Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2012 Hurry up and let him go

"Really, he suddenly appears for a while, and disappears for a while, I will suspect that I was hallucinating when I met him during the day..." Mouri Kogoro stood up shaking, and walked to the window, "Feichi, we are going to go back to the room on the third floor. What about you? Which room do you live in?"

"I live on the first floor." Chi Feichi turned his head and looked at the room that was independent from other rooms, "There."

Mori Kogoro looked at the door that opened in the corner of the hall, and was a little surprised, "Is there also a guest room?"

Conan hugged Chi Feichi's leg, and acted coquettishly in a child's ignorant and determined tone, "I'm going to live with Brother Chi tonight!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

release! Let him go now!

The eyes of the three children running over lit up, "We also want to go to Brother Chi's room..."

"Okay," Dr. A Li guessed that Conan wanted to discuss the case with Chi Feichi, and followed up to stop the three children in time, "It's getting late, let's go back to rest, and it's the same when we go to Feichi's room tomorrow to play." .”

"Let Brother Feichi rest early." Hui Yuanai secretly supported Dr. Ali, but glanced at Conan.

Please take it easy and don't drag her brother into the discussion too late.

Conan: "..."


"Okay, okay..."

The three children compromised, and only Conan still hugged Chi Feichi's leg and hid behind Chi Feichi, looking like he was swearing by Chi Feichi.

"Conan..." Mao Lilan looked at Conan helplessly and amusedly, and cast a look of help at Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi looked down at Conan who was trying to shrink behind him, "It's okay, I will take care of him tonight."

"Okay, let that kid with glasses go," Mori Kogoro walked up the stairs with a smirk on his face, "Feichi, we'll come down to find you tomorrow!"

Dr. Ali also led the children to follow, followed by Suzuki Sonoko, Mori Ran, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki. After saying hello, they also left the hall.

Seeing that everyone else had left, Conan breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly found a gloomy gaze cast from above his head, looking up at Chi Feichi's face with a cold expression, biting his cigarette butt and looking down at him: "?"

What happened to Chi Feichi? He didn't do anything...

"Can you let go?" Chi Feichi stared down at Conan, his eyes still dark, "You almost pulled your pants off."

Conan looked at the hand that was holding Chi Feichi's trouser leg tightly, sweated a little, and retracted his hand with a swish, "Hold, sorry, I wanted to be firmer just now, but before I knew it..."

Without knowing it, he pulled Chi Feichi's trouser leg down...

His fault, his fault.

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze and started to walk towards the vending machine in the corner of the hall.

Conan hurriedly followed, seeing Chi Feichi buying cigarettes from a vending machine, looking sideways at the five Tachihara Fuyumi who were sitting there, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Chi came here to investigate Mr. Asakura's threats. The case of the explosion on the Xin and Dongdu subway lines, right? Just now Mr. Hikawa mentioned the incident of Mr. Yamao hitting someone and running away eight years ago, and you turned around to smoke a cigarette in front of the window. You didn’t seem to care what they said, which means you have listened to it Fuyumi-san or someone else said that, right?"

Chi Feichi bent down and picked up the cigarettes from the vending machine, "Why can't it be that I'm not interested in what he said?"

Conan thought of Chi Feichi's "twitching" when he was not interested in the things in front of him sometimes, and looked at Chi Feichi with wide eyes, and quickly realized, Ban Yueyan said, "Since you have come to Beize Village, it means you are interested in this case , should not let go of any clues, right?"

Chi Feichi frightened him again!

Holding the cigarette, Chi Feichi straightened up, turned around and looked at the five people over there, "I heard Miss Liyuan talk about those things before."

On the sofa over there, five people were sitting together, but they were not in a high mood, they only said a few words occasionally, and the smiles on their faces were very forced.

"Then what about other things?" Conan looked at Tachihara Fuyumi, who was silent with downcast eyes, "Miss Fuyumi seems to have something on her mind."

"She is a single mother, and she used to work in the hospital at the foot of the mountain," Chi Feichi revealed the clue to Conan, "Eight years ago, on the night when Ms. Tono's sister had a car accident, she was temporarily called to the emergency department by the hospital at the foot of the mountain." The patient, her seven-year-old son Dongma was at home alone at that time, and ran out for some reason. The next morning, the child was found falling under the cliff outside the original village. Haven't woken up for years."

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder she asked us what grade we were in when she was in the infirmary, and showed a very sad expression. The year Dongma had an accident, she should be the same age as us," Conan skillfully drew himself In "Seven Years Old", I kept looking at the five people over there, and didn't notice my proficiency, "I don't have too many clues here. On the way Mr. Muto sent us back, he also mentioned that he didn't support the relocation of the village back then. The opposition, now he does not live in the village, he built a small wooden house on the back of the mountain to live by himself, making owl wood carvings for the villa for a living, smaller wood carvings, he will complete them in the small wooden house, too big wood carvings , he will go to the workshop near the Kitazawa Dam to do it, I don't know if it will be useful..."

