Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2032 Information Supplement - Yoko

"It's also recorded in the transcript," Chi Feichi nodded, "I want to know how many people who know you, Mr. Zenan, and Miss Xiaohuang at the same time and have a good relationship, can you help me? Make a list? Write down as much information as you can think of such as name, nickname, and position."

"Do you know the three of us at the same time and have a good relationship?" Utakura Akiko recalled with a frown, "Mr. Zenan met when we were cos models, and there are many people who are the same..."

"Then, would Mr. Chi want to go and see for himself? The three of them seem to have quite a few friends in common, but Akiko will ask for leave tomorrow. I heard that she made an appointment with her friends to attend a party. Those people are also Kira's." Friends..." Okino Yoko looked at Utakura Akiko and smiled a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, because the case of Mr. Zenan has attracted a lot of attention in the company, and everyone usually discusses Akiko, Kira What, I also listened to a lot of gossip."

Chi Feichi drank his tea with downcast eyes, and ran through the general situation of the case in his mind.

The victim in this case, Zenan Yuhui, was an editor of a magazine by profession, and the manuscripts he received were all good. He used to be a playwright, so he received an invitation from Toshiya Odagiri.

And the first person who found the body, Akiko Utakura, used to be a cosplay model. Because of her sweet looks and a fan base, she was picked by the company's scouts and soon joined the company.

Both of them have joined THK company not long ago. In fact, he would not care too much if something happened. What really made him pay attention to this case was the message of 'Kira' left by Zenan Youhui after his death. Coupled with the fact that the two are related to THK, Gin nervously wondered whether Zenan Youhui had discovered something, and whether the message before his death might be his code name 'Kaki'.

That one also asked him to check, and if he didn't know when the tail was seen, he should clean up the person who saw the tail in time.

Afterwards, knowing that what Zenan Youhui left behind was not the English 'KIra', but the katakana 'キラ', he, Gin and that person didn't think it had anything to do with him, but if possible, it would be better to Find out why Zenan Youhui left the message before his death.

He found that on the Internet forum, someone was talking about a model named Ya Yuanhuang in related posts.

Yayuan Huang's nickname is 'Xiao Huang', which is pronounced Kira.

According to Shiratori Ren Sanlang's investigation, a year ago, Ya Yuanhuang was about to participate in a film and television drama adapted from a manga called "Black Magic Girl", but suddenly passed away unexpectedly, and the body was never found. Because of this, it was shelved, and Ya Yuanhuang, Utakura Akiko, and Zenan Yuhui were all friends.

In the comics of "Black Magic Girl", the protagonist's name is also Kira, and it tells the story of a girl who is resurrected after being murdered and finds revenge on the person who killed her.

All indications indicated that Zenan Youhui's case was related to Ya Yuanhuang's case a year ago.

Afterwards, he asked Shiratori Ren Sanlang to borrow the key of Zenan Youhui's house, and went to see the scene where Zenan Youhui was killed. The pre-death message on the ground was still there after the evidence was collected.

The more he looked at it, the more strange the message before death of ‘キラ’ was. The two katakana characters were not side by side. キ was in the upper left corner, and ラ was in the lower right corner, forming a diagonal shape.

Looking at the dried blood traces, he can be sure that the slash of キ was added later.

After the blood dries up, you can see the order of strokes written in the two katakana キラ, just like the words written on the beach, you can tell whether you write horizontally or vertically first.

If you write 'キラ' normally, you should write キ first, and then write ラ. In this way, even if there is a little overlap between キ and ラ, the slash of キ written first should be pressed down, and the ラ written after A horizontal line is on the top, and the katakana left at the scene is just the opposite, and the slash of キ seems to be written last.

Combined with the location of the two katakana, the original pre-death message is likely to be 'three' and an unknown character similar to '乛', and then a slash was deliberately added to become キラ.

Zenan Youhui did it himself?

Impossible, he specifically checked Zenan Youhui's previous handwriting, Zenan Youhui wrote the strokes in the correct order, without the strange habit of adding a slash at the end. When a person is dying, he is eager to leave a message before death. There is no need to engage in such tricks, he has checked Zenan Youhui's recent movements and work, and there is nothing related to Sanhe's unknown character.

Zenan Youhui was worried that after his death, the murderer would return to the scene, so he did this in order not to destroy the message before his death?

In this case, Kira is just a cover-up to deceive the murderer, and 'three' and '乛' are the correct information to hide.

In addition, there is another possibility-the murderer or someone added a slant to mislead the police after seeing the message before death.

In this way, the correct information is still 'three' and '乛'.

If you want to add something to the pre-death message without being discovered due to the color difference after the blood dries up, you must do so within ten minutes, and the only one who has time is Akiko Utakura.

