"Where are the others?" Mori Kogoro asked seriously, "Is there anyone here who hates him?"

Tono Mizuki looked at Hikawa Shogo's body lying in the snow, and sighed, "Eight years ago, Hikawa and his parents sold the compensation land and went to Tokyo with the compensation money. They haven't come back for these eight years. People in the village don't seem to have much contact, so... I really don't think he will offend anyone in the village."

"Really..." Mori Kogoro didn't ask any more.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki finished taking photos of the row of footprints, straightened up, pointed to the direction of the end of the footprints and asked, "Ms. Mizuki, where will the other side of this row of footprints lead? Or, where can I go?"

Conan looked up at Mizuki Tono.

If the murderer uses Chi Feichi's method to leave here backwards after the snow stops, then this row of footprints is the indicator of the murderer's whereabouts...

"Over there is... the hut in the back mountain, where Muto lived," Tono Mizuki hesitated, "But, if Hikawa came to look for Muto, or come with Muto, then they can still use the driveway, why should Going through the snow field..."

Conan turned his head to look at the snow with footprints.

A mystery is solved, and there are countless mysteries behind it.

Hikawa Shogo, who hadn't come back for eight years, came back suddenly, and was killed in the snow field with someone, which shows that Hikawa Shogo still has some secrets about him.


In the evening, criminal police from Xinma County arrived at Beizawa Village.

The police heard Kogoro Mori's reasoning, and after investigating the corpse and the scene, they brought Fuyumi Tachihara, Mizuki Tono, Kesuke Yamao, and Takehiko Muto to the village office.

These four people are the people who know Hikawa Shogo best here, and at the same time, there may be some grievances with each other, so, except for Tono Mizuki who has been with Chi Feichi and others, the other three were asked for their alibi.

Tachihara Fuyumi said that Touma felt tired after the physical examination, and she stayed with Touma in the room at home. No one can testify.

Yamao Keisuke said that he did not go out with Hikawa Shogo, and went to wander in the woods in the east alone, and no one can prove this.

Takehiko Muto said that he works in a workshop near the dam, because he doesn't like being disturbed by others, so no one can prove it.

None of the three had an alibi, but none of them admitted that they were with Hikawa Shogo in the afternoon, and the investigation was deadlocked.

Yamao Keisuke heard from the police that Hikawa Shogo might have gone to the mountain hut, that Hikawa Shogo proposed to Mizuki Tono when he was young, and that Takehiko Muto might use Mizuki to trick Shogo Hikawa into the past.

Privately, the police also believe that Takehiko Muto is very suspicious, but just because of the two points of "Takehiko Muto has a complaint against Naogo Hikawa" and "footprints leading to Takehiko Muto's mountain hut", there is no way to force an investigation. After understanding the situation, Let the four go back first.

After the police car arrived, news of someone dying on the snowy field quickly spread. The villagers and tourists in the villa all inquired, understood, and discussed it. After nightfall, the inside and outside of the villa gradually returned to tranquility.

The five children ran into Chi Feichi's room, discussing the case for a while, and playing poker for a while, and they didn't go back until after ten o'clock at night.

"Brother Chi, you should rest early too!"

"To watch the sunrise tomorrow morning, don't forget to meet up in the lobby!"

"Brother Chi, good night!"

Chi Feichi watched the five little devils head upstairs, closed the door of the room, turned around and walked to the table, picked up the opened bottle of red wine, poured half a glass into the glass, and sat down on the sofa before taking out the phone to dial.


The phone rang twice and was connected.

Chi Feichi scanned the two cans of beer and a bottle of red wine on the table, "Why did you suddenly ask me to call back?"

On the other end of the phone, Qin Jiu said in a deep voice, "From last night to this night, you have not sent an email to explain the current progress to that person. I have been unable to get through to you during the day, so I want to confirm whether you are still alive .”

Luke went out to investigate by himself and lost contact for a day. Isn't it normal to call back when he has time?

"Going to play on the snow field during the day, the signal is not very good," Chi Feichi dug out a thumb-sized white bottle from his pocket, and slowly twisted the cap with his left hand, "You don't think anyone here can threaten me, do you?" ?”

Gin: "Did you go to the snowfield to play?"

Chi Feichi: "Is there a problem?"

Gin: "...No."

Chi Feichi: "..."

There was something about the silence before Gin answered.

"Hmph... I thought you would never be complacent," Gin turned on the semi-taunting mode, "Sutern, who is closely monitored, could almost kill you, that guy at the end of the mountain brought so many bombs back, and you are so Easy to get into the hospital, I'm worried that you've been bombed into the hospital, so I want you to call back as soon as possible, isn't that normal?"

Chi Feichi had to admit that Qin Jiu's worries were reasonable. After all, he was still in the process of organizing missions, so he shouldn't be out of contact, but he couldn't admit it, "Look, you should pay more attention to your affairs. .”

"Speaking of this... the second buyer of 'Black Humor' has been active today, and I estimate that they will attack the bank in two days," Gin said about the matter at hand, "after they succeed , I will go to them, but when the time comes, whether to swallow the money, or to win over them to do things for us, depends on their performance in action, I told Rum, if someone performs well, then You can consider staying."

