Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2043 Soy Milk Fried Tiao Flavored Dog Food

"Yeah, this time I went to China, I specially asked someone to learn from me," Chi Kanai rolled up his sleeves, his eyes were eager to try, "I was taught by a teacher with decades of experience..."

Chi Feichi sniffed the smell in the air, and reminded ruthlessly, "It's mushy."

"Ah..." Chi Kanai let out a soft cry, and quickly turned around and entered the kitchen, "Go to the dining room and wait for a while, breakfast will be ready soon, I'll deal with the battered fried dough sticks first..."

Chi Feichi followed the newspapers on the table, ignored Chi Shinosuke's serious gaze, and called Hui Yuanai to the restaurant, "Xiao Ai, go to the restaurant."

Ike Shinosuke continued to stare.

The first troublesome thing about living with my son: This kid casually followed the morning paper he hadn't read without saying hello!

Hui Yuanai glanced back and found that Chi Zhenzhisuke was staring at Chi Feichi's back resentfully, with a smile on his lips, and quickly followed Chi Feichi into the restaurant.

She didn't make fun of Mr. Shinosuke, but she thought...Mr. Shinosuke is actually quite cute.

Ike Shinosuke shook his head and continued to read the newspaper in his hand.

Forget it, as long as the children are happy.


The walls of the restaurant are a combination of light blue and wood, and a large window is set on the wall facing the street, with beige gauze curtains hanging down.

White and yellow daisies filled silver vases on the corner sideboard.

There is a dining table for six in the middle of the room, covered with off-white tablecloths with cutout patterns on the corners, and six chairs are placed along the table.

After Hui Yuanai entered the door, he looked around, "The style is completely different from the living room, warm and fresh, eating here should be very appetizing."

Chi Feichi helped Hui Yuanai pull out the chair, sat down beside him, and opened the newspaper.

"Thank you." Hui Yuanai sat down on the chair.

Chi Feichi looked down at the news report in the newspaper, "Why are you so polite?"

"Probably because of the influence of the environment, I want to try to be an elegant lady." Hui Yuanai said a witty thing, and looked around again, "This house is really beautiful. Since last night, I really want to put This house was photographed..."

"You can take pictures if you want," Chi Shinosuke entered with an unfinished newspaper in one hand and a tray of food in the other, and put it on the table, "But there is no camera at home."

Chi Feichi got up, helped Chi Shinosuke pick up the tray, and put the four bowls of soybean milk on the tray on the table.

"I brought a camera," Hui Yuanai leaned forward to help arrange the chopsticks and spoons, "You can also take pictures with your mobile phone, so you can share them with everyone."

"You decide." Chi Shinosuke saw how fast the two children's hands and feet were, so he sat in the main seat and looked at the rain scene outside the window, "I'm going to the castle for a banquet in the afternoon, but I don't have anything to do in the morning..."

"But after breakfast, try it. I've already thrown away the battered fritters." Chi Kanai entered the door, put the fritters on the table, and helped Feichi put a plate of small fish on the table, looking at each other His own Feichi smiled and said, "There is also a small yellow croaker for Feichi."

Feeling dazzled by a gentle smile, Feichi lowered his head and stared at the plate, "Ms. Kanai is the best..."

Chi Feichi glanced at Feichi.

What's the matter with Feichi's shy tone? Also, he's not the 'best' anymore?

Feichi stared down at the plate.


It's the little yellow croaker that it has never eaten before, and it looks delicious too. Mrs. Kanai is so kind.

Seeing that Feichi was concentrating on the little yellow croaker, Chi Fei looked away speechlessly, picked up a piece of fried dough stick with his chopsticks, put it in his mouth and tasted it.

The taste is good, it seems that his mother is very talented in cooking Chinese food.

Chi Ganai sat across from Chi Feichi, watched the three try it, and waited for the three to put down their chopsticks, trying to keep his anticipation reserved, "How is it? Is the taste okay?"

"Delicious." Chi Feichi commented with dignity.

Hui Yuanai nodded more cooperatively, "It's delicious."

Ike Kana saw the expression of serious evaluation of the two, smiled and bent his eyes, looking at Ike Shinosuke.

Ike Shinosuke commented solemnly, "Golden in color, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, fried out the fragrance that noodles should have, and the salt inside is just right..."

Hui Yuanai glanced at Chi Shinosuke in surprise, then turned to Chi Feichi with a questioning look.

Is Mr. Shinosuke a food fan?

Chi Feichi returned Hui Yuanai with a calm gaze, and stretched out his chopsticks to pick up fried dough sticks.

Go through it a few times and get used to it.

"Grandma Li also said that you are a fast learner," Chi Shinosuke looked at Chi Kanai and said, "I think your fried fritters are no worse than hers."

Chi Kane lowered her eyes in embarrassment, "It's not as good as you said, I think I'm much worse."

"It's because you're too modest, Kana," Ike Shinosuke stretched out his chopsticks to pick up fried dough sticks, his expression still serious, "I'm a little worried that I won't have enough for breakfast today..."

"Ah?" Chi Kanai looked up at the fried dough sticks on the table, and was about to stand up immediately, "Then I'll go..."

"No need," Ike Shinanosuke put the fritters into Ikekana's bowl, "The food is delicious, and I can't eat breakfast to fill my stomach."

Hui Yuanai stared blankly at the two interacting with each other, the chopsticks in his hands were still lingering, turned to look at Chi Feichi again, and found that Chi Feichi calmly ignored the soy milk fried dough sticks flavored dog food, and silently stretched out his chopsticks to pick up fried dough sticks.

Past experience told her that it is better not to watch brother Feichi's reaction, and she should observe by herself.