At the same time, before he is sure that "this information is useless", he and Chi Feichi have to communicate as much as possible with each other's clues, which is why he pretended to be petty and wanted to sleep with Chi Feichi tonight.

"Have you ever been to the village office?" Chi Feichi asked suddenly.

In the original plot, on the first day Conan arrived in Kitazawa Village, he met Keisuke Yamao and Shogo Hikawa at the village office, and found that Shogo Hikawa was carrying a stun gun with him, and he was eyeing these two people.

Now that he's involved, Conan was forced to run around the ski resort during the day, and I don't know if Conan has ever been to the village office...

"Village office?" Conan looked up at Chi Feichi puzzled, "I haven't been there, is there any problem with the village office?"

"No," Chi Feichi continued to look at the five people. No matter whether he had been to the village office or not, Conan had his eye on the five people, and he shouldn't let the plot go out of control. "When I arrived yesterday, go to The village office took maps and tourist brochures of the new village, but there was no dam or old village on it.”

"I was forced to run around by your arrangements today, and I haven't had time to go," Conan Youyuan said, and then analyzed, "Let's go to the village office again tomorrow morning, Kitazawa Dam is Mr. Asakura The project I presided over five years ago, the investigation of threatening letters and bombings, required a trip to the dam. In addition, Ms. Fuyumi’s son, Touma, and Ms. Mizuki’s younger sister, Natsuki, had accidents on the same day eight years ago. It seemed too coincidental. One point, this may also be a very important clue..."

The five people over there probably had nothing to say, and they started arguing again.

Takehiko Muto stood up with an ugly face, and walked towards the door.

"Muto, do you want to go back tonight?" Tachihara Fuyumi stood up, "It's too late, and it's snowing outside, why not stay in the village..."

"No need!" Takehiko Muto opened the door and walked out without looking back, "This is not my village!"

The remaining four people watched Takehiko Muto leave, and fell into silence again.

"Mr. Muto is an opponent of the construction of the dam. He should have the most reason to send threatening letters and install bombs to destroy the Dongdu subway line project presided over by Mr. Asakura. But since it is revenge, why wait until now to act? It is to wait Will we destroy it when the Dongdu subway line is opened... No, there is no evidence pointing to him yet, and it is not impossible for other people in the village," Conan murmured in a low voice to sort out his thoughts, then raised his head and asked, "Brother Chi, did you arrive yesterday? After entering the village, have you looked around in the village? Did you find any suspicious people or things?"

"I went to the ski resort yesterday and today during the day, and I went shopping in the street for two nights," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "The people in the village seem to be very grateful to Mr. The compensation for construction and relocation has been fulfilled according to Mr. Asakura's original promise. Even the Kitazawa Villa was built during the construction period and handed over to the Kitazawa Village Office for operation. The operating income will be invested in the construction of the village. no problem."

"Even Mr. Muto, it seems that he can't resent Mr. Asakura. He just complains about the villagers and friends who abandoned their hometown so easily," Conan said with emotion, "Whether it's five years or eight years, those things happened too long ago I'm afraid there are many clues that will be difficult to find, but since the murderer is acting, sooner or later he will be able to catch his fox tail!"

Seeing that the other four people over there also left, Chi Feichi walked over, "Would you like to come with me to see Dongma?"

"Huh?" Conan immediately followed, "Okay."

Keisuke Yamao didn't leave again, but went to the front desk with Tono Mizuki to open a room.

Hikawa Shogo seemed to be living here too, so he went back to his room first.

Liyuan Fuyumi was just about to go back, when she saw Chi Feichi and Conan coming, she asked in surprise, "Mr. Chi, haven't you and this little brother returned to the room to rest?"

Chi Feichi said calmly, "I made an agreement with you last night, and I will go to see Dongma's situation tonight."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I almost forgot," Fuyumi Tachihara recalled that there was still a son who needed to be taken care of, and the disappointment on her face disappeared instantly, and she smiled, "Then let's go there now."

Conan obediently followed the two out.

"You won't have been waiting for us to end, have you?" Liyuan Fuyumi led the way across the road, apologizing, "I thought you wouldn't go to see Dongma tonight."

"It doesn't look like you guys will get together for long anyway," Chi Feichi said, "I don't need to wait too long."

Conan choked.

His little friend's answer...was it too straightforward?

"I made you laugh tonight. I thought that the reunion tonight would allow everyone to repair their relationship and go back to the way it was before." Tachihara Fuyumi sighed, lowered her head and took out the key from her pocket, and entered the yard. "I didn't expect Now we get together, apart from quarreling, there is less and less to say..."

Conan looked back at the villa that was only one street away, "Miss Dongmei's house is just across from the villa."

"Yeah, I originally wanted to work in the villa, so it would be convenient to take care of Dongma, but I am the only person in the village who is suitable for going to the infirmary, and the salary for working in the infirmary will be higher than here... Please come in," Liyuan Fuyumi After opening the door, he turned on the light to find slippers for the two, waited for the two to change their shoes, and then led the way to Tachihara Touma's room, "But Mizuki works in the villa, so I can rest assured if she helps to look at it. few."

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