Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1998 The silence after complete despair

half an hour later...

Chi Fei arrived at Dr. Ali's house late, changed his shoes, entered the room and sat down, took the tea cup handed by Hui Yuan Ai, and listened to Conan's story about the explosion.

"The doctor thinks that my memory is wrong, but I don't think I will fail to observe the suspect's characteristics at such an important moment, and even see the suspect as a black person..." Conan sat on the opposite sofa, Annoyed, he held his head with his hands, scratched his hair, and quickly raised his head again, looking directly at Chi Feichi from the distance of the coffee table, "I remember Brother Chi said before that you have seen black people, right? "

Chi Feichi glanced down at the drawing paper on the table and nodded.

Conan quickly leaned over the table, pointed at the pure black shadow on the drawing paper, and raised his eyes to confirm with Chi Feichi, "Is it the same as this one? It's completely black, black that can swallow all colors, not affected by the light."

Holding the teacup in one hand, Chi Feichi nodded again, "Everyone is black under the sun."

"That is to say, isn't it the first time he has appeared..." Conan thought about it seriously, and then asked, "Brother Chi, when was the last time you saw that black person?"

Dr. Ali looked at Conan with a delicate expression.

Is Shinichi too stressed recently and sick?

"Last time... I can't remember clearly, I haven't paid attention to the shadow for a long time," Chi Feichi recalled, "However, in the case where the police were killed in succession, the Fenghu doctor who was planning to attack Xiaolan, When I chased him, I saw him as a pure black figure."

Conan quickly remembered the case, and asked suspiciously, "Doctor Fengto? When Brother Chi chased him, he was in the hospital and on the street, right? But, if a black figure is in the hospital corridor and the street Running up, should have attracted a lot of attention..."

"Conan, can you come with me?" Mitsuhiko interrupted Conan, and reached out to pull Conan's clothes.

Seeing Mitsuhiko's serious expression, Conan jumped off the sofa in a daze, and followed Mitsuhiko to the cooking table.

Ayumi and Genta also followed, looking at Conan with puzzled and serious expressions.

"You guys..." Conan looked at the three children who surrounded him, and was stared at with horror, "What's wrong?"

"Conan, can you stop doing this?" Mitsuhiko looked at Conan with complicated eyes, and said softly, "It doesn't matter if you are joking with us, we know that you are not the kind of bad boy who likes to tease others, but..."

"But, don't talk to Brother Chi anymore, can you?" Ayumi looked at Chi Feichi on the sofa with a look of reluctance, and when she looked back at Conan, there were already tears in her eyes, " It's okay to joke with us, but Brother Chi will be very serious, I, I will think you are going too far..."

Conan looked at the tears in Ayumi's eyes and felt that he was going to cry first.

I understand, these three children thought that he was exaggerating and said this in a joking manner. If he was really like this, then for Chi Feichi who took it seriously, it was indeed a hateful and excessive joke.

However, he is also very serious.

"Conan, although Brother Chi sometimes scares us with fierce eyes, and likes to carry us around by our collars," Yuan Tai said with a serious face, "But he is actually very kind to us, isn't it? Is it? So, please stop in moderation!"

Conan opened his mouth, but looked at the three children who looked at him expectantly, and at Dr. Ali who looked at him with complicated and worried expressions. He fully understood that it was difficult for him to speak clearly, so he nodded, "I see."

"Don't be angry either," Mitsuhiko comforted Conan vaguely, catching a trace of helplessness in Conan's eyes, "We are friends, aren't we? Just because we are good friends, when we feel that there is something wrong with you, we have to directly Bring it up, no matter whether you are wrong or we are wrong in the end, as long as you bring it up, you will understand each other's thoughts."

"Okay, I didn't take it to heart!"

Conan laughed, seeing the three children heaved a sigh of relief, and went back to the sofa.

How could he be angry with a child?

Moreover, the three brats were originally worried that he would tease Chi Feichi too much, so they wanted to remind him to stop his wrong behavior. There was no malice at all, and it was even less likely that he would be angry.

After experiencing unexplainable irritability and powerlessness, he recognized the reality and knew that unless these people also saw the black man with their own eyes, no one would believe what he said, after all, it was too contrary to common sense.

It's just that this feeling of not being understood made him feel a little wronged.

And it's not a single person or a certain group of people who don't understand him, it's the vast majority of people who will think he's joking when he's trying hard to explain the situation clearly.

What was it like?

Even though he was living in this world and standing among his friends, he also felt disheartened and depressed.

It's like being left alone on an isolated island. The things he needs are displayed in front of his eyes, as if they are within reach, as long as he stretches out his hand, he can grab it, but when he stretches out his hand, his fingers are unstoppable It pierces through those things, and it is difficult to grasp the nothingness with your fingers.

Empty, just like Chi Feichi's eyes that are sometimes calm and emotionless...

With the heating turned on in the room, Feichi followed the three children all the way, recounted the conversation between Conan and the three children loudly, and twisted his body to follow Conan's footsteps. Before the sofa, Conan jumped onto the sofa one step at a time.

