Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2005 Ten levels of shock!

Conan saw that Uemura Yoichi hung up the phone, sat in the duty room and read the newspaper again, and sneaked back to Dr. A Li.

After a group of people had almost played, they began to split up again.

Mori Kogoro proposed that he was going to soak in the open-air hot springs. Mori Lan, Suzuki Sonoko and the three children were going to the market to taste snacks. Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai felt that everyone could not be separated, so they decided to take Dr. Ali to the market. city.

"Although we go together, the doctor can't eat those things." Huiyuan Ai reminded Dr. Ali who looked forward to it.

The smile on Dr. Ali's face froze, "Hey, Xiao Ai, let me watch but not let me eat, isn't that too cruel?"

"You can drink tea with me." Hui Yuanai said.

Conan looked at Dr. Li's depressed expression like a child, and felt relieved, "Then I'll go with Uncle Kogoro..."

The famous detective who looked around found that Kogoro Mori had disappeared, and was stunned in place.

Hey, when did uncle leave? Do you want to run so fast?


On the other side, Mori Kogoro broke away from the team, climbed the snow slope with high spirits, arrived at the open-air hot spring, and stood at the door to catch his breath for a while.

"Finally here! The legendary open-air hot spring!"

"Hi, are you going to take a bath in the hot spring?"

An employee welcomes you out with a friendly smile.

"That's right," Mori Kogoro rubbed his hands and approached, "I heard that you have a mixed bath here..."

"That's right," Morishita Gokatsu turned around and took the bathrobe out of the house, pointing to a direction indoors, "there is the dressing room and shower room, here is the bathrobe for you, the size should be just right for you."

"Thank you!" Mori Kogoro quickly took the yukata, regardless of what Gokatsu Morishita said, and rushed into the shower room expectantly.

Morishita Gokatsu shook his head helplessly, went back to the house, sat down at the Japanese-style low table, and looked at the person opposite who had already changed into a yukata, "What about you? Mr. Chi, are you still planning to go to the hot spring?"

Chi Feichi looked down at the teacup, "I'm wondering when that monkey will leave."

"It's a regular visitor here," Morishita Gokatsu laughed, "But if you want to take care of your friends, can you go by yourself?"

"I want to go find them later." Chi Feichi said.

What did he do?

He just stared at the group of people all the way, and went to the duty room ahead of time, telling Uemura Yoichi that his friend was coming, but please keep it a secret, and he planned to take a dip in a clean hot spring before they met. His friends brought a lot of children, please Uemura Yoichi to help take care of his friends, and keep an eye on them, don't let the children get lost.

Uemura Yoichi, who was still sitting drinking together yesterday, immediately said that there was no problem, it was a trivial matter.

In addition, he also greeted Tachihara Fuyumi.

As for what Conan will think, it depends on the effect of his "eye killing" along the way...

"That's fine, you can still come to me and sit and drink tea," Morishita Gokatsu said with a smile, "I'm the only one guarding here today, and I'm still thinking about how to pass the time..."


The sound of the bathroom door opening came from outside.

Katsugo Morishita got up and walked to the door, looking outside.

Mori Kogoro ran towards the open-air hot spring with a turbulent expression and shouted, "Ah~ the mixed bathing open-air hot spring that I dream of~!"

Katsugo Morishita was dumbfounded, and when he saw Chi Feichi standing beside him, he said with emotion, "That gentleman is too excited..."

In the direction of the open-air hot spring, the rippling shout of Mori Kogoro could be heard faintly.

"Will I be waiting for a sexy girl or a beautiful girl~? It's really exciting~~~"

Katsugo Morishita murmured in a low voice with black lines all over his head, "So it's Uncle Sex."

Chi Feichi, who was standing beside him, said in a low voice, "I know him, to be precise, he is my teacher."

"Ah...ah?!" Katsugo Morishita turned his head to look at Chi Feichi in astonishment, "You, your teacher?"

Chi Feichi nodded affirmatively.

Morishita Katsugo looked at Chi Feichi's calm expression, which seemed to be pure and ascetic, and said speechlessly, "It's not like you at all."

"After all, they're not father and son," Chi Feichi looked back in the direction of the open-air hot spring, "Mr. Morishita, I'll go see him."

Morishita Katsugo shrugged helplessly, "You are the same as Fuyumi-san, just call me Katsugo..."


Outdoor hot spring.

Mori Kogoro found that there was no one in the hot spring, and felt that the flame of enthusiasm in his heart was extinguished instantly, but his ears caught the sound of water flow, and he saw a figure behind the stone in the steaming mist, and the flame in his heart was ignited again.

Going into the water quickly, pretending to approach inadvertently, leaning on the stone, posing the posture of a mature man.

"Oh, the water temperature is really just right. During the trip, under such a pleasant blue sky, it is really enjoyable to watch the snow scene while watching the hot spring..."

Chi Feichi stood quietly by the pool, watching his teacher perform.

"You think so too?" Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked at the figure, "Miss..."

On the stone, the half-squatting monkey turned its head, its flushed face was expressionless, but there was doubt in its eyes, and it didn't quite understand what the human being was thinking.

Maori Kogoro:"……"

It turned was a monkey!


There was the sound of someone entering the water by the pool, still approaching.

Mori Kogoro quickly adjusted his expression, pretending that nothing embarrassing happened, and continued to sigh solemnly, "Oh, I didn't expect the monkeys here to soak in the hot springs. It's really a place with outstanding people, but it's really easy to scare people, especially the monkeys. This kind of animal is sometimes very naughty and likes to play tricks on people..."


