Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2052 They Are All Old Enemies


Taking advantage of the time before lunch started, Hui Yuanai used the spare glasses he brought over to monitor the voice of the cufflink bug, and found that Jane was just talking about lunch with other people, so he turned off the power of the glasses.

Did she set the bug early?

But if she has successfully sneaked into the target's home, shouldn't Jane find a chance to contact her companion? Now that I got her hair, shouldn't I report on her and explain my suspicions about her?

There is no movement yet, and Jane is too calm, but thinking about it carefully, Jane can talk to her about etiquette for nearly an hour, and she is really calm enough.

Jane and Lydia took people to prepare lunch next door. After delivering it to the restaurant, they also went back to have lunch, took a rest, returned to pack the tableware, and accompanied a group of people back to the room to change clothes.

The four members of the Chi family quickly boarded the car bound for the Queen's Hospitality Castle, driven by Darcy, and there was a bodyguard team composed of Vincent and other bodyguards in the front and rear cars, but even if there was such a big battle, Hui Yuan Ai is also worried from time to time that he will encounter accidents on the way, and organized people will kill them.

All the way to the outside of the castle safely, when the four got off the car, many guests invited to the evening banquet had already arrived.

Those invited were not royal family members, but famous British entrepreneurs, athletes, politicians, and several internationally famous stars. These people more or less brought bodyguards when they went out, but when they arrived at the door, they were invited After people got out of the car, the bodyguard and the driver drove to the temporary parking place, one car after another parked nearby, and the queen's guard near the gate, not to mention the spectacular scene, also made Hui Yuanai feel 'Safety'.

There are so many bodyguards here, it's not easy for the organization to do it, right?

After the four members of the Chi family got out of the car, there were people waiting outside the gate to lead the way to see Isabella. On the way to turn left and right in the castle, it was inevitable that they would meet other people, but those people knew that the four of them had the same relationship with Isabella. Pulling an appointment, he didn't come forward to chat, but just smiled and nodded.

Chi Feichi looked at the faces along the road, compared with the people he met in the memory of the original conscious body, and unexpectedly recognized many of them.

Many familiar faces, such as...

At the entrance of the banquet hall, a man in his thirties was wearing an elegant tuxedo. He was talking with the two men in front of him with a smile. When he noticed a cold gaze falling on him, he turned his head in doubt and saw the four members of the Chi family passing by. , couldn't help but startled.

Chi Feichi glanced at the man and then looked away. When he saw a young man passing by with a girlfriend talking and laughing, he just glanced indifferently.

The young man met Chi Feichi's eyes, felt the aggressive coldness in those eyes, his face changed slightly, and he was startled, and his footsteps also stopped.

"What's wrong?" the young man's female companion asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing," the young man came back to his senses in a daze, and soon he was unwilling to be reconciled to being frightened. He gritted his teeth angrily, quickly calmed down, and smiled back at his female companion, "Suddenly thought of the legend of the witch. ..."

Chi Kane heard the word 'witch' and looked sideways.

Chi Zhenzhisuke frowned slightly, and was about to speak when Chi Feichi pulled the hand hanging by his side.

There was a smile on the corner of Chi Feichi's mouth. He seemed to be happy, but with a bit of evil, he said in a very soft voice, "I provoked you first."

None of the Field bums were there, but there were a couple of guys who hung out with them back then.

The man at the door of the banquet hall, Grover.

Grover and the late husband of Queen Isabella are cousins, and he is the son of a certain marquis family. Grover's father is still alive, and he has the title of earl before he inherits the title.

In the memory of the original consciousness, Grover was also a classmate of the grandson of a former shareholder of the Field Group, and the relationship between the two seemed to be very good.

Grover also went to a dinner organized by a consortium that year. When he saw a boy from the Field family say maliciously to the original consciousness, "Your eyes are the proof of the witch's blood", Grover and himself The classmate noticed it, and stood aside with a half-smile, watching the original consciousness body being squeezed by others, and said something weird from time to time.

"A few hundred years ago, such a person would have been burned to death..."

'I heard that those eyes are cursed, I don't know if it's true...'

"So you can only curse your own family..."

Well, it's an old enemy who doesn't seem to be very smart and will be used as a gun.

The man passing by with his girlfriend, Ralph Reed.

Although her surname is not Field, Ralph's mother is the daughter of one of Field's shareholders. Back then, she was a teenager who was four or five years older than the original consciousness, but she was already damaged enough to try to break through the outer shell of the original consciousness and want to harm the original consciousness. The degree of embarrassment in public.

After the assassination failed, Ralph and his companions took away the things that the original consciousness was very concerned about at the time, and the original consciousness was deeply impressed by him.

