Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1986 Businessman and Businessman

Hui Yuanai turned his head to the side, and in the dim movie theater, raised his hand to gently wipe the corner of his eyes, but the expression on his face was more speechless.

Sure enough, this is the case again, every time at the end there is a hateful product name that destroys the artistic conception.

It's also really exciting, and people can't help but want to watch it again and watch it again after watching it.

She has never had the love experience of the old man in the film, but she can be touched by the nostalgia and grief to some extent, and she will also think of her sister who passed away.

It's a pity that she didn't leave so many precious images and photos for her sister, and she can't even find a photo to see when she misses her.

She also suddenly wanted to buy a camera to preserve the appearance of the people around her now. Even if there is only one photo, even if she will cry when she sees it later, it is better than not being able to find even one photo.

"I still can't focus on listening to Qianhe's singing for the first time," Qiuting Lianzi sighed in a low voice, lowered her head and raised her hand to wipe away her tears, letting go of those memories of crying at night looking at the photos of her deceased lover, and quickly laughed Dao, "However, music can sometimes be a foil, a supporting role that can make the story more perfect."

Others wiped their tears if they needed to wipe their tears, those who needed to remove their eyes and then wiped their tears took off their glasses, and some sniffed their noses softly.

Is it worth buying a five-minute video at a high price? Well worth it.

This is a short video tailored for their products.

Even if the sales of the product zero after the broadcast, as long as they buy the short film as a commemoration of the company's cameras, they think it is worth it.

It's too vulgar to talk about benefits. This is a culture. If you don't buy it, it will be a shame for their No. 1 camera company, and they will also feel sorry.

Yes, you must tell the president, they...

Wait, President, this is... what's wrong?

In the dim movie theater, Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Haruji Fukada beside him.

To say who was the saddest present, Fukada Haru was the first in the second row and no one dared to be the second.

Just now, other people focused their attention on the big screen in front of them, but he noticed that when the male and female high school students ran past the old man, Fukada Haruji's mood was already out of order, and when the old woman died and the old man was crying During that period, Haruji Fukada had already taken off his glasses and wiped his tears frequently, but his eyes were reluctant to leave the big screen for a second.

After the broadcast ended, Fukada Haruji lowered his head, held glasses in one hand, and buried his head in the crook of the other hand. For a moment, he captured Fukada Haruji's sad expression like the old man in the commercial.

The same white hair, the same shrinking and trembling shoulders, and the same crying.

If it is said that the old man in the film is covered by singing after the recording, then Haruji Fukada is really suppressing his crying by himself.

He seemed to have accidentally touched the sadness of a certain business boss, otherwise, with the ups and downs that Fukada Haruji had experienced, no matter how moved he would not be able to cry like this.

"Corporate, president..." The secretary who was sitting on the other side of Fukada Haruji hesitated to make a sound, stretched out his hand to hang on Fukada Haruji's back, wondering if he should take a picture or not.

Ah, wait, in his capacity, he can't shoot, otherwise it would be too much.

Haruji Fukada's trembling shoulders calmed down slowly, and he sat up straight with his palms on his face, wiped away the tears on his face, lowered his head and propped his palms on his forehead, breathed a deep sigh of relief, then raised his head and nodded to the secretary, indicating that He was fine, so he turned his head to Chi Feichi and said, "Sorry, I lost my temper."

"Where," Chi Feichi said to Fukada Haruji, "It's not a bad thing to let yourself relax occasionally, and it's the same for President Fukada."

Fukada Haruji sighed, looked at the pitch-black screen ahead, and said softly, "I... have been in contact with cameras very early. I was very interested in these things when I was in junior high school, and I also left a memory for my wife. I uploaded a lot of photos, but unfortunately she passed away two years ago."

"Sorry for reminding you of something sad," Chi Feichi said, "I didn't expect such a coincidence."

"No..." Haruji Fukada put on his glasses, and smiled at Chi Feichi. The smile was much more sincere than before, and there was a little bit of embarrassment, "Keep the appearance and memory of things and make them change Cheng Yongheng, this is the biggest meaning of the camera. It is obviously something that many people should be aware of, but it is always ignored. This advertisement is very has never been better. It should be said that it is the best advertisement I have ever encountered. "

Haibara Ai:"……"

President Fukada, don't you think this is too full of words?

When she first watched "Cat's Learning", she thought the same way, but it turned out that there seemed to be more than one "best advertisement", and this evaluation appeared in her mind just now.

