Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1991 This man is not simple

Grace Alhara looked at Dr. Ali's big belly and nodded her understanding, "Let's drink the juice first, my father should wake up soon, and I'll order food for you later."

"No, don't bother." Dr. Ali smiled, looked at Hui Yuanai who was eating the sandwich, and then looked at the sandwich on the plate with resentful eyes.

Seeing Xiao Ai enjoy eating so much, can't he taste a little bit?

Hui Yuan Ai took a bite of the sandwich and confirmed that it tasted similar to the one he ate in the United States. He looked up and saw that Grace Alhara also took a piece and it was delicious. He couldn't help asking, "You don't think it's too sweet to eat like this Are you tired?"

"No." Grace Alhara swallowed the sandwich in her mouth, "Although many people will feel a little tired, but I think I will be much happier after eating it."

Haibara Ai:"……"

If Grace-Ahra was actually much younger than her, born almost ten years after her parents died, she would also suspect that Grace-Ahra was related to her by blood.

"Do you like to eat it too?" Grace Alhara asked, taking another bite of the sandwich, looking forward to Ai Huibara, and said vaguely, "Do you still remember Ms. Akita?"

Hurry up and admit it, admit it.

It would be something to be proud of if she could get it all done before Joshua woke up.

"No..." Huiyuan Ai hesitated a little. She thought that Anna was probably dead. Looking at Grace Alhara's expectant eyes, she felt that recognizing her was to comfort Grace Alhara, and she needed it too. An identity, but she feels that it is not good or safe to pretend to be someone else's identity, "I don't remember, and I'm not sure..."

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't remember," Grace Alhara chewed the sandwich with downcast eyes, and finalized the matter in a reasonable tone, "Seeing you, I knew that you must be right. There are only two of us who look so similar."

Haibara Ai:"……"

That's right, the two of them looked like they were carved out of the same mold. Anyone who saw them would think they were twins.

"When I saw you on the street, I was really surprised. I suspected that I looked in the mirror too much in the morning, my eyes were blurred, and I didn't know how to tell you or whether to say hello to you. I've been following you all the time," Grace Alhara bit the sandwich one bite at a time, and said to herself, "After all, you have your life now, and I'm worried about disturbing you..."

Dr. Ali twitched the corners of his mouth as he watched the two girls with the same appearance stuttering sandwiches.

More and more like a clone.

And it can't be called disturbing at all. At this juncture, it should be said that it is a good thing to send charcoal in the snow.

"And I'm the same, I won't stay in Japan for too long," Grace Alhara looked at Dr. Ali, "You probably wouldn't be happy if you followed me and my father to other places, would you?"

Hui Yuanai nodded, "My life is good now."

"That's good." Grace Ahara looked at Hui Yuan Ai's face that was exactly like her own, and felt a bit of sincerity, "Otherwise, seeing you have a hard life, I think I will be unhappy, then At that time, I will definitely kidnap you with my father."

This is the truth.

With this face exactly like her own, she couldn't bear to watch him live in disgrace.

Hui Yuan Ai felt that he felt the 'friendship', and his eyes softened a little, "By the way, is your current father the one who will adopt you later?"

"It's my godfather," Grace Alhara said with a smile. "After my uncle passed away, he went to England to help me. After that, he brought me to live with him. He..."


Hearing that the door of the room was opened, Dr. Ali immediately turned his head and looked over.

Grace-Ahra looked at the door and smiled after seeing Joshua go out, "Good morning, father!"

Dr. Ali looked at the man who went out in surprise.

The man looked to be in his early twenties. He was wearing a white sweater. His short dark brown hair was slightly curled in a gentle arc. His skin was porcelain white, his nose was high and straight, but his expression was very soft. People subconsciously felt that this man could tolerate him. yourself, everything about yourself.

It's just that in the identity of being called'father', this man is a little too young, right?

"Good morning, Grace, although three o'clock in the afternoon is not too early," Joshua said in a gentle tone. When he looked at Grace-Ahra, there was a smile in his pure blue eyes. Looking at Dr. A Li and Hui Yuanai again, "These two are...?"

"Sorry to bother you," Dr. Ali stood up, smiled back, and didn't know how to explain it. He looked at Hui Yuanai who was standing beside him, struggling, "Actually, we..."

"It's Anna," Grace Alhara looked at Haibara Ai and said with a smile, "I told you!"


Hui Yuanai raised his eyes to meet Joshua's gentle gaze, said hello, and looked at Joshua secretly.

This man gave her a strange feeling that she couldn't describe.

If she had to find someone to compare with, the one she could think of was Brother Feichi.

In the past, Brother Feichi looked strange when he wore traditional costumes or stood in old buildings.

