Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1985 Also...It's so good to cry...

"What your company wants to promote is a new camera, and we can not only make the new product sell well, but also guarantee that your company's old camera inventory will be cleared..." Chi Feichi said to Shen Tian calmly, "This is me and him. As I said, I also mentioned the price, although I don’t know how much he can increase sales specifically, but your company will definitely make a lot of money.”

Fukada Haruji: "..."

The source of self-confidence to arrogance has been found.

That day, Oda Kiritoshi also told him that not only can it promote new products, but it can also drive sales of old cameras. How much sales can be increased at least, they actually didn’t write it into the contract.

In the past, when their new products were launched, it was more than planning an advertisement. This time, they turned quantity into quality. They found a company to do an advertisement at the price of five advertisements. , can have that kind of effect, then, he doesn't want to care about the effect of "clearing second-hand goods" that Oda Kiritoshi also said. .

Having said that, as the planner, Chi Feichi didn't seem to have even looked at the contract in detail.

A president who is in charge of signing the contract, and a main person in charge of the project, the whole project is nearing completion, so they don't communicate about the project?


If it wasn't for THK company's development getting better and better, he would have suspected that this company was established by a group of young people.

Hui Yuanai sat next to Chi Feichi, heard the conversation between Chi Feichi and Fukada, and felt that Chi Feichi and Oda Kiritoshi were really arrogant, but soon heard the sound of music, and shifted their attention to the front on the big screen.

At the beginning of the advertisement, accompanied by a piece of slow piano music, a tram stopped on the old platform, the picture was blue, combined with the seemingly invisible piano music, it had the clean and fresh atmosphere of "Cat's Learning" before .

On the platform where people come and go, a tall and thin old man with white hair and beard got off the tram. He wore a white shirt, white pants, and a brown vest. His clothes were ordinary, neither extravagant nor gorgeous. Neat and clean feeling.

This is an ordinary old man. When the camera focuses on this old man, people understand that this is the protagonist of the advertisement, but it is not very strange to see the old man's neatly organized clothes and shoulder bag.

He should be planning to go somewhere, to do a very important and serious thing...

After the camera zoomed in, the old man looked towards the exit of the platform. The wrinkles and age spots on his face became less obvious under the tone, allowing everyone to clearly capture the complex and difficult emotions in his eyes.

Those eyes didn't have the kind of young people's strong emotions and hot emotions, but they were plain with feelings that seemed to be nostalgic and melancholy, but they were enough to shock people's hearts, and soon, there was a faint ray of A sad feeling spread in my heart.

"The season I've been waiting with you all this time..."

Qian Heling's singing voice was light and ethereal, and she sang slowly, with a hint of melancholy and the power to soothe people's hearts.

Behind and beside the old man were the blurred crowd. He only stared in one direction, walked forward step by step, walked out of the platform, looked around with some emotion, and seemed to be in a lighter mood.

"It just passed away without a sound..."

On the side of the road full of hydrangeas, the old man walked forward slowly but firmly, and when he noticed someone coming behind him, he looked sideways.

Boys and girls in high school uniforms ran over. In the clean picture, the short-haired girl turned around, smiled and hit the boy next to her with her schoolbag lightly, and the two chased after them with a smile, full of youthful vigor.

"The rain is pouring down this street..."

The old man stared at the backs of the two, his eyes still carried weak but real emotions, he was stunned by nostalgia, and soon softened, with a smile on his face, and continued to walk towards the empty front.

"With a little guilt and apology..."

The shots are cut properly, making the rhythm slow and not procrastinated.

The old man walked down the high steps, looked ahead, his eyes brightened, and the smile on his face became stronger.

When he arrived at the beach, he faced the turbulent sea alone, stopped quietly and stared for a while, and took out a photo from his pocket.

The close-up of the photo is the coast in front of me, and it seems to be the same location.

"Swear that there will be no more crying days, and such times have passed..."

"I haven't noticed my broken heart yet, I'm the only one left..."

The old man looked at the photo, then raised his eyes to look at the sea, his eyes were gentle and melancholy.

When the camera turned, a female high school student in uniform appeared next to him, with a white shirt, black knee-length skirt, white socks, and short hair blown back by the sea breeze.

Under the blue and white lens, the two of them, the sea and the beach are so clean and pure.

The old man turned around slowly, his eyes fixed on the female high school student.

The female high school student also turned her head sideways, raised her face slightly, looked back with soft eyes, and slowly reached out to touch the old man's face.

"The two people in memory can live forever..."

After the girl gently touched the old man's face with her fingers, the old man smiled, picked up the camera slanted on his back, and aimed at the girl in front of him.

In an instant, the old man under the camera turned into a high school boy in a clean white shirt, holding a camera in his hand, and photographing a girl with a sweet smile.

"Your voice is still echoing in my chest, it is the shadow of wandering love..."

When the camera was put down, the young men and women smiled sweetly, held each other's hands, and ran on the beach.

"You cried softly at that time, but I didn't notice..."

