Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2008 Mr. Chi is obviously unreasonable

Chi Feichi looked outside and Mao Lilan went back to the villa with a disappointed face. Seeing that there was nothing to see, he turned around and walked to the sofa, bent over to pick up a bottle of orange juice from the table, and turned to ask Yueshui Nanatsuki who followed him. , "What do you want to drink? Orange juice or herbal tea?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki found bottled drinks and mineral water on the table, and couldn't help but look at the kettle that was thrown aside, "Do you just drink those? Although there is heating in the room, the temperature is not very low, but the winter climate It’s dry, so drinking cold water would be better, right?”

"Once before, I needed to get the fingerprints of an important person's left hand, because his left hand fingerprints could open a vault with secrets. He will take it off, and he is right-handed, so he doesn't need to use his left hand to do high-precision things." Chi Feichi put the bottle of orange juice back on the table, straightened up, went around and sat down in front of the sofa, "At that time Knowing that he secretly checked into a luxury hotel with bodyguards, and knowing that he has a habit of brushing his teeth before and after the shower, I thought it would be possible to try to get his fingerprints from the mouthwash cup in the hotel room ... you sit around."

"If he is right-handed, he will hold the water glass with his left hand and the toothbrush with his right hand. If he enters the bathroom, takes off his clothes and gloves, brushes his teeth first and then takes a bath, or takes a bath and then brushes his teeth, he can indeed get it from the water glass. After extracting the fingerprints of his left hand," Yue Shui Nanatsuki sat next to Chi Feichi and asked curiously, "And then? Did you succeed?"

"At that time, my companions and I didn't expect much, but decided to try." Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Yueshui Nanatsuki, and said calmly, "We failed."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki was taken aback, and looked at the upside-down, apparently unused water glass on the table, "He wouldn't wipe off the fingerprints on the glass afterwards, would he? That's really prudent enough."

"It's not because he wiped off the fingerprints," Chi Feichi said. "When we got the cup and took the fingerprints, we found that there were many fingerprints on the cup, which were of different sizes, obviously did not belong to the same person, and were concentrated in the middle of the cup. ...scrambled fingerprints where it was held."

"He's not the only one who took the cup?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought about it, and quickly realized that his eyes on the cup on the table became more and more complicated. It can be washed off, and can be wiped off with a towel or paper towel. If there are many fingerprints left on the mouthwash cup, it may be..."

"That mouthwash cup hasn't been washed for a long time, and it was used by more than one person." Chi Feichi picked up the mineral water bottle on the table and unscrewed the cap. "It's a famous luxury hotel in the United States."

This is what he encountered on the way to the bounty in his previous life.

It doesn't matter if it's a hotel with a bad environment, but that hotel is a well-known global high-end hotel chain. At that time, after he saw the glass mouthwash cup that showed missing fingerprints, and there were many incomplete lip marks on the rim , I felt a chill in my heart.

Afterwards, they managed to check other things in the hotel room, trying to extract fingerprints from the edge of the bathtub or the faucet, and found that there were also many corners that had not been cleaned at all.

"In Japan... no, it's not that exaggerated, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, still reaching for a bottle of mineral water, without touching the glass on the table, "Take away the daily necessities and wash them after the guests leave , Clean the room, isn't it necessary..."

Chi Feichi took a sip of mineral water and looked at the cup on the table, "It's not like that in every hotel. The cup on the table is fine. I've checked it, but I'm a bit psychologically shadowed, and I'm not sure that the hot water bottle has been damaged. What has it been used for? After all, this kettle seems to have been used for a long time, anyway, drinking mineral water is the same, or going to a restaurant to ask for a glass of boiling water, the probability of the restaurant’s cup being cleaned is relatively high.”

"The cup is fine..." Yueshui Nanatsuki breathed a sigh of relief, unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle in his hand, drank the water, and calmed down his frightened little mood, before asking, "By the way, can I Why are you here without asking?"

"You can think that the clue to the bombing may be in Beizawa Village, how could I not think of it?" Chi Feichi asked back.

This is an excuse he thought up - falsely claiming that he came to Kitazawa Village to investigate.

Nanatsuki Koshimi asked again, "When did you come?"

"One day earlier than you." Chi Feichi said truthfully.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded, subconsciously observing Chi Feichi's expression, "Today we feel someone staring at us on the road..."

Chi Feichi admitted without changing his face, "I was the one who watched you all the way."

Yueshui Nanatsuki didn't expect Chi Feichi to be so frank, and he was a little speechless, "We thought it was a bad guy or a prisoner of the bombing case. We were nervous for a day. By the way, Conan said that he found the staff at the ski resort to be very strange, as if Miss Fuyumi who was staring at us and the infirmary, after seeing us, secretly called someone, they..."

"It was I who said hello to them, saying that my friends came here and brought many children, so I asked them to take care of them more," Chi Feichi said directly, "The figure Conan saw at the door of the duty room was me, and I deliberately I led him to the duty room, and let him find that Mr. Uemura was secretly contacting others. After that, I went to the open-air hot spring on the mountain to find Mr. Maori, and took him to a local resident's house for a drink. I also made him drink two more glasses, and he is still drunk over there."

