Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2000 Followed Passengers

Chi Feichi flipped through the hot spring introduction page, looked at the Sawajiri Lake introduced on the next page, and had to admit in his heart that this place is very suitable for travel, "Will this place organize to see swans?"

"In the past, the village office organized excursions out of the village, but now it has been handed over to Beize Mountain Resort," the middle-aged man introduced patiently and enthusiastically, "Beize Mountain Village has recently organized snow walking activities, and will organize tourists and those who want to go outside the village to see Scenic villagers go out together, as long as you want to go, you can also ask them to take you there, they have experienced guides, safety is absolutely no problem, at the same time, we do not recommend travelers to go out alone, it may snow recently, if you are right The surrounding area is not familiar, and one may get lost in the mountains alone.”

"Thank you, I have no problem here for the time being." Chi Feichi stepped aside and did not leave in a hurry. He opened the map to find the location of the villa and other places, and checked the route on it.

"You can ask me anytime you have questions, and you can come here whenever you have something to do. We have people here every day."

The middle-aged man finished speaking with a smile, went to the back office, went back and forth twice, took out two large cardboard boxes about 50 centimeters high, put them on the counter, and handed a receipt to the woman, "Dongmei, here you are, This is the manifest, go back and check it out, and come to me if you have any questions!"

The woman took a look at the manifest, put it in her pocket, and smiled at the man, "Thank you for taking care of me this time, too."

"Helping the medical office in the village contact the delivery of medicines is also my duty!" The middle-aged man looked at the cardboard boxes stacked high on the counter and said with a smile, "Dongmei, the things in these two boxes are not too heavy. , but moving to the infirmary of the ski resort alone will be too difficult, my colleague will go out in a while, I will ask him to send you there by the way!"


The infirmary of the ski resort...

Chi Feichi suddenly remembered that this woman should be someone with a name and surname in the original plot, and also an old classmate of Keisuke Yamao. He closed the map in his hand, raised his head and said to the two, "My car is outside, I can help you. Send things over."

"Ah?" The woman didn't expect the indifferent passenger to offer help. She was surprised and hesitated, "Will this cause you trouble?"

"It's okay, I just happened to get acquainted with the streets of the village."

Chi Feichi put the map and travel brochure on the top cardboard box and started to move the box.

"Me too..." The middle-aged man was about to say that he would help out, when he saw that Chi Feichi had already piled up two boxes and carried them away. He was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly walked out of the counter and followed, "No, Don't you need help?"

"Need not."

Chi Feichi didn't lie, his little red car was indeed parked on the side of the road outside the village office.

At the side of the road, Chi Feichi temporarily put down the cardboard boxes, opened the rear door, and put the two cardboard boxes into the back seat.

The middle-aged man didn't help the whole time, he rubbed his hands awkwardly, and said with emotion, "You are really warm-hearted."

"Thank you very much!" The woman bowed to Chi Feichi seriously.

Chi Feichi watched the woman bow 90 degrees, took out his phone speechlessly, looked down at the newly received email, "Is it a little too polite?"

"Ah?" The woman straightened up, looked at Chi Feichi blankly, thinking that she was being too polite but seemed alienated, and hurriedly said, "Hug, I'm sorry..."

"You sit in front."

Chi Feichi opened the door of the passenger seat, still looking down at the email on the phone. After using his fingers to exit the email, he opened the folder again, found a program with a swirl icon, and clicked it.

When the program is running, a grid map that covers the screen quickly pops up on the screen of the mobile phone. A blue dot is still in the middle of the grid map, and there are two flashing green dots in the upper right corner.

The green dot was touched by Chi Feichi's finger, and the options popped up.

[Sender No. 1 exceeds the monitoring range ___ meters warning]

[Warning when No. 1 transmitter is too close to other transmitters]

[Transmitter No. 1 self-destructs]

This is a program made by the organization to deceive the program designer. With his mobile phone as the center point, within a radius of one kilometer, he can connect to the transmitter he has set up, monitor it at any time, and even when the transmitter is too far away from him, When the transmitter is close to other transmitters set, it will issue an early warning.

In addition, if it is difficult to recover the sender, he can remotely control the sender to self-destruct. Once he chooses that option, the sender will receive a 'high-speed operation' signal, causing the internal temperature to heat up quickly, and finally in a series of small In the spark, the inside of the transmitter will be completely burned, and the shell will also be heated and melted.

The two green dots on the screen of the mobile phone are the positioning points sent by two nearby transmitters. The No. 1 transmitter is placed under the rear seat of Yamao Keisuke's car, and the No. 2 transmitter is placed by a peripheral member. Sneaked into Yamao Keisuke's house at night and stuck it under Yamao Keisuke's shoes with super glue.

In addition to No. 2, there are actually No. 3, 4, and 5 transmitters, but Keisuke Yamao chose to wear shoes with No. 2 transmitters attached to go out.

