Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1983 Strange gift box

the next day.

THK Corporation, Consultant Office.

The cold air outside the window condensed into mist on the glass, and the indoor heater made a slight hum.

"It's rare for you to come to the company. The artists in the company have already discussed it. I don't think it's hard to know." Qiu Ting Lianzi sat on the sofa, looked down at a music score, and hummed along, with the corners of his mouth showing satisfaction smile, "It's a very powerful song, it should be for male singers, right?"


Chi Feichi sat on the carpet with Hui Yuanai, unpacking gift boxes piled up in the corner.

The company often receives gifts from brand owners, and Min always leaves a copy for him, and instead of helping to clean them up, they are all piled up in the room together with gift boxes, and he has to sort them out by himself.

Ornaments, teacups, wine glasses, cameras, game consoles, astronomical telescopes...

Those are some normal items, and there are also a lot of cosmetics, dresses, and dolls for girls.

Before he opened the box, he didn't know what would be inside. Every time he opened a box, he would be surprised or frightened.

for example……

Haibara Ai opened a box and looked down at the contents, "Very sexy bikini swimwear for women."

Chi Feichi looked at it and saw a black thread, "Re-seal it and throw it into the warehouse in a while."

That kind of swimsuit with only a few pieces of fabric, he would never give it to the women around him, it is not appropriate to give it to others, give it to Yueshui...

He didn't want to wear that kind of swimsuit across the water.

Min is also really, didn't you help to screen the gifts before stacking them here?

"It's a small gift from that swimsuit company, I also received it," Qiuting Lianzi suppressed a smile, and closed the score in her hand, "It's a bit too revealing for female artists, I didn't send it back I went to the warehouse, but it was already sealed at the bottom of the cabinet, and President Toshiya even refused to take it home, it must be one of the most difficult gifts for the company to give.”

"Are there any other strange gifts?" Huiyuan asked, resealed the box, looked at the box that Chi Feichi had unpacked, and found a desk lamp with a cute doll standing on it, "This one looks pretty good. ..."

"Do you like it?" Chi Feichi took out the lamp to have a look, and handed it to Hui Yuanai, "It seems that the battery is already installed in it, if you like it, take it back."

The lamp has a white cylindrical base, on which stands a little girl doll wearing a princess gauze dress. The doll is very delicate, but it looks like something that little girls will like.

Hui Yuanai looked at the desk lamp, "I was just thinking that Ayumi might like it, and I could give it to her as a gift... It's also a special lamp from the Lady Princess brand. Their stationery is very popular with little girls. Oh, it's as popular among first and second grade girls at our school as Kamen Rider among the boys."

Qiu Ting Lianzi walked to the side, bent down to look at the desk lamp in Hui Yuanai's hand, and said with a smile, "Xiao Ai, turn on the light switch, there will be a surprise."

Hui Yuanai looked at Qiu Ting Lianzi suspiciously, found the switch on the base, and pressed it.

The base is lit with bright and soft lights, illuminating Huihara Ai's hands and the princess doll standing on the base, but because the light shines from the doll's feet, and the opaque body of the doll will block part of the light, so...

The lower half of the puppet’s face standing on the base is illuminated by light, while the upper half of its face is shrouded in shadow, and its smiling expression also looks eerie. The fine spider webs on the princess doll look terrifying.

"I'm sorry, did you scare me?" Qiuting Lianzi said apologetically when she saw Hui Yuanai startled, and soon her expression became weird again, "It's this puppet table lamp. I originally wanted to give it to the little girl of my friend's house." I brought one. Fortunately, I turned on the light and tried it after I got home. I was shocked. Fortunately, I didn’t give this gift away. Otherwise, if the child was scared to cry, I would have a headache. .”

"It's nothing, I wasn't scared either," Hui Yuanai looked at the desk lamp in his hand speechlessly, "I was just wondering when their company would start developing products with supernatural appearance..."

"I heard that the designer didn't think well, and the product that was going to be released has been recalled and resold to a manufacturer that makes exotic products. People from their company came to apologize. The president thought that such a gift was interesting, so he kept it. , "Qiu Ting Lianzi couldn't help but looked at the table lamp puppet again, "Actually, it's okay. Before giving it to the children, everyone tried to see if there was any problem with the lamp, so it didn't scare the children very much, but it didn't frighten the children. It is convenient to send out, many people choose to put it on the desk, and turn on the desk light when the company trips, it is also very bright."

Huiyuan sadly realized that after the trip, the dark office lit up with rows of ghosts, and complained, "Yeah, it just makes people suspect the extent of the horrible ghost rituals being held inside THK."

Qiu Ting Lianzi smiled, still bent over, watching Hui Yuanai put the desk lamp into the box and installed it, then raised her head and asked Chi Feichi, "I said consultant, you are coming to the company today, are you going to dismantle it here?" Box of the day, right?"

