Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2002 Could it be a premature death?

Chi Feichi looked at Tachihara Fuyumi and asked, "Is it an irreversible coma caused by acute injury?"

Tachihara Fuyumi nodded, her eyes drooping to conceal the confusion and sadness in her eyes, "When everyone sent him to the Yamashita Hospital, he suffered a head injury and was in a coma for too long in the low temperature climate. His condition was very bad, probably After sleeping for a month, his body has almost recovered. I thought he would wake up soon, but I didn't expect that it would take eight years..."

Chi Feichi found out the feeling he had when he and Shinde Zhiming studied Hondo Eiyu's condition, and asked, "Have you ever opened your eyelids?"

"About five years ago, when the village was relocated, I noticed that his eyes had moved, but I called his name, but he still lay motionless on the bed," recalled Tachihara Fuyumi, "Afterwards, I asked my friend to go down the mountain to find a doctor. The doctor said that his occasional actions such as opening his eyelids, swallowing, and grinding his teeth are all unconscious actions. After the body is stimulated by the outside world, such reactions will occur, but it does not mean that he has woken up. "

"You said it was because he was moved when the village was moved?" Chi Feichi asked.

"Yeah, it was the first night of moving to the new house. I think he must have been very uncomfortable. After that, when Xiao Hei passed away two years ago..." Liyuan Fuyumi sighed and continued to recall, with There was also some warmth, "By the way, Xiao Hei is our family dog. My parents died in an avalanche in the early years. After having a winter horse, our mother and son depend on each other. I have to go to the mountain hospital to work. Because I was worried about his loneliness, one day when I went home, I helped him bring a black puppy. He was only three years old at that time. He named the puppy 'Xiao Hei' and hugged Xiao Hei happily. Don't let go, Xiao Hei was not used to it in the first two nights when he first came, he often hummed at night, Dongma put his nest next to the bed, slept and got up with Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei also liked to follow him... ..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Xiao Hei? Good name.

The two big men at the same table were silent, and Uemura Yoichi quickly added, "Actually, on the day Dongma's accident happened, it was Xiao Hei who first discovered Dong Ma, and their neighbors heard Xiao Hei howling at home early in the morning. Hey, it was still dark at that time, but Xiao Hei was so noisy that they couldn't sleep. They were worried that something might happen to Dongmei's house, so they went to her house to check, but as soon as they opened the door, Xiao Hei ran out, and there was a man in Dongmei's house. There was no one there, so the neighbors were a little worried, and when they were about to find them, they found Xiao Hei walking out of the village smelling the smell along the road, so everyone followed, and only then did they find Xiao Hei who was unconscious under the cliff."

"A few years ago, when I was working in the infirmary, Xiao Hei would always guard the winter horse at home, but two years ago, it also passed away because of its age," Li Yuan Fuyumi lowered her head and wiped her tears with her hand "In the two days before Xiao Hei's death, he couldn't eat anymore. He would watch by the bed where Dongma was lying every day. When he had the strength to move around, he would lie down on the bed and lick Dongma's face, and whisper in Dongma's ear. Weeping and whimpering in a low voice, at that time, I saw Dongma's eyelids and lips move, and I thought he was reluctant for Xiao Hei to wake up, but until Xiao Hei passed away, he still couldn't wake up, even I I'm not sure if I read it wrong that day. In the past eight years, this situation has happened several times, but each time I was disappointed..."

Chi Feichi retracted his right hand on his lap a little, and touched Feichi wrapped around his waist through his clothes.

Probably because Xinmao County was too cold, Feichi had fallen asleep motionless since entering Xinmao County, otherwise he must have become rambunctious by now.

Such words as 'Master, Xiao Hei is so pitiful, before he dies, he must hope that Touma can wake up and hug him', 'Master, Xiao Hei is really sensible, if something happens to you, I will do whatever...' , I'm afraid Feichi will have to sigh with emotion several times.

Uemura Yang wiped away his tears when he saw Liyuan Fuyumi, and comforted him, "Miss Dongmei, don't be sad, I believe that Touma will wake up!"

"I'm sorry," Liyuan Fuyumi lowered her head and wiped away her tears, then raised her head and smiled at Chi Feichi, the smile was still a bit forced, "Actually, I've gotten used to it all these years, and I don't know why I suddenly started crying today. I'm really sorry, you never Tokyo is here to travel, it should let you hear more happy things."

"It's probably because I haven't talked to anyone about this for too long. I have accumulated emotions for too long. Sometimes people think that the pain has gone away and they act strong, but the pain has actually been accumulated in the bottom of my heart. It is a good thing to explode once in a while. Endure," Chi Feichi entered the doctor's state, "After venting, I feel much more relaxed. To maintain a healthy mental state, it is not to have no negative emotions, but after having negative emotions, people will have suitable methods To vent, to resolve."

The three people at the same table nodded repeatedly.

Although I don't understand it very well, I can somewhat understand what it means.

Chi Feichi touched Feichi again through his clothes.

Feichi still didn't complain about him, and he didn't use 'move' to mean that he, a snake maniac, talked about mental health with others, so he died young, right?

