Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2013 Really Destroys the Atmosphere

In the room, the scrawny teenager was still lying quietly on the bed, and the instrument for monitoring vital signs was beeping slowly and rhythmically.

Conan looked at the sleeping Tachihara Touma, and his heart became heavy.

The sheets and hospital gown were clean, even Tachihara Touma's hair was neatly combed and his face was wiped clean.

Tachihara Touma lying on the bed was like an ordinary teenager who was tired from playing and was falling asleep peacefully.

But Tachihara Touma's body was shorter and thinner than a normal fifteen-year-old boy. Under the empty hospital gown, his hands with sleeves exposed were skinny, and the bones were so slender that they seemed to be so fragile that they would break.

Hands like a skeleton model, showing him how bad a body that has been sleeping for eight years can become.

Tachihara Fuyumi walked to the bed, looked at Tachihara Touma's face softly, then turned around and asked, "Mr. Chi, is it still the same as last night?"

Conan looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously.

Why don't you come and see the situation?

"Another way," Chi Feichi said to Yuan Dongmei, "say what you said when you left that day, that is, what you said to him last."

Tachihara Fuyumi nodded, sat on the edge of the bed, and leaned over to talk to Tachihara Touma.

"Touma, there are emergency patients coming from the hospital at the foot of the mountain, and mom has to rush there right now..."

Conan immediately understood that his little friend wanted to help wake up Liyuan Dongma.

Chi Feichi quietly observed Liyuan Dongma's reaction.

Tachihara Touma's brain was active last night, and the chances of waking it up tonight are not low.

He didn't knock on the snake slough tonight. After all, there are not many snake sloughs left, but if people can wake up, it can be done by observation.

"Mom won't come back tonight, let Xiaohei stay with you, I will go home tomorrow morning..." Liyuan Fuyumi said to Liyuan Touma, "You have to be good at home..."


The sound of the instrument at the bedside suddenly became more urgent.

Tachihara Fuyumi looked at the instrument in surprise, her hands on her knees were trembling slightly because of tension and excitement.

Heartbeat is speeding up...

On the bed, Tachihara Touma's eyes were still closed, but his eyelashes trembled slightly.

This subtle reaction was noticed by Chi Feichi, and he reminded in a low voice, "In addition to the movement at that time, the touch and sound are synchronized, don't stop, keep going."

Liyuan Fuyumi quickly regained consciousness, calmed down, reached out to stroke Liyuan Touma's forehead, her voice was still trembling, "Then... Mom is leaving."


Tachihara Touma's heart beat faster than before.

Chi Feichi saw Liyuan Touma's fingers slightly bent, and suddenly stretched out his right hand, pulling away Liyuan Touma's hand that was on Liyuan Touma's arm, and said in a cold voice, "If you don't open your eyes, I will let you I will never see your mother in my life!"

This sentence was so vicious that even Conan was taken aback.

"no, do not want!"

On the bed, Tachihara Touma suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the direction where Tachihara Toumi's palm was pulled away.

The moment Liyuan Touma opened his eyes, Chi Feichi turned off the light in front of the bed with his left hand.

Liyuan Touma found himself brushing against the warmth touched by his fingers, and when he opened his eyes, there was darkness, and he burst into tears, "Mom...Mom..."

In the darkness, Chi Feichi's voice was as calm as ever, "When I just woke up, the surrounding light is too bright and it will hurt my eyes."

Liyuan Fuyumi realized that Chi Feichi was explaining the reason for turning off the lights, his eyes slightly adapted to the darkness, and after seeing the blurry figure sitting up on the bed, he stretched out his hands in disbelief.

Liyuan Dongma cried even harder when he heard Chi Feichi's voice, "You, who are you..."

Liyuan Fuyumi finally hugged Liyuan Touma, comforting her with a crying voice, "Touma, it's me, mom is here!"

"Mom..." Liyuan Fuyuma was hugged by Liyuan Fuyumi, crying convulsively, "Great, great... I finally found you..."

Conan's eyes had completely adapted to the darkness. With the light coming through the gaps in the curtains, he saw the mother and son hugging and weeping, and his heart gradually filled with joy.

Actually woke up?

Chi Feichi is really...

"Blindfold his eyes with your hand," Chi Feichi said, "After I turn on the light, move it away a little bit."

Conan: "..."

Uh, it really spoils the atmosphere.

"Okay, okay," Liyuan Fuyumi listened to what Chi Feichi said now, stretched out her hand to cover Liyuan Touma's eyes, and softly comforted him, "Dongma, it's all right, when the light is turned on, you can see me gone."


Chi Feichi reached out and pressed the light switch.

Under the light, Tachihara Fuyumi slowly removed the palm that covered Tachihara Touma's eyes, and looked at the son in her arms without blinking, as if worried that in the blink of an eye, her son would lie quietly on the bed again as before.

Liyuan Touma squinted her eyes to adapt to the light in front of her eyes. After seeing Liyuan Fuyumi clearly, she immediately showed joy, raised her arms and hugged Liyuan Fuyumi, "Mom..."

"Don't let him talk too much," Chi Feichi said again in a calm tone, "hurt his throat."

It was only then that Liyuan Touma noticed the stranger and the little boy standing beside the bed, and looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously.

"Big brother is a doctor," Liyuan Fuyumi coaxed quickly, "Touma must be obedient and don't talk too much."

Liyuan Touma has been asleep for eight years, and his mind is still a seven-year-old child. He immediately nodded obediently, "Mmm..."

