Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1996 Xiao Hei Appeared

Vodka, the man, and the man's little accomplice, the three of them got behind the bushes and started testing the medicine.

The street lights were blocked by the bushes, but because there were many long strings of colorful lights hanging on the wall and wrapped around the tree trunks not far away, the light behind the bushes was not dim.

After the little man took the medicine from the vodka, he turned his head and said a few words to his companion, then quickly swallowed the medicine with his head up, and stood where he was, looking down at his outstretched hands.

The black quickly covered the skin of the little man, and the speed of blackening was very fast, and it happened all over the body at the same time, making it impossible to see whether the black was coming from the body. In the blink of an eye, only a black man could be seen. A figure whose face is hard to discern.

Chi Feichi sat in the car, looked sideways at the situation behind the bushes through the car window, and silently evaluated in his heart.

Like a paper man blackened with black ink.

However, this little man's physique seems to be very sensitive to 'black humor', and the speed of turning into a little black is about 0.5 seconds faster than other test subjects.

The meeting man and his smaller accomplice were dumbfounded and tried to get out of the shadows.

Under the street lights, the little man still kept his 'Xiao Hei' appearance, only the clothes on his body hadn't changed, and his body seemed to be covered with a layer of matte black, making it impossible to identify his identity at all.

In order to prevent the couple on the bench from noticing, Vodka and the man stood on the left and right to help block it.

Fifteen minutes passed, and the little man who returned to normal still had a look of disbelief, moving his hands and feet in place, looking down at his palms from time to time.

The man in charge of the meeting has readily completed the deal with the vodka, paying the money and delivering the goods, and also eager to leave a contact information for easy communication.

This time, the two parties agreed anonymously on the online black market. The man was worried that he would not be able to contact the vodka after the goods were taken off the shelves, which is understandable, but...

"What this medicine is most suitable for, you and I both know, let's talk about it after you can successfully complete the plan! At that time, we may be able to trade again!"

Vodka left behind a sentence, took the money, turned around and left.

In the car, Takatori Yannan glanced at the time on the tablet and said thoughtfully, "Compared to my last transaction, the whole process is about thirteen minutes faster..."

From this point of view, vodka's arrogant trading model is also very useful.

"That's why I borrowed vodka," Chi Feichi hissed, and looked away, "If it wasn't for me to see the effect of the medicine and need to wait for the little man to return to normal, he would have been faster."

After waiting for the vodka to drive, the car quickly left the spot.

Chi Feichi bowed his head and sent emails on his mobile phone, asking the peripheral members who were pretending to be passers-by to evacuate one after another.

"Those two guys were ridiculously dumb just now, but they were too dawdled. They were able to watch themselves for more than ten minutes..." Vodka sat in the back seat, commenting, and then raised his eyes to look at the quilt in the front seat. Luke, who was illuminated by the phone light, changed his face, and added, "Of course, Luke, you need to see the effect of the medicine, which is also one of the reasons, otherwise I wouldn't hang out with them!"

Takatori Yannan felt emotional, raised his hand and gave a thumbs up to the back, "The task is successfully completed, vodka!"

He has to admit that there are some things that vodka is better at and more suitable for.

Vodka laughed, lowered his head, took out the envelope, and counted the 10,000 yuan bills inside, "Yeah, the transaction volume tonight is very small, so it's very convenient to count."

Takatori Yannan, who used to be sore at counting money, immediately felt the same, and joked with a smile, "Just treat it as the operation funds for these two days, at least it's not a waste of time."

After Chi Feichi sent the email, he asked in a hissing voice, "Vodka, is Gin busy recently?"

Vodka has quickly counted the money, stuffed it back into the envelope, and replied truthfully, "The one has new instructions. Brother Gin has been arranging people to scout for information recently. No formal action, Lark, do you need any help here?"

"It's not that I need help," Chi Feichi put away his phone, looked up at the tablet next to the dashboard of the car, and hissed, "Those three... should be targeting a bank in Wenjing District tonight. They started to act, and the person in charge of monitoring will send back the information. Rum means that if possible, the money does not need to be let go, as long as nothing goes wrong, no matter who does it... So I want to ask Ask if Gin is free recently."

"Ah," Vodka said with a clear smile, "Then I'll talk to Brother Gin later and ask him about his plans..."

Takatori Yannan is no longer surprised by the organization's style of "snacking the skin, knocking the bones and sucking the marrow", and he will not feel psychological pressure if he eats the black, and silently drives the vodka to the designated place.


The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning.

The Toto Metro Line was officially opened, and Asakura Yuichiro attended the opening ceremony, and cut the ribbon in front of the crowd and Nismai TV's broadcast footage.

Mori Kogoro arrived at the scene with the invitation letter provided by Chi Feichi.

Although he entered the scene, he just walked around the venue with the police to see if there were any suspicious people, but Mori Kogoro regained some of the feeling of being a policeman and acting with his colleagues, and observed very seriously.