According to the police investigation, when Utakura Akiko found the body, Zenan Yuhui died within ten minutes. According to Utakura Akiko’s testimony, she did not find any suspicious people nearby that day. A line was added, the murderer should still be fleeing the scene at that time, so she should have seen suspicious people near Zenan Youhui's house.

In short, there is something wrong with Utakura Akiko. Either she tampered with the message before her death, or she saw a suspicious person but did not report it, or she was a murderer, or she deliberately misled the police for other purposes, such as covering up a certain person. personal.

It's impossible to use Kira to hype, Utakura Akiko is about to debut, the resources are sufficient, the future is bright, and there is no need to eat human blood steamed buns.

If you want to find out the truth, looking for Akiko Utakura is a ready entry point.

Understand the situation, look for loopholes, and even look for information related to the "Three Demons" from Utakura Akiko herself, or related people who know Utakura Akiko and Zenan Youhui at the same time.

The direction of this investigation is not wrong.

He asked Okino Yoko to stay when he was learning about the situation, because he wanted Okino Yoko to 'supplement' the information he wanted, and saying that he was afraid that Utakura Akiko would be nervous alone was just an excuse.

Okino Yoko has a good relationship with the artists in the company, and has a good relationship with many people outside. Usually, if you just listen to the gossip in the company, you may know the information that Utakura Akiko will deliberately hide. In addition, she has a lively personality Cheerful, willing to help others, whether it is helping him to ask questions, or helping Utakura Akiko to supplement answers, he may inadvertently let him obtain useful information.

And if Utakura Akiko lied about certain things, Okino Yoko would act strangely, or remind her quietly.

Now it seems that letting Okino Yoko stay is really the right choice. Doesn't this add an important piece of information for him?

He wanted to know who was around Akiko Utakura who was related to the 'Three Piles', and tomorrow's gathering would be the best time to investigate.

"No, it's nothing..." Gakura Akiko raised her eyes to look at Chi Feichi, and found that Chi Feichi was just drinking tea by herself, and couldn't see what Chi Feichi was thinking, so she said as calmly as possible, "Yes, my friend and friend There will be a party, I'm not sure if everyone knows Mr. Zenan, but everyone knows Xiao Huang, because it is a gathering of friends and fans who miss Xiao Huang... It's not right to say nostalgia, it should be called a seance , Xiaohuang's fans and friends have recently suspected that Xiaohuang was resurrected and killed Mr. Zenan, so they wanted to hold a ceremony to summon Xiaohuang's undead, and ask her personally..."

Chi Feichi temporarily put down his teacup, recalling the plot of "Detective Conan".

Speaking of the seance, he remembered a case.

A group of people gathered in a mountain villa, trying to summon the undead of a certain cosplay model at night, but they met a trio of Maori plague gods who got lost, and two of them died...

Could it be that case?


Yoko Okino didn't expect that there were still people who believed in this kind of spiritual metaphysics, so she was a little dazed and subconsciously looked at Chi Feichi's reaction.

She thinks that Mr. Chi should be the kind of realist who will never believe in ghost games, that is, a serious and logical science dog... No, it's the Science Party.

It should be incredible to hear such unscientific things as "spirits"...


Mr. Chi seemed to be thinking about something, and he was quite serious, so serious... There was no reaction at all.


Is Mr. Chi listening to them?

"Isn't it weird?" Utakura Akiko heard the surprise in Yoko Okino's words, looked embarrassed, and stared down at the teacup in her hand, "People who are already in their twenties are still participating in the spirit séance ceremony , but after everyone knew that Mr. Zenan left a message about Xiao Huang before his death, they all thought it would be better to try..."

Yoko Okino sighed softly, "By the way, I suddenly remembered that you are two years older than Mr. Chi..."

Utakura Akiko: "..."

Sorry, she seems childish, but...huh? Wait, Mr. Chi is younger than her?

She seemed to know a major event that would shock many newcomers in the company.

The president seems to be ten years older than her, and Mr. Juren seems to be seven or eight years older than her. She thought that Mr. Chi should be similar to those two people, but she was two years younger than her...

What makes Mr. Chi get along with the president in his thirties at an age when he should be participating in campus activities and going out for sightseeing with his college classmates?

Is this the president being too naive, or Mr. Chi being too precocious?

As a newcomer to the company, she really didn't understand.

Chi Feichi glanced at Okino Yoko, "I also suddenly remembered that Yoko is also two years older than me."

What's the point of mentioning his age if you don't help to add information? Age kills!

Yoko Okino was startled, even though she knew that Chi Feichi was intentionally taking revenge on her, she still felt stabbed in the heart, Youyuan reminded, "Mr. Chi, it is easy to attract complaints when you say that girls are old."

"You complain slowly," Chi Feichi looked at Utakura Akiko, "Tomorrow's spiritual seance, I'll go with you."

"Ah, okay..." Utakura Akiko couldn't refuse, and Chi Feichi obviously didn't give her a chance to refuse, "As long as you don't mind."

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