Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1988 The Mysterious Stalker

"Actually, there is no need to be so anxious, just find time to print out the certificate..."

After Chi Feichi said so, he still closed the book and stood up, "I'll take you there, don't forget to bring the gift from Mr. Fukada."

Hui Yuanai breathed a sigh of relief, covered the box, put it on and followed Chi Feichi out.

Just take it easy.

She didn't know where to get those materials, or when they could get them done, and she couldn't rush them even if she wanted to.


After sending Hui Yuan Ai off, Chi Feichi excused 'there's something else to do' and didn't stay at Dr. Ali's house. After driving away from the neighborhood, he took out his phone, edited an email and sent it out.

Haibara Ai told Dr. Ali about the ins and outs, and Dr. Ali was so anxious that he walked around in the living room, and called Conan who was going to Gunma County, and held a remote three-person meeting.

"Huh? Huiyuan wants to apply for a passport?" Conan heard the two people say this on the phone. After being surprised, he couldn't help reminding, "She and I have no household registration at all. Are you planning to forge birth certificates to apply for household registration? "

"Xiao Ai and I are thinking about this," Dr. A Li said, "If it's a birth certificate, we can sneak into the hospital..."

"Please think about it carefully," Conan said speechlessly, "Even if you can get the birth certificate form of a certain hospital eight years ago, fill it out, stamp the hospital's seal, and send one of them to the hospital archives, So, what should I do with the parental information on the birth certificate? If you need to go to the household registration office to issue a certificate, the household registration office will query the parental information on the birth certificate, right? If you make up a random name, wouldn’t it be revealing? Of course, you You can also choose to fill in a small village far away from Tokyo, but in that case, you have to go to the local household registration office to issue a certificate. The staff at the local household registration office know very well whether such a little girl was born in that area. Do you want to get away with it? Impossible."

Dr. A Li's heart sank, and he said helplessly, "Even if I adopted a little girl whose parents' information is unknown, that won't work..."

In Japan, it is easy for children to go to school. If you want to go to Teidan Elementary School, you only need to live nearby, but it is not so easy to get a passport.

If you want a passport, the premise is to have a Japanese household registration, and the household registration requires a birth certificate, confirmation of parental identity information, confirmation of parents, confirmation of long-term residence and other processes. Pure black households like Haibara Ai and Conan, want to apply for a passport. Difficult.

Similarly, if a child is said to be adopted, he also needs to issue a certificate from the relevant welfare agency. If there is no relevant certificate, he will be adopted illegally. Not only will he not be able to process the materials, he may even be held accountable.

Well, even if he manages to get a certificate from the welfare institution, the question arises again: when was this little girl adopted? What? a year ago? Then where did she live in the past, is there any certificate issued by the office of the place of residence? No? At the time of adoption, it should be provided to you by the welfare agency, right? What? Adopted when she was one or two years old? Very good, then please go to the Mihua Town Office to issue a certificate, proving that she has lived here for six or seven years. Once the certificate arrives, the household registration will be settled immediately, but you are really too much, why don’t you immediately To update household registration information? ...

In short, there are many problems.

"Even if it is a stateless child of unknown origin, at least five years of residence must be issued." Conan paused, "Actually, there is a way to let Brother Feichi go to the UK first, and Hui Yuan will serve him. After the temporary antidote, go to England as Miyano Shiho, and go find him after turning back into Haibara Ai, isn't it all right?"

"That's just the next step," Hui Yuanai reminded in a cold voice, "Do you think Brother Feichi will rest assured that I will fly there alone?"

"What if you add a doctor?" Conan suggested, "At that time, you say that the doctor is going too, and find a reason for him to go first. If you have a doctor with you, he should be relieved, right?"

Hui Yuanai was a little helpless, "However, Brother Feichi asked me about this before, and I said I didn't have a passport. He asked me to prepare the relevant materials. He can ask someone to help me, so that I can get the passport in three days... ..."

"You won't agree to give him the materials, will you?" Conan asked, and then comforted, "Okay, okay, can't you just find a reason to fool him? Just say that you remember wrongly, but you actually have a passport."

Dr. A Li compared the difficulty of the two methods, looked at Hui Yuan Ai hesitantly, "Xiao Ai..."

"Then let's do it for now."

Haibara saw that Conan had no choice but agreed ambiguously, but he still felt a little bit unwilling. He logged into the bounty forum at night, found the link to the black market, and rummaged through the black market to see if anyone could provide relevant proof.

There are similar channels in the black market, but she is not at ease no matter how she looks at it.

Dr. A Li saw Hui Yuan Ai's actions, guessed that Hui Yuan Ai still wanted to try to get a household registration certificate, and accompanied Hui Yuan Ai to find channels, and discussed many ways with him.

Until late at night, the two still failed to find a method that was reliable enough and had a high success rate.

After waking up, Hui Yuanai sat down in front of the computer again, sorting out the collected information, and calculating the success probability of various plans.

Dr. Ari was worried that Haibara Ai would hurt his eyes by staring at the computer for too long, so he took "going out to eat" as an excuse, and took Haibara Ai for a walk around the neighborhood at noon, until he went to a sushi restaurant in Mihuacho 3-chome for lunch.

