Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2019 Chi Feichi, who got in the way

Chi Feichi's tone carried a trace of doubt, "Things?"

Tono Mizuki raised his eyes to look at Chi Feichi, wondering if she was nervous, his eyes, dimly illuminated by the lights in the courtyard, looked at her calmly, as if staring into her bottomless abyss, "Yes …It was a brown box-sized thing, and then I found Glacier’s body. I was shocked, so I forgot to remind you that when the police went to the village to investigate, I wanted to tell the police, but the police seemed to suspect Muto , I was very afraid that it would be him who killed the murderer. I didn't know what to think at the time, so I concealed this matter. I couldn't calm down just now. If... I mean, if that thing was left by a prisoner or a glacier , Am I doing this to cover up the person who killed the glacier?"

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze and looked at the heavy snow behind Tono Mizuki, "The snow seems to have just started to fall. If it comes tomorrow morning, that thing may be buried by the heavy snow, and it will be difficult to determine its location."

Tono Mizuki actually looked straight into his eyes the whole time, an obvious signal of 'trying to win trust', sometimes it was for self-proof, but Tono Mizuki's eyeballs were not moving in the right way.

Tono Mizuki was lying.

He thought he should know what Mizuki Tono wanted to do.

"Yeah," Tono Mizuki looked back worriedly, "I've been very uneasy since it started snowing, I think it's better to go and see what that thing is, if it's something related to the case, When the police come to investigate tomorrow, I can hand over the things to the police. I originally wanted to find Mr. Maori, but I was worried that I made a mistake, I want to ask you, can you come with me? If Drive along the driveway, get out of the car and walk over there, it will take about half an hour."

"Just the two of us?"

Chi Fei went out late, looked up at the upstairs windows where all the lights were turned off, then turned and went back into the room, "Wait a minute, I'm wearing a coat."


Tono Mizuki stood outside the door, looking at Chi Feichi's back as he went to get his coat, and heaved a sigh of relief.

When did I have this thought...

Maybe it was when he learned that Mr. Chi revived Dongma, or maybe it was when he heard Mr. Chi say that he understood psychology.

Eight years ago, she was the one who caused her sister to be killed, and she was the one who chased Dongma and fell off the cliff. At that time, Dongma saw her, and she must not remind Dongma of that memory. Mr. Chi, who immediately recovered his memory, became a threat.

Especially on the snowfield where the glacier's body was found, she found Mr. Chi's keen insight and amazing reasoning ability, and she was even more disturbed.

Before discovering the corpse, she asked Mr. Chi 'what do you hate', hoping to find something that Mr. Chi would absolutely stay away from, just like discovering Mr. Mao Li's fear of heights, so that she would have something to rely on to cope with it.

But Mr. Chi said, 'I hate mental hospitals'.

Leaving aside whether that is a joke, there is not even a hospital in their village, so where can they find a mental hospital?

So she could only think of other ways.

When she saw it started to snow, she was not uneasy, but suddenly thought of a way, and her heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

If she said that she found something that seemed to be evidence or clues, and that thing would be covered by heavy snow tomorrow morning, and it might not even be possible to determine the exact location, as the apprentice of a famous detective, Mr. Chi should be eager to find it. .

And now it's past ten o'clock in the evening, and the lights in Mr. Maori's room have been turned off. Would Mr. Chi bother his teacher before he was sure if it was evidence or a clue?

Even if Mr. Chi wants to call other people, she will persuade Mr. Chi to go with her on the grounds of 'I'm not sure yet, don't make troubles.

Fortunately, everything went well. Mr. Chi was ready to go out as she wished, and he didn't intend to disturb other people.


At eleven o'clock at night, a white car drove out of Kitazawa Village and drove along the driveway towards the mountain hut at the back.

Tono Mizuki sat in the passenger seat, apologetically, "I'm really sorry, it's so late, and I still need you to accompany me."

"It's okay," Chi Feichi looked at the road ahead illuminated by the headlights, "You pay attention to the road, remember to tell me where you are."

This is Tono Mizuki's car.

It was Tono Mizuki who suggested driving this car, and he thought that the car should have been tampered with by Tono Mizuki.

But he had no reason to object.

He didn't want his little red car to suffer, even Feichi stayed in the room.

Until it's all over, it's safe to be in a village full of villagers and tourists, and Conan won't let things happen there.

"Yes, about two more bends, go straight for two minutes and get off, it should be the closest place..." Tono Mizuki stared at the turn of the road ahead, sweating in his heart, but couldn't help it after all He reminded, "The road is very slippery when it snows, and it's so late now, please slow down the car..."


Before the car reached the curve, it suddenly swayed and slid out sideways, the tires rubbing against the road made a screeching sound.

Tono Mizuki's face changed drastically, "W-what's wrong?"

No, before looking for Chi Feichi, she deliberately ground the anti-skid lines of the tires, but she also knew that the curve in front was inclined again. Coupled with the influence of the weather and the weather, people who are not familiar with this area have a 90% chance of driving here. An accident happened, but how could it happen before the corner?


While the car was sliding sideways, there was a strange noise from the rear.

"A flat tire..."

As Chi Feichi said, he quickly freed up a hand, pressed down on Tono Mizuki's head, and bent down himself.


The rear window glass shattered, and there was a muffled sound on the dashboard in front of the two of them.

Tono Mizuki smelled a burnt smell, combined with the sound in the distance, broke out in a cold sweat, "It's a shotgun..."

