Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1999 Unanimous vote passed, without Chi Fei late!

"Unfortunately," Shiratori Ren Saburo said seriously, looking at the camera, "The surveillance camera in the tunnel did not capture the emergency parking belt. We speculate that the prisoner returned to the ground through the slope behind the emergency entrance and escaped from the main road. , so far there are no witnesses, and Conan has not clearly seen the prisoner's appearance, age, and gender..."

Dr. Ali's home.

Seeing that the press conference on TV ended quickly, Yuan Tai said dissatisfiedly, "What, it's over, and we didn't mention our Boys Detective Team at all, it's so boring!"

"Let's go play games!" Mitsuhiko suggested.

Ayumi readily accepted, "Okay!"

Dr. A Li sighed, "It seems that it is very difficult to find the prisoner."

"That threatening letter may also be a smoke bomb to hide the criminal purpose." Conan thought about it.

After getting out of the helpless feeling of not being believed yesterday, he thought about it all night, and checked some information, and found that the police might have been misled.

"Smoke bomb?" Dr. A Li was puzzled.

"Mayor Asakura used to work in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, right?" Conan said, "I heard that when he was in office, he moved a village in Xingao County to build a dam."

Dr. Ali recalled, "I remember it was called the Kitazawa Dam."

"At that time, Mr. Asakura prepared sufficient compensation and a comfortable relocation place, and went to the local area in person, and lived in the village for a week. Through repeated communication with the villagers, he gained the trust of the villagers and obtained the permission to relocate the village. , " Conan said the information he had investigated, "it took three years to build the village, and it only took five years from the start of the dam to the completion of the project. This large project was completed at an extraordinary speed. Nevertheless, There are still opposition groups among the villagers who persist in the end."

"That's right!" Dr. A Li's eyes lit up, "If you are angry at the construction of the dam, it is the motive of the crime..."

"Then," Hui Yuanai took over, "The culprit is either a villager or someone related to the village."

"However, this is only one of the possibilities," Conan said seriously, "In the relocated village on Sunday, there happened to be a commemorative celebration for the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the village. Mr. Asakura originally planned to attend the ceremony and stay overnight, but Canceled because of this incident."

"I see," Dr. A Li understood, "Do you want to investigate in that village?"

"Yes," Conan asked, looking up, "Doctor, can you take me there?"

Three children came out from the side, Mitsuhiko glanced at the two, "Where are you going?"

"Take us too!" Ayumi said.

Yuan Tai also shouted, "It's too unfair to take Conan alone!"

Conan was speechless, "Didn't you go to play games?"

"If the doctor is going, I'll go too," Hui Yuanai said in a leisurely tone, "The weather is cold, and he's starting to be lazy after exercising. If I don't watch him, his belly button will protrude soon."

Conan looked at Dr. Ali's big belly.

Already protruding, okay...

"Okay!" Yuan Tai excitedly made a decision, "Then let's all go together!"

Mitsuhiko turned his head to discuss with Ayumi and Genta, "By the way, there is also Brother Chi, he seems to have nothing else to do besides applying for a passport recently..."

"No." Seeing other people looking at him in surprise, Haibara explained patiently, "The climate in Niigata County is worse than that in Tokyo, and it's the coldest period in winter. It should be very cold there. I heard that it has been snowing recently. , we may have to live there for a few days, I am worried that Brother Feichi's respiratory tract is uncomfortable, and if the mountain is blocked by heavy snow, the medical conditions there may not be very good..."

"Yes, that's right," Mitsuhiko scratched his head embarrassedly, "I almost forgot, brother Chi fell into the sea before, the doctor said he might have a respiratory infection, and in winter, the air is too dry and cold and he will cough..."

"He was admitted to the hospital because of a fever before," Yuan Tai said with emotion, "every time I catch a cold, I haven't been hospitalized. It seems that a cold is a serious problem for Brother Chi!"

Conan thought about it, and although they guessed that Chi Feichi had caught a cold and was hospitalized, it was probably Belmode's tampering, but the sequelae of respiratory infection were likely to exist, "When winter comes, brother Chi's body seems to be It's not so good, staying in Pease... well, I mean, he's had more than one cough in the winter, better be careful."

Haibara felt a little guilty when thinking of not bringing Chi Feichi with him for outdoor activities every winter, and comforting others was also comforting himself, "Even if we want to play in Xinmao County, let's wait until the weather is better, and when the snow melts, we can go to the forest at that time." It's good to get a breath of fresh air."

The others looked at each other and nodded.

Unanimous vote-no pool is not late!


Kitazawa Village, Xinmao County.

The heavy snow for several days has covered the forest around the village and the whole village in silver.

The snow on the road has been shoveled to both sides, and a banner of "Celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of the Establishment of the Village" has been hung on the outer wall of the village office.

The long white banner runs across the edge of the roof, and the unfixed corner is blown by the wind from time to time.

Chi Feichi looked up at the banner, suddenly felt his nose itchy, lowered his head and sneezed.

"Ah Choo!"