These transmitters have been installed for four days. Before that, the peripheral members he designated were watching the movements of Yamao Keisuke. Until this morning, Yamao Keisuke drove all the way to Kitazawa Village. The peripheral members of Keisuke Yamao sent him an email to notify him.

Then, he accepted the next monitoring job.

He can more or less guess that as long as Yamao Keisuke leaves Tokyo and runs in the direction of Niigata County, the plot of the fifteenth theatrical version will start soon. Kitazawa Village is a place with a beautiful scenery. I can stop by to see the scenery.

Well, the fundamental reason was that he was worried that those two big fools would continue to follow him. If Conan followed him, it might cause him a series of troubles.

Before he went to England, he wanted to get things done in Tokyo as soon as possible. When he got there, there were other things waiting for him.

Before coming, he also thought about whether to follow him as 'Chi Feichi' or as 'Lack'.

Going to Kitazawa Village with the identity of 'Chi Feichi', after Conan and the others come, he might be entangled and it will be inconvenient to move around.

And if he goes to Kitazawa Village as 'Lack', if Conan notices him, Conan will monitor his movements more closely, and his movements will be restricted, and he may get into trouble.

The identity of 'Chi Feichi' avoids murder and arson, and the identity of 'Luck' avoids close contact with the red side for a long time, which is also safer.

So he drove into Kitazawa Village with his real identity, Keisuke Wanshano, for more than ten minutes. When he checked the monitoring program on his mobile phone, he discovered that the map of Kitazawa Village was not recorded in the program.

That is to say, he can see the two green signal points on Yamao Keisuke, but unless he gets close to Yamao Keisuke, there is no way to confirm where Yamao Keisuke is.

It's not difficult to solve, but he needs to come to the village office to get a map, and manually compare the map and the location of the transmitter to determine where Shanwei Xisuke is active.

During the time he entered the village office, Kesuke Yamao and the car were still together, only the No. 2 transmitter moved a short distance. Based on the map he had read, it should be the villager's residential area.

Judging from this, Yamao Keisuke should have driven to find someone in the village, perhaps a former friend or classmate, and then parked the car outside the door or in the yard or garage, and followed him to the house...

"That..." The woman sat in the passenger seat, raised her eyes and saw that Chi Feichi was still looking at her phone, and asked hesitantly, "Do you have something to do? Send me the medicine, will it delay your business? "

"No, just received an advertising email."

Chi Feichi selected the two green dots before and after, and both chose the warning for exceeding one kilometer. Then he hid the program, put away the phone, and closed the car door for the woman.

"I'm really sorry for your trouble!" The middle-aged male staff member said loudly, and then smiled at the woman, "Dongmei, if there are not many tourists at the ski resort in the afternoon, you should go back early, the village building celebration will start in two days, It’s the time when there are the most customers, and you will be very busy then!”

"I see," the woman responded with a smile, "Please pay more attention to rest."

After Chi Feichi got in the car, he turned around and drove towards the ski resort.

"Oh, it's a pity that Mr. Asakura can't come to the celebration this year." The middle-aged man sighed, watched the car drive away, and turned back to the village office.

In the car, the woman vaguely heard the middle-aged man's sigh, and sighed along with her, and soon remembered that she was still sitting in the car of the kind-hearted helper, and it was not good to sigh, then turned her head and introduced herself to Chi Feichi with a smile "By the way, my name is Tachihara Fuyumi. I'm a villager in Kitazawa Village. I usually work in the temporary infirmary of the ski resort. I haven't asked my name yet..."

"Chi Feichi," Chi Feichi paused, and added, "I'm traveling from Tokyo."

"Then you must go to the ski resort. There are ski equipment rentals in the ski resort, and the price is affordable. Even if you don't bring ski equipment, you can go skiing. There is also a market selling snacks. Even if you don't know how to ski, you can also go Look, at this time of the year, there are the most tourists there, and after the outdoor activities, go to the nearby outdoor hot spring to take a bath, there is no better experience..." Tachihara Fuyumi gave full play to the enthusiasm of the local residents Introduced traits, said, and a little embarrassed, "Ah, sorry, am I being too wordy?"

"It's okay," Chi Feichi replied, "I also want to hear more suggestions from the locals."

Liyuan Dongmei saw that although Chi Feichi's attitude was not enthusiastic, he was talkative and warm-hearted, and relaxed a lot, and continued to talk to Chi Feichi about village activities and tourism projects.

Beize Villa will provide free afternoon tea for staying guests every day. The snacks are special snacks that are freshly baked that day. The time is from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon. If you don’t go to the restaurant, you will waste the opportunity to taste free refreshments...

If you want to have more people when you go to the snow field outside the village, you can ask the villa to arrange other guests to set off together...

Many people like to go skiing in the afternoon, but the number of people in the open-air hot spring is the least. If you like to be quiet, you can go to the open-air hot spring in the afternoon. In the morning and evening, there will be more people...

It's all little things that help a first-time visitor.

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