Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1990 That must be there

Grace Alhara leaned over the table, pointed to the note record box of the birth certificate, and said seriously, "Look here, there are two identical twins marked, so I have long been sure that you are the same as the birth certificate. I must be a lot like..."

She and Joshua received the news yesterday and flew from the United States to Japan just to deliver these things that had been prepared.

Yes, these are all materials that have been prepared long ago.

At the beginning, Joshua changed from a very old man to a handsome young man, and suddenly became a black household. However, Joshua has believers in the UK who can intervene in household registration.

Can not do without, it must have.

If there are believers, let believers help, and if there are no believers who can help, develop new believers, there is nothing wrong with it.

In short, after Joshua's identity was resolved, they took her to Boston, USA, to carry out the task of 'helping their own congressmen to be elected'. birth certificate.

The director of the hospital, the doctor and midwife who were her birth have all become believers in their natural deism. After the death of her parents and uncle, the papers in the archives and the testimonies of these people are no matter how people investigate , it is impossible to investigate the problem.

"Is it just because we look alike?" Although Hui Yuan Ai was greedy for the birth certificate, he still had some concerns, "Didn't you say that Anna was taken away by a friend who was handed over to her uncle? That friend is now..."

"I found the letter of entrustment written by my uncle to that friend, please ask him to take Anna back to Japan and help take care of Anna." Grace Alhara dug out two more letters from her backpack and put them on the table. The last one is a reply letter from the settlement, with his name and address on it."

Haibara Ai and Dr. Ali each picked up a letter.

Dr. A Li was not in a hurry to open the letter, "Can I have a look?"

Grace Alhara nodded, "You guys can do whatever you want, I'd better pour you a glass of juice."

The envelopes and letter paper of the two letters were somewhat yellowed.

One of them contained a copy of Ana Aihara's birth certificate, her parents' death certificate, a letter of entrustment in her uncle's handwriting, and one of the two copies of the entrustment agreement signed by both parties and witnesses.

The witness is the dean of Mary's Hospital in England, one of his own.

The envelope and the contents of the letter were all made old by magic, and the ink stains were tested seven or eight years ago. Even her uncle's handwriting and signature were completely restored.

The other letter was a reply from the adopter, which said that she took her child back to Tokyo, Japan to settle down. Since she was unable to have children, she was very grateful to her uncle and promised to take good care of the child.

Although there are some stains on the international letters sent from Japan to the United States, there should be a lot of them. Together with the records that the post offices of Japan and the United States may have, they have also done enough.

As for the person who should have adopted Anna...

In fact, it is the 'perfect target' found by the gods.

According to the information provided there, this woman named 'Akita Liliko' is a little older than her uncle. She is of American-Japanese mixed race. She had the experience of studying in the United States in her early years. Later, she got divorced due to infertility and lived alone. She lived in the suburbs, and almost all the people living nearby moved away, and she seldom interacted with relatives.

Seven or eight years ago, Akita Liliko did adopt a mixed-race baby girl. Due to Akita Liliko’s withdrawn personality and seldom interacting with others, few people remembered the baby girl’s appearance, let alone what the baby girl’s name was. And six years ago, the house where Akita Liliko lived caught fire, and the burned down house buried Akita Liliko and the poor child together.

The investigating police had heard that there should be a child in Akita Liliko’s home, but the house collapsed so badly that it was difficult to find the remains of the child, and it was impossible to verify whether the adopted girl was dead or not.

Lord God can be sure that the child is dead.

She was on the plane here, and she heard Joshua talk about——

At the beginning, God-sama only focused on the people who had adopted a one-year-old girl seven or eight years ago and who had died now. They were not limited to Tokyo, but all over Japan, and even people who had left Japan in recent years were all within the scope of the search.

It's a pity that things didn't go well. People who fit the criteria of "adopted a little girl seven or eight years ago" or "had passed away" either had their partners or relatives still alive and were likely to reveal their secrets, or the adopted child was still alive and was transferred to a welfare institution or handed over to She was raised by others, or she has no experience abroad, so it is impossible to know her uncle.

There are so many people in the world, it is still not appropriate to find them one by one. The gods seem to be planning to search for other countries as their nationality. It was an accident to find Akita Liliko. It is said that it originated from Akita Liliko left before her death. private web page.

Akita Liliko is a very talented but sad person. She went to the United States to study computer programming in the early years. After returning to Japan, she worked as a technician in a company with a high salary. It was only after meeting her husband and getting married that she So she quit her job and prepared to conceive at home, but she never got pregnant. She went to the hospital for an examination and found that it was difficult for her to conceive. Therefore, her husband also divorced her, and it was difficult for her to adapt to the workplace again. Opened a small convenience store.

