Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2001 No, I didn't bring it

Hearing that Chi Feichi hadn't booked a room yet, Tachihara Fuyumi helped to worry again, "Then why not stop at Beizawa Villa on the way to the ski resort, and I'll take you to check in, and then we'll go to the ski resort , do you know the location of Beize Villa? It's at the intersection ahead..."

When the car reaches the intersection, turn left.

Seeing that there was no need to remind herself, Tachihara Fuyumi stopped talking, "I forgot you looked at the map just now, but your memory is really good."

"Don't you need to hurry back?" Chi Feichi asked.

Tachihara Fuyumi was stunned, and quickly smiled, "It's okay, although I work in the infirmary, I'm just a nurse, and I'm usually the only one guarding there, so the tourists who come to my place usually just fall, catch a cold or eat too much Snacks and indigestion, if the injury is too serious, the staff of the ski resort will take them to the hospital at the foot of the mountain, and before I came, the staff of the ski resort had greeted them, if someone fell, scratched the skin, etc. They can also help with minor injuries."

When they arrived at Beize Mountain Villa, Liyuan Fuyumi waited for Chi Feichi to park the car, and asked with concern, "Do you need me to help you with your luggage?"

"No, I didn't bring it."

Chi Feichi locked the car door and walked towards the main entrance of the villa.

"Ah?" Li Yuan Fuyumi followed up a little confused.

Traveling without luggage? Nothing?

"It's too troublesome to carry luggage, I think you should be able to buy it here."

Chi Feichi completely behaved like "the rich have nothing to fear".

In fact, he also wanted to bring two sets of change of clothes. Who made Yamao Keisuke run so fast, he didn't have time to go back to get his things, so he drove to Kitazawa Village...

"Yes, is that so..." Fuyumi Tachihara couldn't help but look back at the red Lexus SC parked outside. As soon as she looked back, she saw the female staff at the front desk look over and greeted with a smile, "Mizuki!"

The female staff at the front desk wore the dark purple long-sleeved uniform of the villa, her dyed chestnut hair was tied into a high ponytail, and she wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. She should have been an elite woman, but because of her small face and round eyes , looked a little playful, and when he looked up to see Tachihara Fuyumi, he couldn't hide the surprised smile on his face, "Fuyumi? Why are you here? Did you come back from the infirmary early today?"

"The medicines in the infirmary are gone. I went to the village office to get the medicines that were delivered two days ago. I also ordered some gauze and disinfectant. There are two full boxes. It is difficult for me to move them back. Fortunately, I met Mr. Chi." Liyuan Fuyumi turned to look at Chi Feichi, "He suggested driving me to deliver the things there, so I had to trouble him, but he came here for a trip and he hasn't checked in yet, so I think Let him check in first, otherwise it may be very late when he comes back."

"I see," the female employee smiled at Chi Feichi, "Thanks to your help."

Tachihara Fuyumi introduced to Chi Feichi again, "Mr. Chi, Mizuki is my friend since childhood, and he is currently working here."

"Hello, I'm Tono Mizuki," Tono Mizuki greeted with a smile, and opened the register again, "Excuse me, have you called to reserve a room before?"

"No." Chi Feichi said.

"Did you come here alone?" Liyuan Fuyumei asked Chi Feichi curiously.

Chi Feichi nodded, "Maybe some friends will also come to Beize Village, but I don't think they will call me."

"Ah..." Liyuan Dongmei imagined the situation of "a kind person with a cold face and a warm heart is isolated", and she was worried that she had just met Chi Feichi, so it was inconvenient to make comments.

"How come?" Tono Mizuki asked curiously, "Did you quarrel?"

Chi Feichi recalled whether he had been angry with others recently, "No..."

"Okay, Mizuki," Tachihara Fuyumi worried about mentioning Chi Feichi's sadness, hurriedly said to Tono Mizuki, "Hurry up and get to work, after the check-in is over, we still have to go to the ski resort." .”

"Okay," Tono Mizuki could only smile and nod, opened a booklet and put it on the table in front of Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, this is the location map and introduction of the villa's guest rooms, and the corresponding prices are also marked On the above, if you are staying alone, I recommend the rooms on the first and second floors, because the third floor is more suitable for a family traveling with children or a group of people traveling together..."

Chi Feichi flipped through the booklet, "Is there anyone living in No. 105?"

Looking at the room structure diagram, the rooms on the first floor are all single rooms.

Compared with other square-built rooms, Room 105 is located at the end of the corridor. It is almost twice as long as it is wide. It is strip-shaped and larger in size.

Look at the picture and introduction, open the door of the room and enter. On one side is the bathroom and a leisure area with a double sofa, coffee table, and TV. On the other side, bedroom furniture such as beds, chairs, and cabinets are placed to form a rest area.

The room is at the far edge of the villa. There is a large window in the leisure area, facing the snow field in the park outside the villa. On the other side, there is a glass door installed on the side of the bed. As long as you draw the curtains and slide the glass door, you can Go directly to the terrace outside the main entrance of the villa.

This is a very nice room.

