Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2044 Planning to teach him how to do things?

Hui Yuanai readily agreed, put the camera on the coffee table, took out his mobile phone, and took pictures of the room first.

In front of the fireplace, the coffee table and single leather sofa are illuminated by the firelight...

Taken from the window, the photo of the cobblestone road outside after the rain...

On the locker, photos of various decorations and flower arrangements in vases...

Taking photos with a mobile phone is more convenient, and you can also be more casual. After Haibara Ai took a bunch of photos, seeing that Chi Shinosuke and Chi Feichi were still reading the morning board, she sat on the sofa with Chi Kana and eliminated some that were not clear enough. All other photos are uploaded to the new album in UL space.

When Haibara Ai took a break and went to the restaurant to take pictures, Conan called.

Hui Yuanai answered the phone, "Edogawa? You called..."

"Huihara, are you on Baker Street?" Conan interrupted excitedly, asking repeatedly, "Have you visited the Sherlock Holmes Museum?"

"It's not Baker Street." Hui Yuanai looked back at Chi Kanai who followed to the door, "It's the Field family's house in London, and we live here now..."

Chi Kane smiled at Hui Yuanai, turned and went back to the living room.

"This street, like Baker Street, retains the architectural style of the 19th century," Haibara Ai looked away, and said to Conan on the other end of the call, but he was wondering if Chikana misunderstood his look back There is nothing important about her calling Edogawa that cannot be heard. In fact, Ike Kana doesn't have to avoid it, "But it is not as commercialized as Baker Street, and the houses are basically occupied by people..."

"So it's not Baker Street," Conan's voice was a little disappointed, but he soon became excited again, "However, it's very good to live on this street. When I see this nineteenth-century-style street, I always start to imagine , Holmes will come out from behind a certain door... By the way, is it raining there? Then I think Holmes must be holding a black umbrella in his hand. The light rain will wet his trouser legs and shoes. I also pay attention to the trouser legs and shoes of passers-by to judge how long those people have walked in the rain, and even can tell where the other person came from, whether they came out from their own home or after visiting friends..."

Haibara Ai:"……"


The famous detective was really excited like a child, and he started to brainstorm about the small theater.

Although she couldn't help but think of Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty when she saw this street, she was not as excited as Edogawa.


In the living room, Ike Kana went back to the sofa and sat down, seeing Ike Shinosuke who looked down at the newspaper looked up, and explained with a smile, "Xiao Ai is on the phone with a friend, it seems to be the little boy named Edogawa in her class. "

"Boy?" Ike Shinosuke looked towards the door of the restaurant, and for the first time felt the old father's worries and precautions, "Are they on good terms?"

"It should be Conan," Chi Feichi looked at the case report in the newspaper, "Temporarily rented at Teacher Mao Li's house, and has a good relationship with Dr. Ali, and of course Xiao Ai. We often travel together. "

"What do you think of that child's personality?" Ike Shinosuke asked again.

Chi Feichi commented, "Smart, precocious, with keen observation skills, like a little detective, he hardly loses his temper with his friends."

Ike Shinosuke nodded, "He belongs to the kind of boy who is very dangerous for little girls..."

"Wait..." Chi Kanai smiled helplessly, and lowered his voice to remind, "Manosuke, don't gossip about her friends behind the child's back. It's impolite to use the word 'dangerous' on a little boy."

"Sorry," Chi Shinosuke paused, "but I think it is necessary to understand children, especially girls who are too young."


Chi Kana, who has been raising her son, fell into deep thought.

"We've all heard about Feichi's childhood friend and classmate, haven't we?" Ike Shinosuke exchanged ideas with Ike Kana in a low voice, focusing on the story of a certain family's youngest daughter being raped by a stinky boy, the story of a certain family's little girl Rumors that her daughter was obsessed with the brat to death.

Chi Feichi couldn't read the newspaper any longer, looked up at Chi Shinosuke, and when Chi Shinosuke finished speaking, he said expressionlessly, "Mr. Shinnosuke, please don't spread anxiety, Conan is not a bad boy, Xiao Ai also has a sense of proportion. "

"A lot of anxiety stems from not knowing enough about others and myself. I don't know enough about them, so of course I will be anxious," said Ike Shinosuke, picking up the newspaper on his lap again, "but since you said that, That's it for now."

"Speaking of which, I thought Feichi would bring that girl here..." Chi Kanai looked at Chi Feichi, trying not to look gossip, but there was still a strange expectation in his eyes, "It's Qianying who said Yes, that girl who has a good relationship with you."

For the family to sit together and talk about this kind of family topic, even though Chi Feichi got used to it a little from last night to this morning, he still felt weird, so he decided to make a long story short, "Yue Shui said to come back a few days later."

Ike Shinosuke cast a concerned gaze, "Is it the girl you like?"

Chi Feichi nodded calmly, "For now, yes."

Chi Zhenzhisuke felt that there was something wrong with his son, and looked at Chi Feichi, "I can't see that you are shy at all."

"Why are you shy?" Chi Feichi asked calmly.

"At that time..." Ike Shinosuke saw Chi Kana looking at him, and continued very smoothly, "Friends around me would be embarrassed to mention their feelings, regardless of whether the other party is present, young boys are like this, especially It is in front of the elders, let alone admit it."

The topic gradually changed to the Chi family discussing whether their son was normal or not.

