Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1982 Upright Dr. Li

"Because of that person..." Fayue Dema looked sideways at Takashi Mogi, gritted his teeth, "There is an unforgivable reason, it's as simple as that!"

"Ms. Meijin..." Mao Lilan asked hesitantly, "Did she die because of being hit by a fraud?"

"That's right, that's it," Fayue Dema gritted his teeth and looked at the ground, "I didn't know about the fraud until I read Meijin's diary. I can't forgive them, I must give them justice. !"

"Are you taking the role of Kamen Rider too much?"

A young male voice with a calm tone came from the gate of the construction site.

Mao Lilan turned her head in surprise, and looked at Chi Feichi who was standing at the door, "Brother Feichi... are you here too?"

Chi Feichi nodded to Mao Lilan, then looked at Fayue Dema, and said with a normal expression, "Kamen Rider doesn't kill people. There may be right or wrong ideas about killing people, but no matter what, it has nothing to do with justice. It doesn't matter at all."

Isn't it good to recognize the reality and honestly admit that I have done bad things and that I am in the dark?

It's the kind of person in the dark that the other side sees as desperate to be dispelled.

It's not wrong to let yourself put on the vest of light and justice, what's wrong is that you even believe it is true.

Fayue Dema looked at Chi Feichi with shaken eyes, and looked at Takashi Mogi with disgust, "But people like them..."

"I can understand your feelings, but what you did was really wrong," Mao Lilan looked at Fayue Dema again, and unfolded the diary in his hand, "If you really read Ms. Meijin's last words, you should Can understand this..."

Fayue Dema looked at the diary, "The last last words?"

Mao Lilan handed over the diary.

"This, this is..." Fayue Dema looked at the contents of the diary in surprise.

"The Messenger of Justice taught me to be tolerant of others, so I am willing to forgive the person who deceived me. For me who lived alone, he used to be very considerate and caring for me. His smile at that time...I still don't believe in all that It's all fake. I believe that one day, he will turn his prodigal son back. It is very painful to still hold grudges against people when he dies. Messenger of justice, thank you..." Mao Lilan read the content of the last words softly, " That's what she thinks."

"I didn't know..." Fayue Dema said with a painful expression, "After knowing what Motegi and the others did, I actually lost my mind and couldn't see anything else in the hatred. Although I was called the messenger of justice, But he was blinded by his own hatred, and he didn't realize Mitsu's true mood..."

Mao Lilan looked at Fayue Dema with tears streaming down her face.

Fayue Dema said, kneeling in pain and howling in a low voice.

"She actually forgave me like that..." Takashi Mogi murmured with tears in his eyes, "Still believe me..."

Chi Feichi turned and left the door, ready to drive his own car.

Why is there no fluctuation in his heart, and he is even a little speechless...

It's probably because whether in the previous life or in other places in this life, he has seen the kind of people who never admit their mistakes.

Many people who defraud the elderly, since they do it, will not have any sympathy or guilt at all. Since they can cultivate their feelings over a period of time and unceremoniously attack the elderly who trust them, it is difficult for them to be deceived by others. moved.

No wonder he doesn't remember the episode at all.

Not only is the technique uninteresting, even the development is like this... It made him feel that his brain was strengthened by the protagonist's halo.

When Chi Feichi drove his car to the door, Fayue Dema and Mogi Takashi were all taken into the police car.

Sitting in the car, Fayue Dema looked at Chi Feichi who got out of the car and talked to Mao Lilan and the others, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Mr. Chi, I'm sorry..."

Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Fayue Dema.

Fayue Dema smiled wryly, "Did I let you down by doing such a thing?"

Mao Lilan looked at Chi Feichi, hesitating whether to speak or not.

She was worried that Brother Feichi would say something nasty, so...

"I can't tell," Chi Feichi looked at Fayue Dema, and paused, "Mr. Fayue's paper drama is very good, full of emotion."

How should I put it, he really wasn't disappointed.

Let's hit Fayue Dema a little bit more and say that he doesn't care about this matter as much as Fayue Dema imagined. The reason why he made a noise just now is that he doesn't like the 'confused' very much.

But he doesn't tell the truth when he takes care of an old man who is like a child.

Mao Lilan: "..."

Is paper drama good? Emotional? Brother Feichi, what does this mean?

Conan: "..."

Let's just take it as Chi Feichi's awkward consolation.

Fayue Dema was confused for a moment, without thinking too much, looked at Chi Feichi and said, "Mr. Chi, you are a very special young man. After we parted last time, I still care about the special gift you gave me. Afterwards, I thought about it carefully, maybe it was because of my loneliness. You can see my loneliness, and I have that kind of breath more or less on my body, but I still don’t understand. You said that day that you were going to find your sister for dinner. You have a sister , with a gentle and kind friend like Miss Mori by your side, why do you still feel lonely?"

Conan looked up at Chi Feichi in doubt.


"It may be your illusion," Chi Feichi said without thinking, "I like to be quiet sometimes, but I don't feel lonely."

