Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2006 What's going on in this village

"Have you noticed too?" Hui Yuanai approached Conan and whispered, "She is looking at us frequently."

Conan hasn't said what he found in the duty room yet, and he feels that this is not a place for communication, so he just nodded seriously.

Seeing the cuteness of the group of children, Liyuan Fuyumi couldn't help but asked with a smile, "Kids, what grade are you in?"

Conan and Haibara watched vigilantly.

The three children were unprepared and responded with a smile.

"First grade!"

"First grade..." Fuyumi Tachihara thought of the accident that happened to Touma Tachihara in the first grade, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, she soon pulled herself together, and smiled at Genta, "Since you are already in the first grade, you should If you have self-control, you can't be brave enough to do what you can't do!"

Conan saw Tachihara Fuyumi's reaction in his eyes, and thought again in his mind.

Was that expression just now sad?


Also, are you warning or reminding them of something when you say 'don't be brave' and 'things you can't do'?

What is certain is that after they entered the village, they were targeted at some point. There are staff members in this ski resort who are accomplices of the other party.

Could the person who was following them be the one who sent Mr. Asakura a threatening letter?

While Conan was distracted, Tachihara Fuyumi also finished interacting with the three children and sent a group of people out of the infirmary.

Conan was at the back of the line, after thinking about it, he left the line and walked quietly to the infirmary.

This Miss Fuyumi may know something, and she doesn't seem to be malicious, maybe she can ask directly.

"I'm not sure if it's them, so..."

It should have been only Tachihara Fuyumi's infirmary, but there was the sound of Tachihara Fuyumi talking to someone.

Conan stopped and stood against the wall outside the door to eavesdrop.

"It should be them, but there is a middle-aged gentleman missing... Do you know where he is?" Fuyumi Tachihara stood in the infirmary with her back to the door and called, "Really...I'm about half a year old. I'll go back in a few hours...they? They've already left...they are such a lovely group of children..."

Conan peeked his head quietly, then quickly retracted his head, lowering his head and frowning in thought.

Who are you talking to on the phone?

Hey, what is going on in this village?

What this Miss Fuyumi has in common with the staff in the duty room is that they seem to know them and pay special attention to them, and they call someone to report their movements.

If the other party is the prisoner who sent threatening letters and bombed the tunnel, then there are probably many accomplices lurking in this village.

He suddenly remembered the experience of being besieged by most of the villagers in a village. If Chi Feichi had been there, their chances of winning the fight would have been higher, but...

No, no, even if Chi Feichi was there, he still had to figure out how many people the other party had, why they were being watched, and whether they had dangerous weapons in their hands.

With Chi Feichi absent and lacking a main force, they had to be even more careful.

"Little brother..."

A man's voice came from above.

Conan looked up, and after seeing Uemura Yoichi's backlit face clearly, he was startled.

was found!

Or the other party's accomplice...

"What are you doing here?" Uemura Yoichi looked down at the boy with glasses who was against the wall in front of him.

"Uh, when I left the infirmary just now, I dropped something here," Conan showed a naive expression, "so come back here to find..."

"It's getting dark, hurry back with your companions, don't run around alone, or you might be in danger!"

Uemura Yang finished speaking with a straight face and entered the infirmary.

"Yes." After Conan responded, he turned and walked in the direction where Dr. Ali and others left.

The first time I saw him, in the duty room, this man still looked gentle.

The second time I saw him, outside the infirmary, this man looked fierce.

Two different faces, one of them must be fake.

Are you already suspicious of him?

No, this man said 'just a child' before, and now he doesn't seem to doubt him. It seems that he doesn't take him seriously, but his attitude is a little bit bad.

The words 'Maybe you will be in danger' are threatening him? warn him?


In the infirmary, Tachihara Fuyumi looked out the door, "What's wrong?"

"It's the little boy wearing glasses," Uemura Yang turned his head to look at the back of Conan leaving outside the door, "He seems to have fallen behind."

"That child..." Liyuan Fuyumi reminded with a helpless smile, "You spoke so harshly just now, you will scare the children."

Uemura Yang laughed, and returned to his previous cheerful appearance, "I just want to scare him! He looks like the kind of kid who likes to run around. When I was in the duty room before, he left the team and ran to the duty room alone. The people around him didn't seem to notice it, so it's no wonder that Mr. Chi is worried. It's too dangerous for a child to leave the team and run around in an unfamiliar place. If I don't scare him, how can he obediently follow the adults? "

"It's hard for you to be cold-hearted and be a villain," Liyuan Fuyumi teased with a smile, and then talked about the matter of Mrs. Yuan's stay in the infirmary, and said with emotion, "They are a group of cute children, but they are also very naughty..."

"I was much more naughty than them back then," Uemura Yoichi laughed, "By the way, Sister Dongmei, Mr. Chi and the others are at Wusheng's house now, and I'll be there soon, so I'll ask if you want to go to Wusheng Home for dinner..."

Tachihara Fuyumi hesitated for a moment, "I still have to go back to see Dongma, and Shanwei is back, I made an appointment with Mizuki and the others to get together at the villa in the evening."