Conan took Feichi aside, sat next to Chi Feichi, and looked up into Chi Feichi's eyes.

Chi Feichi should be able to understand the feeling of being on an isolated island, even more deeply than he experienced it.

Now he still has Chi Feichi and Huiyuan who believe in him, but Chi Feichi has delusions, and whenever he says something bizarre, everyone thinks it is delusions, and they don't even take it seriously.

The children were right. One side joked nonchalantly, but the other side took it seriously. It was a joke that was too much.

Conversely, if one party is serious and trying to express something, but no one takes it half seriously, it is just as cruel to that person.

When he walked over, he was thinking, would Chi Feichi feel bad when he found out that his words were not taken seriously by anyone? Could that overly calm gaze be the silence after complete despair?

Chi Feichi drank the hot tea with downcast eyes. The teacup and the tea with small ripples were reflected in his purple eyes, but it seemed that it was only reflected on the surface of the eyes and could never penetrate deep, just like the inner Emotions could not penetrate to the surface of the eyes, and found that Conan was staring at him, and turned to look at Conan.

What does a famous detective want to do?

"Uh..." Conan sweated at Shang Chi Feichi's indifferent gaze, turned his head to look at the drawing paper on the table, and said after deliberating, "So, I don't think I've ever asked Brother Chi about paranoia. about... I think some of your ideas might be wonderful..."

Chi Feichi tried his best to understand Conan's meaning, "You want to hear my delusional thoughts? About what aspect?"

"Anything is fine," Conan looked up at Chi Feichi again, "For example, you can hear the voices of animals and plants, what kind of voices are those? Do people have gender and age like humans?"

Yes, they have never cared about these issues. At the beginning, they swept these things into the trash can on the grounds of 'all delusion', and now he wants to ask.

Whether it's delusion or something, whether it's approval or disapproval, they need to take seriously the world in the eyes of their friends.

"Voice..." Chi Feichi put down his teacup, and looked at Feichi who crawled over Conan's lap and crawled towards him, "For example, Feichi, it's the voice of a boy in his teens..."

"Huh?" Conan smiled, and stretched out his hand to poke Feichi's twisting waist, "Based on the age of a snake, Feichi is indeed older than a seven or eight-year-old human child."

Haibara Ai combined with the fact that Conan saw the "black shadow" but was not believed or understood, and vaguely guessed Conan's thoughts. Thinking about her sister, she didn't seem to have asked these questions seriously, and her heart was a little heavy. He stepped forward and stretched out his hand to rub Feichi, "What about other animals and plants? Are there any animals that talk like girls?"

"Wuming and Feili are girls..." Chi Feichi looked at Conan, "Conan, are you scared today?"

"Ah? No," Conan asked puzzled, "Why does Brother Chi ask that?"

"You're a bit strange," Chi Feichi looked at Conan, and paused, "If you're tired, go to bed early, don't think too much, if you're still worried about Mr. Asakura's safety... I'm free tomorrow."

Conan: "?"

It's not right, it's not right, he and Chi Feichi's thinking seems to be on a different level.

Hey, Chi Feichi seems to feel that his mental state is not normal now, how should he continue to communicate?

But Chi Feichi actually gave up his rest and hinted that he could help investigate the incident of Mr. Asakura receiving the threatening letter, really... Thank you.

Chi Feichi looked at Dr. Ali again, "Doctor, you sent a text message this morning saying that Xiao Ai's household registration certificate has been printed..."

"Ah, that's right!" Dr. A Li turned and walked to the basement, "Wait a minute, I'll get it."

"Household registration certificate?" Ayumi asked curiously, "Which one does Xiao Ai want?"

As soon as the three children heard that Hui Yuan Ai was planning to go to England with Chi Feichi, the topics instantly changed to knowing the departure time, saying goodbye, looking forward to tourist souvenirs, and so on.

Chi Feichi got Hui Yuanai's household registration certificate, did not stay long, and got up to leave.

The next day, the police called Mori Kogoro and held a press conference at the Metropolitan Police Department.

It is impossible for the police to pretend that nothing happened when such a big incident happened. It is necessary to explain the current casualties and investigation progress to the public.

As for the reason for calling Mori Kogoro...

"Excuse me, how did the boy Conan Edogawa who found the bomb notice the bomb?"

Facing the reporter's question, Mumu Shisan looked at Mori Kogoro who was sitting next to him, and said seriously, "He heard from Mr. Mori Kogoro next to me that the prisoner might use a bomb!"

"Me?" Mori Kogoro pointed at himself blankly.

Below, the reporters were amazed.

"As expected of a Maori detective!"


"Mr. Maori, please say a few words about the prisoner!"

Mori Kogoro immediately corrected his expression, cleared his throat with a dry cough, "Hmm! The purpose of this crime is to take the life of Governor Asakura and destroy the key project in his second administration, the new Toei subway line. It is an unforgivable crime!"

"Then, do you have any clues about the identity of the prisoner?" Another reporter asked.

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