Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2007 You Can See It, You Can Receive It

The speed was so fast that Yueshui Nanatsuki almost didn't realize it. He wondered if Chi Feichi touched the phone by mistake. When he heard the silence over there, he tentatively said, "Hello?"


Hearing the response over there, Yue Shui Nanatsuki suddenly relaxed, and soon thought of the purpose of his call, not sure if Chi Feichi would be angry, and became nervous again, "I told you last night that the commission is over, Right? Actually, today I came to Kitazawa Village with Xiaolan, Sonoko, Mr. Mori, the doctor and the children to investigate the incident that Mr. Asakura received a threatening letter, but everyone is worried that your respiratory tract will be damaged after you arrive here. Comfortable, you often catch colds in winter, so you hide it from me..."

Chi Feichi stood behind the glass door, looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's back, and let out another 'hmm'.

He didn't care about it at first, but after hearing Yue Shui's explanation, his mood seemed to improve a lot.

Yueshui Nanatsuki heard Chi Feichi's response, and asked tentatively, "You won't be angry, will you?"

"No, I guessed it earlier." Chi Feichi said.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you before..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt relieved when he thought of Chi Feichi's reasoning ability and believed that Chi Feichi should know that Beizawa Village was related to that incident. , leaned on the railing, supported his body with his arms, raised his eyes to look at the light scene in front of him, put his mobile phone still in his ear, and said softly to the human being on the other end, "I'm looking at the street view outside the gate of the villa where I stayed. There are many people on the side of the road here. The tree, the tree is wrapped with small white and blue light strings, it looks very beautiful, like a group of fireworks that will not disappear in the night sky, if you can see it... don't be too sorry, I will take pictures and send them to you later, but before that, I would like to ask what kind of souvenirs you like. There are many handmade souvenirs, such as wood carvings of owls, swans and other birds, and local special biscuits boxes, water glasses with printed swan patterns and cultural shirts, I don’t think you like biscuits, what about wood carvings? Do you like them?”

"Neither of them." Chi Feichi replied.

"Ah?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki was a little surprised, and began to suspect that he had made a mistake in his judgment, and Chi Feichi was really angry, "Yes, is it..."

Chi Feichi looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu through the glass, and he could hear Nanatsuki Koshimizu's frustration without seeing his face. He explained, "I want a very special gift, something different from others."

"Different from others?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt embarrassed, "But those are the only souvenirs... Then do you want me to find a woodcarver to learn how to carve and help you make a gift that is different from other woodcarvers?"

"If you want, you can," Chi Feichi said, "The premise is that you can learn it before returning to Tokyo."

"I heard that woodcarving is not easy to learn. It's okay to carve casually, but it will be difficult to carve well. I'm afraid I can't do it before I go back to Tokyo..." Nanatsuki Koshimizu really thought about it, and soon realized Something is wrong, "Hey, what do you mean by that? Are you sure I won't learn it before I go back to Tokyo?"

"Isn't it?"

Hearing Chi Feichi's rhetorical question, Yueshui Nanatsuki was discouraged, and honestly admitted that it was impossible for him to learn it before going back, "Yes, yes... If you care about whether the wooden carving is ugly or not, then there is nothing you can do."

"Things that hurt your hands are not suitable for gifts," Chi Feichi said, "Why don't you consider other gifts, such as singing me a song."

"Singing?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki was a little surprised, but thinking that Chi Feichi hadn't been able to see the lantern scene, he agreed, "Okay, but if I can't sing well, you can't laugh at me."

"As long as you sing, I won't laugh at you." Chi Feichi promised.

"Then what song do you want to listen to?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki relaxed completely, "I have basically heard all the songs of your THK company, and I know one or two lines more or less, you choose, and I will sing it to you !"

Chi Feichi heard Koshimizu Nanatsuki's little pride, "Have you heard the record I gave you before?"

"I've heard it. Sometimes when there is no client in the office, I will play the record and let the elder trees in the yard listen to it. It is full of opera excerpts, all of which are world classics," said Nanatsuki Koshimi Recalling the music on the record, I was taken aback, "Could it be that you... want to..."

"Excerpts from one of the records," Chi Feichi said mercilessly, "the habanera in "Carmen"."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki straightened up suddenly, "No, it's okay to perform a simple stage play, but let me sing an opera...I, I can't do it."

"You don't have to sing like an opera, just choose the way you like to sing."

"are you sure?"


"Then I can sing casually?"


"Okay," Yue Shui Nanatsuki did not expect Chi Feichi to agree, took a deep breath, tried to recall the melody, and hummed softly, "Love is an unruly bird, no one can tame it, if it If you choose to refuse, calling it is in vain, threatening or begging is in vain..."

In the beginning, Koshimizu Nanatsuki paid attention not to let herself get out of tune, and was very focused, but when she sang, she became uncontrollably distracted.

"One is talkative, the other is silent, and the one I love..."

Something is wrong with this song.

Yueshui Nanatsuki's face was as hot as a fire, and his voice weakened, "He didn't say anything, but he moved me, love, love, love, love, love is a child of a gypsy, lawless..."

Chi Feichi heard Yueshui Nanatsuki's voice softened, looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki's back, and continued to listen.

The shy Yueshui is really interesting.