Qian Heling's singing is still gentle, it seems that she will not be disturbed by the development of the plot, and she seems to be completely integrated into the white beach.

Hui Yuanai silently looked at the big screen.

It's a hallucination... no, it should be a memory...

The old man walked out of the station, and the young men and women he saw while walking on the road with hydrangeas were the memories of walking, laughing, and playing with the girl he loved on that road.

The old man stood by the sea, and the girl he saw when he turned his head was his beloved girl, and the one who picked up the camera and aimed at the girl was him when he was young.

The group of people brought by Fukada also looked at the big screen quietly. Some people's eyes were already red, and some raised their hands to quickly wipe the corners of their eyes.


They should have come here with a picky heart and the belief of evaluating the value of advertising for the company. Why are they fascinated by watching it?

The camera just now is their new product, right? Yeah?

They don't want to think about coming to work at all, bastard!

However, it is still H's style.

The atmosphere is still so clean and fresh, there is not a single line, only slow and ethereal singing, but people can understand the story inside, the emotions are delicate and restrained, and it's also very good to cry...

On the screen, the picture turned again, and it was the old man standing alone by the sea again, slowly closing his eyes.

In the video captured by the camera, a high school girl with short hair was blown by the wind with a bright smile on her face.

In the next second, young male and female high school students stood on the open football field. The boy was still taking pictures of the girl with the camera, and the two quickly started chasing after each other with a smile.

"It's not to know where your limit is..."

Under the lens of the camera, the girl's smiling face was still sunny when she was running, full of joy and happiness.

The location for taking pictures was in the wild again. When the girl was being photographed, she suddenly took the camera and pointed it at the boy. This time, it was the smiling boy who appeared in the lens of the camera.

"Not living because of it..."

The camera lens changed and became a beautiful woman in a white wedding dress, with the shadow of a girl in her facial features.

The one who took pictures of her was a boy in a black dress.

Hui Yuanai let out a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's not a pity, the two are together after all.

The group of people who had been killed by Fukada also quietly breathed a sigh of relief, their expressions soothed.

The sadness was relieved a little.

"But I still opened a new window, facing the sea..."

During the singing, the bride and groom laughed and took pictures alone. The camera switched between the camera's perspective and the outside perspective, and the relatives and friends who sprinkled petals around them also gave a joy.

Soon, it was a woman sitting on the hospital bed again, holding a baby in her arms, smiling happily.

The man who has become a husband and father stands by the bed, recording his wife's smiling face and that new life with a camera.

It's just that the tone of the picture is still pale, and the song sung by Qian Heling is also full of vague melancholy, which makes people's mood never lift.

"Beyond the waves, the end does feel..."

The camera turns from black to a room.

At night, on the table with the lamp on was a photo of a woman wearing a white wedding dress, and the tone had returned to normal, not as pale as before.

The old man was sitting at the table, looking down at the photo album, with a gentle smile on his face.

"I just want to stretch out my hands, yearn for the sky, and feel the wind..."

In high school, a photo of a girl with short hair looking sideways; a photo of a bigger girl with low ponytails on both sides sitting quietly and looking up at the camera...

"As long as you are alive, you will definitely be able to return to a place that existed a long time ago..."

The old man took out one of them, and wrinkled his facial features as if holding back tears. Under the sagging and drooping eyelids, he was still staring at the girl in the photo. He rubbed his fingers lightly over the photo, and finally he was still crying, so he had to take off his glasses , raised his hand to wipe his tears.

"Even at night, the seasons change..."

Looking at the photos of the wedding, the old man wept bitterly.

The scene turned to the hospital again. The old man was still standing by the bed in a gray-black sweater. He raised his camera and aimed at his weak wife on the bed.

On the hospital bed, the gray-haired woman turned her head sideways and looked at the camera. She was still the same as when she was young, waiting for her lover to leave a photo of time and memory for her.

The old man reluctantly took the last photo. After putting down the camera, he leaned over tremblingly and put his hands on the side of the quilt.

Cruelly, there is no crying sound played in the screen, only the ethereal and slow singing, but it makes people feel more depressed.

"The rainy season is coming to an end soon..."

The old woman slowly stretched out her hand to cover the old man's hand, and pushed the camera towards the old man's arms.

"In my memory, the two can live forever..."

In the memory, the girl still ran with a smile.

In the room, the old man at the table looked at the photo and cried uncontrollably, but he couldn't bear to crumpled the photo in his hand, and knocked his head with the other hand.

"You's voice is still echoing in my chest, it's the shadow of wandering love..."

Between memories and the painful old man, the old man stood on the coast again, and the hand hanging by his side was gently held by another hand with the same loose skin.

The old man turned his head, looked at his wife who was also aged, and leaned in to kiss her gently.

"You cried softly at that time, but I didn't notice..."

The scene after that turned into a shallow kiss of the young male and female high school students. After the two looked at each other tenderly, they just stood by the seaside holding hands and facing away from the camera.

The male high school student picked up the camera in his right hand and pointed it at the sea.

Finally, big, hateful words popped out, explaining the product name...

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