Akita Liliko is also a vicious and irresponsible person. When she brought back the baby girl at the beginning, she might have thought about treating that child well, but she had no patience with that child. Slowly, because of disgust, she put The anger of her infertility, the resentment of being abandoned, was transferred to the young child, often locking the child in the room alone.

That private webpage was made by Akita Liliko herself, and it recorded Akita Liliko's dark side. Those vicious curses and impatient behaviors towards children were all seen by the gods.

Yes, Lord Shenming can confirm that the child is dead.

The fire was not an accident, it was set by Akita Liliko, and that morning, Akita Liliko recorded a diary of panic and madness on the webpage, because of her poor care and intentional mistreatment, the child died, so she tried to Cover it all up with a fire, and the diary's records stop here.

For some reason, Akita Liliko died there, and that private webpage was completely locked up with the death of the owner and the burning of the computer, and sank in the depths of the Internet ocean until it was discovered by the gods, like a fire that wiped out all human beings. Like the evil in his heart, let that webpage completely disappear from the world.

When Joshua talked about this matter, his expression was still gentle, and he didn't comment on it, but there was emotion and sadness in his eyes, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But anyway, this is a very suitable candidate.

The girl in front of her, who is almost exactly like her, is the younger sister chosen by the gods. Since the other party needs a suitable identity, as believers, they must do something for the gods.

Even if it's just acting and telling a made-up story, she takes it seriously.

As for where 'Anna' lived in the six years after Akita Lilyko's death, I will leave it to the younger sister and the old gentleman selected by the gods to make up headaches and tell the staff of the household registration office.

Although there is a troublesome six-year gap during the period, there is no more suitable candidate than Akita Liliko, and the remaining things are not difficult.


By the time Grace Ahara put the juice on the table, Haibara Ai and Dr. Ali had already exchanged and read the two letters.

Seeing that Dr. Ali had to trouble Grace-Ahla, a child, to serve them juice, he felt a little embarrassed, "Thank you, Grace."

"Thank you." Hui Yuanai followed suit.

"It's nothing, I'll prepare some more sandwiches for you. I interrupted you just now. It seems that you haven't even finished your lunch, so I dragged you here..." Grace Alhara said, and turned to go In front of the tea table, I moved the chair and climbed up, "I still have a lot of sandwiches left from the hotel restaurant in the morning. I originally wanted to keep them for my father, but I still let you fill your stomach first, and my father will wait for him to sleep." Let's talk when you wake up."

"It's really troublesome for you." Dr. A Li smiled embarrassedly.

Hui Yuanai thought about it, and put the two letters back on the table, "After replying to the letter, your uncle and this Ms. Akita lost contact, right? Otherwise, there should be other correspondence or phone calls." , otherwise you wouldn't have found out that there was a younger sister after your uncle passed away, you should have found out as early as when the two of you were in contact."

"Yeah," Grace Alhara turned her back to the two, and divided the sandwiches on the plate, "After I found these two letters, I checked Ms. Akita's information on the Internet, and I found six In the accidental fire incident years ago, this Ms. Akita, her house caught fire, and her convenience store downstairs was burned to ruins. The police investigated afterwards and believed that she should be trapped in the living room on the second floor because she lived The place was remote and the neighbors moved away a lot, so the fire was extinguished very slowly, and the left and right houses were burned to ruins. The police found her remains, but no children..."

Dr. Ali has already believed that a little girl named Anna was adopted by Akita Liliko. He frowned and sighed, "If the fire was too big and then buried in the ruins, it might be difficult to find the child's remains. At that time, You are only about three years old, right? No wonder your uncle didn't tell you about Anna, maybe he was worried that you would be sad if he knew about Anna, so he would rather let you not know that he has a younger sister..."

"But I believe that Anna is not dead. It is not because of the fire and the ruins that her remains were not found. She may have run out that day, or she was not at home at all," Grela-Ahla said, climbing off the chair and tiptoeing He took the plate back to the table, and put the plate on the table, "Try it, this is my favorite food in the United States, and I asked the hotel restaurant to cook it this morning."

On the plate were three peanut butter and blueberry jam sandwiches.

Dr. Ali: "..."

Wait, isn't this way of eating that Xiao Ai is also very keen on?

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the sandwiches on the plate, and was also taken aback. Remembering that her godmother and interview magazines mentioned that Grace Alhara’s favorite food is also peanut butter blueberry jam sandwiches, she couldn’t help feeling a coincidence in her heart, and stretched out her hand Picking up a piece, he reminded by the way, "The doctor must control his diet and not eat such high-sugar and high-calorie foods."

Dr. Li who was about to reach out: "..."

He has always been curious about what this sandwich tastes like, but Xiao Ai still won't let him eat it this time?

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