Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1987 Her brother is not easy

Here, Chi Feichi chose a restaurant with a quiet and artistic environment and light food.

Over there, Fukada Haruji saw that Chi Feichi had brought Hui Yuanai and Qiu Ting Lianzi with him, and only brought his life assistant, and also thoughtfully brought a young female employee who came with him, thinking that he could help take care of the little girl, and also Chat with Qiuting Lianzi.

The exchange of goodwill over lunch was made even more friendly by both parties sending each other signals of goodwill.

The topics they talked about were the contacts between the two families over the years.

Although the relationship between the two families is not close, even at the banquet hosted by the Suzuki family, they have met more than once, and they can find a topic no matter what.

Fukada Haruji talked about the previous exchange of visits with Ike Shinosuke, and also mentioned that the first time he met Chi Feichi was at Chi Feichi's birthday party.

Chi Feichi said that he saw Fukada Haruji's married daughter last time, and said that the grandson of Fukada Haruji's family was his junior.

Fukada Haruji didn't care about Chi Feichi's illness or the Chi family's busy schedule.

Chi Feichi also intentionally avoided some dark history of Fukada Haruji, or things that would spoil the fun if mentioned.

The two sides came and went, chatting from before the meal to after the meal, and talked about Queen Isabella of England again through two unfinished bottles of sake.

Hui Yuan Ai didn't need anyone to take care of her. After eating, she sat quietly by the side, drinking fruit juice and listening to the chat between the two.

The two actively communicated with their family members, reminiscing about the past, and inquiring about the present.

I don't know, I thought the two families were very good family friends...

Leaving aside how many interesting things she heard, what surprised her was that there was no silence!

Brother Feichi is also very good at chatting after he enters the working state.

Yes, she was sure it was 'working status'.

Just like at some dinner parties, Brother Feichi can communicate with other people with ease. It can be seen from the performance alone, but after getting in touch with her a lot, she always has a feeling of "official courtesy".

Moreover, Haruji Fukada also talked about the upcoming award of Ike Shinosuke, saying that he would go to congratulate him anyway, and at the same time visit Queen Isabella. She was not sure if Haruhi Fukada had this idea before, but Two, when the time comes, it can be regarded as helping Uncle Shinosuke to support the scene.

After confirming the situation, these two people are intentionally getting closer!

"When Prince Philip was baptized, I went to England once, and I haven't been there since then," Haruji Fukada sighed along the topic, "No matter how unwilling I am to obey my old age, I don't like to travel more and more in recent years. But when it comes to this, I think of Jirokichi from the Suzuki family, that guy has always been like that, it seems that he will never run out of energy..."

Chi Feichi was fatally frank: "Because he is relatively free."

Fukada Haruji laughed out loud, "I envy him very much, but unfortunately my elder brother is not interested in managing the company and left everything to me, otherwise I would like to go and catch the white monster thief with him! You and the Suzuki family The young lady has a good relationship, and I should have heard him bluffing a lot..."

Chi Feichi looked at his younger sister, "His team has played against my younger sister's team. Listening to his roar, my younger sister probably has more."

"Xiao Ai's e-sports team?" Fukada Haruji looked at Haibara Ai kindly, "I have followed those e-sports competitions, and many tactics are very powerful!"

Hui Yuanai introduced her name in the film and television hall, and regardless of whether Fukada Haruji's address was too intimate, it was just that she couldn't get used to Fukada Haruji's kind eyes like looking at her own children, and politely responded, "You have won the prize, This is the first time I participated in such an official competition, and I and everyone have a lot of negligence."

Haruji Fukada teased that a certain family member was too prudent, and he really couldn't help but want to complain.

A seven or eight-year-old girl is not as innocent and lively as a little girl, and she looks calmer than many young women. What kind of extraordinary people are in this family?

He suspected that this little girl was the second child secretly born by Ike Shinosuke and Ike Kana!

After drinking the sake in the bottle, the two stopped talking appropriately.

Fukada's assistant left for a while early, and when he came back, he handed a beautifully packaged box to Fukada Haruji at the door.

After Fukada Haruji took the box, he bent down and handed it to Haibara Ai, smiling kindly, "Today is the first time we meet, so let this be your meeting gift from Grandpa!"

Hui Yuanai glanced at Chi Feichi, saw Chi Feichi nodded slightly, and reached out to take the box, "Thank you Fukada...Grandpa."

"Okay, okay..." Haruji Fukada touched the top of Huihara Ai's head with a smile, withdrew his hand, stood up straight and said to Chi Feichi, "Feichi, I've already made an appointment for an advertisement during the prime time of Nichimai TV. At that time, they will contact the staff of your company's advertising department, but I think I want to copy the commercial back today and watch it twice myself."

Chi Feichi nodded, "I'll let them prepare it for you."

A group of people went back to THK and asked Haruji Fukada to copy the commercial and take it away.

Qiuting Lianzi didn't stay long either, after asking Chi Feichi if he would go to Tangben Conservatory of Music, he hurriedly left without waiting for the water in the tea room to boil.

Chi Feichi sent Qiu Ting Lianzi out of the office, and when he turned around, he saw Hui Yuanai reaching for the hot water bottle on tiptoe. He walked over in three or two steps, and Hui Yuan Ai picked up the hot water bottle in a second, his face became ugly, "Don't worry, kid. Touch the kettle."

