Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1992 Little Girls Pulling Out Each Other's Hair

"Thank you," Hui Yuanai took the things, saw Dr. Li and Joshua talking, looked at Grace-Ahra hesitated, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Joshua... yes How are you?"

Grace Ahara didn't expect Haibara Ai to ask this question, she was stunned for a moment, and soon smiled, but her eyes were very serious, "Very good, he is a very good person, and he is also someone I admire and admire. "

Haibara Ai observed Grace-Ahra's expression, and saw that Grace-Ahra's sincerity, without a trace of reluctance, showed a smile on her face, "That's good, I too... hope you can live well."

Whether it's because the two are so similar, or because Grace has helped a lot, she really hopes that Grace can live well.

As long as he treats Grace well, this Mr. Joshua is not simple, and whether he is too young or not is not very important.

Grace Ahara was taken aback, and raised her hand to touch the top of Hui Yuan Ai's head, "You are my younger sister, please do your best!"

Haibara Ai:"……"

On the side, Dr. Ali and Joshua exchanged each other's addresses, made an appointment to call or write to each other when they were free, and when they turned their heads, they saw Grace Alhara and Hui Yuanai rubbing each other's heads. Can't help but froze in place.

Xiao Ai also fights with other children?

The sun really came out from the west.

Is this the attraction brought by the same looks?

Joshua looked at the two little girls with a gentle smile on his lips, "Okay, Grace, don't bully Xiao Ai, we should go back."

The two parties took a taxi back at the entrance of the cemetery, and parted ways in front of the hotel.

"Then, I'll contact you another day!" Grace Alhara waved her hand, followed Joshua into the door, got on the elevator, and immediately took out a tissue from her coat pocket, opened it to check the brown hair inside, the corner of her mouth curled up With a satisfactory arc, he carefully folded the tissue again and stuffed it back into his pocket.

Joshua was not surprised by Grace Alhara's actions, and still looked calm, "Grace, why did you pull her hair?"

"I received information from Lord Shenming in the morning. I went to the street to pretend to meet her by chance. Although I was mentally prepared, I was still shocked when I saw her for the first time," Grace Alhara smiled and patted her with her right hand. He patted his jacket pocket, "That's why I wanted to secretly pull out a few hairs while I was touching her hair, and went to Umbrella's laboratory at night to confirm whether she and I are relatives."

Joshua did not stop or express dissatisfaction, but reminded, "There is Umbrella's laboratory in Japan, but there is no paternity testing equipment in the laboratory. It is not safe to go outside to find a laboratory, but if we arrive In England or America, hair may not work anymore..."

Grace-Ahra hesitated for a while, and became embarrassed, "Yes, that's right... But, I can go to the laboratory to find a solution and save it first. Having said that, when you communicated with Mr. Ari today, it seemed that it was useless. The way you speak, when I went out in the morning, I was still worried about you...would you..."

"Worried about saying prayers when you open your mouth?" Joshua smiled helplessly. "Grace, you have misunderstood me. I don't only say prayers."

Grace-Ahra recalled, "But when you were in front of everyone, you kept saying prayers..."

"That's to create a formal and solemn atmosphere for everyone, so that everyone can be more focused and pious in the church ceremony," Joshua restrained the smile on his face, and his voice was soft and solemn, "People are serious about one thing, And when you do it, you get more peace of mind afterwards."

The elevator went to the thirty-third floor.

Grace Alhara followed Joshua, saw that there was no one else in the corridor, and asked directly, "You often say prayers in front of the gods, and the gods don't need others to help him become focused and pious, right?"

"No, that's different," Joshua said solemnly, "Prayer comes from the gods, and it is a way for believers to convey piety, pray for protection, and obtain psychological salvation to the gods. At the same time, prayers are indispensable in the face of gods The lack of respect is used to prove my and our respect and love for the Lord. If you don’t use prayers to face him, who should you use it to? Grace, I thought you wouldn’t ask such a strange question .”

Grace Alhara: "…"

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is true. Without gods, there is no need to pray, let alone such complicated wording, but...

"Don't you think God doesn't like that kind of communication?" Grace-Ahra reminded, "He never talks in such a strange way, and I don't think he likes that."

"Respect is indispensable, Grace," Joshua still insisted, "the Lord may not care about these forms, but I must strictly demand myself, and always maintain respect for the gods and lords."

Grace Alhara: "…"

But, but...

Lord Shenming seemed disgusted and said, is it okay?


Abandoned church, stronghold of the Mexican Legion.

Chi Feichi watched the situation over there with Koizumi Hongzi's crystal ball, and remained silent.

Thank you so much.

Originally, he wanted to call Joshua after the matter was over, to praise the two people who flew over overnight to carry out the mission, but now that he thinks about it...

Forget it, he suddenly didn't want to call Joshua.

