Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2042 Chi Shi's upright head of the family

Hui Yuanai felt a lot relieved.

Thinking that Chi Shinosuke was as nervous as she was when facing her, she understood Chi Shinosuke's attitude towards her.

Moreover, the Chi family couple did not call a driver, and Chi Shinosuke drove them back. It would be more like an ordinary trip between family members, which is also well-intentioned.

She also guessed how to face Ike Shinosuke.

Be more relaxed and natural, and you can also learn the 'chi style uprightness'.

"Me too," Hui Yuanai said generously, "I don't know how to get close to others."

Ike Shinosuke proved to the other three that he was the head of "Ikeshi Gengzhi", "That's good."

"Ahhh..." Chi Ganai leaned back on the seat helplessly, turned his head to see Feichi who had crawled out of Chi Feichi's collar, stretched out his hand, desperately seeking comfort, "Feichi, let me hug you."

"That's good" shouldn't be used here, right?

There is a strange feeling of "So you can't do it, so I can rest assured".

Even if you think so in your heart, you can say it a little better, such as 'it's okay, we can get to know each other gradually and grow together', isn't it more normal?

Hui Yuanai sympathized with his godmother in his heart.

Although she also had the idea of ​​"So Mr. Shinnosuke is not good, so I can rest assured", but she never thought of saying it directly like Mr. Shinnosuke.


The car drove all the way across the banks of the Thames River, through the bustling commercial district, and through modern-style buildings.

After the initial novelty, Hui Yuan Ai couldn't stand it any longer, and yawned one after another.

"Does Xiao Ai feel sleepy?" Chi Kanai turned around and asked, "Did you not rest on the plane?"

"I haven't slept at all," Chi Feichi said, "I've been watching documentaries."

"Because it happened to be evening when I arrived in London, I wanted to wait until tonight before going to bed, so I wouldn't have to suffer from jet lag. Brother Feichi, Feichi, Feimo, and Tuanzi didn't... sleep..."

Hui Yuanai raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, and after seeing the road view outside the car window again, he regained consciousness.

Before she dozed off, the car was still driving on the street full of modern buildings and busy traffic. It seemed that she was in a trance for a while. Outside the car window, the streets on both sides had turned into old British buildings.

The off-white buildings are lined up along the street. There are small bell towers standing on the top of the buildings, as well as Byzantine or sloping roofs. Flags are inserted obliquely on the outer wall of the first floor.

There are shops on the first floor on both sides of the road. Looking at the products behind the windows, some are luxury stores, and some are coffee shops and taverns.

There are passers-by strolling leisurely on the street, there are not many cars in motion, and the driveway is a bit empty.

If you drive here slowly in an antique car, it should be harmonious and harmonious.

When Hui Yuanai's attention was attracted by the street buildings, the car continued to drive forward for a certain distance, and after turning a corner, the street scene outside the car window became more and more retro.

On both sides of the stone road, the red brick houses are all three stories plus the height of the attic, and they are neatly arranged.

There are lights in the shape of kerosene lamps hung on the red brick walls, and most of the windows of the houses are lit, and the sound of laughter and whispers and TV programs can be faintly heard from some houses.

After the car entered the street, it slowed down.

Hui Yuanai lay on the back of the car window, looking at the road view outside the car window, her drowsiness dissipated completely.

If she hadn't heard the sound of the TV program, if she hadn't found that the kerosene lamp on the red brick wall was powered on, if it hadn't been for the heavy fog that pervaded the industrial age, she would have doubted that she had returned to the old London at the end of the nineteenth century.

It seems that in the next second, a carriage will drive up the street, and the dangerous old man with the smell of cologne stands gracefully beside the carriage, puts on his tall felt hat, and invites them to his home with a smile Or stay for one night; or when the door of a certain house is opened, a tall and thin man walks out, looks at their car with sharp gray eyes, and soon fills the pipe in his hand with tobacco and strikes a match After lighting it, he gathered the tweed cloak on his body with one hand, and strode towards the street entrance.

Professor Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes will not really exist here, but the atmosphere here is too similar to the streets of London in the cocoon game. The old time and space and the new time and space seem to be intertwined outside the car, which made her also start unrealistic fantasies .

The car stopped on the side of the road.

Chi Kanai unbuckled the seat belt, opened the door and got out of the car, looked around, smiled and asked Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai who got out of the car, "How is it? Isn't this place great?"

"It's very nice, very similar to Baker Street, but the surroundings seem to be residential, not commercialized." Chi Feichi looked around, "I didn't know there was such a house before."

"It feels like returning to old London." Haibara Ai looked at the obviously renovated red brick wall. "This place should always be renovated as it is. It is really not easy to preserve this kind of building in central London."

"As long as you like it," Chigana said with a smile, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, "This street was like this when I was very young. At that time, my family lived far away from downtown London People come here only occasionally when they come to London, and when I was studying in London, I lived in the school dormitory all the time. Counting, I haven't been here for thirty years, if not six years It will cost a lot of money to renovate it as it was before, and I almost forgot how many houses the Fields have here."

