Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2045 Jane Says Hello to You


Chi Feichi called out the name of the middle-aged woman, feeling a little surprised.

Before coming to the UK, that person told him about all the tasks of his coming to the UK at No. 119 Kuda-cho. At that time, the person mentioned that he would arrange for someone he knew well to assist him.

Does it mean Jane?

From the time when the original consciousness was a child, Jane has been taking care of the original consciousness until the body is 16 years old.

11 years ago, his consciousness temporarily used this body. At that time, he also discovered that Jane was secretly investigating others, and forced him to help. He brought Jane to a "investigation and cleaning" one-stop service.

And also 11 years ago, his consciousness took control of this body again, and he went to the stronghold of a small leader in the Far East to do things, killed people, and passed out after seeing Rum. body back...

( ̄- ̄)

In terms of familiarity, he and Jane are more familiar with each other than many people in this world.

He realizes that he understands Jane's two sides, one is a serious and rigorous housekeeper who abides by her duties, and the other is a female criminal who is involved in a transnational criminal organization and order food.

Knowing that Jane also knows a lot about him, not only the character, temper, and habits of the original consciousness from childhood to adulthood, but also the "dog" things he thought was "just a dream" in this world in this world .

After the original consciousness went to high school, he moved out alone, and the housekeepers and servants at the original address had already left, and he hadn't seen Jane for four years.

Regardless of whether Jane is the person who assisted him this time, they will meet again here, and that person's instructions to Jane may be indispensable.

Things are a little... troublesome.

At the same time, Haibara Ai's pupils shrank, his right hand on Tuanzi tightened, his brain went blank, his body was frozen as if he couldn't move, and he subconsciously held his breath.

This terrifying and oppressive atmosphere...

It's from that organization!

A group of people who entered the door stood still in front of the sofa. When they looked up, their eyes were inevitably attracted by the belly-up dumpling on the sofa.

When Jane glanced at Tuanzi, she also saw Hui Yuan Ai's face, a look of astonishment flashed in her eyes, she stopped looking closely at Tuan Zi, and stared straight at Hui Yuan Ai.

The little girl was dressed in casual clothes, sitting next to the giant panda, most of her body and face were blocked by the giant panda's round body, with one hand resting on the giant panda's belly, half of her face protruded from the side of the giant panda, looking at them in a daze No matter how you look at it, she looks like a shy and cute little girl.

But the little girl's wavy brown hair, blue-green pupils, and that mixed-race face reminded her of someone...

A woman who grew up in the organization but has defected from the organization!

Covered by Tuanzi's chubby body and black and white hair, Jane didn't see Hui Yuanai's reaction clearly, and quickly realized that she shouldn't be distracted, she slightly lowered her head to Chi Feichi, and said slowly, "Master Feichi, Jane greets you, haven't seen you for a long time."

Chi Feichi noticed the slight difference between Hui Yuanai and Jane, and responded to Jane calmly, "Long time no see."

After doing the math, Jane has been in the organization for at least 20 years, and has watched him for more than ten years for that one. She is also an old man of the organization. It is not surprising to know what Shirley looked like when she was young.

Things are indeed a bit troublesome. When he comes to England this time, besides solving the organization and other matters, he also needs to solve the matter of Hui Yuan Ai's identity... Will he still have time to take a good look around London?

In fact, Xiao Ai already has an identity that can stand the test. As long as he pretends to be more natural and cooperates secretly, he can use this opportunity to completely get rid of the suspicion of the organization.


Rado Ai detected a terrifying crisis, trembling.

He scared Xiao Ai so many times, hasn't Xiao Ai developed a little immunity?

If Xiao Ai's hands and feet are still stiff, he still has to think about how to smooth this matter over so as to eliminate Jane's suspicion of Xiao Ai.

Tuanzi dozed off on the sofa, feeling the hair on his stomach being pulled, and moaned in a daze, "Huh..."

Hui Yuanai quickly let go of his palm, looked at the dumpling sitting beside him, and the black hair covering his hands, and suddenly felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, fortunately, the dumpling blocked her body and most of her face. That person shouldn't have noticed her abnormal reaction, right?

That terrifying and depressing atmosphere still existed, reminding her that she felt that there was nothing wrong with it, that there were indeed organized people among the group of people who walked in and walked to the sofa.

Why do people from the organization appear here? Was it for her? Her identity was discovered? Will the street outside be surrounded by organized people? Could there be a gun pointed at the door in the dark? Will those guys join Feichi, godmother, and Mr. Shinosuke...

No, absolutely not!

Thinking about those terrible consequences would not solve the problem at all, and she was unwilling to think about it any more.

What she should do now is to calm down quickly, first find out who is a member of the organization among these people, and judge the attitude of the other party, how much the other party knows, and what they want to do, in order to find vitality.

Yes, she needs to calm down, calm down quickly, hurry up...