"Don't look up," Chi Feichi withdrew his hand and gave up controlling the car, "The other party is guessing our location by the tail lights of the car, and when the car rushes into the snow, the tires will be caught in the snow, and the speed will slow down a lot. Little, you take the opportunity to open the door and roll into the snow."

After the rear window glass shattered, the cold wind poured into the car.

Tono Mizuki heard Chi Feichi's calm and clear voice amidst the howling wind, and asked nervously, "Then... what about you?"

The tires of the car slid on the snow-covered road and had reached the edge of the curve.

Chi Feichi reached out his hand to unfasten his seat belt, then extended his hand to unbuckle Tono Mizuki's seat belt, opened the car door by the way, and pushed Tono Mizuki out, "If the car still starts, I will be responsible for leading that person away. Find a way to hide, wait..."

The sliding of the wheels was blocked by the snowdrift on the side of the road, and Tono Mizuki also fell into the snowdrift, looking up in a daze as the hand that pushed her out quickly closed the car door.

The car didn't stop, and after kicking the accelerator, the snow rolled up by the wheels fell on Mizuki Tono, and then rushed forward.


At the same time, another shot was fired from behind, and a bullet hit the nearby road.

Tono Mizuki woke up suddenly and wanted to remind Chi Feichi to be careful about the curve ahead, but just as he opened his mouth, the cold wind poured into her mouth and squeezed into her throat, making her lose her voice for a moment.

All four tires of the car were worn out by her, and another tire was blown out by a bullet. The car was already very unstable when it was driven out. In addition to the snowy road surface and the slope of the curve ahead, the probability of an accident is very high. 100%...

She really wanted Mr. Chi to have an accident with his car, such as crashing into a rock wall next to a curve, and if he was injured, he should be hospitalized at the foot of the mountain and stay away from Dongma.

But if the car had an accident at this time, the person who was secretly targeting them with a shotgun...


There was another gunshot, much clearer than before.

The man with the gun is approaching!

At the same time, there was a violent sound of the car hitting the rock wall at the bend, and the light of the car lights dimmed a lot at night. It seemed that one side of the car lights was broken due to the impact.

Tono Mizuki wanted to stand up and go to check the situation, but heard a closer gunshot, abruptly stopped the movement of getting up, followed the snowdrift behind him, and rolled behind the snowdrift.

She knew the second half of Mr. Chi's words that she didn't hear because she closed the car door - find a way to hide, and call for help or call the police after you confirm your safety!

The other party has a gun in his hand, and now she rushes out, it is very likely that both of them will be dealt with by the other party, and there will be no hope of rescue at all.

She can only hide here and wait, listen to the movement over there, and after confirming that the criminals have not found her, call the villagers for help or call the police. In this case, she can survive, and maybe there is still time to save Mr. Chi...


There was another gunshot that was closer, almost not far behind the curve, Tono Mizuki's heart tightened when he heard it, and he subconsciously held his breath.

At the back of the curve, Chi Feichi opened the door and rolled out of the car. He squatted on the side of the car, looked at the broken front window glass and the bullets embedded in the seat, and at the black figure approaching with a gun not far away.

When he was in the parking lot, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Shanwei Xisuke went to the celebration venue outside the village, probably to plant a bomb, and after that, followed the tire marks on the road and followed them?

Behind the snowdrift, Tono Mizuki lay on his stomach in the snow, staring wide-eyed at the black figure running towards the car.

She wasn't sure if it was because the red light from the taillights of the car was very weak, or because the snowdrifts in front of her were in the way, so she couldn't see the other person's body shape, clothing and other characteristics clearly.

But the other party did have a shotgun in his hand, and he ran over there quickly and recklessly, as if he would not give up until he killed someone...


Keisuke Yamao, who turned into a little black, caught the figure on the side of the car, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and when he ran forward, he shot viciously at the fuel tank of the car.


The car exploded, Mizuki Tono hid behind the snowdrift and looked at the blazing flames, the pure black figure in the flames, and covered his mouth tightly with his hands.

The fire burned the car after the bend, and the road was brightly reflected.

Keisuke Yamao walked to the car and saw that there was only a charred coat on the ground. His originally pure black face could no longer reveal a darker complexion, but his cold eyes for a moment still seemed full of murderous intent, staring at Drops of blood spots on the road, he chased after them with a shotgun.

He didn't intend to attack anyone at this juncture, but he installed a bomb at the celebration venue, and when he sneaked out, he found Tono Mizuki's car driving out of the village.

The moment before the car passed the venue, he saw Tono Mizuki sitting in the passenger seat and Chi Feichi driving.

Tono Mizuki was not his target, his target was Chi Feichi.

With great difficulty, he arranged Glacier's death scene like that, in order to mislead the police that Glacier had a heart attack or accidental death. As a result, Chi Feichi immediately saw that it was a homicide, and made his thoughts completely nullified.

Of course, Mori Kogoro and the female detective were equally a threat, but those two didn't run out of the village in the middle of the night like Chi Feichi did, so it's no wonder he followed the wheel marks.

It can solve a guy who is in the way, can disrupt the direction of the police investigation, can restrain the police force, and facilitate him to carry out his own plan, so why not do it?

In order to prevent himself from being witnessed, he even took one of the sky-high priced pills. Thinking about it this way, Chi Feichi who ran away was even more hateful.

He's going to kill that guy!

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