"If you don't love me, I prefer you. If I fall in love with you, you have to be careful. If you don't love me, you don't love me. I prefer you. If I fall in love with you, you have to be careful... "

Yueshui Nanatsuki's mind was full of "love" and "love" was spinning, and she insisted on finishing singing, and she couldn't control where she went, "But, can it be?"

Chi Feichi affirmed, "It's fine."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki recalled what she sang just now, and suddenly felt that after "when I was young, I cried in front of Chi Feichi with snot and tears, and I don't remember if I blew snot bubbles", there is more "when I grow up Singing to Chi Feichi, who is suspected to have absolute pitch, and out of tune almost ran from the South Pole to the North Pole. This black history, the black history is so tragic that she can't bear to look directly, "What kind of gift is this? I can't see it, touch it." No, I’ve heard of it and I don’t have it, it’s better as a gift like a souvenir!”

"how come……"

Chi Feichi opened the glass door.


When Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard the voice, she turned her head subconsciously and saw a familiar figure coming out of the dark room.

"I can see it," Chi Feichi looked into Koshimizu Nanatsuki's eyes, "I can also receive it."

He likes to watch Yueshui very much.

Yue Shui always has a fresh and lively breath on his body. It seems that just by looking at him, he can replenish energy for his body and mind, just like being in a secret place with mountains, water and fresh life. The breeze brings the most comfortable temperature. On the face and ears are the hymns composed by the low chirping of birds and beasts in the distance.

It's a bit exaggerated to think so, but it is indeed an indescribable comfort.

Probably because of this, Yue Shui's eyebrows, eyes, ears and nose are so appropriate to him, and Yue Shui's every frown and smile are so vivid in his eyes.

Just at this moment, that exquisite side face reflected the light scene, his expression was frozen with surprise, but his eyes slowly burst out with unconcealable joy, and that joy was also transmitted to his eyes, making him feel satisfied and happy.

Even if that feeling was quickly taken away, he truly captured it.

At the same time, because that feeling was stripped away too quickly, he had almost greedy desires, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart repeating:

Try again, it's not a loss anyway, isn't it...

Recapture and hold on to that pleasure, then go for more...

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi in surprise, completely unaware of the joy in his eyes, and found that the corners of Chi Feichi's mouth seemed to have a gentle curve, and felt flattered and pleasantly surprised for a while.

Mr. Chi is smiling at her, right? yes?

If they stare at each other for more than three seconds, the air will become thicker a little bit.

Chi Feichi watched Yueshui Nanatsuki's face gradually blushing, and the voice in his heart was still clamoring.

Greedy like a wild beast to claim, gnaw, and devour...

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

In such a beautiful place, they keep looking at each other like this, it's like an idol drama.

She has to recall the idol drama, will hug next? Will there be a confession? meeting……

Wait, it seems a bit wrong, shouldn't there be pink bubbles around at this time? Why does she feel so dangerous?

Mr. Chi's dangerous gaze frightened her a little.

When Koshimizu Nanatsuki was doubting her life and thinking, "Is it wrong with the idol drama, or I am wrong, or Mr. Chi is wrong", Chi Feichi suddenly stepped forward, reached out and grabbed Koshimizu Nanatsuki's wrist, and pulled Yue Mizunatsuki turned around and walked into the house.

Yueshui Nanatsuki was full of thoughts of "Mr. Chi looks a little dangerous", and was taken aback by Chi Feichi's actions, "Ah, wait..."

Chi Feichi pulled Yueshui Nanatsuki into the room, let go of Yueshui Nanatsuki, closed the glass door with his hand, drew the curtains by the way, and turned on the light.

The lights had just been turned on, and the door at the entrance and exit of the villa was also pushed open.

Conan quickly ran across the terrace, reached the bottom of the steps, and found a place to hide.

"Miss Nanatsuki?" Mao Lilan went out with her mobile phone, turned her head to look at the empty terrace, then looked at the empty snow field in front of her, saw that the phone dial was connected, and walked to the railing, "You Guess where I am now... I'm in Kitazawa Village, Niigata Prefecture, wow, so beautiful!"

After seeing the lights in the snow, Mao Lilan was also attracted by the fiery trees and silver flowers in front of her eyes, and exclaimed.

In the room, Yueshui Nanatsuki's frightened brain gradually regained his ability to think, and his heartbeat began to speed up belatedly. He raised his eyes and saw Chi Feichi standing behind the curtain and looking out. After a moment of hesitation, he also leaned forward , looking out from the gap in the curtains.

With his back to them, Mao Lilan stood in front of the railing to watch the lights, and held the mobile phone in one hand to his ear. The sound was already indistinct when it reached the room.

"...I really want you to see... what kind of gift do you want..."

Saying that, Mao Lilan turned and leaned against the railing again, looking at the lighted windows of the villa.

"Owls...swans...should come home once in a while..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki listened intently for a while, but found that it was still difficult to hear the voice outside, and said softly, "She must be calling Kudo..."

"Shinichi Kudo?"

Chi Feichi stared at everything outside, his tone was unclear.

It was already snowing outside, Mao Lilan didn't know what she found, she walked down the stairs quickly, stood in the yard, looked down at the snow in a daze.

"Yeah, it seems like Xiaolan hasn't seen him for a long time, maybe she asked him what gift he wants..." Nanatsuki Yueshui turned to look at Chi Feichi who was peeping seriously, and suddenly remembered the weirdness he felt during the day line of sight.

The line of sight they felt during the day was not from Mr. Chi, right?

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