Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2035 The Seance in the Deep Mountains

On the side, after Conan got rid of Oda Kirito rubbing his hair mischievously, he approached Chi Feichi and asked in a low voice, "Brother Chi came here to investigate Mr. Zenan's case, right?"

Chi Feichi gave a casual 'hmm' in response, still considering whether to tell Conan the identity of the murderer.

explain? Hirasaka Reiki and Utakura Akiko are destined to be unable to contribute to the company. If they want to change the plot, it may lead to a backlash, but...

Did not say? He was a little curious again.

I don't know if Conan can change the plot after knowing who the murderer is.

Conan leaned over on the chair, leaned close to Chi Feichi's ear, and put his hands in front of Chi Feichi's ear, and asked in a very soft voice, "Brother Chi is here to participate in this kind of game, which means there are important things here. Is it possible that the murderer who killed Mr. Zenan was among these people?"

Chi Feichi thought about it for a while, then took out his mobile phone, found the photo of the message he had taken before his death at the scene of the crime, put the mobile phone under the table to show Conan, and said in a low voice, "This is the photo left by Mr. Zenan." Please pay attention to the order of strokes."

Conan looked at the photo carefully, "The strokes are a bit strange, the slash of キ seems to be added at the end..."

"I've also read Ge Cang's transcript. She arrived at the scene within 10 minutes of the incident, but she said she didn't see anyone suspicious nearby," Chi Feichi took back his phone, and sent the photo to Conan through the UL software, softly Said, "I sent you the photo, do you think it looks like...Mr. Zenan originally wanted to write about Mifune, but he lost the energy to continue writing halfway through, and then went to Gecang on the scene to arrest Mr. Zenan to death. Finger, with a slash added to it, becomes 'キラ'..."

"Do you doubt Mr. Mifune?" Conan was a little surprised. He secretly looked up at the seat where Ryuichi Mifune was sitting, and took out his mobile phone to look at the photo that Chi Feichi sent him. "It is indeed possible, but why? Ms. Utakura why?" Do that?"

After a pile of white candles on candlesticks in the house was lit, the lights were turned off.

"Okay, everyone please be quiet!"

Hirasaka Zero Teru spoke in a solemn voice, interrupting the conversation between the two, "Now the séance ceremony officially begins, first cross your arms in front of you, hold the left hand of the person next to you with your right hand, and hold the right hand of the person next to you with your left hand ..."

Saying that, Hirasaka Reiki and the two left and right took the lead in demonstrating.

Conan didn't ask any more questions, and followed suit with a speechless face.

Forget it, in order to reduce the attention of these people and facilitate the investigation, he just reluctantly followed this childish game.

"I want to remind everyone that before Xiao Huang responds to us, no matter what happens, we must not let go of each other's hands, otherwise we will give the undead a chance to invade us, and it will also bring misfortune to all of us who participated in the spiritual ceremonies "Hirasaka Zero Teru said seriously, and closed his eyes, "Now, let's say what we want to say to Masahara Huang silently three times in our hearts, and convey it to Yayuan Huang's soul. When the time comes, please close your eyes. The stronger the thoughts in our hearts, the greater the chance that Ya Yuanhuang will be able to respond to us. Of course, if you have nothing to say to Ya Yuanhuang, just sit quietly and wait for the ceremony to proceed to the next step. When I start to chant the mantra, please follow along, of course, for those who don’t know how to chant the mantra, just keep silent.”

Chi Feichi calmly stared at the magic pattern on the table, studying which pattern most resembled the magic array.

"Master," Fei Chi hid under Chi Feichi's clothes, whispered, "There is a corpse on the floor under the table. trace……"

Oda Kirito then closed his eyes, and began to think in his heart.

With or without any soul, he wanted to make a wish.

Now Feichi, Mr. Mori, Xiaolan, and Conan are all here, and he can't control the others, so I hope he, Yoko, and Utakura will not be killed or regarded as murderers.

By the way, there is also Hirasaka, a very capable cartoonist who is good at supernatural works, and it happens to be what their company urgently needs.

Hope people are ok.

Although it is unlikely, but if possible, I still hope that other people will not have any accidents...

Is it too greedy to think so?

Conan looked at Toshiya Odagiri who closed his eyes and prayed on the right, and looked to the left, and found that after Chi Feichi just looked at the table and sat quietly, he felt a little more comforted in his heart.

His little friend really didn't come here for some spiritual seance ceremony, just like him, he believed in the way of science.

After a while, Hirasaka Reiki opened his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Soul lost in the dark night, answer our call to you! %>#\u0026@..."

As Hirasaka Reiki uttered a string of unknown characters, Park Zhiki Kazuo, Utakura Akiko and others who knew the process in advance also followed suit.

Kogoro Mori, Ran Mori, Toshiya Odagiri, and Yoko Okino didn’t know how to pronounce the spell. They sat in their seats and stared blankly, watching a group of pious people. The meditation room flickering with candles seemed a little weird.

Conan was a little bored, and found that Chi Feichi was still staring at the blue and white patterned tablecloth on the table, thinking that he couldn't speak now, so he lowered his head and stared at the tablecloth to distract himself.