Conan laughed, "That's great!"

"Who is the doctor who knows Dongma's situation best?" Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone, "Calm down your emotions, I'll help you contact him."

Conan: "..."

If he wanted to find someone to express his joy at the moment, he would find anyone better than Chi Feichi, really.

"It's Doctor Hirata from Yamashita..." Toumi Tachihara temporarily let go of Touma Tachihara, and took out her mobile phone with trembling hands, "Let me contact him, if he knows that Touma is awake, he will be very happy of."

Chi Feichi put away his cell phone.

Soon, he knew how happy Tachihara Fuyumi was when she said she was happy...

"What?" The old man's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone, "You mean Dongma woke up? Really?"


"Is he really awake?"

"Yes, he really woke up!"

"It's unbelievable... No, no, that's great, great... I called you to the Shanxia Hospital that year. I've been guilty and sad all these years, and now I'm fine. Dong Ma woke up..."

Chi Feichi couldn't listen any longer, took the cell phone from Liyuan Fuyumi, and said to the old man who was chattering endlessly and almost thanked the gods and Buddhas in the sky, "Dr. Hirata, as a doctor, I hope you can calm down as soon as possible. It's late, and it's snowing heavily outside, so you probably won't be able to go up the mountain immediately and tell Miss Liyuan what to pay attention to now."

After speaking, Chi Feichi pressed the hands-free button.

"Okay, okay..."

The old man's voice was still joyful, and he tried to calm down. He asked Liyuan Dongma if his eyes were facing the bright light when he woke up, if he was talking loudly, and if he felt any discomfort. Knowing that Chi Feichi had already dealt with it, he began to tell him not to Let Liyuan Dongma eat, and said what to do and what not to do before he comes, and sighed happily, "If it wasn't for the heavy snowfall, I could go up the mountain to see how he is doing tonight. I'll trouble you to work harder, Fuyumi, by the way, that Mr. Chi you mentioned..."

"I'm going back to sleep."

After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he handed the phone back to Liyuan Fuyumi.

Old man: "..."

Conan: "..."

Tachihara Fuyumi quickly laughed, stood up quickly and said, "You have worked hard tonight, the rest is not a troublesome matter, I will take Touma to sleep well, you and Conan should go back to rest early."

Chi Feichi nodded, turned and went out, "Conan, let's go."

Conan followed, looked back, and quickened his pace to catch up with Chi Feichi.

This is gone? gone……

But it seems that there is nothing to do with them, but he is still very happy in his heart and wants to stay for a while. Since Chi Feichi wants to leave, let's go, and let the mother and son spend more time with each other.

Crossing the road back to the villa, Chi Feichi took out the key and opened the glass door without going through the front door of the villa, and took Conan back to the room.

Conan looked at the room, and after Chi Feichi drew the curtains, he stood in front of the gap in the curtains and looked at the street outside, "This room is really special, not only is it convenient to observe the situation on the street outside, but it is also difficult for the people on the street Noticing this, it's no wonder that Brother Chi found us here so quickly, Hui Yuan said that when she arrived at the villa, she noticed someone staring at us, it must be you standing behind the curtain and looking at us..."

"Wash up."

"Uh, well..."

After the two of them washed up, Conan sat by the bed, recalling the 'miracle' he witnessed tonight, he was still happy, and teased Chi Feichi, who walked back to the bed, "Brother Chi is really good at scaring children, even after eight hours of sleep. The winter horses of the year were woken up by you."

Chi Feichi looked at Conan's shining eyes, "Are you excited?"

"Of course, Ms. Fuyumi has been looking forward to today for eight years. If Touma can't wake up again, his body will be unable to hold on one day. It is a very happy thing for him to wake up. Of course I am excited. , I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep..." Conan opened the cup and went to bed, looked up to see Chi Feichi who was standing by the bed pulling Feichi out, and found that Feichi was motionless, and the joy in his heart cooled down a little, " What's wrong with Feichi? Speaking of which, it seems that it hasn't shown its head today, and it's the same in the warm room. Did it drink secretly again?"


Chi Feichi turned off the light, lay down on the bed, and placed Feichi in a circle on his chest. After making sure that it was impossible to press Feichi and that his body temperature could pass through the pajamas to Feichi, he pulled up the quilt. , and didn’t forget to pull Feichi’s head to the edge of the quilt.

"It was fine when it came here. When it arrived in Xingao County, it suddenly fell asleep and never woke up. I called Mr. Dashan to go to my house to pick up the heating box, and it should be delivered here tomorrow."

Conan saw Chi Feichi's movements through the faint light that penetrated the room through the gap in the curtains, lay down on the back, and pulled up the quilt by himself, "You really like Feichi, you want to take it with you everywhere... ..."

There was no response in the dimness.

"It often stays under your clothes, your body temperature will not be too low, and even in winter, there will be no lack of food. As far as glass is concerned, it does not need to hibernate, but the instincts and habits of animals are difficult to change, and occasionally It should let it sleep deeply according to its habit, maybe it would be better for it, right? Brother Chi...Brother Chi?"

Conan didn't get a response, so he turned over and moved forward on his stomach. After hearing the sound of slow and even breathing, he lay down helplessly.

Fall asleep now? Is Chi Feichi too tired today?

However, when he thought that Tachihara Touma, who had been sleeping for eight years, would miraculously wake up, he still couldn't fall asleep.

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