"Um... are you alright?" The woman who happened to be walking in front of the village office stopped and turned to ask Chi Feichi, "Did you catch a cold?"


Chi Feichi raised his eyes and took a quick look at the woman.

A young-looking woman with medium-length hair in a black shawl. She has a pretty face and gentle eyes. She is wearing a light purple cotton jacket. It seems to be more casual, it seems that when I went out, I just pulled a scarf and tied it without thinking too much. I didn't bring a backpack or travel bag...

It should be a villager from the local Kitazawa village.

The shoes are snow boots for easy walking, with water marks on the upper from the snow melting.

It should have come from a snow-covered square, ski resort, or outside the village after a long journey.

When the woman approached him before, the breathing sound was slightly rough, which can also confirm his speculation. When the woman stopped, he happened to lower his eyes and sneeze. He saw the movement of the woman's feet. Relaxed, it can also be said that the footsteps are vain, not like someone who has practiced fighting...

Summary: No threat.

When Chi Feichi raised his eyes, the woman saw clearly Chi Feichi's purple pupils, as well as the indifference in those eyes, and was stunned in place, not knowing whether to sigh in her heart about the special color of the other's pupils, or to sigh The other party's attitude towards concern was also indifferent, and before she could figure out how to ease the cold atmosphere, the other party had already entered the reception hall.

After Chi Feichi entered the door, he went straight to the counter in the lobby.


Behind the counter, the middle-aged man raised his head and smiled. Looking at Chi Feichi who was walking towards him, his smile froze.

In the season when everyone was wearing cotton clothes, the young man in front of him was only wearing a black shirt and a gray-blue thin trench coat, and the trousers didn't look too thick.

In fact, this is not very strange. The other party may have just got out of the car, or he may be more cold. It's just that he has seen a lot of people who are tightly wrapped recently. When he occasionally sees such a person, he will feel more energetic.

It's just that the tone of the clothes on the young man's body is too gloomy, which makes his complexion a little pale, and his expression is cold, which makes his handsome face reveal a trace of hostility. Anyway, it has nothing to do with being "easy to get along with".

Coupled with his tall stature, he walked towards him step by step, like... a dangerous person who came to ask for trouble...

"Hello, I would like a map of Kitazawa Village and a travel guide."

Chi Fei arrived at the counter late, and directly explained his needs. When he found that the staff on the opposite side was staring at him, he confirmed with a voice, "Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem," the middle-aged man came back to his senses, thinking that the other party was considered polite, but he was rude to speculate on his own, a little embarrassed, took out the map and travel brochure from the drawer, put them on the counter, and by the way Talk to Chi Feichi, "Are you here for a trip?"

Chi Feichi picked up the map and travel guide, opened the travel guide that was stacked on top, and looked down at the photos and introductions, "I heard from my friends that the Ice and Snow Festival here is very lively, so I'll come and have a look, but I came too hastily, I haven't made a travel plan in advance, and I haven't even booked a place to stay."

The middle-aged man had seen many kinds of tourists, and he was not too surprised to hear Chi Feichi's calm tone. Instead, he let himself adapt to Chi Feichi's character. Hearing what Chi Feichi said, he was still young after thinking about it. It's just that the young people in front of me are rather cold-tempered, and immediately laughed again, "Travelers who come here usually live in Beize Villa, there are quite a lot of rooms there, and the current passenger flow is probably about There will be half of the empty rooms left, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t booked in advance, you can check in now, by the way, are you coming alone, or..."

"My friend may be later," Chi Feichi flipped through the brochure, guessing that Conan's group would also come, and they were coming soon, "Is there any place in the village that you can't go to, or something you need to pay attention to? "

"Nothing like that," the middle-aged man looked at Chi Feichi and carefully asked about taboos, smiled more sincerely, and joked, "The villagers here are very hospitable, as long as they don't just break into other people's bathrooms , I don't think everyone will mind..."

The woman who met Chi Feichi briefly at the door came to the counter and found the middle-aged man talking to Chi Feichi, so she looked up at the brochure in Chi Feichi's hand.

It's a tourist...

"Dongmei, you are here," the middle-aged man greeted the woman with a smile, "The newly arrived medicines have been delivered here, and I have visitors here, please wait a moment, I will move them for you in a while." come out."

"Then I'll trouble you," the woman smiled back, "I'm not busy here, so it doesn't matter if I wait a while."

The middle-aged man continued to talk to Chi Feichi, "As for the things that need to be paid attention to, I hope that the passengers should pay attention to safety when they are having fun. The ice and snow festival here mainly takes place in the square and skiing. There are snow sculpture exhibitions in the square, and tourists can also make snow sculptures by themselves. The ski resort provides skiing services. Oh, yes, there are two ski resorts here, which are built together on the other side of the village, but one of them was Avalanche, has been abandoned, there will be fences and reminders there, it doesn’t matter if you don’t cross the fence..."

The woman stood aside and waited, admiring the middle-aged man in her heart.

As expected of the staff in their village office, they are warm and friendly, and they can chat so intently with travelers who seem lonely and weird.

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