Koizumi Hongzi leaned in front of the crystal ball, and nodded repeatedly, "Joshua is a very devout believer. I can achieve this effect without using chocolate. I'm a little envious of you."


Chi Feichi felt that he and Koizumi Hongzi had disagreements, "Crystal ball, look at Xiao Ai, she also pulled out Grace's hair."

"Okay, Lord Son of Nature!"

The crystal ball immediately changed its image, locking on Dr. Huihara Ai and Dr. Ali who were walking on the street.

Koizumi Hongzi glanced at the crystal ball speechlessly.

This is her family's crystal ball. The Son of Nature just turned it around. The crystal ball didn't wait for her to express her opinion. Does she want to lose face?

If the Son of Nature hadn't said that the crystal ball could no longer be smashed... Bah, if she didn't think it would be inconvenient to observe the world without a crystal ball, she would have smashed this guy and sent him to be with the magic mirror.

On the street, Hui Yuanai walked beside Dr. Ali, took out a handkerchief and a smallest evidence bag, spread out the handkerchief, and carefully distributed the tea leaves on top into the bag.

Dr. A Li saw Hui Yuan Ai's operation, and asked in surprise, "Xiao, Xiao Ai, how did this come about?"

"Evidence bag?" Hui Yuanai put the handkerchief back into his pocket and said without raising his head, "I got it from Brother Feichi, I still have a lot here, do you want to use it?"

"No..." Dr. A Li hurriedly explained with a black thread in his hair, "I mean hair, is that your hair, or..."

"You guessed it right, it's Grace's hair. I pulled it out secretly while touching her hair just now." Hui Yuanai sealed the evidence bag calmly and put it back in his pocket. "I still want to Check to see if she is my relative or something."

Dr. Ali overlapped the figures of the two girls in his mind, and couldn't help nodding, "If it's not a relative, it would be amazing, but Xiao Ai, where should we go to test the hair of the two of you? Among the friends I know , and no one who works in the relevant laboratory, if it is sent outside for testing, it seems not safe enough."

Hui Yuanai was stunned for two seconds, and quickly regained his composure, "I can make some solution to protect the hair follicles first, and then test it when I have a chance."

The crystal ball transmitted the conversation between the two to the base.

Koizumi Hongzi looked away thoughtfully, and looked at Chi Feichi, "They seem to have solved the problem you have been worrying about by doing this."

Chi Feichi gave an 'hmm' and said, "It would be even better if they had different blood types."

He has been worried about the DNA data of 'Miyano Shiho' left in the organization.

If Xiao Ai had Grace's hair in his hand and could keep it, those hairs would be of great help when suspected.

Of course, the organization may not have those data, so the basis for judging "whether it is Miyano Shiho" is likely to be the blood type. If the blood types of Grace and Haibara Ai, it will be more worry-free.


Early the next morning, Dr. Ali brought Hui Yuanai to the household registration office.

When the staff asked about the situation, Dr. Ali immediately told the experience of Grace Alhara, and handed over the birth certificate, the death certificate of Grace's parents, and the entrusted custody agreement to the other party.

The staff who received the two was a woman in her forties. After reading the information, she asked doubtfully, "But why did you come here to go through the naturalization procedures until now?"

"Because Ms. Akita passed away suddenly, I couldn't help the child to apply for household registration in time," Dr. Ali looked at Hui Yuanai with a sad face, and took out the excuse he had prepared, and said earnestly, "After this child It was entrusted to Ms. Akita's friend in the country, that is, my relative. He didn't know that the child hadn't been officially naturalized, and he didn't help with the procedures. A while ago, my relative entrusted her to my care, and I didn't know. She didn't come over to explain the situation in time, and I didn't know until recently that her godmother wanted her to go to the UK and needed a passport..."

Hui Yuan mourned behind Dr. Ali, acting out a lost and timid look.

The staff thought about the experience of "the death of parents, the death of the adopter, the unsafe situation of living under the fence, and being thrown around" happened to an eight or nine-year-old girl, and they couldn't bear it. Looking at the little girl like a porcelain doll Showing a disappointed expression, he tried to soften his gaze, and his words became softer, "So that's the case, it's okay, it's very convenient for children to apply for household registration, it's not a troublesome thing."

These words are used to comfort Hui Yuanai, but they are also true.

With those proofs, it will be much easier to apply for household registration. Grace Alhara's father is a Japanese citizen, and the adopter Akita Liliko in the entrustment agreement is a Japanese citizen, and Dr. Ali also hinted that 'This child has been staying in Japan all these years', such a stateless black household, and a child, can be naturalized very easily.

Of course, it was convenient for the staff to look at Hui Yuanai's introverted and silent appearance. Not only did they show 100% efficiency to help deal with this problem, even the process of investigating the parents' place of origin seemed very rough.

For fear of mentioning the sadness of the little girl, the staff also avoided many questions, so that many of the rhetoric prepared by Haibara Ai and Dr. Ari were useless.

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