"It's no wonder that Mr. Mori hasn't come back yet," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with black hair, "You're not trying to scare us on purpose, are you?"

"Obviously," Chi Feichi said, "it was."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Mr. Chi is so frank that people have nothing to say.

It felt like Mr. Chi knew that they had come to Beizawa village secretly and didn't ask him to take revenge, but before she asked Mr. Chi if he was angry, what did Mr. Chi say?

'No, I guessed it earlier. '

Is this what Mr. Chi said 'not angry'?

"Are you really angry?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said speechlessly, "The fact that we left you and came to Kitazawa Village together..."


"Then you still play tricks on us?"

"Can't I play tricks on you without getting angry?"

"Why are you teasing us if you're not angry?"




Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki and reasoned out the logic.

There is nothing wrong with the logic of 'you don't need to make fun of people if you don't get angry', but...

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi and sorted out the logic in his mind.

There seems to be nothing wrong with the logic of 'you can tease your friends without being angry'.

It's just that she's being reasonable, and Mr. Chi is obviously unreasonable.

In the end, Koshimizu Nanatsuki spoke, skipping this strange logical question, "Then what do you want to do next? Do you want to continue?"

"Mr. Shangcun promised me that when the teacher sobers up, he will help send him over, and I will meet up with everyone when I think about it." Chi Feichi reached out and put the mineral water bottle back on the table, "Do you want to go for a walk in the village with me? If it’s convenient, I’d like you to temporarily turn off your phone for a while.”

"After Mr. Maoli lost contact, do you want me to disappear too?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki guessed Chi Feichi's intentions, but still stood up, followed Chi Feichi out the door, bowed his head and took out his phone to turn it off, " Well, just pretend that I am temporarily kidnapped by you, the person who spies on us."

Seeing Chi Feichi lock the glass door, she understood why they hadn't found Chi Feichi here before.

This glass door is parallel to the large window of the villa hall, whether it is day or night, no matter whether the curtains are drawn or the lights are turned on, they either subconsciously confuse the glass door with the window of the villa hall, thinking that it should be a public space, Either think of a staff lounge or access passage in the villa, and never think that this is a guest room.

And because the glass door was at the end of the terrace, they had ignored it before.

Conversely, Chi Feichi can easily see the street from here, knowing when they arrive, when they leave, and when they come back, and they can also go back to the villa or leave the villa through this glass door to avoid bumping into people in the hall or restaurant. them.

If Chi Feichi was willing, he would probably be able to avoid them perfectly for a long time, until they wondered 'why the other party can accurately lock their movements every time', and they would doubt the space behind this glass door where they could see the street.


On the other side, three children, Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko, took advantage of adults not paying attention, sneaked to the abandoned ski resort, drove a snowmobile, rushed to the road under the snow slope, and overturned the car .

In order not to be scolded by Dr. Ali or other adults, the three children wisely chose to contact Conan.

Conan just avoided Mao Lilan, who almost spotted him, and hid in the dark. He received the contact of the detective armbands of the three children, greeted Hui Yuanai, and was going to find the three children.

Haibara Ai, considering the unfamiliar place here, was worried that Conan would go alone, so he also took a ride on Conan's skateboard.

The pair found the three children and the overturned snowmobile on the side of the road.

Seeing the two of them coming, Yuan Tai didn't notice Conan's ugly face, and couldn't help saying, "Conan, you are too slow."

Mitsuhiko looked at Hui Yuan Ai in surprise, "Xiao Ai, you are here too."

"The environment is unfamiliar, and it's snowing again, so I'm not sure about Edogawa coming alone," Haibara Ai looked at the three children seriously, "However, you ran out without saying a word, isn't it too capricious? "

"It should be too much!" Conan reprimanded with a straight face, "Have you ever thought about what to do if you come out and meet dangerous people? Or if it snows heavily and you accidentally get lost? Can you think about it?" Take a look at the feelings of other people, do you know that you will make everyone worry!"

He didn't care about being called over, nor was he annoyed because he was always running around inexplicably today. He was angry because the three children had no sense of safety.

I don't know who they are in the dark and how many people are staring at them. The intentions of those people are unknown. They may have good intentions or may be malicious. Run, what to do in case of danger.

Ayumi smiled and stepped forward, but was frightened by Haibara Ai's cold face and Conan's reprimand, and stopped, "Yes, I'm sorry..."

"I know it's our fault and we shouldn't run around, but Conan, you don't have to be so aggressive with us, right?" Mitsuhiko was a little aggrieved, and turned his head to complain to Yuan Tai, "It's Yuan Tai's fault, you proposed to go Driving a snowmobile!"

"Didn't you have fun just now?" Yuantai glanced at Mitsuhiko, "You didn't object when you came to drive the snowmobile!"

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