Chi Feichi had already opened a box, and handed the box to Hui Yuanai, "Min also arranged all the work, and I don't need to worry about it, but neither he nor Juren can come over, so I'll come and walk around, and I can do everything." OK."

Hui Yuanai took the box and looked down.

It's a cute doll with a smiling face, but I'm not sure if there will be a switch of "scaring in a second".

"But I want to watch the commercial," Qiuting Lianzi sat aside, propped her chin with one hand, and looked down at the floor softly, "I watched the advertisement of "Cat's Learning" over and over again, every time I can feel the impact on my soul, especially the use of background music. Looking at the content of the advertisement and listening to the passionate melody at that moment, all the pores of my body are opened at once. I really like that advertisement, Min Ye. I said a few days ago that the latest commercial has been filmed, and it is also the proposal you provided, so I want to go and have a look..."

Chi Feichi raised his eyes and asked, "Has the advertising department moved?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Ms. Qiu Ting's meaning was obviously 'you accompany me to watch the commercials', while his brother Fei Chi's subtext was: Can't you find out where the advertising department is?

True - cold steel - answered.

Although she has Sister Nanatsuki, she is no longer busy making friends with other girls, and she is full of salty fish, but Miss Qiu Ting is also a friend of her and Brother Feichi. Miss Qiu Ting didn't say it directly, but she could feel it. , Miss Qiu Ting looks more and more like a fan of Brother Chi.

At a time like this, wouldn't it be okay for Brother Chi to say, 'I'll go and see with you'?

Qiu Ting Lianzi also choked, and said with half-moon eyes, "I didn't move away, but they didn't want me to watch it in advance. I can read the score in advance, but I can't watch the commercials in advance. It's so unreasonable. Originally, the president said to wait After the filming was finished, he took me to see it, but he ran to relax by himself, since you are here, I had no choice but to drag you along, as the planner, it shouldn’t be a problem if you want to see the finished commercial, right?”

Chi Feichi put the half-dismantled box aside, looked up at Huiyuan Aiyin with expectation, stood up and said, "Then let's go to the advertising department."

Hui Yuanai immediately got up and followed Chi Feichi.

Before this, she really never thought that one day she would look forward to and follow the commercials, but she was really curious that Brother Feichi had designed an interesting commercial plan.

Not many people would not look forward to an advertisement like "The Learning of Cats", right?


Advertising Department.

With Chi Feichi as the 'planning solution provider', the three of them entered the audio-visual room smoothly, and met Party A who came to see the finished product.

It was a well-known digital and communication company in Japan. Knowing that the planner of "Cat Learning" had accepted the advertisement sheet, the president Haruji Fukada, who was over 60 years old, came in person and brought a group of senior managers from the sales department and publicity department.

Hearing that Chi Feichi came to see the finished product in person, Fukada Haruji immediately warmly invited Chi Feichi to sit down with him, his eyes under the square-frame glasses were smiling, and long lines were squeezed out from the eye sockets, "I really didn't expect that, so H is Shinosuke's son, frankly speaking, when I came here this time, I was wondering if I could recruit a general for our company's publicity department!"

Chi Feichi sat down on the seat next to Fukada Haruji, "You can't bully a new company that has just started to develop."

Hui Yuanai sat next to Chi Feichi and quietly listened to the two of them talking.

This is a big shot.

Since Haruji Fukada took over the company, he has gradually developed the company to a world-renowned level. So far, the company is not weaker than the Maike Group. The R\u0026D department and publicity department are very strong, and the reputation is even greater than the Maike Group.

In the past, the research and development energy of the Manike Group was concentrated on large-scale industrial equipment. This company focuses on digital and communication precision machinery. From tape recorders, TVs, cameras, Polaroids, and game consoles, there are too many things around them. For this company, it's hard not to know.

A few years ago, Fukada Haruji was awarded honors as a foreigner in the UK. In terms of seniority and interpersonal relationship, he should be from the generation of Brother Chi's grandpa. Grandpa that old man.

She still remembers that this company is a giant in the Japanese communication industry. When the UL mobile phone first entered Japan, the company that Mr. Fukada works for was one of the resisters. In the end, the blockade was broken by the popularity of the UL mobile phone and he had to compromise. , the cooperation began to focus on UL mobile phones.

At the same time, this company occupies an important position in film and television and games, and has many cooperations with Umbrella and THK.

The division and combination of the two companies, the love and killing of each other, the relationship between the Chi family and the Fukada family...

She hadn't asked her godmother this question before, so she could only see the situation.

Seeing Brother Feichi's polite and aloof attitude, the previous relationship between the two families was not too close, it should be a casual acquaintance.

Therefore, you must hold a steady and elegant demeanor, and don't embarrass your godmother and brother Feichi.

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