Brother Feichi, who is wearing a black kimono and drinking by the cherry tree, has a cool and evil "monstrous air"; standing in an ancient building, Brother Feichi seems to be stained by the past. The appearance is old, but the appearance is not eroded by the long river of time, which makes people feel unspeakably awkward; Feichi, who is sitting quietly in a white kimono, is not so much like a person who is alienated from the world, but more like an indifferent god. ...

As for the man in front of her, she felt much more worldly, and also seemed easy-going and patient, like... a priest?

It's no wonder that she subconsciously compares it with Brother Feichi, because they both look about the same age and have the same outstanding appearance, and also because they both have a 'religious' aura, or not like a normal human's 'ghosts and snakes' aura.

In short, this man is definitely not simple.

"Please sit down, both of you." Joshua walked forward with a smile. Seeing Hui Yuan Ai and Dr. Ali sitting down on the sofa, he also sat across from him, looking at Hui Yuan Ai and Grace Aha La looked back and forth, sighed softly, "It's really exactly the same."

Dr. Ali: "..."

This gentleman's psychological quality is also a little bit too good. Although he is feeling emotional, there is not much surprise on his face.

When I woke up, the goddaughter brought back a little girl who looked exactly the same. Even if I knew that the goddaughter had a twin sister, but they had been separated for many years and there was no news. Isn't this incident worth being surprised?

Grace Alhara sat next to Joshua and brought out her previous statement.

She was bored and went out for a stroll alone, and happened to meet a girl who bumped into her face, and followed her...

After Grace Alhara finished speaking, Dr. Ali introduced herself.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My surname is A Li. Everyone likes to call me Doctor." Dr. A Li looked at Hui Yuan Ai. "She is Hui Yuan Ai. She lives in my house now and I will take care of her."

"My name is Joshua, Grace's godfather and her current guardian."

Joshua directly reported his name.

This kind of name is not uncommon in Europe and the United States, and it is not exclusive to "Father Joshua". He has always used this name when he returned to Boston, USA.

"Mr. Joshua, you didn't seem surprised when you saw me just now?" Hui Yuanai asked while looking at Joshua.

Since Grace mistakenly believed that she and her were twins, it was necessary for her to see how the people Grace relied on.

The little girl is young, so don't be abducted by weird villains.

Joshua still looked gentle, "I always thought that there are not many things in this world that can surprise me."

"Are you a priest?" Hui Yuanai asked again.

Grace Alhara was taken aback.


"No," Joshua's tone was still unhurried, and he smiled and said sadly to Hui Yuan, "I am a believer in the church, and I am also a scholar who studies world religions."

"Oh?" Dr. Ali became interested, and said with a smile, "No wonder you look so elegant, you are a scholar, so, did you come to Japan this time to bring Grace to travel, or for work, Did you come here specifically to learn about Japanese religious legends?"

"My current subject focuses on Western religion, not Japanese religion. Of course, if I have the opportunity to learn about it, I would be happy," Joshua said, looking at Grace Alhara. Come on a trip, and take her to visit Ms. Akita's grave, after all, she is her uncle's friend... By the way, do you two want to go with us?"

"Let's go together," Grace Alhara said with a smile, "An...Xiao Ai."

Hui Yuanai hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

The four first went to the restaurant on the third floor to eat, and then took a car together to the grave of Akita Lily.

Grace Alhara and Joshua just stood quietly in front of the tomb without speaking.

Dr. A Li and Hui Yuan Ai did not intervene at will, and stood aside for a while before leaving the cemetery.

Taking advantage of leaving the cemetery stall, Dr. Ali and Hui Yuanai discussed in a low voice, and felt that they could not give up the proof materials sent to them.

"By the way, Mr. Joshua," Dr. Ali called Joshua at the gate of the cemetery, "How long do you plan to stay in Japan?"

"I want to take Grace to the Toto Tower in the evening, and I will go around Tokyo tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then I want to take her to Osaka and Kyoto," Joshua said with a kind smile on his face, "about a week Then leave."

"That's right, I still have an unfeeling request," Dr. Ali smiled awkwardly, then bent down and said to Grace-Ahla, "Of course, Grace must agree to this matter, I think... ..."

"Can you give me the birth certificate, death certificate and entrustment agreement?" Haibara Ai spoke on behalf of Dr. Ali, looked at Grace Alhara and said, "Of course, if you want to keep the original as a souvenir, I just Just keep a copy."

Grace Alhara looked up at Joshua, took off the backpack on her back, unzipped it, took out the birth certificate and a letter inside, and handed it to Hui Yuanai with a smile. "Here you are! After Ms. Akita passed away, things were burned in a fire. You don't have a birth certificate, so you have encountered a lot of trouble, right? I should have found you and given you the things a long time ago, but it shouldn't be too late now, I As long as I leave Ms. Akita's reply letter to my uncle, and we have left each other's contact information, it doesn't matter if there are souvenirs or not."

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