Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2031 Who is schizophrenic?

Middle-aged woman in a women's suit stands in front of a whiteboard and writes a key word or two with a pen on the whiteboard in the studio.

Five young girls sat on both sides of the long table, listening to the middle-aged woman's lecture, lowering their heads to take notes from time to time, all with a very serious attitude.

Outside the door, Chi Feichi, Toshiya Odagiri, and Kikuto Mori didn't bother, they watched the class in the room through the glass on the door, and watched the movie clips of five girls performing one after another through the glass on the door.

"There don't seem to be any talented girls recently," Kikuto Mori commented in a low voice, "But they all seem to be working hard, and their performances are barely passable."

"This is the most serious group of girls in the company recently," Odagiri also smiled, "It's impossible for everyone to be Yukiko Fujimine, right?"

"Some people's acting talent will be revealed as they learn, and it won't be so obvious at the beginning." Chi Feichi also paid attention to the performances of the five young girls in the room. "At present, none of the five are particularly outstanding. It’s not that they’re slow, it’s up to them to find a learning method that suits them, but there doesn’t seem to be any new breakthroughs in the style of beautiful artists.”

In the room, the five girls have created different styles based on their hairstyles, facial features, and attire, but in general, they are two types-sweet and cute, gentle and intellectual.

Utakura Akiko belongs to the former style, with big golden wavy hair, big eyes and bangs. Although she is wearing casual clothes, she still looks like a doll, cute and sweet.

Such girls are very popular in the Japanese entertainment industry, but from the company's point of view, not all beautiful artists can be of the same type, there must be a few different ones.

In the company, there don't seem to be many female artists with a cool style like Midorikawa Kulala.

Chrysanthemum Mori touched his chin and recalled, "There are also sexy female artists in the company, but I always feel that no matter how I imitate them, I can't have the feeling of American female stars..."

"The growing environment and living environment determine one's own personality and habits. It would be strange to forcefully imitate other styles, even if they are of mixed race, and their styles are more suitable for development in Japan," Oda Kiritoshi also became serious, "If you and Sonoko The three have no objections, I am going to speed up the plan to build a branch in the United States, and find female artists in the United States, so that I don’t have to worry about the styles of new artists not being rich enough.”

"I have no objection," Chi Feichi said decisively, "You just need to be prepared."

Senyuan Chrysanthemum also waved away the shopkeeper properly, "I have no objection, and Yuanzi probably won't object, but you should find time to ask her."

While the three of them were talking, the acting class in the room was over.

The middle-aged woman opened the door and looked up to see the three people outside the door. She was stunned for a moment before remembering to say hello, "President, Consultant Chi, Mr. Juren, what are you guys..."

Oda Kiritoshi also explained, "I went back to Tokyo today and looked around the company with them. I saw that you were busy, so I didn't bother you..."

Senyuan Chrysanthemum poked her head into the room with a rippling smile on her face, "My beautiful and lovely girls, for the sake of everyone's health, it's time to have lunch now. I called and ordered a big meal. Can you please share with us?" What about lunch? As for the location, I think we can go to the meeting room next door."

Odagiri Toshiya: "..."

(; )Subway Elderly Mobile Phone.jpg

Chi Feichi: "..."

(; )Subway Elderly Mobile Phone.jpg


Senyuan Chrysanthemum didn't call to order food?

No, that's not important, he can call and order right away.

However, because he decided to invite the five girls to have dinner together without any discussion with Chi Feichi and Oda Kirito, they were resolutely rejected by them and temporarily isolated.

Nearby restaurants deliver meals quickly.

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Chi Feichi noticed that the five girls didn't find it strange, chatted lively with Chrysanthemum Senyuan, turned his head and whispered to Oda Kirito, "How many girls in the company did he ask out for dinner?"

Oda Kirito also replied in a low voice, "I don't know, but I have heard that this guy often uses the company's conference room as a restaurant."

Senyuan Juren came to Chi Feichi's side, "Hey, Feichi, I've already called everyone out, and it's very natural. It will definitely not arouse her vigilance. You should also take this opportunity to talk to him, first Get closer."

Chi Feichi took a look at Senyuan Kikuren, and almost wanted to press Senyuan Kikuren's face into the sushi plate on the table.

He wanted to ask Utakura Akiko to understand the situation and to talk to him, so it would be better to go to Utakura Akiko alone, right?

With such a group of people now, when he suddenly brought up Zenan Youhui's case, the lively and harmonious atmosphere definitely cooled down instantly.

He is right to speak directly sometimes, but that also means that he has no EQ.

Senyuan Chrysanthemum rubbed his nose in embarrassment at Chi Feichi's glance, and said in a low voice, "Okay, I just wanted to joke with you, it's time to have lunch anyway, and there are cute girls to accompany us to have lunch, yes It's a beautiful thing."

At the end of lunch, Chi Feichi blocked Senyuan Juren in the bathroom.

While Senyuan Chrysanthemum was washing his hands, he saw Chi Feichi entering the door with his phone in one hand, he was taken aback for a moment, and greeted with a smile, "Feichi, are you coming to the bathroom too?"

