Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1995 Ask Conan to be considerate of him

Conan was a little surprised, "But Mr. Asakura might be targeted by some dangerous guy, tomorrow..."

"The police will check the safety of the Dongdu Line subway station tonight, and send people to watch the night," Chi Feichi interrupted, "Tomorrow there will be many policemen following Mr. Asakura, if that can't guarantee his safety, then It's useless to have one more person."

"You...are you angry because the police selected people to investigate the case?" Conan sighed and comforted him with a smile, "That can't be helped. The person who killed Mr. Zenan didn't continue to commit crimes. Will not continue to kill, and Mr. Asakura is a living person facing life-threatening threats. Even if he is not the governor, the police will give priority to protecting his safety and investigate the case of Mr. Zenan's murder. As long as some people are left Follow up the clues, and continue the investigation when Mr. Asakura's matter is resolved."

"I'm not angry, I just think the subway station will be very noisy." Chi Feichi's tone remained calm, "And I want to rest tomorrow."

Conan thought that Chi Feichi really needed to pay attention to rest, and then thought that Chi Feichi might have spent a lot of energy on the murder of Zenan Youhui recently, and he didn't think about Chi Feichi at all just now, so he couldn't help but feel guilty, "Sorry, Chi Brother, I don't have to ask you to go... Uh, in short, please ask Mr. Dashan to send the invitation letter to the office."

"Understood, I will let him contact Teacher Mao Li." Chi Feichi said.

"Thank you, Brother Chi," Conan thought of his stubbornness just now, thanked him obediently, and pulled Chi Feichi to talk, trying to strengthen the friendship through communication, "By the way, I heard Brother Chi's singing, it seems that I haven't heard it before. My song, is Miss Qianhe releasing a new song?"

"Just an ad."

"A new ad? An ad for something?"

"Camera commercial, before the evening news at 8 p.m., the ad will be shown on TV once, so you can watch it."

"Okay, I'll watch it with Sister Xiaolan and Uncle Xiaowulang... Then that's it, I won't bother you anymore."



After hanging up the phone, Conan put down the receiver and breathed a sigh of relief.

Very well, it seems that Chi Feichi didn't care about his previous willfulness at all.


Shinagawa District.

In the setting sun, a black car parked on the street diagonally opposite the department store, mixed with other cars parked along the road.

On the driver's side, the window is fully down.

Takatori Yannan put one hand on the car window, with a bearded fake face, a pair of black sunglasses, a cigarette in his mouth, staring sideways at the big screen on the department store, and regretfully said, "It's all That brat called me, which distracted me, and I couldn't read a long part of it..."

Chi Feichi lowered his hair and sent an email to Dashanmi, asking Dashanmi to contact his teacher in a while and send the invitation letter to the Maori Detective Agency, hissing, "Didn't you say you saw it yesterday?"

"Yeah," Vodka in the back seat took over, "Srivova, this commercial was aired yesterday afternoon, you should have seen it, right?"

"But I still want to watch it a few more times," Takatori Yannan retracted his gaze, picked up the tablet at hand, watched the surveillance video on it with a cigarette in his mouth, and complained casually, "Only broadcast on TV and outdoors three times a day , is too stingy."

After Chi Feichi sent the email, he said something fair for Haruhi Fukada in a hoarse voice, "Mr. Fukada's strategy is good. This kind of advertisement that can make people's impression in one pass is precious and scarce if it is broadcast less times. It is easy to arouse people's discussion, and it is easy to gain higher popularity."

"That's right..." Yan Nan Takatori felt uncomfortable hearing the hoarse voice. Looking at the video on the tablet, he suddenly regained his energy and reminded, "Luck, Yamao is going out. He should be planning to drive and stop at the The blue minivan outside his door going out."


On his mobile phone, Chi Feichi sent an email to two peripheral members who were squatting near Shanwei Xijie's foothold, asking those two people to follow Shanwei Xijie.

Of course the mayor of Tokyo knew about receiving the threatening letter, because the person who sent the threatening letter was Keisuke Yamao who bought the 'black humor'.

Long before Officer Megure called to ask him if he had any clues, the peripheral members staring at Keisuke Yamao had provided him with information.

Keisuke Yamao has been tinkering with explosives at home since he bought 'Black Humor'. He occasionally goes out to buy food and a map. He suddenly started to act yesterday, sending a threatening letter to the mayor of Tokyo. Don't worry about it. He could have guessed that Keisuke Yamao was about to make a big move, and he had to keep a close eye on it himself.

At least this process is going to go.

He wanted to ask Conan to be considerate of him.

He will be really busy these two days, busy breaking the law and committing crimes.

That person decided to sell another copy of 'Black Humor' within Tokyo. The buyer has already been selected and is waiting for the evening transaction.

In the morning, as Chi Feichi, he went to the scene where Zenan Youhui was murdered. In the afternoon, he put on Lark's vest and began to pay attention to the movements of Keisuke Yamao. By the way, he arranged the transaction for the evening and confirmed that the transaction was carried out safely.

In one afternoon, I don't know how many emails were sent.