There was a table of sushi, but Huihara Ai ate absent-mindedly and often lost his mind.

Dr. Ali sighed, "Xiao Ai, let's take our time, as long as we solve the problem within ten days, there is still time, and isn't there the method that Shinichi said?"

"I know," Hui Yuanai responded casually, ate the sushi in his hand, suddenly looked up at Dr. Ali, and whispered seriously, "By the way, Doctor, have you noticed?"

"What, what?" Dr. Ali was at a loss.

Hui Yuanai looked around from the corner of her eyes, and said in a soft voice, "Since just now, it seems that someone has been staring at us... No, when that line of sight first appeared, it should have been on the street."

Dr. A Li was startled, and looked around nervously, "Yeah, that is to say..."

"Someone has been following us here from the street," Hui Yuanai said softly, and then reminded, "Doctor, don't look around too deliberately, and don't let the other party know before you are sure who the other party is and what it is." We've found out."

This sushi restaurant is not small in scale, and it is time for dinner, and there are many customers in the restaurant.

At the bar facing away from them, there were two adult women, an adult man, and a child, a total of four guests.

The two female guests should have come together, talking in a low voice while eating, with shopping bags at their feet, they should be friends who were shopping nearby and came for dinner halfway.

The male guest was wearing a dark gray windbreaker, black-rimmed glasses, and his face was unshaven. He looked a little lazy and decadent. He lowered his head and concentrated on eating food, and did not communicate with the child in the seat next to him.

The kid is wearing a cool dark blue hooded jacket with the hood pulled up and big English letters printed on the back of the jacket. Since the back is facing them and the jacket is very long, it is not sure whether the kid is wearing a skirt or shorts , can only see the exposed calf and a pair of white flat shoes, so it is impossible to determine whether it is a little boy or a little girl.

Among the guests at other tables, the closest to them was a group of young men and women wearing uniforms...

Soon, Hui Yuan Ai realized that he didn't need to look for it.

When she withdrew her eyes and only looked around with the corner of her eyes, the child sitting in front of the counter turned to look at them, as if staring at her.

The hat blocked the upper half of the child's face, and she could only see the child's white chin, but she felt that line of sight very clearly.

Thinking about it this way, the gaze staring at them in the street doesn't seem to come from a high place...

In order to confirm, Hui Yuanai also paid special attention to other people in the store, and found no other people looking at them.

"Who could it be..." Dr. A Li pretended to lower his head to eat, muttered in a low voice, his eyes rolled around, and suddenly found that Hui Yuan Ai stood up, and looked over in surprise, "Xiao, Xiao Ai?"

Before Hui Yuan Ai walked to the bar, the child sitting in front of the bar looked back and found that Hui Yuan Ai was also looking at him, and he froze on his seat, thinking of something, and quickly climbed off the high chair, Walking towards where Haibara Ai and Dr. Ali are.

In front of the bar, the dejected man just glanced sideways when the child moved, and soon lowered his head to eat the food in front of him.

"As expected, seeing a child sitting next to a grown man eating together, everyone will think that the child was brought here by his father to eat." Hui Yuanai looked at the skirt under the child's coat and confirmed this It was a girl, and she looked up at the other's cool coat, "But the difference between the two people's clothing styles is too big...that's too..."

The girl's thick black jacket was zipped up very high, and a circle of dark blue skirt was exposed at the lower corner. The luster was like metal, and it was full of cool sci-fi style at first glance.

She was a little far away before, and the girl's face was covered by the coat and hat a lot. When she got closer, she could see clearly the face full of mixed blood under the hat.

On that face, the face shape is not much different from most Asian children. The lines are soft and round, plus baby fat, which is a common face shape for cute girls. At the same time, the lines between the eyebrows, eyes, and nose are relatively deep. With big eyes with a pair of royal blue pupils, people can tell at a glance that this is a mixed-race girl.

What really surprised her was that this face was not unfamiliar to her at all. Rather than saying that it looked very similar to her, it would be better to say... except for a slight difference in pupil color, that face was exactly the same as her current face!

While she was looking at it, the other party also walked up to her and looked up at her, so that she could see that the other party was pressed down by the hat and showed a little hair on the side of his face.

Brown big wavy curly short hair...

The same long curly and straight hair as hers, the same brown hair color as hers...

Even the hairstyle and the texture of the hair, which can be vaguely discerned in the light, look exactly like hers.

"What's wrong? Xiao Ai..." Dr. A Li raised his head and looked at the girl standing in front of Hui Yuan Ai in doubt, just in time to see the other girl raised his hand and pulled off the hat on his head, and was stunned for a moment, "This, this... "

Hui Yuanai stared blankly at the person in front of him.

Seeing the doctor's reaction is so strong, it can prove that she is not hallucinating. The little girl in front of her looks exactly like her, except that she is two or three centimeters taller than her, and the color of her eyes is slightly different from hers!

Grace Alhara also looked at Hui Yuanai in a daze.

Before she came, she knew that the other party was very similar to her. She also took a few glances on the road just now, but it was far less shocking than seeing him face to face.

It's like looking in a mirror...

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