If you say it in front of Chi Feichi, it's not gossip.

Finally, the doorbell rang, interrupting the couple's communication.

Chi Kane smiled and got up to open the door, "You two, father and son, talk."

Seeing Chi Shinosuke looking at him, Chi Feichi remained silent.

Lao Chi's eyes that are carefully choosing his words and ready to speak are...

Are you going to teach him how to do things?


In the restaurant, Huiyuan Ai was still on the phone with Conan. Hearing what Conan said about Sherlock Holmes gave her a headache and changed the topic to reality. In the room on the third floor, you can also see the red brick facade of the Baker Street building..."

Conan continued to be excited, "Really? That would be awesome!"

"Today we are going to visit Queen Isabella. If I have time in two days, I should go to Baker Street." Hui Yuanai prodded the detective calmly.

Let a detective pull Sherlock Holmes who talked to her for seven or eight minutes.

Doesn't it feel bitter that a famous detective without a passport can't come by himself?

Conan continued to be excited, "We must go! It would be a pity not to visit the Sherlock Holmes Museum in London!"

Seeing that Conan was still not stimulated, Haibara continued, "You don't need to go deliberately, you can pass by Baker Street if you want to go to other places, and you can pass by many times a day."

Conan: "..."

Damn, he really wants to go!

Hui Yuan Ai heard the silence on the other side of the phone, and knew that her goal of evil fun had been achieved, so she changed the subject, "Speaking of which, you called me just after I sent the photo to UL space, isn't it too fast?"

"I'm here with the doctor," Conan said sullenly, "I just talked to him and you should have woken up. We are guessing where you will go to play. The doctor said that you updated the status of the UL space, so I want to call I ask if you've been to Baker Street . . . do you want to speak to the Doctor?"

Huihara Ai heard voices outside, so she poked her head out of the dining room and found that Ike Shinosuke and Ike Feichi were sitting together whispering, and Ike Kana was standing at the door talking to Lydia. It's not good to chat, and it shouldn't matter if she goes out a minute or two late, "Then give the doctor your phone..."

In the living room outside, the conversation between the Chi family father and son entered a heated stage.

Ike Shinosuke tried to let his son master more skills in chasing girls, and told the stories he had heard and seen over the years and thought they were not bad.

Considering the 'difference between raising pigs and raising cabbages', Chi Feichi expressed his understanding of Chi Shinosuke's thoughts, and also responded to the example of his cheap dad with an attitude of communication and discussion.


When Chi Shinosuke said that someone arranged a park carefully for the confession and invited friends to witness, Chi Feichi said that it depends on the girl's personality. If you meet a sensitive and introverted girl, the girl may be at a loss. ; When Chi Shinosuke mentioned that so-and-so gave a girl an exquisite gift, Chi Feichi said that it doesn't matter what the gift is, the important thing is whether it can touch the girl's heart, and he gave two positive and negative examples...

Chi Zhenzhisuke fell silent, and looked at Chi Feichi with scrutiny.

Does his son hide many things from them?

For example, not only mixed in with criminal organizations, but also blindly blind girls behind their backs?

"So the gift is not about how much it is, but whether it can give the other party a sense of pleasure," Chi Feichi added, facing Chi Shinosuke's gaze, "it's what the Chrysanthemum said."

Ike Shinosuke nodded in relief. If it was the kid from the Morion family, he would not be surprised, "You should have no problem executing it."

So, this little class that made him feel uncomfortable is over, and he has no sense of accomplishment as a father or a person who has experienced it.

"Uncle Shinosuke, brother Fei Chi."

Hui Yuanai came out of the restaurant after making the phone call, greeted her aloud, sat on the sofa, reached out to touch the dumpling lying on the sofa, and looked towards the door.

Outside the door, Lydia and Chikana looked at the street on the left together, their tense expressions quickly relaxed, and said to Chikana with an apologetic expression, "I'm really sorry, I was a little careless when I was arranging my clothes last night, and I didn't clean them up. Together, let you wait for a long time."

"It doesn't matter."

Ikekana retreated into the house and let out the door.

A group of men and women held clothes with transparent dust bags in their arms, lined up and walked steadily through the street outside the window, and when they reached behind Lydia, they bowed their heads slightly and greeted Chi Kanai, "Mrs. Kanai."

"Come in," Chi Ganai smiled gently at the group of people, and called out to Chi Feichi, "Feichi, hurry up and see who's here."

Chi Feichi turned his head to look at the door.

Lydia led a group of people and filed in from outside the door.

Two of the young men were the ones he had seen last time in Japan, but today they were dressed more formally, like the other two companions, with black dresses over white shirts and white gloves on their hands, from hair to leather shoes They are all well-groomed, and the actions of holding the dust bag are all correct and consistent.

And Emma, ​​who had been to Japan with Ikekana last time, and the other two young women looked very formal today, wearing a knee-length dark blue dress with a loose white apron on it, holding the box obediently.

The last person to enter was a tall, middle-aged woman.

The woman has curly brown hair tied behind her head, high nose and deep eyes, gray-blue pupils, and fine lines at the end of her eyes. Her gaze is just right, but because of the sharp jawline, those eyes are not as gentle and loving as Lydia's. .

It was a face that existed in the memory of him and the original conscious body at the same time, and he would never recognize it by mistake...


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