Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1997 Conan: So tired, destroy it!


The front of the tram shattered the concrete guardrail on the side of the road, and large chunks of cement fell down into the traffic below. The first car was halfway out, but it finally stopped.

At the end of the overpass, a black car was parked on the side of the road, inconspicuous on the road where the cars stopped in panic.

In the car, the bearded man who was driving was wearing sunglasses and poked his head out of the car window. He looked at the front of the tram hanging in the air, and then at the dusty road below due to falling cement blocks. He murmured, "It's okay. We didn't go down that road, that guy at the end of the hill was crazy."

In the passenger seat, the man in black had a young and handsome face, blond hair and blue eyes, three-dimensional and profound features, his expression was as indifferent as his eyes, he folded the tablet with a black screen on his lap, and looked sideways at the front of the tram that was hanging in the air. The voice was hoarse and harsh, "Let's go, there's nothing to see."

In order to monitor Keisuke Yamao’s medication, a peripheral member of the organization installed a miniature camera on the top of the tunnel. However, after Keisuke Yamao entered the safe passage, he cut off the connection with the camera. The video only captured a child skateboarding Rushing through the traffic, I didn't take pictures of Conan's subsequent actions.

In this way, even if this video is archived, no one will find Conan's bold move.

No need to look, he can know what happened in the tunnel in the last two seconds of the bomb explosion just now, and the series of lines of "I am Kudo Shinichi, a high school student detective, and my childhood friend Mori Ran..." has already echoed in his mind, By the way, I still let the gin hit Kudo Shinichi in my mind.

Sure enough, it is the plot of the fifteenth theatrical version.

The opening was so explosive that it was hard for him to remember it.


This time the explosion had a great impact. The police immediately organized manpower to confirm the casualties after the incident. The ambulance also arrived early and stopped two rows above and below the overpass.

Fortunately, Conan stopped the vehicle from entering the explosion area in time. No one died in the explosion, but some car owners were slightly injured because the car was lifted and hit by cement blocks.

Conan became a little hero, and before those car owners could surround him, he was led by Mu Mushisan into the police circle.

Faced with Megushisan's inquiry, Conan said that he saw the bomb and called Kudo Shinichi for help. Kudo Shinichi said there was nothing he could do, so he took the risk to stop the car and let Megushisan Remember to keep the matter of Kudo Shinichi a secret.

Mu Mushisan had received a second call from Kudo Shinichi's identity before, Ban Yueyan said, "Understood, brother Kudo also called me and told me that because of work problems, I hope I don't mention it to the outside world. He, but what happened to him during this period of time, mysterious..."

Conan could only face the complaint with an embarrassed smile.

He didn't want to be mysterious, but he couldn't help it.

"By the way, Conan," Mu Mu Thirteen didn't complain anymore, squatted down in front of Conan, looked at Conan seriously and asked, "You said just now that you saw someone standing at the emergency parking belt, because the other party There is no car or motorcycle nearby, and you are still holding the remote control in your hand, so you feel strange, and you only saw the bomb when you looked back, so, have you seen the face of that person clearly?"

Speaking of this, Conan's heart sank, and he shook his head, "No, I didn't see..."

"It's not just the appearance, but clothes, height, body shape, or other characteristics, all of these are fine," Mu Mushisan's tone slowed down, leading Conan to recall, "Including whether the other party is a man or a woman, and which hand he uses to hold it." The remote control, these can help, you think about it, can you?"

"That..." Conan hesitated, "I saw that the other party was holding the remote control with his right hand..."

The figure he saw was very unscientific, and no one would believe it, right?

"The suspect is probably right-handed..." Mu Mushisan took out the manual, quickly recorded it, and then looked at Conan with encouraging eyes, "What else? No matter how small it is, it doesn't matter, as long as it is related to You can tell me anything about that person or anything you think is strange."

Conan was silent for a while, but decided to tell the truth to prevent the police from misjudging, "The person I saw was actually a black shadow in the shape of a human."

"A human-shaped shadow?" Mu Mushisan held a pen in one hand and a manual in the other, squatting halfway in front of Conan, trying to understand Conan's meaning, "It means that the light in the tunnel is too dark, and you couldn't see the suspect's body clearly." Any other features?"

"No," Conan looked at the shadows cast by the two on the ground, "What I saw was a black shadow like a shadow. The opponent's body was all black, and I couldn't distinguish between men and women. I couldn't see the outline of facial features clearly. I can see the whites of his eyes and the teeth that show when he sneers, and I can't even see his clothes clearly..."

"Is it because the light is too dark?" Mu Mushisan tried hard to understand Conan's words, "Or, did you see that person's complexion is black?"

"I'm sure that it's not affected by the light, and the person's skin color is not as dark as that of a black-skinned person, it's much darker than that, and the outline of his whole body is still a little blurred," Conan racked his brains to describe, "It's like... ...Like the Shadow Killer in horror comics!"

