Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2036 Conan: It should be sick

The full moon outside the house is like a mirror, inlaid in the silent night sky, emitting a quiet light.

Hirasaka Reiki let out a long sigh of relief, turned his gaze away from the window, and turned to Kogoro Mori, "Mr. Mori, if the three of you don't mind, how about staying here tonight?"

Mao Lilan hesitated, "Is it okay?"

"It's okay, President Odagiri and Mr. Ike will also stay here for one night. There are still many vacant rooms in the villa," Reki Hirakaisaka smiled elegantly, "Everyone can go back together after breakfast tomorrow, just Think of it as a special party trip."

"Excuse me then," Mori Kogoro scratched the back of his head with a smile, "Speaking of which, we set off from Karuizawa in the afternoon, and we haven't had dinner yet..."

Mao Lilan felt a little ashamed and reminded in a low voice, "Dad..."

"Ah, it's all my fault for my poor hospitality. I forgot to ask if you had dinner, so I brought you to the seance meeting," Hirasaka Reiki smiled again, and led the way out, "There are still some ingredients left in the kitchen , should be able to make a few bowls of noodles.”

A group of people left the meditation room, waiting for Hirasaka Linghui to lock the door, Chi Feichi said goodbye, "Sorry, I'm a little tired, I want to go back to the room to rest."

Odagiri was also a little surprised, and subconsciously looked at Kogoro Mori.

I met Mr. Maori here by chance, wouldn't Feichi sit with his teacher for a while?

"You go, I'll take Xiaolan and Conan Xiaoguitou to eat something casually, and I'm going to bed soon," Mouri Kogoro waved his hands nonchalantly, and remembered another thing, "By the way, Feichi, Is the injury on your leg better?"

"It's much better," Chi Feichi said to the others, "Excuse me."

The real culprit, Mifune, had already been discovered, and he didn't want to follow these people around.

Oda Kirimi also saw Chi Feichi walking towards the stairs, and started to follow, "Feichi, I'll take you there!"

Mori Kogoro showed a smile on his face, and turned to look at Okino Yoko, "Then..."

Yoko Okino has already stepped up to follow, completely oblivious to Kogoro Mori's smile, "I'm going too!"

"I'm also feeling a little tired. I want to go back to my room to rest. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Utakura Akiko bowed to the group of people and turned to go to the stairs.

The people from THK company left all at once.

Hirasaka Reiki watched the four of them leave. As the host, he asked with reasonable concern, "Mr. Mori, has Mr. Chi injured his leg recently?"

Mori Kogoro nodded, "He had an accident before, and his leg was injured."

"Is it serious?" Mifune Ryuichi looked at the empty stairs, "I couldn't tell from the way he walked before."

"Don't worry, it's just a little trauma, he was injured not once or twice," Mori Kogoro thought that the chat with Okino Yoko had ended like this, and his expression was still a bit resentful, "Do you think he won't talk to us more? , I was in a hurry to say goodbye and leave, isn't it a bit strange?"

"Yeah, I heard that Mr. Chi is not very enthusiastic at first," Hirasaka Lingki touched his chin, thinking seriously, "However, they are all gone, which makes me worry whether it will be the previous one." The prank was too much, and it made them angry..."

"Maybe it's because of the wound on the leg, right?" Park Zhiki Kazuo looked at Kogoro Mouri, "I'm a surgeon, if Mr. Chi feels uncomfortable because of the wound on the leg, maybe I can help him take a look." .”

"No, you don't have to think too much about it. It's normal for him to suddenly lose interest in things outside and suddenly feel tired," Mouri Kogoro saw Hirasaka Reiki and others with eyes like "You have misunderstood normality." ’ meaning, explained with a black line, “His mental condition... cough, not very good, there may be no reason why he suddenly doesn’t want to talk to other people, it’s not for anyone or he’s not feeling well, and there’s no way to explain it... "

Hiroji Yakawa sighed with surprise on his face, "So the legend is true, Mr. Chi really has a mental illness!"

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Are you so surprised?

Hirasaka Reiki and others: "..."

Is that so?

Conan didn't say anything, just stared at the floor thinking about something.

His little friends generally don’t take the initiative to reason. Just now they said that there is a loudspeaker behind the poster and gunpowder buried in the candle, which is very strange in itself.

Now it seems that Chi Feichi should be in order to quickly end the matter and go back to rest. He took the initiative to speak out not because he was positive, but because he was impatient, or in other words, he felt uncomfortable.

Yes, he also felt that Chi Feichi was ill.

He wasn't sure when it started, Chi Feichi lost interest in the things around him, just like the uncle said, it was an illness that didn't need a reason and couldn't control time.

Oda Kirito also followed, so there is no need to worry about Chi Feichi for the time being, what he cares about is what Chi Feichi said, "Mr. Zenan's pre-death message refers to Mifune".

If Chi Feichi fell ill, he might not participate in the investigation tonight or even tomorrow. He had to learn enough information by himself as soon as possible, for example, whether Mifune Ryuichi had any motive for killing Zenan Youhui...


The forest villa is very large. Under the arrangement of Hirasaka Reiki, the guests basically lived in the guest rooms on the second floor, and men and women were arranged in the corridors on the east and west sides.