"Mr. Shinnosuke," Jane looked at Chi Shinnosuke calmly again, "Jane sends you my greetings, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Jane," Ike Shinosuke nodded to Jane, and introduced to Haibara Ai who was on the sofa next to him, "A few years ago, when Kana and I were busy in various countries, Jane stayed at home to take care of Feichi. Deaconess."

Huihara Ai listened to Chi Shinosuke's steady and quiet voice, raised his eyes to look at Chi Shinosuke's serious face, and caught Chi Kanai's eyes with a soft smile from the corner of his vision, and Chi Feichi turned his head to look at her calm face, feeling in his heart Suddenly calmed down, eased his stiff expression, raised his head and greeted Jane, "Hello."

Brother Feichi who once gave her a hiding place and always thought that "my sister should have it if other children have it"; the godmother who hugged her gently and told stories slowly to lull her to sleep; Shinosuke-san, who is not good at getting along with little girls and is nervous when meeting her for the first time...

With the style of organizing those people, if Shirley's matter about her is exposed, no one close to her will be able to escape. While dealing with her, Brother Feichi, who was with her in Japan before, will also be the first target to clean up. , followed by the godmother, and finally Mr. Shinosuke.

Logically speaking, she and Mr. Shinnosuke only met for the first time last night. It is unlikely that Mr. Shinnosuke will be regarded as the main target, but the organization may worry that Mr. Shinnosuke, whose wife and child were killed, has revenge. If you are determined to retaliate against the organization, the organization will get into trouble. Therefore, the organization will probably decide to 'clean up' Mr. Shinnosuke as well.

She doesn't want these three people to be in charge, no matter who they are!

The moment she thought of this, she actually calmed down, she couldn't laugh, but she also quickly thought of the crux of the current situation.

If the organization came after her, it must be because they found out that she was Shirley, but the organization didn't take direct action. Could it be that they couldn't be sure that she was Shirley, or did they want to infiltrate them first to investigate clearly so that they could formulate a plan? Or do you want to investigate how much people in the Chi family know, and then decide who to clean up?

Now there are two situations.

One is that she has been exposed, and the members of the organization will definitely kill her, but as long as she let the organization know that the three members of the Chi family know nothing about her identity, and have not told them about the organization, then the Chi family will definitely kill her. people will not necessarily be targeted by the organization.

The Chi family has the power holders of the Manike Group, the Field Group, and Umbrella. Whether it is her godmother or Mr. Shinnosuke, if an accident happens to any one person, it will inevitably attract a counterattack from the other person. Sometimes she felt that the relationship between the three of them seemed a little cold, but after two days of contact, the godmother and Mr. Shinosuke still cared about Brother Feichi very much. Certainly will not let it go.

If you don't want to cause the Chi family to fight back, the best way is to kill the three members of the Chi family together.

But in that case, the economic turmoil and the public's attention will be enough to make the police and intelligence agencies of various countries strengthen their investigations, and the freedom of movement of the organization will also be affected in the future.

Based on her understanding of the organization, as long as it is confirmed that the Chi family did not know about the organization and did not track her down after her death, the organization is likely to only strengthen observation of the Chi family, at least not in the near future, and will choose more covert methods, such as Make an accident, clean up a person in a year or two.

If it is the first case, she has to do three things.

First: Let the people in the organization confirm that the three members of the Chi family have no knowledge of her affairs. This is easy to solve, because she never said it before, and she can withstand the temptation of the organization.

Second: Make sure that after her death, the Chi family will not track down her murderer. Someone in the family was killed, and it seems impossible for the Chi family not to pursue them, but she can let 'Haihara Ai' leave with some excuse and die as 'Miyano Shiho', it is best to let that The face similar to Hui Yuan Ai was also destroyed, so that the members of the Chi family would not have to be sad, let alone pursue it.

Third: She must contact Dr. Edogawa and Ali in advance, so that "Haihara Ai" has a proper reason to leave Chi's house, such as the doctor is sick and she wants to go back. After her death, the organization may use To attack the Chi family in a more covert way, Edogawa would need to secretly help eliminate the crisis. With Brother Feichi's keenness and Edogawa's vigilant help, she thought it should be no problem.

The second situation is that the people from the organization are not sure that she is the bloodstain, and even optimistically, it is just a coincidence that the people from the organization appear here, and the other party has not discovered her identity.

If so, the situation would be more favorable for her to operate.

Few people would think of her becoming a child, but now that she has a legal identity and even has a birth certificate, she can try to deceive the organization.

If she couldn't be fooled, she would deal with the first situation in the same way, and the organization needed to investigate and confirm her identity, which would give her more time to prepare.

And no matter what the situation is, she has to disguise herself as an eight-year-old girl now. Even if the organization has discovered her, she can let the organization know that she has disguised herself in front of the Chi family, and the Chi family probably doesn't know her true identity.

When Hui Yuanai quickly sorted out his thoughts, Jane looked at the face that resembled Shirley but belonged to a child, and lowered her head softly, "I should be the one who greets you, Miss Alice."

Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuanai's calm expression, and quickly looked away.

Has his sister calmed down yet? That's good……

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