It's a pity that his four uncles died too early, and Ike Shinosuke has no other brothers. Their family's in-laws are really, it should be said that there are almost none. The distant relatives of the Moriyuan family in Japan are considered close.

If there is no accident, Ralph's uncle will inherit part of the shares of the Field family in a few years and become a new shareholder. Unfortunately, that opportunity is gone now. Withdrawing the shares, to Uncle Ralph, means that the cash cow that has been handed down for two or three generations is gone.

Taking people's money is like killing their parents, and I don't know if Ralph will be influenced by his mother's relatives like he was back then, and have resentment towards them.

He sometimes feels unworthy of the Primitive.

Look at these people who have hurt themselves, these people are still living glamorously, walking in the corridors with expensive carpets, and they will shuttle in the magnificent banquet halls in a while, with their charming female companions or chatting together Celebrities who don't remember whether they have hurt others at all, let alone the slightest bit of guilt, don't you feel aggrieved when the original consciousness chooses to disappear by itself?

In his previous life, he never spared anyone who harmed him.

But he also knew that the primordial body just lacked one thing - it didn't learn to attack others.

On the day when it disappears, the original consciousness can only ignore it, and will not fight back. That child is simply...

Forget it, he doesn't want to complain in his heart that the original conscious body is a small white flower, and no one can complain about the original conscious body. If people give up their bodies to him, and their memories are all in his mind, he will complain about himself The illusion of a body part.

Although it is a small white flower.

On the contrary, a guy like Ralph felt that he was a rare 'guest'.

It would be too boring if a dinner party was like those he had in Japan, where everyone just chatted politely and flattered each other. He hoped that these people would be more sensible and make things happen tonight, so that he could experience a different dinner party.

Will Ralph do something this time, what do he want to do? He was already looking forward to it.

Hui Yuanai sensed that the atmosphere was not right, looked back at the young man walking towards the banquet hall, and then looked up at the expressions of Chi Feichi and the others.

Chi Zhenzhisuke was pulled by Chi Feichi, but he didn't have an attack. He followed the guide as usual and walked forward. He raised his eyes to see the strange smile on Chi Feichi's mouth, and said in a low voice, "That young a stubborn old man from the Field family. grandson of..."

"I know, Ralph Reed," Chi Feichi still had a smile on his lips, and his voice was still very soft, "I met him six or seven years ago when my mother took me to a dinner party. Len took the silver medal I bought with my mother not long ago."

Chi Kanai frowned slightly, "It was seven years ago... No wonder I didn't see the silver medal after that, I thought you didn't like it, so I put it away... Did they do it on purpose? I remember you were very nervous during that time." Loved seeing that silver medal..."

"Pretend to bump into me accidentally, but put your hand in my pocket openly," Chi Feichi said, "Even if I know, there's nothing I can do. They can buy as many silver medals as they want, there's no need to grab a piece as big as a palm, And I don't know who it was handed over to, if I broke out at that time and couldn't find the silver medal, it would only make people laugh."

Haibara Ai frowned like Chikana.

She understood that seven years ago, that guy and his companion deliberately took away something that Brother Feichi valued, or at an important dinner party, and changed hands after taking it. The souvenirs bought together are also easy to be laughed at, so I can only pretend not to care...

Think about it, if it were her, she would definitely blame herself and feel sad, but she wouldn't make a scene on the spot, so she could only think of other ways to get back the silver medal.

This is a vicious approach that makes people feel uncomfortable but can't attack. She has begun to be annoyed and a little sad.

Seven years ago, Brother Feichi was only thirteen years old, and the man just now looked older, he was at least seventeen or eighteen years old at that time, and he still bullied Brother Feichi like this...shameless!

Chi Kane felt a little bored, "You never told me..."

"I blamed myself for losing the silver medal," Chi Feichi said in a normal tone, "so I didn't tell you."

The original consciousness was very self-blaming that day, so he didn't tell his mother, thinking about it after getting the silver medal back, but then Chi Kanai became busy, and the original consciousness found out that Chi Kanai refused to enroll in Eaton for him, and felt a little bit angry about the silver medal Forgotten in nature, I told myself in my heart that I don't care about souvenirs at all...

That was the time when the original consciousness ran to Hyde Park and met Rum, and his consciousness came to this world again.

However, he decided not to tell Chi Kane about these things. He managed to stabilize the cheap mother's emotions before, and he didn't want Chi Kanai to cry again.

Chi Kanai remembered that he didn't have a good chat with Chi Feichi during that time, and he already blamed himself, and lowered his eyes, "Really... Actually, if you want a silver medal or other souvenirs, we can buy them again..."

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