"People who haven't had time to preserve their past memories will think about buying a camera to keep the memories they have now, so as not to regret it in the future. Considering your company's market in Japan, your camera will be selected first," Chi said. Feichi put on a calm face, and turned on the business mode completely, "And people who have experienced this kind of experience will also have a good impression of your company because of the resonance. Photographers will always change their cameras. Although the same reason, your company is in In the Japanese market, they would originally choose your products, but because of the resonance generated by the advertisement, they may directly switch to the latest camera, and I believe this advertisement can attract the interest of many young people, who are interested in buying new products As a commemorative hobby, even if the price of the camera will discourage some, but when they can buy it, there is a high probability that they will think of this one, so Mr. Fukada, I will say that you have made money."

If it wasn't that he couldn't get in, Fukada Haruji didn't need to inject capital. As early as when signing the contract, he asked Oda Kirito to join the relevant regulations of investment priority.

The price he offered was frighteningly high, but compared to the benefits that Shen Tian Company could obtain, that amount of money was not even a fraction.

It's just that it's impossible for him to take advantage of it every time. This time, it's just to pave the way for strengthening ties with Haruji Fukada.

There is often no absolute hostile relationship between businessmen and businessmen. When conflicts arise, everyone is more willing to find a win-win solution.

For example, after the company run by Fukada resisted the release of UL mobile phones at the beginning, they found that they could not stop it, and soon found someone to discuss cooperation with Umbrella.

One party's processing parts are more cost-effective than the other party's, one party's factory can provide OEM, or one party can provide convenience for the other party's communication business on mobile phones... These are the conditions for cooperation, and cooperation is beneficial to both parties.

As long as there is a possibility of win-win cooperation, those who were repulsed one second can change their strategy in the next second, and the reactions are too fast. At least Haruji Fukada's action speed is very fast.

In the future, Umbrella will still have a lot of "technology bombs", so it is necessary to find some collaborators to help.

Once the products of these partners can't beat Umbrella, they will gradually become OEMs, and it will only be a matter of time before they are embezzled by Umbrella.

Just like two different color blocks, the cooperation link at the beginning may be just a thin line. As the cooperation deepens, the two different color blocks gradually approach. The other party becomes the same color, and even if there is no link to become one in the end, it will not be much different.

In the long run, although Fukada's company is big, it is not enough to resist Umbrella, who has the auxiliary development of Noah's Ark. As long as the assimilation will bring more benefits, Haruji Fukada will not mind at that time. Haruji Fukada retains the management rights, which is also the way of combining interests of many consortiums.

Umbrella's ambition is only to have an absolutely high influence in this world, an influence so high that it can be called "ruling power", and it does not mean that all resources are in his pocket.

And what he said was a small hint to Haruhi Fukada—this time I let you take advantage.

If it is an ordinary advertising planner who sells advertising plans at such a high price, it is not considered to be taken advantage of at all, it is just a fair deal, and Fukada Haruji will not feel that he owes anyone, but behind him are Umbrella, Maike Group and The Field Group can completely leave some things to its own company, and give Fukada Haruji the opportunity to quickly recover funds and open up a larger market through sales. In the future, it may become a link that damages his own interests. Fukada Haruji tried hard to convince himself to be rational Looking at it, it is difficult to regard it as a fair transaction subconsciously.

Even if Fukada Haruji doesn't feel guilty subconsciously, it's fine to regard him as expressing kindness.

As for Fukada Haruji, would he think that he was stupid, secretly rejoicing that he was lucky, and that's why he got a big deal?

He believed that Fukada Haruji would not be so simple in thinking that he could get to where he is today.

"That's true," Fukada Haruji nodded, and then smiled at Chi Feichi, "Every camera cut is very good, and the color tone is also very appropriate. Although I don't know much about commercial film shooting, I can at least watch it. There is really no need to change H’s work, it’s almost lunch time, do you want to have lunch together?”

Chi Feichi agreed, "I'm familiar with the neighborhood. There is a Japanese restaurant in this area that serves very good sushi. I recommend you to try it."

Haruji Fukada smiled and said, "Since it was recommended by you, I must try it!"

The person who booked a seat nearby was an assistant who was also left by Oda Kirito to work in the company.

The THK company is here, and the assistant is very familiar with nearby restaurants and restaurants, so he quickly booked a seat in that restaurant.

Chi Feichi was indifferent to Japanese cuisine.

It’s just that French restaurants are more suitable for gatherings of friends, young people, or couples on a date. The lively atmosphere of Chinese restaurants is suitable for bringing family or closer friends.

He and Fukada Haruji are much different in age, and the other party is from the generation of his cheap father and uncle. Although as the person in charge of an electronic product company, his thinking is not too traditional, but he is older, and he is more suitable to eat lighter food Food, the key is that the relationship with his family is not close...

In general, it is more appropriate to have a meal at a Japanese restaurant.

Anyway, for him, it's best to be able to eat what he likes, and it doesn't matter if he can't eat it. Except for the sweet and greasy food that makes him hard to swallow, he can eat everything else.

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