Probably because he was worried about driving him crazy, that person finally thoughtfully arranged vodka from Gin for a while. However, except for those peripheral members who acted as human monitors and pathfinding stones, there were only three people.

And vodka is only responsible for bringing the "black humor" pills from the laboratory, meeting with the buyer for a while, and taking the money and leaving after the transaction is completed.

Only he and Takatori Yano are really responsible for watching the after-sales situation of black humor.

Recently, the people in the organization seem to be busy again, so busy that they can't even spare a person who came to monitor the information.

The criminals are busy, the criminal organization is busy, the police are busy, and the detectives are also busy. If everyone goes on like this, isn't it unfriendly to him?

"What on earth does that guy at Yamao want to send a threatening letter to the governor of Tokyo? He doesn't really want to kill Asakura, does he?" Vodka complained to himself and laughed again, "However, if he can The person who turned into black killed Asakura in public, then this medicine must be famous all at once, Lark..."

The three sat in the car, and through camera recordings and email reports, they remotely monitored Keisuke Yamao going to the Shin-Yanote Tunnel.

Shanwei Xijie got into the tunnel, just drove back and forth a few times, and then drove home again, confused about vodka.

Takatori Yannan guessed that Yamao Keisuke was "stepping on the spot", seeing that there was nothing serious about Yamao Keisuke, he gave the tablet to Chi Feichi, and drove to the trading place agreed with the new buyer.

The trading time is at nine o'clock in the evening, and the location is set outside a park.

There is a winter lantern festival in the park, and when crowds gather in the park to watch the lights at night, there are not many people on the streets outside the park.

There was only one transaction partner who contacted them, but according to the information provided by the intelligence team, it should be a group of small criminal groups targeting the bank and preparing to rob.

This group of people had a lot of criminal experiences over the years, most of which were minor incidents. There were three members of the group. Before and after the trading hours, two of them had already arrived outside the park, pretending to be passers-by and wandering around.

The man who was in charge of contacting them and making the deal arrived at the point. As agreed, he wore an old coat, carried a guitar on his back, and pulled his scarf so that half of his face was covered. He stopped by the fire hydrant on the street and quietly look around.

Chi Feichi also arranged for his own people to go nearby in advance.

The other party worried that this was a "fishing trap" by the police, and they also had to guard against being "fished".

Although they have the basic information of these three people, it is not ruled out that the other party may collude with the police, so it is necessary to be careful.

When the trading time was approaching, Takatori Yannan drove the car to the street, and Chi Feichi checked from a distance to see if there was anything unusual nearby, whether the person who came to meet was carrying a dangerous weapon, and then told him what to pay attention to. vodka.

On a street, there is only one car driving on the road, and ten people inside and outside the car, eight of them are criminals, and only the young couple on the bench in front of the park are innocent passers-by.

If something happened and a fight broke out, the couple would have no idea what expressions they would have...

Chi Feichi guessed maliciously in his heart, and asked Yan Nan Takatori to stop the car on the side of the road.

After Vodka got out of the car, he went straight to the man standing by the fire hydrant.

The man was very alert. When he saw the man in black and sunglasses walking towards him, he looked at the black car with window film on the front and rear windows on the side of the road, and tentatively asked Vodka, "Hello, do you know the guitar? Do you think I have this guitar on my back?" How much is the guitar worth?"

"30,000 dollars," Vodka said impatiently, "trade as soon as possible, did you bring the money?"

"Of course," the man saw that Vodka was so straightforward, took out an envelope from his arms, pulled out a stack of 10,000 yen banknotes inside, let Vodka look at it, and put it back again, "Where's the medicine? Did you bring it?" ? I still can't believe it really has the effect you said..."

Vodka took out the medicine box from the inner pocket of the black suit, opened it, and took out one, "We can provide you with a medicine to verify the effect, you can find someone to try it on."

"Is that so?" The man looked around, "But time is so urgent, who can we find someone here to test the medicine? I think we might as well..."

"Stop talking!" Vodka said impatiently, too lazy to test each other with the man, "I said, the little guy over there pretending to be on the phone, is he your companion? Isn't it all right to let him test the medicine? "

The man didn't expect his companion pretending to be a passer-by to be discovered. He froze for a moment, with a helpless smile on his face, "I'm still not sure whether the medicine is poisonous, how could I let my companion take risks?"

"Hey, do you guys want to buy it? We have no shortage of buyers, and we don't have to sell you the medicine! If you don't want to buy it, then just pretend I haven't been here," Vodka took a step forward and approached the man viciously He said to the man, "But you'd better think about it carefully, you will have to pay for playing tricks on us!"

In the car on the side of the road, Takatori Yannan lowered the car window a gap, and silently lit a cigarette.

Vodka's attitude is really bad and arrogant.

It's obviously a transaction where you both pay for the money and deliver the goods, so why does it look like a forced buy and sell?

The man didn't expect the seller to be so arrogant. After staring at the vodka for a while, a hint of annoyance flashed in his eyes. Finally, he compromised and called his companion to meet behind the bushes.

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