Unfortunately, until Asakura Yuichiro boarded the subway car and was about to start a test ride with other citizens, the police and Mori Kogoro found no suspicious person, so they could only follow up in the car, and some people personally protected Asakura Yuichiro. Another part of the staff continued to check in each compartment.

On the other side, Dr. Ali drove the five children of the Boy Detective Team to see the Great Universe exhibition.

Along the way, Conan was watching the broadcast on the TV station on his mobile phone, paying attention to the situation on Asakura Yuichiro's side.

Dr. Ali drove into the tunnel and did not forget to introduce it to a group of children, "This is the Shin-Yamate Tunnel, and this road can also go to Nishitama City!"

In the back seat, Conan lowered his head and focused on watching the rebroadcast, and found that his phone was out of battery, and the rebroadcast also turned off automatically as the phone turned off, so he couldn't watch it anymore, so he had no choice but to put the phone away.

Sitting next to him, Mitsuhiko looked down at a map, "Speaking of which, this tunnel seems to be connected to the Dongdu Metro Line..."

"Yes, this tunnel will merge with the Dongdu Metro Line. After the merger, it will run parallel for a section below the Dongdu Metro Line. The two lines overlap for about one kilometer." Conan looked up at the road ahead, pointing to the curve ahead, He said with a smile, "Turning this corner, it will coincide with the Dongdu Line."

There were quite a few cars in the tunnel, and the yellow beetle followed the car in front and began to turn.

When the car was turning, Conan glanced out of the car window inadvertently, and couldn't look away after a glance, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

A figure was standing in the emergency parking belt of the tunnel, without a car beside him, and seemed to be holding something in his hand.

What made him feel unbelievable was that the car passed by the other party not far away, and the other party was actually a completely black shadow in his eyes, just like the shadow cast by someone on the ground, but this shadow stood up up!

Although the light in the tunnel is darker than outside, it shouldn't be like this, right?


A yellow beetle drove past the figure.

Seeing Conan looking at the car window with a pale face, Ayumi looked curiously and asked, "Conan, what's wrong with you? Your face is so ugly."

Conan came back to his senses, turned around and lay down in front of the rear seat window, and found that he could no longer see the figures standing in the emergency parking belt, but saw suspicious black boxes on the top of the tunnel. The assistant zoomed in and observed the row of black boxes placed on the top of the tunnel.

It's a bomb!

What the black shadow was holding in his hand should be something like detonating the remote control!

Does the other party want to...

"Doctor, stop!" Conan yelled at Dr. Ali, with fear still in his eyes, "Stop!"

Dr. Ali, who was driving, didn't respond, "What, what?"

"It's a bomb!" Conan said anxiously, "I found out that someone planted a bomb in the tunnel!"

The three children were taken aback, "Bomb?!"

"You said there was a bomb?" Dr. A Li also shook his hands in fright. The car swayed into an S shape on the side of the road, and he quickly stabilized the steering wheel. "You have to drive to the next emergency parking belt to stop!"

After the yellow beetle drove out of the tunnel, it stopped in the emergency parking belt on the side of the road.

Conan immediately got out of the car with the skateboard in his arms, got on the skateboard and rushed into the tunnel, passed through the traffic in the tunnel, and returned to the emergency parking belt in the tunnel, watching the bomb and the people in the emergency parking belt with his glasses.

It's still a dark shadow that can't be seen clearly!

The other party looked up at the bomb at the top of the tunnel, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his white teeth were so white against the pure black face, and he pressed the button of the remote control in his hand with his thumb.

While shuttling between traffic, Conan took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed Megushisan. When the call was connected, he quickly said, "I'm Kudo! Please stop the tram immediately, the bomb is about to detonate!"

Although Mu Mushisan who received the call did not understand the cause and effect, he still informed the police in other carriages to stop the subway.

In the tunnel, Conan hung up the phone and rushed to a car, holding the skateboard high with both hands, blocking the way ahead.

The car in front of Conan braked quickly, forcing the cars behind to stop as well.

Amidst the noise of sudden brakes, the black shadow entered the safe passage on the side, and the bomb on the top of the tunnel exploded.

The explosion trampled on the concrete layer between the subway Dongdu Line and the tunnel, and the aftermath sent the front row car and Conan flying to the rear.

The tram that braked suddenly couldn't stop completely for a while, fell into the tunnel from the collapse, and rushed out of the tunnel all the way, like a crazy long snake, twisting its body and rushing to the overpass outside the tunnel.

There is a curve above the overpass, Dr. Ali and the children stared dumbfounded at the tram rushing towards the curve, and will soon rush out of the curve. They broke into a cold sweat for the people in the tram and the vehicles under the overpass, and shouted anxiously, "Stop it!"

Conan rushed out of the tunnel on his skateboard, followed behind, watched the tram go out, and shouted nervously, "Stop!"

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