"It's no wonder, you guys haven't sat together for eight years, right?" Yoichi Uemura said with emotion, "Then I'll go back with you later, and I'll go find them when I send you home. Tell Wu Sheng and Mr. Chi, they should understand!"


Kitazawa Villa.

After Conan and his group came back, they found that Mori Kogoro was not in the room.

Mao Lilan called to ask, and the answer he got was only "have dinner at the enthusiastic villager's house, don't wait for me." Hearing the voice of Mao Li Kogoro, he was drunk, and told him not to drink too much.

Conan felt that it was a bit strange that Mori Kogoro was able to hang out with the villagers all of a sudden, but he was not sure if it was because Mori Kogoro met someone who was particularly good at chatting with him. It was dangerous, so he didn't rush out to look for it, and took advantage of the opportunity of eating to quietly tell Yueshui Nanatsuki and Huihara Ai about his discovery.

The three formed an alliance.

This village is very strange. There are more than one or two villagers involved. You must cheer up, pay attention to finding the truth, and be extra careful!

After the meal, a group of people went to the lobby on the first floor.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki followed Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan to buy souvenirs, sorting out the information he had so far, and was a little absent-minded.

Seeing Koshimi Nanatsuki holding a wooden carving, Mao Lilan was obviously distracted, looked at Suzuki Sonoko who was obsessed with picking souvenirs, stepped forward and asked, "Miss Nanatsuki, do you have something on your mind?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki came back to his senses, and tried to act as if nothing happened, "Nothing."

"Really? But you have been absent-minded today, and it was the same when you were at the skating rink." Mao Lilan looked at the dazzling array of souvenirs on the shelf, "Are you... thinking about Brother Feichi?"

"No..." Yueshui Nanatsuki subconsciously wanted to deny it, but seeing Mao Lilan's melancholy expression, she didn't deny it anymore. She was indeed distracted at the ski resort in the afternoon. Apart from caring about the secretly watching eyes, she was also thinking about Chi Feichi. "It's just... seeing the cute snow sculptures, I think it's a pity that he didn't see them. Seeing such a beautiful snow scene, I hope he can see them too. Seeing such a lively atmosphere, I think he should come here the most." People who feel it, seeing everyone having so much fun, would wonder if he would be lonely in Tokyo alone, wouldn't you..."

"Yes, I will." Mao Lilan admitted in a low voice.

"So I feel a little guilty. In order not to let him come here, and not to let him know that we came here together, I didn't have a good chat with him last night, and I didn't contact him today," Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at the swan wood carving in his hand, and the more The more I thought about it, the more guilty I felt, "Actually, we should have told him directly, right? The best solution is not to hide it, but to make it clear what we are worried about his cough, so that he can understand our thoughts and concerns..."

Mao Lilan thought of Kudo Shinichi who disappeared mysteriously, and reached out to hold Koshimizu Nanatsuki's wrist, "That's right!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked up in surprise, looking at Mao Lilan's serious face.

"I also think this is very bad. Leaving him alone like this may cause him to think wildly and feel that he has been left behind..." Mao Lilan felt that she had reacted too much, so she let go of her hand a little embarrassedly, but still Encouraged, "Go and call him, Miss Nanatsuki, otherwise you won't feel at ease, and if you want to buy a gift, it would be better to ask him what he likes?"

"Also... that's right," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the wood carving in his hand, and felt that he had found a reason to support his action. He put the wood carving back on the shelf, saw the noise around, and walked outside the door, "I'm going to call ..."

Mao Lilan smiled, looked at the family's souvenirs, and sighed again.

Miss Nanatsuki was unable to share what she wanted to share because she left Brother Feichi in Tokyo, and she couldn't find where Shinichi was even though she wanted to share.

Xinyi is a big pig's hoof, but it's better to ask clearly when buying a gift, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste if you don't like it? Well, when Miss Nanatsuki finishes calling, let her make a call too!

Outside the gate of the villa, the snow on the side of the road is white, and the strings of lights wrapped around the branches are bright.

After Yueshui Nanatsuki went out, she didn't expect such a scene at night. She went to the terrace, leaned on the wooden railing with both hands, and looked at the fiery trees and silver flowers lined up along the street.

In the dark night, every light that lights up is like a star, or like a firefly, converging into a group in the darkness.

Those lights seemed to be brighter than the stars in the sky, and they sprinkled the light on the white snow without hesitation, and they were also shrouded in a white and blue hazy halo.

Room 105 was not lit. Behind the glass door, Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki's back standing in front of the railing, and put down the phone in his right hand.

His teacher was drunk, and was still lying in Morishita Wusheng's house, sleeping soundly. He thought that the lighting scene here was good, so he rushed back to see if Yueshui had finished his dinner.

Thinking whether to send a message to ask Yue Shui to go out, let Yue Shui surprise the lamp scene, but unexpectedly, Yue Shui came out by himself.

That's fine, he saw the lights scene last night, and tonight he can see the lights scene with Yueshui...

Yue Shui Nanatsuki was so engrossed in watching that she didn't notice the sight behind her at all. After a while, she remembered that she was going to call Chi Feichi, so she quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed the number.


The phone rang and was connected.

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