During breakfast, Ike Shinosuke and Ike Kana interacted frequently at the dining table, and fortunately, Ike Kanai would remember that there were two children of his own next to him, and he didn't forget to have a chat with Chi Feichi and Huibara.

After breakfast, Chi Shinosuke took the initiative to help clear the table, Chi Feichi could only accompany Hui Yuanai upstairs to get the camera.

Hui Yuanai dug out the camera Fukada Haruji gave him from the suitcase, took it out the door of the room, and joined Chi Feichi who came out of the bathroom, "Has their relationship always been this good? I mean godmother and Mr. Shinosuke. "

Chi Feichi took Hui Yuanai downstairs, "A few years ago, they had a cold war with each other, and they didn't even like to sit and eat together."

"Really?" Hui Yuanai fiddled with the camera in his hand, "I can't tell at all."

"However, when I was younger, their relationship was as good as it is now," Chi Feichi dug up many fragments from the memory of the primordial consciousness, "You should have discovered that my mother eats breakfast very slowly, and my father eats breakfast very slowly. Soon, it can be more than ten minutes faster than my mother. Before I was five years old, they sat together and had breakfast together. Every time my father would bring newspapers or story books to the dining table, sit aside after breakfast, while Take care of me, and talk to my mother until the end of breakfast...Of course, when there were servants in the house, there was no need for my mother to clean up the table, so this is the first time I saw him help."

"And then?" Hui Yuan Ai asked curiously, "Why did they have a cold war a few years ago? Is it because they separated for too long and caused a misunderstanding?"

Chi Feichi said truthfully, "Because of me."

Hui Yuanai became puzzled, "Because of you?"

When Chi Feichi saw the first floor, he lowered his voice, "The Field family... Or, my grandmother's bloodline, there is a curse..."

On the first floor, Feimo and two crows flew through the door squawking.

Ike Shinosuke and Ike Kana stood at the door, talking to the five breeders and animal doctors who brought the animals over, and looking at the small building on the right from time to time.

The female breeder who was in charge of taking care of the dumplings smiled at Chi Kana, "Since there are furniture and electrical appliances, and they have been cleaned before, then we can go and clean them up..."

"Master!" Tuanzi at the door let out a happy growl when he saw Chi Feichi going downstairs. He didn't care whether the others were frightened or not. Fluffy arms flew towards Chi Feichi, "I'm coming!"

"Aw!" Feichi screamed in fright, quickly jumped out of Chi Feichi's clothes, and landed on the sofa with a swish.

Chi Feichi stopped at the stairs, took a half step back with his right foot, and reached out to catch the black and white heavy objects that hit him.

Hui Yuan Ai originally wanted to ask about Chi Feichi's 'curse', but when he saw a panda shell hit Chi Feichi, he seemed to hear the muffled sound of Tuanzi's body hitting Chi Feichi's chest, so he stayed where he was and looked up. He looked at the black and white ball that blocked Chi Feichi's upper body.

Her elder brother not only has amazing arm strength, but also has a very stable foot, and he actually caught the 100-jin giant panda that flew over.


Are Brother Feichi's bones okay? Will the ribs be broken?

Tuanzi stretched out his arms, tried his best to hug Chi Feichi's neck, and moaned in a low voice, "Master, I hit my stomach."

Chi Feichi carried the dumpling to the sofa, put the dumpling on the sofa, and rubbed the dumpling's belly.

Sorry, he has tough bones.

"Brother Feichi," Hui Yuanai followed up, sizing up Chi Feichi, "Did you get hurt?"

"It's okay," Chi Feichi said as usual, rubbing the fur on Tuanzi's stomach, "When I picked it up, I adjusted the way I stood and how I exerted my muscles. It was a little heavy, but it's okay."

At the door, Chi Shinosuke, Chi Kanai, and the five people in charge of taking care of the animals turned their heads and looked at each other in a daze. Hearing what Chi Feichi said, they breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other.

"Tuanzi is always like this when he meets Mr. Chi..." The male breeder raised his hand and scratched his head, then said hastily, "In short, let us clean up the house ourselves. We came here this time and brought the bamboo that Tuanzi likes. Let’s place it, and it’s easier to find it.”

An elderly male doctor also smiled and said, "We also brought a lot of animals to use medicines, and we cleaned them up by ourselves. When needed, we can get medicines faster."

"Then please go ahead," Chikana smiled and handed over a bunch of keys, patiently explaining the corresponding door locks for each key, looking at the house on the right, "I will ask Lydia to send you some life After the supplies are over, she lives next door, if you need, you can go to her."

Next, five people confirmed some problems.

For example, are there any restrictions on the use of electrical appliances in the house, such as whether the fireplace can be used, such as...

Can you take pictures in the house to share with your friends?

Ikekana patiently answered one by one, without restricting the life of a group of people, but reminded to avoid residents on the street when taking street photos.

The five people asked for a long time, all felt embarrassed, did not ask any more, greeted Chi Kanai, turned around and went to the car, and moved their luggage to the next door.

Chi Kanai turned around and entered the room, bent down in front of Hui Yuan Ai, looked at the camera in Hui Yuan Ai's hand, and said softly, "Xiao Ai prepared such a beautiful camera, then, do you want to take a family photo together? Woolen cloth?"

Hui Yuan Ai didn't care about the tone of coaxing the children, and was surprised by Chi Kanai's proposal. From what she knew, the Chi family didn't like taking pictures very much, "Is it okay?"

Chi Kanai looked at Ike Shinosuke and Chi Feichi who were sitting down before going back to the sofa, saw the two nodded, and said with a sad smile to Huibara, "Of course, wait for Lydia to come over, she will bring someone over to arrange the clothes for the dinner later. dress, please ask her to help us take pictures."

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