Chi Feichi gave a 'hmm', and finally unscrewed the cap of the small bottle with one hand, poured the fishy-smelling blood into the red wine glass, "Are you going to monitor their robbery all the way?"

"Vodka has time to monitor their movements, I will check the situation first," Gin didn't confess his schedule, he said something casually, and then asked, "Where is your side? Have you investigated the purpose of Shanwei clearly?"

"After arriving in Beize Village, he has been staying in the village, visiting the elders and meeting friends," Chi Feichi shook the glass in his left hand for a while, letting the blood in it mix with the red wine, "There is currently no There was a big commotion, the car that brought the bomb was parked in the yard of a family in the village, the family seemed to have moved away, no one lived there, it was suitable for him to park.”

"Tomorrow is the celebration of the fifth anniversary of the founding of Beize Village. What he wants to wait for is likely to be this special day," Qin Jiu helped analyze, "Either he wants to gather people from the village and lure someone there. Create an outbreak, or..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Chi Feichi's mouth, "I want to wait for the staff stationed at the dam to attend the celebration in the village, put bombs on the dam and blow up the dam."

Gin said in a leisurely tone, "Looking at his previous behavior of bombing the Dongdu subway line, it is likely to be the latter, so is the purpose still to destroy revenge?"

"But in that case, there's no need to pool money to buy medicine," Chi Feichi lured Gin Jiu into a reasoning game, "He's very tight financially, and he borrowed the thirty thousand dollars from his friends in Tokyo, by the way , that friend who lent him money and hadn’t returned to the village for eight years, returned to Kitazawa Village with him, died today, and the murderer should be Yamao.”

"So, he has a reason to blow up the dam. At the same time, he and his friend seem to have formed an alliance of interests, and then he killed the other party..." Qin Jiu suddenly sneered, "Hmph...under that reservoir Isn't there some hidden treasure?"

"I think so too," Chi Feichi picked up his glass and took a sip of the blood-wine mixed drink, letting the scent of grass in the blood and the sourness in the wine spread in his mouth, "Eight years ago, the night before Shanwei's drunk driving accident, A jewelry store in Shinjuku District, Tokyo was robbed, and nearly one billion yen worth of jewelry was lost, and the manager of the jewelry store was killed. The identity of the culprit has not yet been determined..."

"One billion yen? That's really enough for him to take risks. Are you going to confirm it?"

"Of course, after all, the original plan was... that thieves never leave empty space."

"Oh? Have you actually fallen to the point where you call yourself a thief?"

"If I'm a thief, so are you."

"Then let's see if we can successfully bring back what we are targeting. I wish you all the best."

"You too, all is well."

The phone hangs up.

Chi Feichi put the phone on the table, and drank the blood wine in the glass.

He got the map of the dam with Conan this morning, probably because he was attracted by the case that happened during the day, but Conan forgot to show him the map. Up to now, he still doesn’t know the route to the dam, The terrain of the dam management office.

This is what he wanted Conan to think—even if someone went to the bottom of the reservoir to intercept the batch of things in advance, that person would not be him.

In addition, after the dam was bombed, the water in the reservoir rushed down the mountain. Who can say that the jewels were not washed away by the flood?

As for how he got to the dam...

He wants to go to the dam and doesn't need a map.


For twenty minutes, Chi Feichi drank and counted the things he brought.

He was going to walk across the snow field to the dam tonight, and when he came back, whether it was the water stains on his coat or the traces he might have stepped on on his shoes, they would all become flaws for a detective to discover that he had gone out.

Those traces must be cleaned up.

Also, although Conan and the others are most likely asleep, during his absence, a detective might get up in the middle of the night, go shopping on the first floor, and then "just in time" find that he is not there...

This should also be guarded against.

"Boom...boom boom!"

There was a knocking sound on the glass door leading to the yard, which brought Chi Feichi back to his thoughts, got up and walked to the bathroom with the cup in his hand.

Drawn curtains block the glass doors, forming a barrier between the interior and exterior to keep prying eyes away.

Tono Mizuki's voice came from outside the door, "Mr. Chi, are you asleep?"

"Miss Tono? Wait a minute."

Chi Feichi replied in a raised voice, washed the cup on the sink without any haste, put his hands on the table in the living room, walked to the glass door, and opened the curtains and glass door.

The snowfall in Kitazawa Village is very heavy. It only snowed once during the day, and it started to snow again at night.

Mizuki Tono was wearing a thick mountaineering suit, gloves and a hat, and was tightly wrapped up. He was standing on the terrace with his back to the heavy snow. When he saw Chi Feichi open the glass door, his eyes lit up, and then he looked embarrassed. Lowering his head, "Mr. Chi, I'm sorry to bother you at such a late hour."

Chi Feichi turned sideways in front of the glass door, "What's the matter? If you feel cold outside and you don't mind, you can go inside and talk."

"No need," Tono Mizuki said, with a more tangled look on his face, "I... I was on the snow field during the day, just before I found the glacier's body, when I turned around and asked you if there was anything annoying, I seemed to see it. ...in the snow behind you, there is something..."

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