"I'm here to find you," Chi Feichi closed the door, leaning on the door and asked, "You did it on purpose, why?"

Senyuan Juren understood the nonsense, turned off the faucet, picked up a tissue beside him to wipe his hands, raised his eyes to look at himself in the mirror, no rippling smile on his face, "I'm sorry, Feichi, I don't understand either...Maybe I'm worried about your sudden reasoning, pointing out that Ge Cang is the murderer... Min Ye's mood is not right, I want to find out if he likes Ge Cang first, and ask him in front of you for a while, he thinks You are the one who wants to find the criminal, maybe he will hide his emotions and not embarrass you, so I want to talk to him alone, but just now you immediately left to check on all floors of the company, and you have been talking about the company together , I didn’t find a chance, at the door of the studio, in a hurry, I wanted to stop you from asking Gecang to ask questions..."

Chi Feichi knew that Senyuan Chrysanthemum was not a person without measure, so it was too strange to suddenly destroy his inquiry plan today. He just wanted to know what Senyuan Chrysanthemum thought, "You are very thoughtful, but are you worried? It's too early, Utakura may not be the murderer."

"Be prepared," Senyuan Juren said, laughing to himself, "Thinking about it now, I don't know what I was thinking at that time."

Chi Feichi nodded, "It's as strange as suddenly suffering from schizophrenia."

Mori Garden Chrysanthemum: "?"

Speak up, who is schizophrenic?


After the meal, Chrysanthemum Mori found a reason and dragged Oda Kirito to the office. Before leaving, he asked Chi Feichi if he could help ask Kakura Akiko to a quiet place.

Chi Feichi refused.

He can't handle such a small matter.

When Senyuan Chrysanthemum listened to Oda Kirito crazily complaining about Chi Feichi's plague god sightseeing, Utakura Akiko also followed Okino Yoko to an unused lounge.

Opening the door and entering the room, Utakura Akiko was surprised when she saw Chi Feichi sitting on the sofa, "Consultant..."

"Actually, Mr. Chi is looking for you," Yoko Okino smiled and explained to Akiko Utakura, "It's Mr. Zenan's case. You've been with everyone. It's inconvenient for him to come to you suddenly. If everyone misunderstands that the company treats you If there is a new arrangement, but you keep denying it, it may affect your relationship with other people... I just finished filming the commercial and returned to the company, so let me pretend to ask you to help and invite you here."

"Sit down as you please."

Chi Feichi greeted him and got up to pour tea.

Utakura Akiko didn't expect Chi Feichi to consider her situation, and seeing Chi Feichi's indifferent expression, she felt less pressured, and she was relieved, "Yes, please consider so much for me."

"Shall I stay too?" Okino Yoko looked outside the door, "I'm still thinking, should I go and see our president who just came back from a trip."

"Minye and Juren have something to talk about in the office." Chi Feichi stood in front of the tea bar with his back to the two, pouring hot tea into three cups, "If you stay with her for a while, she won't be too nervous. "

"That's right, then excuse me." Yoko Okino closed the door without hesitation, and sat down on the sofa with a smile on her arm, "Sit whatever you want, Mr. Chi looks very indifferent, but he is still very easy-going." , you just have to chat with the president."

"She and Min also haven't chatted."

Chi Feichi reminded Yoko Okino, took two cups of tea and turned back, put the teacups on the coffee table in front of the two girls, then turned to fetch his own cup.

Utakura Akiko realized that she should pour tea, but it was too late now, so she could only hold up the tea cup to thank, "Thank you, I have caused you trouble."

"Thank you," Yoko Okino said, continuing the previous topic, "I almost forgot, Utakura has only been in the company for more than half a month, and the president went on a trip before, she probably didn't know that the president liked it in private Just kidding everyone."

Chi Feichi felt that the description of 'joking' was too reserved, so he returned with his own teacup and sat down opposite the two, "She seems to be a little familiar with Juren."

"Yes," Utakura Akiko nodded quickly, "Mr. Kikuto came to the company before, we met in the music classroom that day, and he invited us out for lunch."

"No wonder..." Chi Feichi began to suspect that Chrysanthemum Mori had invited all the girls in the company to dinner, and one of them was more than once. Said, "Speaking of business, I have read the transcripts made by the police for you. You said that you and Mr. Zenan are friends who have known each other for a long time. He has always taken good care of you. It was discovered that the day he was killed was because he said before that he wanted you to come You will only go to his house when you are at work and send him a manuscript, and what I want to ask you is, when you found his body, did you notice the message he left on the ground with blood?"

Holding the teacup in both hands, Utakura Akiko recalled seriously, "No, I saw him lying in a pool of blood, and I was so frightened that I sat at the door, and then I thought of calling the police. Until the police arrived at the scene, I still didn't dare to look at him more However, after the police brought out the body, they asked me to confirm his identity. As for the message he left before his death, I also heard from the police officers. ', I just saw the blood words he left on the ground, and I was shocked again, because... because I also know Kira, that is, Xiaohuang, she and I have both worked as models for cosplay stores before, and often We went out to play together, but she had an accident a year ago, although her body was never found, but she drove off the cliff after drinking, no matter how you think about it, she should have passed away..."

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