangerous!"

Chi Feichi didn't take Conan's roar to heart. He calmly took out the cigarette case from his pocket, took out a cigarette, lowered his head and bit it, and then took out the match, "Are you scared? Do you know that's dangerous?" ?”

Conan was taken aback, and realized that Chi Feichi was saying that it was dangerous for him to pursue Kenzo Masuyama, and the degree of danger was even worse than the situation they were in just now. His eyes flickered and his tone softened, "It's not I'm so scared..."

Chi Feichi struck a match, brought the ignited tiny flame close to the cigarette butt, and lit the cigarette.

Yes, very famous detective style.

He believed that even if he rushed into the river just now, Conan would not be afraid to go there.

However, he was so annoyed by being asked, he always wanted to vent...

"Are you just trying to scare me with this kind of behavior and tell me it's dangerous? That's too naive! These are completely different things. If you have an accident in a speeding car, it is completely unnecessary danger, of course it is incomprehensible," Conan complained, calming down his speechless emotions, his voice was soft and serious, "But the investigations are different. Mr. Masuyama's case has at least involved the lives of four or five people. If they all sit idly by because of danger, there will be more When more people are in danger, no one can guarantee that those dangers will one day come to the people I value, so even if I don't...even if it has nothing to do with me, I can manage it or I have to manage it. Dispelling the darkness is for Let the people who are important to you live in the light, at least I think so."

"Dispel the darkness..."

Chi Feichi looked at the front and smoked, and after a while, he turned his head and asked Conan, "Even if someone important dies because of it, is it not hesitating?"

Conan was startled, trying to understand what Chi Feichi meant, he could only guess that it meant the sacrifice of a righteous person, he fell silent for a moment, looked directly at Chi Feichi, and said firmly, "Then use your own strength, To protect those lives and ensure that no one will lose their lives! If everyone has this determination and tries their best to do their best, I believe we can do it!"

Chi Feichi smiled, raised his hand, and touched the top of Conan's head, "However, children should not do things that are too dangerous."

Conan: "..."

To choke him with a 'little child' again?

But Chi Feichi was right, children shouldn't get involved in too dangerous things.

He also suddenly realized a problem: Teacher Zhu Di and Mr. Akai believed in him because he proved his mind when solving the case, and he also showed his calm mind when facing the organization, but Chi Feichi ...

Every time he solves a case, he is not as fast as Chi Feichi. Chi Feichi will definitely not take him seriously. Most likely he still thinks that he is just a precocious, smart, and gifted kid who solves crimes. It's not like I haven't seen Feichi before.

And every time the people around him are in trouble, Chi Feichi can always calmly grasp the key points to deal with it, whether it is Xiaolan being kidnapped, they are in a car with a bomb, or the big and small things around him, Chi Feichi can always deal with it. If he can handle it well, he rarely has room to play.

So, with Chi Feichi, he is just a slightly special... child...

He really wanted to expose his identity! How could he break it!

"However, thank you anyway," Chi Feichi withdrew his hand under Conan's puzzled and surprised eyes, took out his phone, and with a cigarette in his mouth, opened the phone's memo and started typing, "You don't mind if I write the dialogue into a line from a movie script?"

"No, I don't mind..." Conan stared blankly at Chi Feichi.

Hey, he said a lot just now with all his heart and sincerity, what Chi Feichi thought was... very suitable for a movie line? ? ?

(╯ ̄Д ̄)╯╘═╛

Suddenly so angry!

Chi Feichi finished recording the detective's quotations, put away the phone, put out the cigarette, and noticed Conan's extremely resentful gaze beside him, and deliberately stimulated him with a calm expression, "THK company has a new spy movie script, in which there is a secret agent In the conversation with my colleagues, the scriptwriter was not satisfied with the changes several times. He always felt that he could not make the characters more vivid. I think your words should be helpful to him. After this part is changed, the movie can start shooting. ,Really thank you very much."

"Please don't talk about it..." Conan muttered feebly, and looked away from staring at Chi Feichi, and looked around, "Is this Tori Valley Town?"

"There is no whereabouts of the fugitive fraudster, but we have information about Mr. Fayue, including his current home and his home address. We can't track down the scammer, but we can keep an eye on Mr. Fayue." Chi Feichi explained.