"Let us hear your voice sealed in the dark night!" Hirasaka Reiki said, leading the others to read the string of characters again, and shouted, "Ya Yuanhuang, answer our call to you !"


As a group of people chanted incantations in unison, the cabinet placed against the wall suddenly shook, and the dishes placed on it jingled.

"What?" Mao Lilan cried out in fright, and tightly squeezed Moori Kogoro's hand tightly.

Women's moans of pain came from all around.

"Answer our call to you!"

Hirasaka Reiki shouted.

On the candlestick, several burning candles burst open suddenly, and the flames were extinguished, making the room even darker.

The plates and decorations placed on the cabinet fell one after another and fell to the ground, making a crisp and crackling sound.

The girls screamed in terror.

A woman's deep voice came out in the darkness, "I am in so much pain, I am so annoyed...I am in so much pain, I am so annoyed..."

Ke Erfeng was surprised, "It's Xiao Huang's voice!"

Conan followed the source of the voice closest to him, and looked at Ya Yuanhuang's poster behind him.

Did someone hide the megaphone behind the surrounding posters?


The voices reverberating around were full of resentment, "Among these people, the murderer who killed me... is absolutely unforgivable... I will be resurrected this morning, because I will... avenge my revenge with my own hands!"

"Crackling... crackling..."

On the candlesticks around the room, the burning candles were extinguished one after another.

When it was pitch black, Mao Lilan let out a scream.

The room was silent for a while, but Ke Erfeng was the first to let go of the hands of others, and stood up excitedly, "It's Xiao Huang's soul! I didn't expect that she really answered our call!"

"Really?" Mifune Ryuichi took off his hood, took out the lighter to wipe it, and with the faint light of the lighter flame, walked to the wall and turned on the light.

After the room was illuminated by the electric light again, Mao Lilan recovered from the shock and threw herself into the arms of Mao Li Kogoro, "Dad! Was it really a spirit manifestation just now?"

"How, how is it possible..." Mori Kogoro was speechless, but in fact he was a little uncertain.

Conan jumped off the chair and walked to the candlestick on the cabinet. After smelling the smell of gunpowder, he immediately understood the reason, "Here..."

Chi Feichi didn't look over, and said calmly, "Add gunpowder to the middle of the candle, and the candle will burst when it burns to a certain extent, causing the candle to go out."

A group of people looked at Chi Feichi in surprise, and then at the candlestick.

Conan standing in front of the candlestick nodded and said, "Yes, there is a smell of gunpowder."

"What?" Mori Kogoro immediately stood up and went to the candlestick.

Chi Feichi wanted to end this boring farce as soon as possible, so he turned to look at the posters behind him, "The voice came from behind each poster."

Conan went to the back of the poster and took off the loudspeaker stuck on the back. He felt like Chi Feichi's assistant if he went on like this. Looking around, he found the electronic remote control under the lamp socket, and the electronic remote control hidden on the cabinet. Motor and fishing line behind the plate holder.

It became clear that the plate fell because someone set up a trick.

Mori Kogoro entered a state of reasoning and pointed out that the person who prepared these was Hirasaka Reiki, and even if everyone held each other's hands at that time, Hirasaka Reiki could press the remote control with his feet.

Hirasaka Reiki took out the remote control he hid, and smiled at Park Zhiki Kazuo next to him, "Mr.

Yachuan Koji looked at Park Zhiki Kazuo in surprise, "Is Mr. Park Zhiki even a helper?"

Hirasaka Reiki smiled, "It's just a small sideshow."

"It's really like a prank," Mouri Kogoro said with a speechless face, "especially that voice..."

"That..." Hirasaka Reiki suddenly hesitated.

"That voice didn't look like that," Park Zhiki Kazuo said anxiously, "The content of the recording seems to have been replaced by someone else!"

"It was replaced by someone?" Mori Kogoro looked at the others, "Who could it be?"

"No, I don't know." Pu Zhimu and Xiong looked away from the side.

"It's Xiao Huang!" Ke Erfeng touched Ya Yuanhuang's figurine obsessively again, and turned to look at the others sullenly, "It's all because of you guys playing with her soul. Moreover, the murderer who killed Xiao Huang and designed it into an accident is among us!"

With that said, Ke Erfeng stood up excitedly, holding up the figures in his hands.

"Tonight, Xiao Huang will be resurrected! Then, she will come to revenge! Ah... so exciting!"

Mori Kogoro and Conan Half Moon Eyes.

Is this guy mentally abnormal?

Izumi Maho sat on a chair, stared down at his knees, tightened his hands on his knees, and murmured in horror, "Miss Xiaohuang, I'm going to be resurrected..."

"The atmosphere seems to be very strange," Mifune Ryu saw a group of people who looked like performers on the stage, and some looked like indifferent spectators. He laughed dryly and reached out to press the switch next to the light switch. Air!"

The floor height of the meditation room is nearly six meters, and the only window is opened on the wall more than three meters high.

Mifune Ryuichi kept pressing the up button of the switch, and only let go after the window slowly rose almost.

The windows stopped rising, and a breeze blew into the house.

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