If you want to enjoy the scenery, there is not only a large window facing the park, but also a glass door leading to the front yard. Standing behind the glass door, you can see the terrace, courtyard, the road not far away and the houses across the street. .

If you want to go out, you don't need to go out of the hall, you can go outside through the glass door, and emergency evacuation can go outside faster than other people.

Probably because of this, apart from the large suite on the third floor, this room is the most expensive one.

"Room 105?" Tono Mizuki opened the register and looked down, "There is no guest in this room yet. Do you want to live in this room?"


"So how many days do you plan to stay? I'll check you in."

"Three days."


Tono Mizuki helped Chi Feichi complete the check-in information, and introduced to Chi Feichi the souvenir shop, rest area, and restaurant on the other side of the hall.

Chi Feichi looked at the shelves over there, and found that they were all souvenirs, gloves, hats and other small items. He asked Mizuki Tono to help prepare some daily necessities, delivered them to the room, and drove Fuyumi Tachihara to the ski resort.

The car could only be driven outside the ski resort, and Liyuan Fuyumi was embarrassed to ask Chi Feichi to help carry the boxes, so she called two staff members of the ski resort to help.

In the ski resort, men and women wearing skates shuttled on the ice, children were skating on the snow slope, and there were many people walking and stopping in front of the stalls, laughing and making noise endlessly.

Liyuan Fuyumi accompanied Chi Feichi into the ski resort, saw Chi Feichi watching the men and women skating, and asked with a smile, "There are unexpectedly many people, right?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "The village is very clean, I didn't expect there to be so many people here."

"That's because tourists like to go to the ski resort during the day. This is a characteristic of our village. It would be a pity not to experience it," Liyuan Fuyumi said, looking at the market not far from the snow slope. There were also many banners celebrating the fifth anniversary of the founding of the village, "Of course, one of the reasons is that the anniversary of the founding of the village is about to start. At that time, our village will hold a snowman making competition. If you are interested, you must not miss it! By the way, Mr. Chi , are you going skiing?"

On the side, the two male staff carrying the boxes were also very enthusiastic.

"If you want to try it, go find Yang Yi! He is the one who manages there!"

"If you are going to the open-air hot spring, then go to Wusheng, he is the manager of the open-air hot spring."

Chi Feichi looked at the lively market, "I want to fill my stomach first."

"Ah, I'm sorry, it's already almost one o'clock in the afternoon. Are you hungry?" Tachihara Fuyumi looked down at his watch, raised his eyes and smiled at the three of them, "To express my gratitude, why don't I treat guests, Wu Sheng , Yang Yi, the two of you, too!"

The temporary infirmary is not far from the entrance of the site, next to the market.

Two staff members helped Liyuan Fuyumi move the box to the infirmary, and went to the market together.

Tachihara Fuyumi and the two staff members are locals, and they are also very familiar with those stall owners. Let this stall owner help make noodles, let that stall owner help make snacks, and then go to another stall owner to order a few bottles of sake , pulled Chi Fei late to the booth and set up a table, ready to drink while eating.

After Chi Feichi sat down, he looked at the two people who were excitedly opening the bottle, "Is it okay for you to drink during working hours?"

"no problem, no problem!"

The man named Wusheng was in his 20s and 30s, with a cropped cut. He smiled and showed a row of white teeth. He poured wine into the glass and looked at the glass with the expectation of that alcoholic Kogoro Mori, "Anyway, I It’s not just the two of us guarding here, there are colleagues to help, and the weather is so cold, drinking some wine will keep you warm!”

"The two of them are like this. They always drink secretly during working hours," Li Yuan Fuyumi laughed and teased the two of them, "Be careful of being rejected by your colleagues."

"They also often go out to drink with friends during working hours. We have never disliked them. Sister Dongmei, don't worry, they have no right to dislike us!" Picking up an empty glass, he invited Chi Feichi, "How about Mr. Chi having a drink or two? Do you know how to drink? You must be happy when traveling!"

Chi Feichi did not refuse, but simply nodded, "No problem."

Chatting is definitely indispensable when drinking, especially when drinking with two people who are already enthusiastic.

Before Chi Feichi could guide them, the two of them started talking about the village after hearing that Tachihara Fuyumi had introduced the scenic spots and local travel tips.

"Speaking of which, Fuyumi-san was two years older than us when she was in school, so she was our senior sister! My family's Ichiro and her family's Touma also..."

"Hey, Yang Yi, did you drink too much?"

"Uh... sorry, Miss Dongmei."

"It's okay," Liyuan Fuyumi smiled helplessly, then turned to Chi Feichi and said, "I'm a single mother, and Dongma is my son. Eight years ago, the village hadn't moved. One morning, he was found in the village. Under the cliff outside, although he was rescued, but..."

Saying that, Tachihara Fuyumi sighed, "He hasn't woken up in the past eight years."

The man named Yangyi helped explain, "Sister Dongmei was working in the hospital at the foot of the mountain at that time, and she was called to take care of the emergency patients the night before, so she didn't notice that Dongma ran out of the house by herself, and she never left for the convenience of taking care of her. After waking up, Touma quit his job at the Yamashita Hospital and worked in the infirmary here."

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