"Yes, is it... Maybe I think too much," Fayue Dema felt that he had misunderstood again, embarrassed for a moment, and laughed again, "That's good!"

Chi Feichi nodded to Fayue Dema, watched the police car leave with Mao Lilan and Conan, then turned around and asked, "Where's the teacher?"

"Ah... I almost forgot," Mao Lilan hurried to the construction site, "Dad, he hasn't woken up yet!"

Chi Feichi followed, "I'll take you back."

He thinks 'loneliness' and 'loneliness' are two colors.

Loneliness is empty white, like a blank sheet of paper, longing to be painted and filled with other colors, just like Fayue Dema who hopes to have more things and people in his life, what he feels should actually be loneliness, a piece of paper. White paper that is starting to yellow and fade, trying to paint a brighter color on it.

Loneliness is a bottomless darkness. Some people find it oppressive and dull, making it hard to breathe, but some people can find a smooth and quiet comfort from it.

If it is lonely to say that I am rejected by some of the world's rules, never seem to understand the time in the eyes of others, and the secrets I tell are always regarded as illusions, then so be it.

But if he said it, it would still be regarded as a snake spirit disease, so why did he open this topic.

Hurry up and send his teacher back, he should go home and sleep.


that night.

Conan quietly called Dr. Ali before going to bed and told what happened during the day.

The point is not the case, but a simple card game between him and Chi Feichi...

"You want to prove yourself in front of Feichi?" Dr. A Li confirmed.

"Yeah," Conan leaned against the wall of the corridor, half-moon eyes said to the phone, "It's the kind of proof that he found the key points or solutions before him, and frightened him. Only then will he value me. Strength."

Dr. Gengzhi Ali: "But I don't think it's possible..."

Conan choked, "Doctor, can't you have a little confidence in me?"

On the other end of the phone, Hui Yuanai's cold voice came out, "I think the doctor is right, you should also recognize the reality, although there is hope, but difficulties do exist, and blind optimism is not a good thing. "

"What I lack now is optimism and confidence. I don't lack shocks and reminders," Conan said speechlessly, "but you're also listening to the phone?"

Dr. A Li said awkwardly, "Uh, I originally wanted to answer the phone secretly, but your call woke up Xiao Ai. When you were talking just now, she suddenly moved her head over. I wanted to remind you, but You keep talking, and I don't think I should interrupt you..."

Conan: "..."

It was definitely because the doctor answered the phone too sneakily that Huiyuan noticed it!

"I'm really sorry, I'm used to reminding people, I'm not very good at encouraging people, so just be patient," Hui Yuan Ai said back to the previous topic, "And I'm also surprised that you forced Brother Feichi to confess today. I thought you would do that at least when either of me and the doctor were present, are you sure you didn't irritate Brother Feichi today?"

Conan thought about it, although Chi Feichi's speeding behavior today seemed to be telling him 'how scary the danger is', but Chi Feichi's state was also a bit strange, as if it didn't matter if the car crashed into a train or rushed into the river, No matter how I think about it, I feel that Chi Feichi's mentality is not normal, he is so crazy that he can't tell Huiyuan 'absolutely not', and makes him feel a little guilty, "Uh, I will pay attention to it in the future, Brother Chi sent us back When I asked him, he said that he would go to THK company tomorrow, and he didn’t seem to care about the day’s affairs, so I don’t think it would have much influence on him.”

"Forget it, I knew that as long as you find an opportunity, you will definitely want to ask about it," Haibara said, "But listen to what you say, even if you tell Brother Feichi that you are Kudo Shinichi, he will probably I think you are an underage high school student, so I won't tell you too much, let alone, you can't say..."

"Yeah, whether it's confirming Brother Chi's position or confirming whether there are people from other organizations around him, the risk of telling him before confirming it is too great..." Conan lowered his voice and said firmly, " However, I prove that I am not completely hopeless, and since the organization and Brother Chi have an intersection, there will definitely be other actions in the future. As long as I am by Brother Chi's side, I will have the opportunity to participate, and maybe I can seize the opportunity in one fell swoop , fully figure out what's going on."

"With Feichi's sensitivity, he should already know that there is trouble around him," Dr. A Li said, "It's just that he doesn't want to tell everyone..."

"It means that he knows how dangerous those troubles are," Conan said firmly, "that way he can be more vigilant."

Hui Yuanai recalled, "Brother Feichi seems to have been carefully guarding against some kind of accident, and he is a little nervous about environmental safety considerations. Could it be related to these things?"

"If this is the case, he will be exhausted by himself sooner or later." Dr. A Li said with a headache.

"There is no other way now. When he finds that we are reliable, he can rest assured to entrust us with some defensive work." Conan heard Mao Lilan calling himself in the room, and hurriedly said, "Anyway, I will have another one tomorrow. Go to Qunma County with Uncle and Xiaolan, and I will leave this to you first!"


The phone hastily hung up.

At Dr. A Li's home, Hui Yuanai turned to Dr. A Li and said, "I'll go see Brother Feichi tomorrow."

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