Conan nodded compromisingly, "That's fine, maybe it can save a little intelligence fee, and Mr. Fayue's address is..."

He doesn't struggle anymore.

Before he had proved his strength to Chi Feichi and made Chi Feichi look him squarely, it would be useless for him to say anything, and he would only be blocked by the sentence, "Kids don't meddle".

"Get out of the car." Chi Feichi closed the roof, unbuckled the seat belt and got out of the car. He went to the trunk to get two hats, and put one on Conan's head. "Let's follow secretly."

"Isn't this kind of camouflage too rough?" Conan raised his hand and touched the baseball cap on his head, and complained in a low voice, "At least you have to wear a wig or change clothes. You should be able to change your appearance, right? You don't usually prepare some wigs or……"

"I'm not going to deliver ta-q-bin recently." Chi Feichi closed the trunk, locked the car, and walked into the alley.

It was evening, and there were few people to be seen on the clean road.

Chi Feichi put on his sunglasses and led Conan around the alley to the right path.

A taxi just drove away from the apartment building. Conan saw Mao Lilan sitting in the back seat of the car at a glance, and he was surprised, "Xiaolan... sister, sister?"

Chi Feichi looked up and looked upstairs, then reached out to stop the taxi, "It's much more convenient now, let's follow Xiaolan."


The sky darkened a little bit, and night fell.

In a closed construction site in Toya Town, Mao Lilan hid in the alley outside the fence, quietly watching Fayue Dema walking into the construction site with a cane.

Not far away, Conan was standing in another alley, using a bowknot voice changer to call Meguro Shisan, using the voice of Mori Kogoro.

He also wanted to use Chi Feichi's voice. After all, Chi Feichi had been paying attention to this incident, but Chi Feichi asked a question—what to do with the transcript.

So I can only call the uncle and the police over, and the wronged uncle slept here.

At night, a handsome young man walked into the construction site and stood looking around.

In the dark, Fayue Dema approached quietly with a cane, but accidentally stepped on a branch.

The young man subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw an old man standing behind him holding a cane with a hideous face, his face changed drastically.

Seeing that he had been discovered, Fayue Dema no longer hid, raised his crutches and swung over, "Ah!"

The young man backed away in a panic, narrowly avoiding the crutch that hit his head, but fell to the ground in embarrassment, looked up at Fayue Dema, "Stop, stop!"

"Ah!" Fayue Dema was unmoved, stared at the young man fiercely, and raised his crutch again.


At the gate of the construction site, Mao Lilan stopped loudly, "Grandpa!"

Fayue Dema was taken aback, then turned to look at Mao Lilan in surprise, "Miss Mao Li..."

Mao Lilan put the book in front of her body so that Fayue Dema could see it, looked down at the book, walked forward and said, "I really can't believe that you are the I want to go to your home and ask you face to face. I thought I saw it at your house... I'm sorry, I read this diary without authorization, this should be Ms. Mitsu's diary, right? And I also found your note, grandpa..."

The young man got up from the ground and asked angrily, "What's going on?"

Takagi walked into the open space of the construction site, stopped beside Mao Lilan, looked at the young man, and took out a police card from the inner pocket of his jacket, "Are you Mr. Takashi Mogi? We are the police!"

The expression of the young man named Takashi Mogi changed, and he was a little panicked.

Megushisan, who came with Takagi She, added, "I'm here to protect you!"

Mogi Takashi: "?"

Shouldn't he be here to arrest him?

Mori Kogoro also walked into the construction site from the outside, and said with a serious expression, "Because this old gentleman here wants your life."

"Father?" Mao Lilan looked at Kogoro Moori in surprise.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Conan sneaked into the construction site, used an anesthetic needle to knock down Kogoro Mouri, and began to use Kogoro Mouri's identity to reason.

The method and evidence were clearly explained, and Fayue Dema didn't deny it any more, "It's amazing, Mr. Detective, but I didn't do anything wrong! This is a natural behavior and a just punishment!"

"No!" Mao Lilan couldn't help interrupting, and when Fayue Dema looked at her in surprise, she went forward with the diary and looked at Fayue Dema sadly, "When it's time to reprimand, you must reprimand, but the old man still has a tolerant and forgiving side, but this time why..."

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