The sound of approaching water continued.

"If it's convenient, we'd better stay together..." Mori Kogoro looked forward to "spring is coming", turned his head with a smile, and saw the expressionless face of his apprentice in the mist.

Chi Feichi waded across the water with Feichi in his arms, picked a stone not far away to lean against, and turned his head to say hello to Mori Kogoro with a calm expression, "Teacher."

The smile on Mori Kogoro's face was still frozen, and changed instantly in the next second.


The terrified shouts echoed in the hot springs, causing the snow on the stones to crack and fall into the hot spring water.

"What's wrong? Has something happened?"

Morishita Gokatsu was alarmed by the shout, and hurried to the hot spring pool, looking at the two strange people in the hot spring.

Mori Kogoro had jumped off the spot, stood in the water away from the rocks, looked at Chi Feichi in horror, put his hands in front of him, and hugged himself tightly.

I thought it was a cute soft girl approaching, but when I turned around, I saw the indifferent face of his apprentice who shouldn't be here, and I was shocked ten times!

It's even more bizarre than when I thought she was an intellectual beauty, but turned around and saw a monkey's flushed face!

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to Morishita Gokatsu who was stunned by the pool, "It's okay, it's just that I seemed to scare him."

Mori Kogoro was expressionless for a moment, put down his hands clasped in front of him, took a deep breath, turned his grief and anger into volume, and used the Shisan-style lion roar ability, "Is this 'just'? You bastard Boy!"

Gokatsu Morishita looked at Kogoro Mori, whose head had grown bigger, and Chi Feichi, who looked normal under the impact of the sound waves, and immediately felt relieved.

It seems that Mr. Chi did not do anything excessive to other guests, it is indeed someone he knows.

It doesn't matter if you know someone.

Alas, a strange pair of master and apprentice.

Ten minutes later, Mori Kogoro was fooled away by Chi Feichi with the excuse of 'go back to drink and make an apology'.

Morishita Wusheng said that there were no guests in the afternoon and it was getting late, so he closed the door and followed down the mountain, preparing to join the drinking team.

Two minutes after the three of them left, Conan ran out of the door out of breath, looked up at the locked door, froze for a moment, ran forward quickly, and tried to push the door, but the door didn't move at all.

No, no one?

He was worried that the uncle would act alone. After thinking about it, he decided to leave the team and planned to visit the open-air hot spring, but he didn't open the door?

So where did Uncle Kogoro go? Did you go back first?

Standing in the cold wind for a minute, Conan took out his mobile phone and decided to call Mori Kogoro.

It's very strange here, let's be careful to confirm the safety of the uncle...

The call was connected quickly, Mouri Kogoro, who was discussing where to drink, was a little unhappy to be interrupted, "Conan, what do you want?"

"Uh, uncle, didn't you say you want to soak in the open-air hot spring?" Conan said, "I want to soak in the hot spring too, and it's here right now, but the door is locked."

"You're late, the place won't be open again today, if you want to soak in the hot springs, let's talk about it tomorrow! I'm going to go back now, don't forget to tell Xiaolan and the others!"

After Mori Kogoro finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Conan put the phone in his pocket speechlessly, and walked down the mountain again, "I probably went back to watch TV and drink bars again, really, it made me worry for nothing..."


The snacks in Kitazawa Village are rich in variety and taste good.

When Yuan Tai fell into such a place, it was no surprise that he ate too much, and even ate to the point where his stomach felt uncomfortable and he was sent to the infirmary.

Conan, who had just returned to the market, could only follow him to the infirmary.

"Yuantai, please be patient!"

"No, my stomach hurts like it's going to explode!"

"Who told you to eat so much..."

The owner of a certain stall led the way to the infirmary, and helplessly said to Tachihara Fuyumi, who got up to look inside the room, "Fuyumi, there is a child here who eats too much and has a stomachache, please help him take a look!"

Liyuan Fuyumi looked at the group of people, and quickly locked his eyes on Yuantai who was holding his stomach, and hurriedly stepped forward to help, "Help him over there to sit down first! Kid, can you still go?"

Three young girls, one old man, five children...

Two of the children are cute little girls, a fat little boy, a skinny little boy, and one wearing glasses...

It's the same as what Mr. Chi said, but there is one middle-aged gentleman missing. Will he be Mr. Chi's friend?

If she had known earlier, she would have asked Chi Feichi the names of that group of people.

But no matter what, they are all people who are not feeling well, so we should deal with them first.

After some confirmation, Liyuan Dongmei prescribed medicine for Yuantai, squatted beside Yuantai, and handed the medicine to Yuantai with a smile, "After taking the medicine, you will feel much more comfortable. Same!"

"Really," Suzuki Sonoko said speechlessly, "Look at the consequences of eating ten plates of octopus balls in a row!"

Yuan Tai looked embarrassed, but also vaguely proud, "Oh, it's really nothing~"

Hui Yuanai said expressionlessly, "I'm not complimenting you."

Yuan Tai was immediately discouraged, lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry..."

Tachihara Fuyumi stood up, and secretly looked at a group of people.

Will it be Mr. Chi's friend?

She was still really curious.

If so, with a child who can feed himself to the infirmary, it's no wonder that Mr. Chi would specifically ask her to take care of her.

Conan noticed Tachihara Fuyumi's scrutinizing gaze, and also frowned at Tachihara Fuyumi.

Already the fifth time...

This woman looked at all of them for the fifth time since they entered the infirmary, and she had a strange look. He couldn't tell what it was, but it seemed that she wanted to confirm something or observe something.

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