"How many buildings?"

Chi Feichi cast a scrutinizing look at his cheap mother, not sure if this counted as showing off his wealth.

In the central area of ​​London, this kind of house that preserves the old-style buildings intact, each has historical and artistic symbols, and the price will not be lower than those so-called mansions.

Being able to keep the next building shows that the development of the Field family has been thriving and has never been down, and the people who can live on this street are either rich or expensive, or have a certain social status, which can make this street famous in the times It has been preserved in the changes, and has not been gradually turned into a commercial area or a tourist attraction, but still exists in the form of residential buildings.

Similarly, since the neighbors are not short of money, it is naturally impossible to sell the houses at will. Looking along the road just now, many of those houses are still occupied by people.

How did the "several buildings" of the Field family come about?

"Ah, that's because the neighbor's family had financial problems in the early years. At that time, your grandmother thought that London will develop better and better in the future, and the transportation will become more and more convenient. You can buy these houses from your neighbors." , if the children want to live in London in the future, let the children be neighbors and take care of each other," Chi Kanai thought of his dead brothers, still feeling a little sad in his heart, looked up at the house in front of the car, cheered up and smiled , continued to speak slowly, "This house belongs to the Field family. The left and right sides were bought from neighbors. There is also the one on the street, but that one is much smaller..."

Hui Yuanai looked at the lighted window on the second floor of a house on the left, "Someone seems to live here, are they relatives of the Field family?"

"No," Chikana bent down, and said with a sad smile to Haibara, "It's Darcy, he is Shinnosuke's most trusted bodyguard, and his younger brother, Lydia whom you met, they live here temporarily , I let them go to bed early, and you can see them tomorrow morning, and the one on the right, I am going to leave it to the breeder and doctor who accompanied you, and let Lydia take someone to clean up the house tomorrow. They moved here, of course, if they prefer to live in a hotel, I will hire another doctor, I am afraid that the animals will not be used to the London climate, it would be better to have a doctor living nearby."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Did his mother forget that he was also a veterinarian?

Chi Kanai looked at the intersection and continued to introduce the housing arrangement, "As for the small house at the intersection, it is actually the work base of Umbrella's bodyguards. The neighbors have handed over some of the security work on this street to Ambrera. Lah, this is also very good, Xiao Ai and Feichi will not have any accidents if they run casually on this street!"

Haibara Ai:"……"

On the left side lived their own bodyguards, and on the right side there was also their own bodyguard work base. They could run as they wanted on this street, and they would never be put into sacks and tied away...Is that what you mean?

It's really reassuring to think about it.


After Chi Feichi and Chi Shinosuke took the luggage and locked the car door, Chi Kana took out the key to open the door, and turned on the lights after entering the house.

The interior walls are made of wooden boards and red silk cloth. There are no exposed red bricks, but it is in the same retro style as the exterior.

In the living room after entering the door, the floor is covered with a thick dark red carpet, the black fireplace is set against the wall, and two old candlesticks are fixed on it.

There is a wooden coffee table in front of the fireplace, two leather single sofas are placed around the wooden color, and some sundries and newspapers are placed on the wooden locker in the corner.

On the other side of the living room is a set of sofas, and a TV cabinet is placed in front of the wall, but the main body is also red, black, and wood, and some old handicrafts are placed. The retro style has not been diluted by the addition of modern appliances.

Chi Kanai took Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai to look around.

In addition to the living room, there is a kitchen and dining room on the first floor. There are a master bedroom, a second bedroom and a large study on the second floor. There are three small rooms and a small study on the third floor, and above that is an attic for storing sundries.

Each floor has separate bathrooms, washrooms, and toilets. Only the bathroom in this house is relatively modern, and the decoration and furniture in other places are in the old British style.

Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai took a brief look around on the first and third floors, then were rushed by Chi Kanai to wash up, and then rushed to the room that had been packed in advance.

The two of them stayed up all the time on the plane, lying in a quiet room, relaxed a little bit by the excitement brought by the freshness, and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, it was cloudy and rainy outside.

Haibara Ai washed up, changed into casual clothes, walked all the way to the living room along the wooden stairs, saw Ikenosuke sitting in front of the burning fireplace reading a newspaper, and said hello, "Uncle Shinnosuke, good morning."

Ike Shinosuke temporarily put down the newspaper, "Morning."

There was a sound of "呲啦味啦" in the kitchen, Chi Kana poked her head out of the kitchen, her long hair was tied into a bun behind her head with a hair tie, she was wearing a red and white checked apron, and she was holding a pair of long chopsticks in her right hand, smiling Greeting, "Xiao Ai, early, and Feichi, early."

"Morning," Chi Feichi followed Hui Yuanai downstairs, wearing only a casual sweater and casual trousers, looking into the kitchen, "Are you making fried dough sticks?"

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