Hui Yuanai looked up and saw Chi Feichi's gloomy face, she was startled for a moment, then turned to look at the teacup on the table, "It's hard for you to talk to Mr. Fukada for so long without being cold..."

Calm down, don't lose your momentum!

"Thanks for your hard work……"

Forget it, chatting with Haruji Fukada for so long without being annoying, it's not hard work for an ordinary person, but for her brother, it's already a very patient act.

For her own development, it is not easy for her brother.

"I just wanted to make you a cup of tea."

"That can't reach the hot water bottle." Chi Feichi calmed down, and brought the hot water bottle to the table, leaned over to pour water into the two cups, and looked up at the hair on the top of Hui Yuanai's head, "You too, Thanks for your hard work."

Being patted on the head enthusiastically by someone I met for the first time might not seem like a big deal to an ordinary child, but to his sister, it is already a very tolerant behavior.

In order to protect their own interests, it is not easy for his sister.

Hui Yuanai raised his hand and touched the top of his head. He quickly calmed down and sat down on the sofa, "It's okay, I don't care too much, but judging from today's situation, the Chi family will strengthen their relationship with Fukada's company in the future. Yes. Bar?"

"Since there is an opportunity for mutual benefit, there is no need to reject it." Chi Feichi took a paper cup to the water dispenser, helped Feichi get a glass of cold water, sat on the opposite sofa, picked up the remote control on the table, and turned it on. The temperature of the indoor air conditioner is turned up.

Feichi crawled from Chi Feichi's sleeve to the table, stretched out his head to drink the water in the paper cup.

Huihara Ai took the beautifully packaged gift box, put it on his lap, and unwrapped it, "Speaking of Uncle Shinosuke's award, it seems to be about a month away. You're going to England by then, right?"

"Aren't you going?" Chi Feichi said casually, and took out a book from the drawer of the cabinet at hand, "Mother said they would go directly to England from China, and let me take you there then."

"Is that so..." Hui Yuanai's scalp went numb, and his hands that were unpacking the box stopped for a moment, trying to maintain his composure, "When do you plan to leave?"

She also wants to participate in this family event, but her identity is false and she cannot apply for a passport to go abroad.

Currently, there are two ways.

The first way is for her to find a way to obtain a birth certificate, and then find an adult to take her to the government department to apply for a new household registration as a relative, and then apply for a visa after getting the household registration page or resident certificate.

The advantage is once and for all, the identity of 'Hui Yuan Ai' will really exist in the future.

The disadvantage is that it is very difficult to get the birth certificate from the hospital eight years ago. If you want to apply for a new household registration, you need to verify the identity of your relatives. When you are asked some questions, such as your previous home address, it will be difficult for her to answer. Doctors can handle Didan Primary School It is not necessarily possible to settle this matter, Brother Feichi or her godmother should be able to find someone to do it, but in that case, the fact that the person 'Hui Yuan Ai' did not exist in the previous eight years may be exposed.

The second method is that the day before she left, she made an excuse to let Chi Feichi go first, and she took the low-efficiency antidote of APTX-4869, changed back to Miyano Shiho and went to England, and when she arrived in England, she turned back to Huiyuan After mourning, meet Brother Feichi again.

The advantage is that it saves time and effort, and it will not reveal that the identity of Hui Yuanai did not exist.

The downside is, will her godmother and brother Feichi feel relieved that she will go there alone? Probably not.

"About half a month later," Chi Feichi lowered his head and opened the book in his hand, "I want to go there early. When I arrive in England, I also need to visit some acquaintances."

Hui Yuanai wondered if he should take this opportunity to propose to separate from Chi Feichi, "Then I..."

"You also go together, I may not be back to pick you up when the time comes," Chi Feichi raised his eyes to Hui Yuanai, his eyes were calm and natural, "Have you applied for a passport before?"

"No..." Hui Yuanai tightened his fingers, met Chi Feichi's gaze, and looked calm, "I'll ask the doctor to help, so I should be able to catch up."

Chi Feichi pretended to think about it, "If the doctor takes you to go through it, it should take a lot of time to go through it. Prepare the materials, and I will take you there, and it will be done within three days."

He knew Hui Yuan Ai's concerns, but this problem would have to be resolved sooner or later.

Could it be that Huiyuan Ai really intends to continue to act with an identity that cannot stand the test?

If you don't stay by his side, it doesn't matter if your identity can't stand the inspection, but if you are suspected by the organization one day, it will be much better if you have an identity to check.

He was forcing Hui Yuanai to take this step.

As long as Huiyuan Ai does it, he will secretly arrange everything so that Huiyuan Ai can smoothly obtain a new verifiable identity.

"I see……"

Hui Yuanai lowered his head and opened the box, using movements to conceal the tension in his heart.

Inside the box is a portable camera, the size is suitable for children, the corners are rounded and smooth, it is not the color of 'Dream Princess Pink' that she can't accept, but light green with low color saturation, whether it is Haru Fukada or not The second choice is based on the character she shows, and it is a gift she likes.

It's just that she doesn't have the heart to think about taking pictures now, and all she can think about is going back to Dr. Ali to discuss how to get her birth certificate and household registration...

"Brother Feichi..."

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to look at Hui Yuanai, and cast him a questioning look.

"If you want to apply for a passport, you need a resident card or certificate of household registration issued by the household registration office, right?" Hui Yuanai put the box by his hand and looked straight at Chi Feichi calmly. In fact, his palms were sweating from panic, "I think Go back early and let the doctor take me to prepare all the materials."

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