When Oda Kirito accompanied Chi Feichi up the stairs, he secretly looked at Chi Feichi from time to time.

Chi Feichi noticed Oda Kiritoshi's scrutiny, but thinking that Odagiri Toshiya would be fine, he simply ignored it.

Hesitant to speak and stop, hesitant to speak and stop... If you have something to say, then don't say it.

The four of them stopped at the door of Chi Feichi's room, and Oda Kirito also saw that Chi Feichi was about to enter the room after opening the room, so he hurriedly asked, "Feichi, Mr. Mao Li said that your leg was injured, why didn't you tell us? "

Chi Feichi stood at the door of the room, not intending to invite Oda Kirito to sit in the room, and replied calmly, "It's just a small injury."

Odagiri was also a little annoyed, "If I had known earlier, I would have driven the car today."

"It's okay, everyone, rest early."

After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and closed the door.


Utakura Akiko was stunned, and asked in a low voice, "Is Mr. Chi in a bad mood?"

"Probably because of a sudden depression. After all, nothing special happened before." Oda Qiritoshi also looked at the closed door, "So I wondered if he had a schizophrenia attack, so I told him come and see……"

Okino Yoko looked at the door of the room, and frowned worriedly, "Is it okay to let him stay in the room alone? It's better for the president to stay with him?"

"My dad said that he is very quiet sometimes. It's the same when he goes to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes. When he doesn't want to talk, he will be very perfunctory. I think it's better to let him rest..." Oda Kirito also raised his hand and scratched with a headache. Scratching his hair, he knocked on the door with his lowered hand and shouted, "Feichi, I'm going to go downstairs to talk to Mr. Mao Li for a while. If you feel unwell, remember to call and tell me!"


There was a response from the room.

"It looks okay..." Oda Kirito comforted himself uncertainly, then turned to ask the two girls, "How about you? Go back to your room to rest, or come with me downstairs to Mr. Mori and the others?"

Utakura Akiko lowered her eyes and said, "Sorry, President, I want to go back to my room to rest first."

"Utakura, is there something wrong with you?" Okino Yoko asked concerned.

"No, I just feel tired." Utakura Akiko smiled, and the smile looked a little tired.

"I didn't say hello to Ran and Conan before, and the seance is about to start, so I want to go downstairs," Yoko Okino looked at Akiko Utakura, and said, "Go back and have a good rest. If you feel unwell, you can call me or the president, and we will help deliver the medicine upstairs..."

In the room, after Chi Feichi had finished responding to Toshiya Odagiri, he took off his coat, sat down by the bed with his mobile phone, stared at the screen of the mobile phone for a while, still not in a hurry to send an email to that person, put away the mobile phone, and went to Leaning back on the bed, his left eye linked to the ark, and began to check Umbrella's recent plans.

Let's wait until it is confirmed that Mifune is the murderer, and then send an email to report to that person...


At night, the lights behind the windows of the villa went out one after another.

When Feichi was in a drowsy sleep, he heard a mess of footsteps in the corridor outside, opened his eyes and looked at the room under the dim light, "Master, there seems to be movement outside..."

Chi Feichi closed his eyes, reached out and pulled the quilt to cover himself and Feichi, "Sleep."

After discovering Mifune Ryuichi, he lost interest in what was going to happen tonight.

This is no wonder to him, anyone who told him to close his eyes could recall the death of Utakura Akiko and Hirasaka Reiki?

After a while, Ke Erfeng's shout came from the direction of the meditation room downstairs.

"She's resurrected!...Finally resurrected! The black magic girl is born!"

Feichi couldn't fall asleep anymore, so he crawled out of bed and tried to encourage Chi Feichi to go out, "Master, something really happened outside, don't we really want to take a look?"

Chi Feichi finally opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling and said softly, "If there are no accidents, Utakura Akiko and Hirasaka Reiki are dead, the murderer is Mifune Ryuichi, Masahara Ko who died a year ago is in this villa He was accidentally killed by Hirasaka Zero Teru. Ryuichi Mifune liked Masahara Ko. He killed Zenan and Hirasaka to avenge Masahara. The message Zenan left before his death was changed by Utakura. Zenan was originally I wanted to write 'Mifune', but Utakura changed it to 'キラ'. Utakura likes Mifune. After the incident, he approached Mifune and said that he would not betray him, but Mifune mistakenly thought that Utakura was threatening him, so this time He also killed Katura, as for the method of killing, he should have created two secret rooms, one of which..."

Feichi lay on the quilt, looked up at Chi Feichi's quiet purple pupils in the dimness, "Wait, master, why do you know this? Miss Hongzi seemed to have said once before that you can predict some things, Sometimes you can know what Conan and the others are doing without eavesdropping, is this also a foreknowledge?"

"It is."

Chi Feichi acquiesced to this statement, and in terms of the result, his behavior was no different from foreknowledge.

Feichi diverted his attention and no longer cared about the outside world. He was full of curiosity about Chi Feichi's 'precognition', "When did the master know this?"

Chi Feichi recalled, "When I heard that it was a seance meeting, I was a little aware of it. After seeing Mifune Ryuichi, many pictures became clearer."

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