Probably not, when he went out in the morning, Feichi was still healthy and alive, and nothing happened on the way, but he seemed to be asleep.

If it wasn't too cold outside, he really wanted to drag Feichi out to have a look.

Seeing the downturn in the atmosphere, Uemura Yang said with a playful smile, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Miss Dongmei, I'm wrong, you can cry if you want to cry, I promise I won't tell other people in the village!"

Li Yuan Fuyumi laughed dumbfounded, and also turned back, "I don't believe a word you say!"

Uemura Yoichi showed an exaggerated expression on purpose, "I'm so sad that you don't believe me so much."

"Okay, don't we know what kind of character you are?" Morishita Wusheng smiled and added wine to the three glasses on the table, "Let's drink!"

The atmosphere became active again, and Chi Feichi didn't mention Liyuan Dongma again.

Uemura Yoichi and Morishita Wusheng discovered that Chi Feichi had a good capacity for alcohol, and the more they drank, the more vigorous they became. At the beginning, the three of them drank against each other, but at the end of the drink, they tried to join hands to bring Chi Feichi down.

Under the influence of alcohol, the two talked a lot more than before.

"Sister Fuyumi, do you know Brother Yamao is back?"

"Yamao? Is he back?"

"Yeah, he was serving an eight-year sentence, right? He was released about a month ago, and I don't know when he came back, but I heard from people who came to play in the village that they saw him in the village this morning. Brother also came back from Tokyo..."

"Really..." Fuyumi Tachihara was still a little surprised. Seeing Chi Feichi looking at them, she explained, "Yamao, like Mizuki, is a friend who grew up with me. He was also a classmate back then, but eight years ago, When he was driving back to the village at night, he hit someone, and he fled the scene afterwards, so he was also sentenced to eight years in prison after turning himself in."

"I remember, the one he hit with his car was Mizuki-san's younger sister?" Morishita Gokatsu sipped his drink and muttered, "I don't know if Mizuki-sister knows about his return..."

Lunch didn't end until two o'clock in the afternoon, and Uemura Yoichi and Morishita Gokatsu, who had drunk too much, went back to the duty room to rest shoulder to shoulder.

Chi Feichi also drank a lot. Although he was not drunk, he was persuaded by Tachihara Fuyumi that 'drinking and driving is dangerous', so he stayed in the infirmary to rest.

Tachihara Fuyumi arrived at the infirmary, hesitated, and called Kitazawa Villa, "Mizuki, it's me, Fuyumi... have you heard that Yamao is back?... Yes, someone saw him in the village, he I also took responsibility for the accident eight years ago, so I think if you meet him, don't argue with him... Is that so... Then I can rest assured..."

Chi Feichi didn't lie down to rest. When Liyuan Fuyumi was on the phone, he pulled Feichi out and looked at it. After making sure that Feichi was only sleeping, he put Feichi back under his clothes, and helped Liyuan Fuyumi open the carton, and put the Take out the medicine inside and put it in the cabinet.

"That's how it is, today I..." Liyuan Fuyumi turned her head and saw Chi Feichi sorting out the medicine. She was stunned for a moment, and said to the phone, "I should go back early today, so let's talk about it tonight. Hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Tachihara Fuyumi breathed a sigh of relief, and squatted down in front of the cardboard box again, flipping through the medicine inside, "I'm sorry, Mr. Chi, but I need to trouble you to help me."

"It doesn't matter, idle is idle," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "I have a doctor friend in Tokyo, and I sometimes help him with these things."

It was not a troublesome thing to sort out the medicines. After about an hour, the two of them sorted out the medicines.

It gets dark early in winter, especially in Kitazawa Village. As the sky darkens, guests from the ski resort outside leave one after another.

Liyuan Fuyumi closed the door of the infirmary, and then gave Chi Feichi a ride back in embarrassment.

After arriving at the villa, Tachihara Fuyumi went to the front desk to talk to Tono Mizuki, and Chi Feichi went back to the room to sort out the daily necessities and clothes that Tono Mizuki helped to buy.

During dinner, Mizuki Tono knocked on the door and called Chi Feichi, but Chi Feichi was busy packing his things and didn't talk to the two women any more. After dinner, he went back to his room.

Travel bags, ski suits, snow boots, trekking poles, a change of sweaters...

After packing up everything, Chi Feichi took Feichi to take a shower.

Feichi floated motionless in the warm water of the sink.

In the indoor heater, Feichi remained motionless and Yuchi Feichi wiped the water with a towel.

Chi Feichi shook Feichi's neck and found that his own snake was still motionless, so he knocked the snake's slough to reconfirm Feichi's state.

His snake didn't die, it just hibernated.

The glass box where the reptile pets were placed was hard to find, so Chi Feichi put Feichi back under his clothes and put it in the inner pocket. His left eye slowly turned a chaotic purple, and the ancient black lines were quickly outlined.

Non-red hibernation should speed up his next evolution. So far, the 'energy storage' on that space platform has exceeded half, and he only hopes that there will be no trouble when he goes to England.

To evolve, at least wait for him to come back and find a clean place...

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