Mu Mu Thirteen: "..."


Horror comics? Shadow Killer?

Conan: "..."


Did Officer Megure not believe him?

He was so tired of explaining.

The two stared at each other speechlessly. When the air was silent, Dr. Ari hurried to the side with Haibara Ai, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi.

"Ke, Conan..." Ayumi ran out of breath, and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"Uh, I'm fine, you don't have to worry," Conan turned his head back, looked at Mumu Shisan again, and said earnestly, "But Police Officer Mumu, the figure I saw is really a black shadow in human form! "

"Cough... well, Conan, the clues you have provided so far are helpful for our investigation," Mu Mushisan felt that the child was indeed a child, put the pen and manual back into the coat pocket, stood up, bent over Waist smiled and touched the top of Conan's head as a sign of praise, "You have done a good enough job. It was so dangerous before, so you should have been scared a lot, right? Go back and have a good rest, and leave the rest to us, the police." .”

Conan: "..."

I didn't believe Officer Mu Mu, otherwise why didn't I record it?


Dr. A Li was very frightened. Seeing that the children were not in the mood to go to the big universe exhibition again, he drove a group of children back to his home to rest.

Along the way, the dialogue follows.

Yuan Tai: "Conan, you are really taking a risk this time, but you have saved a lot of people."

Ayumi: "Yeah, fortunately no one died or was seriously injured. By the way, Conan, have you seen what the suspect looks like?"

Mitsuhiko: "You must have seen it, right? Officer Megure just said that you provided clues..."

Conan described the black shadow he saw, and he really couldn't find a more appropriate way to describe it except for the same rhetoric as Megu Shisan.


Ayumi, stay: "Horror comics..."

Mitsuhiko, dumbfounded: "Shadow Killer?"

Yuantai's eyes lit up: "It feels so cool!"

Ayumi commented with a dry smile, "But I don't think it's something Conan would say."

Mitsuhiko nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I thought Conan would say something mature and rigorous like an adult."

Haibara Ai was sitting in the passenger seat, and when he heard Conan's description behind him, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Conan, "I didn't expect you to be quite childlike."

Conan: "..."

He still can't tell?

So tired, destroy it!

When he arrived at Dr. Ali’s house, in order to let others understand the black shadow he saw, Conan started to draw. Using colored pencils, he drew a very realistic picture of the emergency parking belt of the tunnel, and then used a black pencil to draw a black shadow. The lacquered humanoid shadow.

The three children leaned beside them with great interest.

Mitsuhiko nodded again and again, "It really looks like a black shadow killer!"

Ayumi lay on the table, propping her chin with one hand, looking sideways at the paintings on the table, stretching out the other hand, pointing at Soi Ying's right hand, and sighed, "Look, Conan even connected the remote control in his right hand. It's all drawn."

Yuan Tai said with half-moon eyes, "The painting is not bad."

Conan put down his pencil, sat down at the table, and stared at the picture he had drawn with a depressed expression.

Children seem to believe him and understand him, because in the eyes of children, such exaggerated expressions are not strange.

But he is realistic, absolutely not exaggerating...

Hui Yuanai stood by the table, looked at the painting with his head, and then looked at the listless Conan, "You have always emphasized that what you see is a human-shaped black shadow, which means the same black shadow as in the painting, and you did not deliberately exaggerate it ,Is it right?"

Edogawa was not a real first-grade student. He used the description of "black shadow killer" in one description, and it was impossible to seriously emphasize it twice or three times.

And looking at Edogawa's almost collapsed reaction when she repeatedly said "it's completely black", she has a guess that sounds like a fantasy——

The suspect that Edogawa saw was really a black shadow!

When Conan saw that someone understood him, he immediately regained his spirits, nodded seriously, "This painting is realistic, and the people I saw are like this. At that time, the doctor drove by him, and I looked out of the car window. I was really scared. I jumped, obviously the distance between him and the car window was not very far, but what I saw was not a person, but a real, black person!"

"The black person?" Dr. Ali looked at the paintings on the table, and said to Conan with a dry smile, "Okay, Xin... Ke, Conan, I think it should be because you thought that person was strange before, but after discovering the bomb, you were too surprised." I was anxious, so in retrospect, I felt that the suspect I saw was a black person, you must know that memory can sometimes be deceiving!"

Conan fell to the ground powerlessly, suddenly remembered something, and immediately sat up again.

Dr. A Li was stunned by this sudden move.

Conan ignored the others, ran to the landline phone, picked up the receiver on tiptoe, held it to his ear, and quickly dialed, "Hey, Brother Chi... Yes, I am Conan. There was an explosion in the Shin Yamanote Tunnel. You saw the news broadcast Is it?...Are you free now?..."

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